コード例 #1
ファイル: ListBuckets.java プロジェクト: Aarjavee/Mongrel
  public Sequence eval(Sequence[] args, Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {

    try {
      // Verify clientid and get client
      String mongodbClientId = args[0].itemAt(0).getStringValue();
      MongoClient client = MongodbClientStore.getInstance().get(mongodbClientId);

      // Get parameters
      String dbname = args[1].itemAt(0).getStringValue();

      // Retrieve database
      DB db = client.getDB(dbname);

      // Retrieve collection names
      Set<String> collectionNames = db.getCollectionNames();

      // Storage for results
      ValueSequence valueSequence = new ValueSequence();

      // Iterate over collection names ; only pairs of collections
      // with names ending .chunks and .files are buckets
      for (String collName : collectionNames) {
        if (collName.endsWith(".chunks")) {
          String bucketName = StringUtils.removeEnd(collName, ".chunks");
          if (collectionNames.contains(bucketName + ".files")) {
            valueSequence.add(new StringValue(bucketName));

      return valueSequence;

    } catch (XPathException ex) {
      LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
      throw new XPathException(this, ex.getMessage(), ex);

    } catch (MongoException ex) {
      LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
      throw new XPathException(this, GridfsModule.GRFS0002, ex.getMessage());

    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
      throw new XPathException(this, GridfsModule.GRFS0003, ex.getMessage());

    // return Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
コード例 #2
   * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startElement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
   *     java.lang.String, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
  public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts)
      throws SAXException {
    // save accumulated character content
    if (inModification && charBuf.length() > 0) {
      //            String normalized = charBuf.toString();
      final String normalized =
              ? charBuf.toString()
              : charBuf.getNormalizedString(FastStringBuffer.SUPPRESS_BOTH);

      if (normalized.length() > 0) {
        final Text text = doc.createTextNode(charBuf.toString());
        if (stack.isEmpty()) {
          // LOG.debug("appending text to fragment: " + text.getData());
        } else {
          final Element last = stack.peek();
    if (namespaceURI.equals(XUPDATE_NS)) {
      String select = null;
      if (localName.equals(MODIFICATIONS)) {
      } else if (localName.equals(VARIABLE)) {
        // variable declaration
      } else if (IF.equals(localName)) {
        if (inModification) {
          throw new SAXException("xupdate:if is not allowed inside a modification");
        select = atts.getValue("test");
        final Conditional cond =
            new Conditional(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables);
      } else if (VALUE_OF.equals(localName)) {
        if (!inModification) {
          throw new SAXException("xupdate:value-of is not allowed outside a modification");

      } else if (APPEND.equals(localName)
          || INSERT_BEFORE.equals(localName)
          || INSERT_AFTER.equals(localName)
          || REMOVE.equals(localName)
          || RENAME.equals(localName)
          || UPDATE.equals(localName)
          || REPLACE.equals(localName)) {
        if (inModification) {
          throw new SAXException("nested modifications are not allowed");
        select = atts.getValue("select");
        if (select == null) {
          throw new SAXException(localName + " requires a select attribute");
        doc = builder.newDocument();
        contents = new NodeListImpl();
        inModification = true;
      } else if ((ELEMENT.equals(localName)
          || ATTRIBUTE.equals(localName)
          || TEXT.equals(localName)
          || PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION.equals(localName)
          || COMMENT.equals(localName))) {
        if (!inModification) {
          throw new SAXException("creation elements are only allowed inside " + "a modification");
      } else {
        throw new SAXException("Unknown XUpdate element: " + qName);

      // start a new modification section
      if (APPEND.equals(localName)) {
        final String child = atts.getValue("child");
        modification = new Append(broker, documentSet, select, child, namespaces, variables);
      } else if (UPDATE.equals(localName)) {
        modification = new Update(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables);
      } else if (INSERT_BEFORE.equals(localName)) {
        modification =
            new Insert(broker, documentSet, select, Insert.INSERT_BEFORE, namespaces, variables);
      } else if (INSERT_AFTER.equals(localName)) {
        modification =
            new Insert(broker, documentSet, select, Insert.INSERT_AFTER, namespaces, variables);
      } else if (REMOVE.equals(localName)) {
        modification = new Remove(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables);
      } else if (RENAME.equals(localName)) {
        modification = new Rename(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables);
      } else if (REPLACE.equals(localName)) {
        modification = new Replace(broker, documentSet, select, namespaces, variables);

      // process commands for node creation
      else if (ELEMENT.equals(localName)) {
        String name = atts.getValue("name");
        if (name == null) {
          throw new SAXException("element requires a name attribute");
        final int p = name.indexOf(':');
        String namespace = null;
        String prefix = "";
        if (p != Constants.STRING_NOT_FOUND) {
          prefix = name.substring(0, p);
          if (name.length() == p + 1) {
            throw new SAXException("illegal prefix in qname: " + name);
          name = name.substring(p + 1);
          namespace = atts.getValue("namespace");
          if (namespace == null) {
            namespace = (String) namespaces.get(prefix);
          if (namespace == null) {
            throw new SAXException("no namespace defined for prefix " + prefix);
        Element elem;
        if (namespace != null && namespace.length() > 0) {
          elem = doc.createElementNS(namespace, name);
        } else {
          elem = doc.createElement(name);

        if (stack.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
          final Element last = stack.peek();
        this.setWhitespaceHandling((Element) stack.push(elem));
      } else if (ATTRIBUTE.equals(localName)) {
        final String name = atts.getValue("name");
        if (name == null) {
          throw new SAXException("attribute requires a name attribute");
        final int p = name.indexOf(':');
        String namespace = null;
        if (p != Constants.STRING_NOT_FOUND) {
          final String prefix = name.substring(0, p);
          if (name.length() == p + 1) {
            throw new SAXException("illegal prefix in qname: " + name);
          namespace = atts.getValue("namespace");
          if (namespace == null) {
            namespace = (String) namespaces.get(prefix);
          if (namespace == null) {
            throw new SAXException("no namespace defined for prefix " + prefix);
        Attr attrib =
            namespace != null && namespace.length() > 0
                ? doc.createAttributeNS(namespace, name)
                : doc.createAttribute(name);
        if (stack.isEmpty()) {
          for (int i = 0; i < contents.getLength(); i++) {
            final Node n = contents.item(i);
            String ns = n.getNamespaceURI();
            final String nname = ns == null ? n.getNodeName() : n.getLocalName();
            if (ns == null) {
              ns = "";
            // check for duplicate attributes
            if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE
                && nname.equals(name)
                && ns.equals(namespace)) {
              throw new SAXException(
                  "The attribute " + attrib.getNodeName() + " cannot be specified twice");
        } else {
          final Element last = (Element) stack.peek();
          if (namespace != null && last.hasAttributeNS(namespace, name)
              || namespace == null && last.hasAttribute(name)) {
            throw new SAXException(
                "The attribute "
                    + attrib.getNodeName()
                    + " cannot be specified "
                    + "twice on the same element");
          if (namespace != null) {
          } else {
        inAttribute = true;
        currentNode = attrib;

        // process value-of
      } else if (VALUE_OF.equals(localName)) {
        select = atts.getValue("select");
        if (select == null) {
          throw new SAXException("value-of requires a select attribute");
        final Sequence seq = processQuery(select);
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Found " + seq.getItemCount() + " items for value-of");
        Item item;
        try {
          for (final SequenceIterator i = seq.iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            item = i.nextItem();
            if (Type.subTypeOf(item.getType(), Type.NODE)) {
              final Node node = NodeSetHelper.copyNode(doc, ((NodeValue) item).getNode());
              if (stack.isEmpty()) {
              } else {
                final Element last = (Element) stack.peek();
            } else {
              final String value = item.getStringValue();
              characters(value.toCharArray(), 0, value.length());
        } catch (final XPathException e) {
          throw new SAXException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } else if (inModification) {
      final Element elem =
          namespaceURI != null && namespaceURI.length() > 0
              ? doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qName)
              : doc.createElement(qName);
      Attr a;
      for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) {
        final String name = atts.getQName(i);
        final String nsURI = atts.getURI(i);
        if (name.startsWith("xmlns")) {
          // Why are these showing up? They are supposed to be stripped out?
        } else {
          a = nsURI != null ? doc.createAttributeNS(nsURI, name) : doc.createAttribute(name);
          if (nsURI != null) {
          } else {
      if (stack.isEmpty()) {
      } else {
        final Element last = (Element) stack.peek();
      this.setWhitespaceHandling((Element) stack.push(elem));
コード例 #3
  private boolean deepEquals(Item a, Item b, Collator collator) {
    try {
      final boolean aAtomic = Type.subTypeOf(a.getType(), Type.ATOMIC);
      final boolean bAtomic = Type.subTypeOf(b.getType(), Type.ATOMIC);
      if (aAtomic || bAtomic) {
        if (!aAtomic || !bAtomic) return false;
        try {
          AtomicValue av = (AtomicValue) a;
          AtomicValue bv = (AtomicValue) b;
          if (Type.subTypeOf(av.getType(), Type.NUMBER)
              && Type.subTypeOf(bv.getType(), Type.NUMBER)) {
            // or if both values are NaN
            if (((NumericValue) a).isNaN() && ((NumericValue) b).isNaN()) return true;
          return ValueComparison.compareAtomic(
              collator, av, bv, Constants.TRUNC_NONE, Constants.EQ);
        } catch (XPathException e) {
          return false;
      //		assert Type.subTypeOf(a.getType(), Type.NODE);
      //		assert Type.subTypeOf(b.getType(), Type.NODE);
      if (a.getType() != b.getType()) return false;
      NodeValue nva = (NodeValue) a, nvb = (NodeValue) b;
      if (nva == nvb) return true;
      try {
        // Don't use this shortcut for in-memory nodes since the symbol table is ignored.
        if (nva.getImplementationType() != NodeValue.IN_MEMORY_NODE && nva.equals(nvb))
          return true; // shortcut!
      } catch (XPathException e) {
        // apparently incompatible values, do manual comparison
      Node na, nb;
      switch (a.getType()) {
        case Type.DOCUMENT:
          // NodeValue.getNode() doesn't seem to work for document nodes
          na = nva instanceof Node ? (Node) nva : ((NodeProxy) nva).getDocument();
          nb = nvb instanceof Node ? (Node) nvb : ((NodeProxy) nvb).getDocument();
          return compareContents(na, nb);
        case Type.ELEMENT:
          na = nva.getNode();
          nb = nvb.getNode();
          return compareElements(na, nb);
        case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
          na = nva.getNode();
          nb = nvb.getNode();
          return compareNames(na, nb) && safeEquals(na.getNodeValue(), nb.getNodeValue());
        case Type.NAMESPACE:
          na = nva.getNode();
          nb = nvb.getNode();
          return safeEquals(na.getNodeName(), nb.getNodeName())
              && safeEquals(nva.getStringValue(), nvb.getStringValue());
        case Type.TEXT:
        case Type.COMMENT:
          return safeEquals(nva.getStringValue(), nvb.getStringValue());

            logger.error("unexpected item type " + Type.getTypeName(a.getType()));
            throw new RuntimeException("unexpected item type " + Type.getTypeName(a.getType()));
    } catch (XPathException e) {
      return false;