コード例 #1
   * Used to register the method validation interceptor binding annotation.
   * @param beforeBeanDiscoveryEvent event fired before the bean discovery process starts
   * @param beanManager the bean manager.
  public void beforeBeanDiscovery(
      @Observes BeforeBeanDiscovery beforeBeanDiscoveryEvent, final BeanManager beanManager) {
        beforeBeanDiscoveryEvent, "The BeforeBeanDiscovery event cannot be null");
    Contracts.assertNotNull(beanManager, "The BeanManager cannot be null");

    // Register the interceptor explicitly. This way, no beans.xml is needed
    AnnotatedType<ValidationInterceptor> annotatedType =
コード例 #2
   * Creates a locator that delivers a resource bundle merged from the given list of source bundles.
   * @param bundleNames A list with source bundle names. The returned bundle will contain all keys
   *     from all source bundles. In case a key occurs in multiple source bundles, the value will be
   *     taken from the first bundle containing the key.
   * @param delegate A delegate resource bundle locator. The bundle returned by this locator will be
   *     added to the aggregate bundle after all source bundles.
  public AggregateResourceBundleLocator(List<String> bundleNames, ResourceBundleLocator delegate) {

    Contracts.assertValueNotNull(bundleNames, "bundleNames");

    List<String> tmpBundleNames = new ArrayList<String>();

    this.bundleNames = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpBundleNames);
コード例 #3
   * Registers beans for {@code ValidatorFactory} and {@code Validator} if not yet present.
   * @param afterBeanDiscoveryEvent event fired after the bean discovery phase.
   * @param beanManager the bean manager.
  public void afterBeanDiscovery(
      @Observes AfterBeanDiscovery afterBeanDiscoveryEvent, BeanManager beanManager) {
    Contracts.assertNotNull(afterBeanDiscoveryEvent, "The AfterBeanDiscovery event cannot be null");
    Contracts.assertNotNull(beanManager, "The BeanManager cannot be null");

    ValidationProviderHelper defaultProviderHelper =
    ValidationProviderHelper hvProviderHelper = ValidationProviderHelper.forHibernateValidator();

    // register default VF if none has been provided by the application or another PE
    if (defaultValidatorFactoryBean == null) {
      defaultValidatorFactoryBean = new ValidatorFactoryBean(beanManager, defaultProviderHelper);
      if (hibernateValidatorFactoryBean == null && defaultProviderHelper.isHibernateValidator()) {
        hibernateValidatorFactoryBean = defaultValidatorFactoryBean;

    // register VF with @HibernateValidator qualifier in case it hasn't been contributed by the
    // application and the
    // default VF registered by ourselves isn't for Hibernate Validator
    if (hibernateValidatorFactoryBean == null) {
      hibernateValidatorFactoryBean = new ValidatorFactoryBean(beanManager, hvProviderHelper);

    // register default validator if required
    if (defaultValidatorBean == null) {
      defaultValidatorBean =
          new ValidatorBean(beanManager, defaultValidatorFactoryBean, defaultProviderHelper);
      if (hibernateValidatorBean == null && defaultProviderHelper.isHibernateValidator()) {
        hibernateValidatorBean = defaultValidatorBean;

    // register validator with @HibernateValidator if required
    if (hibernateValidatorBean == null) {
      hibernateValidatorBean =
          new ValidatorBean(beanManager, hibernateValidatorFactoryBean, hvProviderHelper);
コード例 #4
   * Used to register the method validation interceptor bindings.
   * @param processAnnotatedTypeEvent event fired for each annotated type
   * @param <T> the annotated type
  public <T> void processAnnotatedType(
      @Observes @WithAnnotations({Constraint.class, Valid.class, ValidateOnExecution.class})
          ProcessAnnotatedType<T> processAnnotatedTypeEvent) {
        processAnnotatedTypeEvent, "The ProcessAnnotatedType event cannot be null");

    // validation globally disabled
    if (!isExecutableValidationEnabled) {

    AnnotatedType<T> type = processAnnotatedTypeEvent.getAnnotatedType();
    Set<AnnotatedCallable<? super T>> constrainedCallables = determineConstrainedCallables(type);

    if (!constrainedCallables.isEmpty()) {
      ValidationEnabledAnnotatedType<T> wrappedType =
          new ValidationEnabledAnnotatedType<T>(type, constrainedCallables);
コード例 #5
   * Watches the {@code ProcessBean} event in order to determine whether beans for {@code
   * ValidatorFactory} and {@code Validator} already have been registered by some other component.
   * @param processBeanEvent event fired for each enabled bean.
  public void processBean(@Observes ProcessBean<?> processBeanEvent) {
    Contracts.assertNotNull(processBeanEvent, "The ProcessBean event cannot be null");

    Bean<?> bean = processBeanEvent.getBean();

    if (bean.getTypes().contains(ValidatorFactory.class) || bean instanceof ValidatorFactoryBean) {
      if (bean.getQualifiers().contains(defaultQualifier)) {
        defaultValidatorFactoryBean = bean;
      if (bean.getQualifiers().contains(hibernateValidatorQualifier)) {
        hibernateValidatorFactoryBean = bean;
    } else if (bean.getTypes().contains(Validator.class) || bean instanceof ValidatorBean) {
      if (bean.getQualifiers().contains(defaultQualifier)) {
        defaultValidatorBean = bean;
      if (bean.getQualifiers().contains(hibernateValidatorQualifier)) {
        hibernateValidatorBean = bean;