コード例 #1
    /** @param log Logger. */
    private void execute(GridLogger log) {
      try {
        log.info("Started execute.");

        // Countdown shared job latch so that the main thread know that all jobs are
        // inside the "execute" routine.

        log.info("After job latch.");

        // Await for the main thread to allow jobs to proceed.

        log.info("After latch.");

        if (awaitMasterLeaveCallback) {

          log.info("After latch0.");
        } else log.info("Latch 0 skipped.");
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // We do not expect any interruptions here, hence this statement.
        fail("Unexpected exception: " + e);
コード例 #2
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> split(int gridSize, Object arg)
        throws GridException {
      assert rsrc1 != null;
      assert rsrc2 != null;
      assert rsrc3 != null;
      assert rsrc4 != null;
      assert log != null;

      log.info("Injected shared resource1 into task: " + rsrc1);
      log.info("Injected shared resource2 into task: " + rsrc2);
      log.info("Injected shared resource3 into task: " + rsrc3);
      log.info("Injected shared resource4 into task: " + rsrc4);
      log.info("Injected log resource into task: " + log);

      task1Rsrc1 = rsrc1;
      task1Rsrc2 = rsrc2;
      task1Rsrc3 = rsrc3;
      task1Rsrc4 = rsrc4;

      Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> jobs = new ArrayList<>(gridSize);

      for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
        jobs.add(new GridSharedJob1());

      return jobs;
コード例 #3
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Serializable reduce(List<GridComputeJobResult> results) throws GridException {
      if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info("Reducing job [job=" + this + ", results=" + results + ']');

      if (results.size() > 1) fail();

      return results.get(0).getData();
コード例 #4
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Boolean reduce(List<GridComputeJobResult> results) throws GridException {
    assert taskSes != null;
    assert results != null;
    assert params != null;
    assert !params.isEmpty();
    assert results.size() == params.size();

    Map<String, Integer> receivedParams = new HashMap<>();

    boolean allAttrReceived = false;

    int cnt = 0;

    while (!allAttrReceived && cnt++ < 3) {
      allAttrReceived = true;

      for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : params.entrySet()) {
        assert taskSes.getAttribute(entry.getKey()) != null;

        Integer newVal = (Integer) taskSes.getAttribute(entry.getKey());

        assert newVal != null;

        receivedParams.put(entry.getKey(), newVal);

        if (newVal != entry.getValue() + 1) allAttrReceived = false;

      if (!allAttrReceived) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          throw new GridException("Thread interrupted.", e);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : receivedParams.entrySet()) {
            "Received session attr value [name="
                + entry.getKey()
                + ", val="
                + entry.getValue()
                + ", expected="
                + (params.get(entry.getKey()) + 1)
                + ']');

    return allAttrReceived;
コード例 #5
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected Collection<? extends GridComputeJob> split(int gridSize, Object arg)
        throws GridException {
      if (log.isInfoEnabled())
        log.info("Splitting job [job=" + this + ", gridSize=" + gridSize + ", arg=" + arg + ']');

      Collection<GridComputeJob> jobs = new ArrayList<>(SPLIT_COUNT);

      for (int i = 1; i <= SPLIT_COUNT; i++) jobs.add(new GridCancelTestJob(i));

      return jobs;
コード例 #6
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Serializable execute() {
      int arg = this.<Integer>argument(0);

      try {
        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info("Executing job [job=" + this + ", arg=" + arg + ']');


        try {
          if (!startSignal.await(WAIT_TIME, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) fail();

          if (arg == 1) {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info("Job one is proceeding.");
          } else Thread.sleep(WAIT_TIME);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          if (log.isInfoEnabled())
            log.info("Job got cancelled [arg=" + arg + ", ses=" + ses + ", e=" + e + ']');

          return 0;

        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info("Completing job: " + ses);

        return argument(0);
      } finally {

コード例 #7
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Map<? extends GridComputeJob, GridNode> map(List<GridNode> subgrid, String arg)
        throws GridException {
      assert locNodeId != null;

      if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        log.info("Mapping jobs [subgrid=" + subgrid + ", arg=" + arg + ']');

      GridNode remoteNode = null;

      for (GridNode node : subgrid) {
        if (!node.id().equals(locNodeId)) {
          remoteNode = node;

      return Collections.singletonMap(
          new GridComputeJobAdapter(locNodeId) {
            /** */
            @GridLocalNodeIdResource private UUID nodeId;

            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public Serializable execute() throws GridException {
              assert nodeId != null;

              if (!nodeId.equals(argument(0))) {
                try {
                  synchronized (mux) {

                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                  throw new GridComputeExecutionRejectedException(
                      "Expected interruption during execution.", e);
              } else {
                return "success";

              throw new GridComputeExecutionRejectedException(
                  "Expected exception during execution.");
コード例 #8
     * @param log Logger.
     * @param job Actual job.
    private void onMasterLeave(GridLogger log, Object job) {
      log.info("Callback executed: " + job);


コード例 #9
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Map<? extends GridComputeJob, GridNode> map(List<GridNode> subgrid, Integer arg)
      throws GridException {
    assert taskSes != null;
    assert arg != null;
    assert arg > 0;

    Map<GridSessionLoadTestJob, GridNode> map = new HashMap<>(subgrid.size());

    Iterator<GridNode> iter = subgrid.iterator();

    Random rnd = new Random();

    params = new HashMap<>(arg);

    Collection<UUID> assigned = new ArrayList<>(subgrid.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) {
      // Recycle iterator.
      if (!iter.hasNext()) iter = subgrid.iterator();

      String paramName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

      int paramVal = rnd.nextInt();

      taskSes.setAttribute(paramName, paramVal);

      GridNode node = iter.next();


      map.put(new GridSessionLoadTestJob(paramName), node);

      params.put(paramName, paramVal);

      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Set session attribute [name=" + paramName + ", value=" + paramVal + ']');

    taskSes.setAttribute("nodes", assigned);

    return map;
コード例 #10
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> split(int gridSize, Object arg)
        throws GridException {
      assert rsrc1 != null;
      assert rsrc2 != null;
      assert rsrc3 != null;
      assert rsrc4 != null;
      assert log != null;

      log.info("Injected shared resource1 into task: " + rsrc1);
      log.info("Injected shared resource2 into task: " + rsrc2);
      log.info("Injected shared resource3 into task: " + rsrc3);
      log.info("Injected shared resource4 into task: " + rsrc4);
      log.info("Injected log resource into task: " + log);

      task2Rsrc1 = rsrc1;
      task2Rsrc2 = rsrc2;
      task2Rsrc3 = rsrc3;
      task2Rsrc4 = rsrc4;

      Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> jobs = new ArrayList<>(gridSize);

      for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
            new GridComputeJobAdapter() {
              /** User resource. */
              @GridUserResource(resourceClass = UserResource1.class)
              private transient GridAbstractUserResource rsrc5;

              /** User resource */
              @GridUserResource private transient UserResource2 rsrc6;

              /** User resource. */
              @GridUserResource(resourceClass = UserResource1.class, resourceName = "rsrc3")
              private transient GridAbstractUserResource rsrc7;

              /** User resource */
              @GridUserResource(resourceName = "rsrc4")
              private transient UserResource2 rsrc8;

              /** {@inheritDoc} */
              public Serializable execute() {
                assert rsrc1 != null;
                assert rsrc2 != null;
                assert rsrc3 != null;
                assert rsrc4 != null;
                assert log != null;

                assert rsrc5 != null;
                assert rsrc6 != null;
                assert rsrc7 != null;
                assert rsrc8 != null;

                // Make sure that neither task nor global scope got
                // created more than once.
                assert rsrc1 == rsrc5;
                assert rsrc2 == rsrc6;
                assert rsrc3 == rsrc7;
                assert rsrc4 == rsrc8;

                log.info("Injected shared resource1 into job: " + rsrc1);
                log.info("Injected shared resource2 into job: " + rsrc2);
                log.info("Injected shared resource3 into job: " + rsrc3);
                log.info("Injected shared resource4 into job: " + rsrc4);
                log.info("Injected shared resource5 into job: " + rsrc5);
                log.info("Injected shared resource6 into job: " + rsrc6);
                log.info("Injected shared resource7 into job: " + rsrc7);
                log.info("Injected shared resource8 into job: " + rsrc8);
                log.info("Injected log resource into job: " + log);

                return null;

      return jobs;