/** * With delete-orphan cascade. The cascade=”delete-orphan” is declared in ‘billingDetails’ to * enable the delete orphan cascade effect. When you save or update the User, it will remove those * ‘billingDetails’ which already mark as removed. * * <p>In short, delete-orphan allow parent table to delete few records (delete orphan) in its * child table. */ public void /*test*/ BillingDetailsWithDeleteOrphanCascade() throws Exception { LogHelper.disableLogging(); User u1 = new User("Christian", "Bauer", "turin", "abc123", "*****@*****.**"); u1.setAddress(new Address("Foo", "12345", "Bar")); u1.setAdmin(true); HibernateUtil.getSession().save(u1); BillingDetails ccOne = new CreditCard( "Christian Bauer", u1, "1234567890", CreditCardType.MASTERCARD, "10", "2005"); u1.addBillingDetails(ccOne); HibernateUtil.getSession().save(ccOne); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); UserDAO userDAO = new UserDAO(); User user = userDAO.loadUserById(1l, false); Set details = user.getBillingDetails(); for (Object detail : details) { LogHelper.setLogging("org.hibernate.SQL", Level.DEBUG); user.getBillingDetails().remove(detail); user.setDefaultBillingDetails(null); LogHelper.disableLogging(); } LogHelper.setLogging("org.hibernate.SQL", Level.DEBUG); HibernateUtil.getSession().saveOrUpdate(u1); HibernateUtil.getSession().flush(); }
/** * With save-update cascade. The cascade=”save-update” is declared in ‘BillingDetails’ to enable * the save-update cascade effect.. */ public void /*test*/ BillingDetailsCascadeSaveUpdate() { User u1 = new User("Christian", "Bauer", "turin", "abc123", "*****@*****.**"); u1.setAddress(new Address("Foo", "12345", "Bar")); u1.setAdmin(true); BillingDetails ccOne = new CreditCard( "Christian Bauer", u1, "1234567890", CreditCardType.MASTERCARD, "10", "2005"); u1.addBillingDetails(ccOne); HibernateUtil.getSession().save(u1); }