/** Writes out all the rows to a new file without fragmentation. */ public void defrag() throws HsqlException { if (cacheReadonly) { return; } if (fileFreePosition == INITIAL_FREE_POS) { return; } try { boolean wasNio = dataFile.wasNio(); DataFileDefrag dfd = new DataFileDefrag(database, this, fileName); dfd.process(); close(false); Trace.printSystemOut("closed old cache"); // first attemp to delete fa.removeElement(fileName); if (wasNio) { System.gc(); if (fa.isStreamElement(fileName)) { fa.removeElement(fileName); if (fa.isStreamElement(fileName)) { fa.renameElement(fileName, fileName + ".old"); File oldfile = new File(fileName + ".old"); FileUtil.deleteOnExit(oldfile); } } } // [email protected] - change to file access api fa.renameElement(fileName + ".new", fileName); backup(); database .getProperties() .setProperty("hsqldb.cache_version", HsqlDatabaseProperties.VERSION_STRING_1_7_0); database.getProperties().save(); initParams(); cache = new Cache(this); open(cacheReadonly); dfd.updateTableIndexRoots(); Trace.printSystemOut("opened cache"); } catch (Exception e) { database.logger.appLog.logContext(e); throw new HsqlException(e, Trace.getMessage(Trace.GENERAL_IO_ERROR), Trace.GENERAL_IO_ERROR); /* Trace.error(Trace.FILE_IO_ERROR, Trace.DataFileCache_defrag, new Object[] { e, fileName }); */ } }
/** * Opens the *.data file for this cache, setting the variables that allow access to the particular * database version of the *.data file. */ public void open(boolean readonly) throws HsqlException { fileFreePosition = 0; try { boolean preexists = database.isFilesInJar(); long freesize = 0; if (!preexists && fa.isStreamElement(fileName)) { if (database.isStoredFileAccess()) { preexists = true; } else { // discard "empty" databases File f = new File(fileName); preexists = f.length() > INITIAL_FREE_POS; } } if (preexists) { String version = database.getProperties().getProperty(HsqlDatabaseProperties.hsqldb_cache_version); boolean v17 = HsqlDatabaseProperties.VERSION_STRING_1_7_0.equals(version); // for later versions boolean v18 = HsqlDatabaseProperties.VERSION_STRING_1_8_0.equals(version); if (!v17) { throw Trace.error(Trace.WRONG_DATABASE_FILE_VERSION); } } boolean isNio = database.getProperties().isPropertyTrue("hsqldb.nio_data_file"); int fileType = isNio ? ScaledRAFile.DATA_FILE_NIO : ScaledRAFile.DATA_FILE_RAF; if (database.isFilesInJar()) { fileType = ScaledRAFile.DATA_FILE_JAR; } // [email protected] - change to file access api String cname = database.getURLProperties().getProperty("storage_class_name"); String skey = database.getURLProperties().getProperty("storage_key"); dataFile = ScaledRAFile.newScaledRAFile(fileName, readonly, fileType, cname, skey); if (preexists) { dataFile.seek(FLAGS_POS); int flags = dataFile.readInt(); hasRowInfo = BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_ROWINFO); dataFile.seek(LONG_EMPTY_SIZE); freesize = dataFile.readLong(); dataFile.seek(LONG_FREE_POS_POS); fileFreePosition = dataFile.readLong(); if (fileFreePosition < INITIAL_FREE_POS) { fileFreePosition = INITIAL_FREE_POS; } } else { fileFreePosition = INITIAL_FREE_POS; } resetBuffers(); fileModified = false; freeBlocks = new DataFileBlockManager(FREE_BLOCKS_COUNT, cacheFileScale, freesize); } catch (Exception e) { database.logger.appLog.logContext(e); close(false); throw Trace.error(Trace.FILE_IO_ERROR, Trace.DataFileCache_open, new Object[] {e, fileName}); } }