protected String generateTableAlias(int n, PropertyPath path, Joinable joinable) { // TODO: deal with side-effects (changes to includeInResultRowList, userAliasList, // resultTypeList)!!! // for collection-of-entity, we are called twice for given "path" // once for the collection Joinable, once for the entity Joinable. // the second call will/must "consume" the alias + perform side effects according to // consumesEntityAlias() // for collection-of-other, however, there is only one call // it must "consume" the alias + perform side effects, despite what consumeEntityAlias() return // says // // note: the logic for adding to the userAliasList is still strictly based on // consumesEntityAlias return value boolean checkForSqlAlias = joinable.consumesEntityAlias(); if (!checkForSqlAlias && joinable.isCollection()) { // is it a collection-of-other (component or value) ? CollectionPersister collectionPersister = (CollectionPersister) joinable; Type elementType = collectionPersister.getElementType(); if (elementType.isComponentType() || !elementType.isEntityType()) { checkForSqlAlias = true; } } String sqlAlias = null; if (checkForSqlAlias) { final Criteria subcriteria = translator.getCriteria(path.getFullPath()); sqlAlias = subcriteria == null ? null : translator.getSQLAlias(subcriteria); if (joinable.consumesEntityAlias() && !translator.hasProjection()) { includeInResultRowList.add(subcriteria != null && subcriteria.getAlias() != null); if (sqlAlias != null) { if (subcriteria.getAlias() != null) { userAliasList.add(subcriteria.getAlias()); resultTypeList.add(translator.getResultType(subcriteria)); } } } } if (sqlAlias == null) { sqlAlias = super.generateTableAlias(n + translator.getSQLAliasCount(), path, joinable); } return sqlAlias; }
public CriteriaJoinWalker( final OuterJoinLoadable persister, final CriteriaQueryTranslator translator, final SessionFactoryImplementor factory, final CriteriaImpl criteria, final String rootEntityName, final LoadQueryInfluencers loadQueryInfluencers, final String alias) { super(persister, factory, loadQueryInfluencers, alias); this.translator = translator; querySpaces = translator.getQuerySpaces(); if (translator.hasProjection()) { initProjection( translator.getSelect(), translator.getWhereCondition(), translator.getOrderBy(), translator.getGroupBy(), LockOptions.NONE); resultTypes = translator.getProjectedTypes(); userAliases = translator.getProjectedAliases(); includeInResultRow = new boolean[resultTypes.length]; Arrays.fill(includeInResultRow, true); } else { initAll(translator.getWhereCondition(), translator.getOrderBy(), LockOptions.NONE); // root entity comes last userAliasList.add(criteria.getAlias()); // root entity comes *last* resultTypeList.add(translator.getResultType(criteria)); includeInResultRowList.add(true); userAliases = ArrayHelper.toStringArray(userAliasList); resultTypes = ArrayHelper.toTypeArray(resultTypeList); includeInResultRow = ArrayHelper.toBooleanArray(includeInResultRowList); } }
protected JoinType getJoinType( OuterJoinLoadable persister, final PropertyPath path, int propertyNumber, AssociationType associationType, FetchMode metadataFetchMode, CascadeStyle metadataCascadeStyle, String lhsTable, String[] lhsColumns, final boolean nullable, final int currentDepth) throws MappingException { final JoinType resolvedJoinType; if (translator.isJoin(path.getFullPath())) { resolvedJoinType = translator.getJoinType(path.getFullPath()); } else { if (translator.hasProjection()) { resolvedJoinType = JoinType.NONE; } else { FetchMode fetchMode = translator.getRootCriteria().getFetchMode(path.getFullPath()); if (isDefaultFetchMode(fetchMode)) { if (persister != null) { if (isJoinFetchEnabledByProfile(persister, path, propertyNumber)) { if (isDuplicateAssociation(lhsTable, lhsColumns, associationType)) { resolvedJoinType = JoinType.NONE; } else if (isTooDeep(currentDepth) || (associationType.isCollectionType() && isTooManyCollections())) { resolvedJoinType = JoinType.NONE; } else { resolvedJoinType = getJoinType(nullable, currentDepth); } } else { resolvedJoinType = super.getJoinType( persister, path, propertyNumber, associationType, metadataFetchMode, metadataCascadeStyle, lhsTable, lhsColumns, nullable, currentDepth); } } else { resolvedJoinType = super.getJoinType( associationType, metadataFetchMode, path, lhsTable, lhsColumns, nullable, currentDepth, metadataCascadeStyle); } } else { if (fetchMode == FetchMode.JOIN) { isDuplicateAssociation( lhsTable, lhsColumns, associationType); // deliberately ignore return value! resolvedJoinType = getJoinType(nullable, currentDepth); } else { resolvedJoinType = JoinType.NONE; } } } } return resolvedJoinType; }