/** * Writes the body for a <code>MultiPolygon</code> object. MultiPolygons are encoded into SVG path * elements. This function writes the different polygons in one d-attribute of an SVG path * element, separated by an 'M' character. (in other words, it calls the super.writeBody for each * polygon). * * @param o The <code>MultiPolygon</code> to be encoded. */ public void writeObject(Object o, GraphicsDocument document, boolean asChild) throws RenderException { document.writeElement("path", asChild); document.writeAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd"); document.writeAttributeStart("d"); MultiPolygon mpoly = (MultiPolygon) o; for (int i = 0; i < mpoly.getNumGeometries(); i++) { Polygon poly = (Polygon) mpoly.getGeometryN(i); LineString shell = poly.getExteriorRing(); int nHoles = poly.getNumInteriorRing(); document.writeClosedPathContent(shell.getCoordinates()); for (int j = 0; j < nHoles; j++) { document.writeClosedPathContent(poly.getInteriorRingN(j).getCoordinates()); } } document.writeAttributeEnd(); }
public void writeObject(Object object, GraphicsDocument document, boolean asChild) throws RenderException { InternalTile tile = (InternalTile) object; String style = null; for (InternalFeature feature : tile.getFeatures()) { FeatureStyleInfo featureStyle = feature.getStyleInfo(); if (null != featureStyle) { String nextStyle = Integer.toString(featureStyle.getIndex()); if (style == null || !style.equals(nextStyle)) { if (style != null) { document.closeElement(); document.writeElement("vml:group", false); document.writeAttribute("coordsize", coordWidth + "," + coordHeight); document.writeAttribute("style", "WIDTH: " + coordWidth + "; HEIGHT: " + coordHeight); } else { document.writeElement("vml:group", true); document.writeAttribute("coordsize", coordWidth + "," + coordHeight); document.writeAttribute("style", "WIDTH: " + coordWidth + "; HEIGHT: " + coordHeight); } style = nextStyle; VectorLayerInfo layerInfo = feature.getLayer().getLayerInfo(); if (layerInfo.getLayerType() != LayerType.POINT && layerInfo.getLayerType() != LayerType.MULTIPOINT) { // the shapetype document.writeElement("vml:shapetype", true); document.writeAttribute("id", featureStyle.getStyleId()); document.writeAttribute("style", "WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 100%"); document.writeAttribute("style", "VISIBILITY: hidden"); document.writeAttribute("coordsize", coordWidth + "," + coordHeight); document.writeAttribute("fillcolor", featureStyle.getFillColor()); document.writeAttribute("strokecolor", featureStyle.getStrokeColor()); document.writeAttribute("strokeweight", featureStyle.getStrokeWidth() + "px"); // Tile-fill element: document.writeElement("vml:fill", true); document.writeAttribute("opacity", Float.toString(featureStyle.getFillOpacity())); document.closeElement(); // Tile-stroke element: document.writeElement("vml:stroke", true); document.writeAttribute("opacity", Float.toString(featureStyle.getStrokeOpacity())); document.closeElement(); // up to style group document.closeElement(); } // now the feature document.writeObject(feature, true); } else { document.writeObject(feature, false); } } } if (style != null) { document.closeElement(); } document.closeElement(); }