コード例 #1
  public String getLogicalId(AtomEntry<? extends Resource> ae) throws Exception {
    if (ae.getId() == null)
      throw new Exception("Unable to determine logical id for unknown resource");

    if (getLinks().containsKey("fhir-base") && ae.getId().startsWith(getLinks().get("fhir-base"))) {
      String tail =
                  (getLinks().get("fhir-base") + ae.getResource().getResourceType().toString())
      if (tail.startsWith("/")) tail = tail.substring(1);
      if (FormatUtilities.isValidId(tail)) return tail;
      else throw new Exception("Unable to determine logical id for resource " + ae.getId());
    } else if (ae.getId().contains("/")) {
      String tail = ae.getId().substring(ae.getId().lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
      if (FormatUtilities.isValidId(tail)) return tail;
      else throw new Exception("Unable to determine logical id for resource " + ae.getId());
    } else throw new Exception("Unable to determine logical id for resource " + ae.getId());
コード例 #2
 public String getVersionId(AtomEntry<? extends Resource> ae) throws Exception {
   String self = ae.getLinks().get("self");
   if (self == null)
     throw new Exception("Unable to determine version id for resource " + ae.getId());
   String id = getLogicalId(ae);
   if (!self.contains("/" + id + "/_history/"))
     throw new Exception(
         "Unable to determine version id for resource " + ae.getId() + " (self = " + self + ")");
   String vid =
           self.lastIndexOf("/" + id + "/_history/") + ("/" + id + "/_history/").length());
   if (FormatUtilities.isValidId(vid)) return vid;
     throw new Exception(
         "Unable to determine version id for resource " + ae.getId() + " (self = " + self + ")");