コード例 #1
 public ExecutionResult getLastRegressionExecutionResult() {
   return theSameTestForTheOtherClassLoader.getLastExecutionResult();
コード例 #2
  public boolean doSearch(
      TestChromosome individual, LocalSearchObjective<TestChromosome> objective) {

    logger.info("Test before local search: " + individual.getTestCase().toCode());

    boolean improved = false;

    // Only apply local search up to the point where an exception was thrown
    // TODO: Check whether this conflicts with test expansion
    int lastPosition = individual.size() - 1;
    if (individual.getLastExecutionResult() != null && !individual.isChanged()) {
      Integer lastPos = individual.getLastExecutionResult().getFirstPositionOfThrownException();
      if (lastPos != null) lastPosition = lastPos.intValue();
    TestCase test = individual.getTestCase();

    // We count down to make the code work when lines are
    // added during the search (see NullReferenceSearch).

    for (int i = lastPosition; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (LocalSearchBudget.getInstance().isFinished()) break;

      if (objective.isDone()) {

      if (i >= individual.size()) {
        logger.warn("Test size decreased unexpectedly during local search, aborting local search");
      final Class<?> targetClass = Properties.getTargetClassAndDontInitialise();

      final Statement statement = test.getStatement(i);

      if (!test.hasReferences(statement.getReturnValue())
          && !statement.getReturnClass().equals(targetClass)) {
            "Return value of statement "
                + i
                + " is not referenced and not SUT, not doing local search");

      StatementLocalSearch search = StatementLocalSearch.getLocalSearchFor(statement);
      if (search != null) {
            "Applying local search of type "
                + search.getClass()
                + " to statement "
                + statement
                + " / "
                + individual.getTestCase().getStatement(i));
        if (search.doSearch(individual, i, (LocalSearchObjective<TestChromosome>) objective)) {
          improved = true;
        // i = s.getPosition();
            "Old position was: " + i + ", adjusting to: " + (i + search.getPositionDelta()));
        i += search.getPositionDelta();
        test = individual.getTestCase();
      } else {
         * No statement local search has been produced for this
         * statement. Skipping.


    // logger.warn("Test after local search: " +
    // individual.getTestCase().toCode());

    // Return true iif search was successful
    return improved;

    // TODO: Handle arrays in local search
    // TODO: mutating an int might have an effect on array lengths
コード例 #3
 public ExecutionResult getLastExecutionResult() {
   return theTest.getLastExecutionResult();
コード例 #4
  // Not working yet
  // @Override
  public double getFitnessAlternative(
      AbstractTestSuiteChromosome<? extends ExecutableChromosome> individual) {
    TestSuiteChromosome suite = (TestSuiteChromosome) individual;
    List<ExecutionResult> results = runTestSuite(suite);
    if (DefUseCoverageFactory.detectAliasingGoals(results)) {
      logger.debug("New total number of goals: " + goals.size());
      totalGoals = initTotalGoals();
      for (DefUsePairType type : totalGoals.keySet()) {
        logger.info(type + ":" + totalGoals.get(type));

    Map<Definition, Set<TestChromosome>> passedDefinitions =
        new HashMap<Definition, Set<TestChromosome>>();
    Map<Definition, Integer> passedDefinitionCount = new HashMap<Definition, Integer>();
    Map<String, Set<TestChromosome>> executedMethods = new HashMap<String, Set<TestChromosome>>();
    Map<String, Integer> executedMethodsCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    for (Definition def : maxDefinitionCount.keySet()) {
      passedDefinitionCount.put(def, 0);
    for (String methodName : maxMethodCount.keySet()) {
      executedMethodsCount.put(methodName, 0);

    for (TestChromosome test : suite.getTestChromosomes()) {
      ExecutionResult result = test.getLastExecutionResult();

      if (result.hasTimeout()) {
        logger.debug("Skipping test with timeout");
        double fitness = goals.size() * 100;
        updateIndividual(this, individual, fitness);
        suite.setCoverage(this, 0.0);
        logger.debug("Test case has timed out, setting fitness to max value " + fitness);
        return fitness;

      for (Entry<Integer, Integer> entry :
          result.getTrace().getDefinitionExecutionCount().entrySet()) {
        Definition def = DefUsePool.getDefinitionByDefId(entry.getKey());
        if (def == null) {
          logger.warn("Could not find def " + entry.getKey());
        if (!passedDefinitions.containsKey(def))
          passedDefinitions.put(def, new HashSet<TestChromosome>());

        if (!passedDefinitionCount.containsKey(def)) {
          // logger.warn("Weird, definition is not known: " + def);
          passedDefinitionCount.put(def, 0);
        passedDefinitionCount.put(def, passedDefinitionCount.get(def) + entry.getValue());

      for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : result.getTrace().getMethodExecutionCount().entrySet()) {
        if (executedMethodsCount.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
              entry.getKey(), executedMethodsCount.get(entry.getKey()) + entry.getValue());
        if (!executedMethods.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
          executedMethods.put(entry.getKey(), new HashSet<TestChromosome>());
      for (Integer id : result.getTrace().getPassedDefIDs()) {
      	Definition def = DefUsePool.getDefinitionByDefId(id);
      	if (!passedDefinitions.containsKey(def))
      		passedDefinitions.put(def, new HashSet<TestChromosome>());

      	passedDefinitionCount.put(def, passedDefinitionCount.get(def) + 1);

    // 1. Need to reach each definition
    double fitness = branchFitness.getFitness(individual);
    // logger.info("Branch fitness: " + fitness);

    // 3. For all covered defs, calculate minimal use distance
    // Set<DefUseCoverageTestFitness> coveredGoalsSet =
    // DefUseExecutionTraceAnalyzer.getCoveredGoals(results);
    Set<DefUseCoverageTestFitness> coveredGoalsSet =
        new HashSet<
            DefUseCoverageTestFitness>(); // DefUseExecutionTraceAnalyzer.getCoveredGoals(results);

    Set<Definition> notFullyCoveredDefs = new HashSet<Definition>();
    boolean methodIsNotFullyCovered = false;

    for (DefUseCoverageTestFitness goal : goals) {
      if (coveredGoalsSet.contains(goal)) {

      double goalFitness = 2.0;
      Set<TestChromosome> coveringTests = new HashSet<TestChromosome>();

      if (goal.isParameterGoal()) {
        String methodKey =
            goal.getGoalUse().getClassName() + "." + goal.getGoalUse().getMethodName();
        if (executedMethods.containsKey(methodKey)) {
      } else {
        if (passedDefinitions.containsKey(goal.getGoalDefinition())) {
      if (coveringTests.isEmpty()) {
        logger.debug("No tests cover " + goal);
      } else {
        logger.debug("Checking " + coveringTests.size() + " tests covering " + goal);
      //			for (TestChromosome test : passedDefinitions.get(goal.getGoalDefinition())) {
      for (TestChromosome test : coveringTests) {
        // for (TestChromosome test : suite.getTestChromosomes()) {

        ExecutionResult result = test.getLastExecutionResult();
        DefUseFitnessCalculator calculator = new DefUseFitnessCalculator(goal, test, result);
        // double resultFitness = goal.getFitness(test, result);
        double resultFitness = calculator.calculateDUFitness();

        if (resultFitness < goalFitness) goalFitness = resultFitness;
        if (goalFitness == 0.0) {
      if (goalFitness > 0.0) {
        if (goal.isParameterGoal()) notFullyCoveredDefs.add(goal.getGoalDefinition());
        else methodIsNotFullyCovered = true;

      fitness += goalFitness;

    // 2. Need to execute each definition X times
    // TODO ...unless all defuse pairs are covered?
    for (Entry<Definition, Integer> defCount : maxDefinitionCount.entrySet()) {
      if (notFullyCoveredDefs.contains(defCount.getKey())) {
        int executionCount = passedDefinitionCount.get(defCount.getKey());
        int max = defCount.getValue();
        if (executionCount < max) {
          fitness += normalize(max - executionCount);
    if (methodIsNotFullyCovered) {
      for (Entry<String, Integer> methodCount : maxMethodCount.entrySet()) {
        int executionCount = executedMethodsCount.get(methodCount.getKey());
        int max = methodCount.getValue();
        if (executionCount < max) {
          fitness += normalize(max - executionCount);

    updateIndividual(this, individual, fitness);

    int coveredGoalCount = countCoveredGoals();
    int totalGoalCount = countTotalGoals();
    if (fitness == 0.0 && coveredGoalCount < totalGoalCount)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Fitness 0 implies 100% coverage "
              + coveredGoalCount
              + " / "
              + totalGoals
              + " (covered / total)");

    return fitness;