/* * Required adaptions: <ul> <li>IGeoResourceInfo.class <li>IService.class * </ul> * * @see net.refractions.udig.catalog.IResolve#resolve(java.lang.Class, * org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public <T> T resolve(Class<T> adaptee, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { if (adaptee == null) return null; if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(IGeoResourceInfo.class)) { return adaptee.cast(createInfo(monitor)); } if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(IGeoResource.class)) { return adaptee.cast(this); } JDBCDataStore dataStore = parent.getDataStore(); if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(DataStore.class)) { return adaptee.cast(dataStore); } if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(SimpleFeatureStore.class)) { FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> fs = dataStore.getFeatureSource(typename); if (fs instanceof FeatureStore) { readOnly = false; return adaptee.cast(fs); } else { readOnly = true; } if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(SimpleFeatureSource.class)) { return adaptee.cast(dataStore.getFeatureSource(typename)); } } if (adaptee.isAssignableFrom(Connection.class)) { return service.resolve(adaptee, monitor); } return super.resolve(adaptee, monitor); }
/** * @param dataStore * @param damageArea * @param target * @return * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException */ public static Map<Integer, Double> calculateDamageValues( JDBCDataStore dataStore, Geometry damageArea, int target) throws IOException, SQLException { String wkt = damageArea.toText(); DefaultTransaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction(); Connection conn = null; Map<Integer, Double> damageValues = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); try { conn = dataStore.getConnection(transaction); if (FormulaUtils.isSimpleTarget(target)) { if (FormulaUtils.checkTarget(target, FormulaUtils.humanTargetsList)) { addDamageValuesByField(damageValues, conn, target + "", wkt); } else { addDamageValuesByArea(damageValues, conn, target + "", wkt); } } else if (FormulaUtils.isAllHumanTargets(target)) { addDamageValuesByField(damageValues, conn, FormulaUtils.humanTargetsList, wkt); } else if (FormulaUtils.isAllNotHumanTargets(target)) { addDamageValuesByArea(damageValues, conn, FormulaUtils.notHumanTargetsList, wkt); } else { addDamageValuesByField(damageValues, conn, FormulaUtils.humanTargetsList, wkt); addDamageValuesByArea(damageValues, conn, FormulaUtils.notHumanTargetsList, wkt); } return damageValues; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ProcessException(e); } finally { transaction.close(); if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } }
@Override protected void setUpDataStore(JDBCDataStore dataStore) { super.setUpDataStore(dataStore); dataStore.setDatabaseSchema(null); }
private SimpleFeatureCollection calculateRisk( SimpleFeatureCollection features, JDBCDataStore dataStore, String storeName, Integer precision, String connectionParams, int processing, int formula, int target, String materials, String scenarios, String entities, String severeness, String fpfield, int batch, boolean simulation, Geometry damageArea, Map<Integer, Double> damageValues, List<TargetInfo> changedTargets, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Double>> cffs, List<String> psc, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Double>> padrs, Map<Integer, Double> piss, List<Integer> distances, boolean extendedSchema) throws IOException, SQLException { if (precision == null) { precision = 3; } DefaultTransaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction(); Connection conn = null; try { conn = dataStore.getConnection(transaction); // output FeatureType (risk) // - id_geo_arco // - geometria // - rischio1 // - rischio2 SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder tb = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); tb.add( "id_geo_arco", features.getSchema().getDescriptor("id_geo_arco").getType().getBinding()); tb.add( "geometria", MultiLineString.class, features.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor().getCoordinateReferenceSystem()); if (extendedSchema) { tb.add("rischio_sociale", Double.class); tb.add("rischio_ambientale", Double.class); tb.add("nr_corsie", Integer.class); tb.add("lunghezza", Integer.class); tb.add("nr_incidenti", Integer.class); } else { tb.add("rischio1", Double.class); tb.add("rischio2", Double.class); } // fake layer name (risk) used for WPS output. Layer risk must be defined in GeoServer // catalog tb.setName(new NameImpl(features.getSchema().getName().getNamespaceURI(), "risk")); SimpleFeatureType ft = tb.buildFeatureType(); // feature level (1, 2, 3) int level = FormulaUtils.getLevel(features); LOGGER.info("Doing calculus for level " + level); Formula formulaDescriptor = Formula.load(conn, processing, formula, target); if (formulaDescriptor == null) { throw new ProcessException("Unable to load formula " + formula); } if (((!formulaDescriptor.hasGrid() && level == 3) || (!formulaDescriptor.hasNoGrid() && level < 3)) && !extendedSchema) { LOGGER.info("Formula not supported on this level, returning empty collection"); return new EmptyFeatureCollection(ft); } else { // iterator on source SimpleFeatureIterator iter = features.features(); // result builder SimpleFeatureBuilder fb = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(ft); ListFeatureCollection result = new ListFeatureCollection(ft); int count = 0; Double[] risk = new Double[] {0.0, 0.0}; // iterate source features try { // we will calculate risk in batch of arcs // we store each feature of the batch in a map // indexed by id Map<Number, SimpleFeature> temp = new HashMap<Number, SimpleFeature>(); StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder(); String fk_partner = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature feature = iter.next(); Number id = (Number) feature.getAttribute("id_geo_arco"); fk_partner = (String) feature.getAttribute("fk_partner"); fb.add(id); fb.add(feature.getDefaultGeometry()); if (formulaDescriptor.takeFromSource()) { risk[0] = ((Number) feature.getAttribute("rischio1")).doubleValue(); risk[1] = ((Number) feature.getAttribute("rischio2")).doubleValue(); } fb.add(risk[0]); fb.add(risk[1]); if (extendedSchema) { fb.add((Number) feature.getAttribute("nr_corsie")); fb.add((Number) feature.getAttribute("lunghezza")); fb.add((Number) feature.getAttribute("nr_incidenti")); } temp.put(id.intValue(), fb.buildFeature(id + "")); if (simulation) { Double pis = piss.get(id.intValue()); Map<Integer, Double> padr = padrs.get(id.intValue()); Map<Integer, Double> cff = cffs.get(id.intValue()); Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Double>> simulationTargets = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, Double>>(); if (!changedTargets.isEmpty()) { for (int distance : distances) { Geometry buffer = BufferUtils.iterativeBuffer( (Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry(), (double) distance, 100); for (TargetInfo targetInfo : changedTargets) { if (targetInfo.getGeometry() != null) { Geometry intersection = buffer.intersection(targetInfo.getGeometry()); if (intersection != null && intersection.getArea() > 0) { Map<Integer, Double> distancesMap = simulationTargets.get(targetInfo.getType()); if (distancesMap == null) { distancesMap = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); simulationTargets.put(targetInfo.getType(), distancesMap); } double value = 0.0; if (targetInfo.isHuman()) { value = intersection.getArea() / targetInfo.getGeometry().getArea() * targetInfo.getValue(); } else { value = intersection.getArea(); } if (targetInfo.isRemoved()) { value = -value; } distancesMap.put(distance, value); } } } } } FormulaUtils.calculateSimulationFormulaValuesOnSingleArc( conn, level, processing, formulaDescriptor, id.intValue(), fk_partner, materials, scenarios, entities, severeness, fpfield, target, simulationTargets, temp, precision, cff, psc, padr, pis, null, extendedSchema); result.addAll(temp.values()); temp = new HashMap<Number, SimpleFeature>(); } else if (damageArea != null) { Geometry arcGeometry = (Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry(); if (arcGeometry != null && arcGeometry.intersects(damageArea)) { FormulaUtils.calculateSimulationFormulaValuesOnSingleArc( conn, level, processing, formulaDescriptor, id.intValue(), fk_partner, materials, scenarios, entities, severeness, fpfield, target, null, temp, precision, null, null, null, null, damageValues, extendedSchema); result.addAll(temp.values()); } temp = new HashMap<Number, SimpleFeature>(); } else { ids.append("," + id); count++; // calculate batch items a time if (count % batch == 0) { LOGGER.info("Calculated " + count + " values"); FormulaUtils.calculateFormulaValues( conn, level, processing, formulaDescriptor, ids.toString().substring(1), fk_partner, materials, scenarios, entities, severeness, fpfield, target, temp, precision, extendedSchema); result.addAll(temp.values()); ids = new StringBuilder(); temp = new HashMap<Number, SimpleFeature>(); } } } // final calculus for remaining items not in batch size LOGGER.info("Calculating remaining items"); if (ids.length() > 0) { FormulaUtils.calculateFormulaValues( conn, level, processing, formulaDescriptor, ids.toString().substring(1), fk_partner, materials, scenarios, entities, severeness, fpfield, target, temp, precision, extendedSchema); } result.addAll(temp.values()); LOGGER.info("Calculated " + result.size() + " values"); } finally { iter.close(); } return result; } } finally { transaction.close(); if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } }