コード例 #1
   * Retrieves UUID value from parameters map.
   * @param key Key.
   * @param params Parameters map.
   * @return UUID value from parameters map or {@code null} if null or not exists.
   * @throws GridException If parsing failed.
  private static UUID uuidValue(String key, Map<String, Object> params) throws GridException {
    assert key != null;

    String val = (String) params.get(key);

    try {
      return val == null ? null : UUID.fromString(val);
    } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
      throw new GridException("Failed to parse parameter of UUID type [" + key + "=" + val + "]");
コード例 #2
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Map<? extends GridComputeJob, GridNode> map(List<GridNode> subgrid, Integer arg)
      throws GridException {
    assert taskSes != null;
    assert arg != null;
    assert arg > 0;

    Map<GridSessionLoadTestJob, GridNode> map = new HashMap<>(subgrid.size());

    Iterator<GridNode> iter = subgrid.iterator();

    Random rnd = new Random();

    params = new HashMap<>(arg);

    Collection<UUID> assigned = new ArrayList<>(subgrid.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) {
      // Recycle iterator.
      if (!iter.hasNext()) iter = subgrid.iterator();

      String paramName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

      int paramVal = rnd.nextInt();

      taskSes.setAttribute(paramName, paramVal);

      GridNode node = iter.next();


      map.put(new GridSessionLoadTestJob(paramName), node);

      params.put(paramName, paramVal);

      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Set session attribute [name=" + paramName + ", value=" + paramVal + ']');

    taskSes.setAttribute("nodes", assigned);

    return map;
コード例 #3
   * Creates REST request.
   * @param cmd Command.
   * @param params Parameters.
   * @return REST request.
   * @throws GridException If creation failed.
  private GridRestRequest createRequest(
      GridRestCommand cmd, Map<String, Object> params, ServletRequest req) throws GridException {
    GridRestRequest restReq;

    switch (cmd) {
      case CACHE_GET:
      case CACHE_GET_ALL:
      case CACHE_PUT:
      case CACHE_PUT_ALL:
      case CACHE_REMOVE:
      case CACHE_REMOVE_ALL:
      case CACHE_ADD:
      case CACHE_CAS:
      case CACHE_METRICS:
      case CACHE_REPLACE:
      case CACHE_APPEND:
      case CACHE_PREPEND:
          GridRestCacheRequest restReq0 = new GridRestCacheRequest();

          restReq0.cacheName((String) params.get("cacheName"));

          Object val1 = params.get("val1");

          if (val1 != null) restReq0.value(val1);

          restReq0.cacheFlags(intValue("cacheFlags", params, 0));
          restReq0.ttl(longValue("exp", params, null));
          restReq0.initial(longValue("init", params, null));
          restReq0.delta(longValue("delta", params, null));

          if (cmd == CACHE_GET_ALL || cmd == CACHE_PUT_ALL || cmd == CACHE_REMOVE_ALL) {
            List<Object> keys = values("k", params);
            List<Object> vals = values("v", params);

            if (keys.size() < vals.size())
              throw new GridException(
                  "Number of keys must be greater or equals to number of values.");

            Map<Object, Object> map = U.newHashMap(keys.size());

            Iterator<Object> keyIt = keys.iterator();
            Iterator<Object> valIt = vals.iterator();

            while (keyIt.hasNext()) map.put(keyIt.next(), valIt.hasNext() ? valIt.next() : null);


          restReq = restReq0;


      case TOPOLOGY:
      case NODE:
          GridRestTopologyRequest restReq0 = new GridRestTopologyRequest();

          restReq0.includeMetrics(Boolean.parseBoolean((String) params.get("mtr")));
          restReq0.includeAttributes(Boolean.parseBoolean((String) params.get("attr")));

          restReq0.nodeIp((String) params.get("ip"));

          restReq0.nodeId(uuidValue("id", params));

          restReq = restReq0;


      case EXE:
      case RESULT:
      case NOOP:
          GridRestTaskRequest restReq0 = new GridRestTaskRequest();

          restReq0.taskId((String) params.get("id"));
          restReq0.taskName((String) params.get("name"));

          restReq0.params(values("p", params));

          restReq0.async(Boolean.parseBoolean((String) params.get("async")));

          restReq0.timeout(longValue("timeout", params, 0L));

          restReq = restReq0;


      case LOG:
          GridRestLogRequest restReq0 = new GridRestLogRequest();

          restReq0.path((String) params.get("path"));

          restReq0.from(intValue("from", params, -1));
          restReq0.to(intValue("to", params, -1));

          restReq = restReq0;


      case VERSION:
          restReq = new GridRestRequest();


        throw new GridException("Invalid command: " + cmd);

    restReq.address(new InetSocketAddress(req.getRemoteAddr(), req.getRemotePort()));


    if (params.containsKey("gridgain.login") || params.containsKey("gridgain.password")) {
      GridSecurityCredentials cred =
          new GridSecurityCredentials(
              (String) params.get("gridgain.login"), (String) params.get("gridgain.password"));


    String clientId = (String) params.get("clientId");

    try {
      if (clientId != null) restReq.clientId(UUID.fromString(clientId));
    } catch (Exception ignored) {
      // Ignore invalid client id. Rest handler will process this logic.

    String destId = (String) params.get("destId");

    try {
      if (destId != null) restReq.destinationId(UUID.fromString(destId));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
      // Don't fail - try to execute locally.

    String sesTokStr = (String) params.get("sessionToken");

    try {
      if (sesTokStr != null) restReq.sessionToken(U.hexString2ByteArray(sesTokStr));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
      // Ignore invalid session token.

    return restReq;