private static ParamGroup createDefaultParamGroup(final InputProductValidator validator) { final ParamGroup paramGroup = new ParamGroup(); final DefaultRequestElementFactory factory = DefaultRequestElementFactory.getInstance(); final Parameter inputProductParameter = factory.createDefaultInputProductParameter(); inputProductParameter.addParamChangeListener( new ParamChangeListener() { public void parameterValueChanged(final ParamChangeEvent event) { validateInputProduct(event.getParameter(), validator); } }); paramGroup.addParameter(inputProductParameter); final Parameter outputProductParameter = factory.createDefaultOutputProductParameter(); final Object defaultValue = outputProductParameter.getProperties().getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue instanceof File) { outputProductParameter .getProperties() .setDefaultValue(new File((File) defaultValue, _defaultOutputProductFileName)); } paramGroup.addParameter(outputProductParameter); paramGroup.addParameter(factory.createOutputFormatParameter()); paramGroup.addParameter(factory.createDefaultLogPatternParameter(_defaultLogPrefix)); try { paramGroup.addParameter(factory.createLogToOutputParameter(_defaultLogToOutput)); } catch (ParamValidateException e) { Debug.trace("Unable to validate parameter '" + LOG_TO_OUTPUT_PARAM_NAME + "'"); /*I18N*/ Debug.trace(e); } return paramGroup; }
/** * Activates the given <code>PageComponent</code>. Does nothing if it is already the active one. * * <p>Does nothing if this <code>ApplicationPage</code> doesn't contain the given <code> * PageComponent</code>. * * @param pageComponent the <code>PageComponent</code> */ public void setActiveComponent(PageComponent pageComponent) { if (!pageComponentMap.containsValue(pageComponent)) { return; } Debug.trace("setActiveComponent: pageComponent = " + pageComponent); if (settingActiveComponent) { return; } // if pageComponent is already active, don't do anything if (this.activeComponent == pageComponent) { setActiveSelectionContext(); return; } settingActiveComponent = true; if (this.activeComponent != null) { fireFocusLost(this.activeComponent); } giveFocusTo(pageComponent); this.activeComponent = pageComponent; fireFocusGained(this.activeComponent); setActiveSelectionContext(); settingActiveComponent = false; }
private void createScalarAttribute( int locationID, String name, int jh5DataType, int typeSize, Object value) throws IOException { Debug.trace( "Hdf5ProductWriter.createScalarAttribute(" + "locationID=" + locationID + ", name=" + name + ", jh5DataType=" + jh5DataType + ", typeSize=" + typeSize + ", value=" + value + ")"); int attrTypeID = -1; int attrSpaceID = -1; int attributeID = -1; try { attrTypeID = H5.H5Tcopy(jh5DataType); if (typeSize > 0) { H5.H5Tset_size(attrTypeID, typeSize); } attrSpaceID = H5.H5Screate(HDF5Constants.H5S_SCALAR); attributeID = H5.H5Acreate(locationID, name, attrTypeID, attrSpaceID, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); H5.H5Awrite(attributeID, attrTypeID, value); } catch (HDF5Exception e) { throw new ProductIOException(createErrorMessage(e)); } finally { closeH5A(attributeID); closeH5S(attrSpaceID); closeH5T(attrTypeID); } }
protected void fireClosed(PageComponent component) { Debug.trace("AbstractApplicationPage.fireClosed [" + component + "]"); component.componentClosed(); for (PageComponentListener listener : pageComponentListeners) { listener.componentClosed(component); } }
/** * Provides an implementation of the <code>readProductNodes</code> interface method. Clients * implementing this method can be sure that the input object and eventually the subset * information has already been set. * * <p> * * <p>This method is called as a last step in the <code>readProductNodes(input, subsetInfo)</code> * method. * * @throws if an I/O error occurs */ @Override protected Product readProductNodesImpl() throws IOException { Product product; try { final File fileFromInput = ReaderUtils.getFileFromInput(getInput()); dataDir = createDirectory(fileFromInput); dataDir.readProductDirectory(); product = dataDir.createProduct(); addCalibrationLUT(product, fileFromInput.getParentFile()); product.getGcpGroup(); product.setFileLocation(fileFromInput); product.setProductReader(this); product.setModified(false); final MetadataElement absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(product); isAscending = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.PASS).equals("ASCENDING"); isAntennaPointingRight = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.antenna_pointing).equals("right"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.trace(e.toString()); final IOException ioException = new IOException(e.getMessage()); ioException.initCause(e); throw ioException; } return product; }
protected void fireFocusLost(PageComponent component) { Debug.trace("AbstractApplicationPage.fireFocusLost [" + component + "]"); component.componentFocusLost(); for (PageComponentListener listener : pageComponentListeners) { listener.componentFocusLost(component); } }
private BufferedImage createThumbNailImage(Dimension imgSize, ProgressMonitor pm) { Assert.notNull(pm, "pm"); String thumbNailBandName = getThumbnailBandName(); Band thumbNailBand = product.getBand(thumbNailBandName); Debug.trace( "ProductSubsetDialog: Reading thumbnail data for band '" + thumbNailBandName + "'..."); pm.beginTask("Creating thumbnail image", 5); BufferedImage image = null; try { MultiLevelSource multiLevelSource = BandImageMultiLevelSource.create(thumbNailBand, SubProgressMonitor.create(pm, 1)); final ImageLayer imageLayer = new ImageLayer(multiLevelSource); final int imageWidth = imgSize.width; final int imageHeight = imgSize.height; final int imageType = BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR; image = new BufferedImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, imageType); Viewport snapshotVp = new DefaultViewport(isModelYAxisDown(imageLayer)); final BufferedImageRendering imageRendering = new BufferedImageRendering(image, snapshotVp); final Graphics2D graphics = imageRendering.getGraphics(); graphics.setColor(getBackground()); graphics.fillRect(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); snapshotVp.zoom(imageLayer.getModelBounds()); snapshotVp.moveViewDelta(snapshotVp.getViewBounds().x, snapshotVp.getViewBounds().y); imageLayer.render(imageRendering); pm.worked(4); } finally { pm.done(); } return image; }
private void closeH5S(int spaceID) { if (spaceID != -1) { try { H5.H5Sclose(spaceID); } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { Debug.trace(e); /*...*/ } } }
private void closeH5A(int attributeID) { if (attributeID != -1) { try { H5.H5Aclose(attributeID); } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { Debug.trace(e); /*...*/ } } }
private void closeH5G(int groupID) { if (groupID != -1) { try { H5.H5Gclose(groupID); } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { Debug.trace(e); /*...*/ } } }
private void closeH5D(int datasetID) { if (datasetID != -1) { try { H5.H5Dclose(datasetID); } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { Debug.trace(e); /*...*/ } } }
private void closeH5T(int typeID) { if (typeID != -1) { try { H5.H5Tclose(typeID); } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { Debug.trace(e); /*...*/ } } }
private void writeTiePointGrid(TiePointGrid grid, String path) throws IOException { final int w = grid.getRasterWidth(); final int h = grid.getRasterHeight(); long[] dims = new long[] {h, w}; int dataTypeID = -1; int dataSpaceID = -1; int datasetID = -1; try { dataTypeID = createH5TypeID(grid.getDataType()); dataSpaceID = H5.H5Screate_simple(2, dims, null); datasetID = H5.H5Dcreate( _fileID, path + "/" + grid.getName(), dataTypeID, dataSpaceID, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); // Very important attributes createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "scene_raster_width", grid.getSceneRasterWidth()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "scene_raster_height", grid.getSceneRasterHeight()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "offset_x", grid.getOffsetX()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "offset_y", grid.getOffsetY()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "sub_sampling_x", grid.getSubSamplingX()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "sub_sampling_y", grid.getSubSamplingY()); // Less important attributes try { createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "raster_width", grid.getRasterWidth()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "raster_height", grid.getRasterHeight()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "unit", grid.getUnit()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "description", grid.getDescription()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "CLASS", "IMAGE"); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "IMAGE_VERSION", 1.0F); } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore IOException because these attributes are not very essential... */ Debug.trace("failed to create attribute: " + e.getMessage()); } H5.H5Dwrite( datasetID, dataTypeID, HDF5Constants.H5S_ALL, HDF5Constants.H5S_ALL, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, grid.getData().getElems()); } catch (HDF5Exception e) { throw new ProductIOException(createErrorMessage(e)); } finally { closeH5D(datasetID); closeH5S(dataSpaceID); closeH5T(dataTypeID); } }
/** * Creates a parameter editor instance for the given parameter. * * @param parameter the parameter * @return the parameter editor, never null */ public static ParamEditor createParamEditor(Parameter parameter) { Guardian.assertNotNull("parameter", parameter); ParamProperties paramProps = parameter.getProperties(); Debug.assertNotNull(paramProps); ParamEditor editor = null; // Step 1: Try to create an editor from the 'editorClass' property // Class editorClass = paramProps.getEditorClass(); if (editorClass != null) { Constructor editorConstructor = null; try { editorConstructor = editorClass.getConstructor(Parameter.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { Debug.trace(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { Debug.trace(e); } if (editorConstructor != null) { try { editor = (ParamEditor) editorConstructor.newInstance(parameter); } catch (InstantiationException e) { Debug.trace(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Debug.trace(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Debug.trace(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Debug.trace(e); } } } if (editor != null) { return editor; } // Step 2: Create a default editor based on the parameter's type info // if (parameter.isTypeOf(Boolean.class)) { editor = new BooleanEditor(parameter); } else if (parameter.isTypeOf(Color.class)) { editor = new ColorEditor(parameter); } else if (parameter.isTypeOf(File.class)) { editor = new FileEditor(parameter); } else if (paramProps.getValueSet() != null && paramProps.getValueSet().length > 0) { if (parameter.isTypeOf(String[].class)) { editor = new ListEditor(parameter); } else { editor = new ComboBoxEditor(parameter); } } // The last choice works always: a text field! if (editor == null) { editor = new TextFieldEditor(parameter); } return editor; }
private static RasterDataNode[] getReferencedNodes(final RasterDataNode node) { final Product product = node.getProduct(); if (product != null) { final List<String> expressions = new ArrayList<String>(10); if (node.getValidPixelExpression() != null) { expressions.add(node.getValidPixelExpression()); } final ProductNodeGroup<Mask> overlayMaskGroup = node.getOverlayMaskGroup(); if (overlayMaskGroup.getNodeCount() > 0) { final Mask[] overlayMasks = overlayMaskGroup.toArray(new Mask[overlayMaskGroup.getNodeCount()]); for (final Mask overlayMask : overlayMasks) { final String expression; if (overlayMask.getImageType() == Mask.BandMathsType.INSTANCE) { expression = Mask.BandMathsType.getExpression(overlayMask); } else if (overlayMask.getImageType() == Mask.RangeType.INSTANCE) { expression = Mask.RangeType.getExpression(overlayMask); } else { expression = null; } if (expression != null) { expressions.add(expression); } } } if (node instanceof VirtualBand) { final VirtualBand virtualBand = (VirtualBand) node; expressions.add(virtualBand.getExpression()); } final ArrayList<Term> termList = new ArrayList<Term>(10); for (final String expression : expressions) { try { final Term term = product.parseExpression(expression); if (term != null) { termList.add(term); } } catch (ParseException e) { // @todo se handle parse exception Debug.trace(e); } } final Term[] terms = termList.toArray(new Term[termList.size()]); final RasterDataSymbol[] refRasterDataSymbols = BandArithmetic.getRefRasterDataSymbols(terms); return BandArithmetic.getRefRasters(refRasterDataSymbols); } return new RasterDataNode[0]; }
private static void validateInputProduct( final Parameter parameter, final InputProductValidator validator) { final File file = (File) parameter.getValue(); if (file == null || "".equals(file.getPath().trim())) { return; } String msg = null; if (file.exists()) { Product product = null; try { product = ProductIO.readProduct(file); if (product != null) { if (validator != null) { final boolean valid = validator.validate(product); if (!valid) { msg = validator.getErrorMessage(); if (msg == null) { msg = "Unknown error."; } } } } else { msg = "Unknown product file format."; } } catch (IOException e) { msg = e.getMessage(); } finally { if (product != null) { product.dispose(); } } } else { msg = "File '" + file.getPath() + "' does not exists."; } if (msg != null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( parameter.getEditor().getEditorComponent(), "Invalid input product file:\n" + msg, "Invalid Input Product", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); Debug.trace(msg); } }
/** * Writes the in-memory representation of a data product. This method was called by <code> * writeProductNodes(product, * output)</code> of the AbstractProductWriter. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>output</code> type is not one of the supported output * sources. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ @Override protected void writeProductNodesImpl() throws IOException { if (!_hdf5LibInit) { try { H5.H5open(); _hdf5LibInit = true; } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { throw new ProductIOException(createErrorMessage(e)); } } if (getOutput() instanceof String) { _outputFile = new File((String) getOutput()); } else if (getOutput() instanceof File) { _outputFile = (File) getOutput(); } Debug.assertNotNull(_outputFile); // super.writeProductNodes should have checked this already _outputFile = FileUtils.ensureExtension(_outputFile, Hdf5ProductWriterPlugIn.HDF5_FILE_EXTENSION); try { Debug.trace("creating HDF5 file " + _outputFile.getPath()); _fileID = H5.H5Fcreate( _outputFile.getPath(), HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_TRUNC, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { throw new ProductIOException(createErrorMessage(e)); } writeTiePointGrids(); writeGeoCoding(); writeFlagCodings(); writeMetadata(); }
/** * Writes all data in memory to disk. After a flush operation, the writer can be closed safely * * @throws IOException on failure */ public void flush() throws IOException { if (_fileID == -1) { return; } if (_bandIDs != null) { Iterator it = _bandIDs.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { int datasetID = (Integer); if (datasetID != -1) { try { H5.H5Fflush(datasetID, HDF5Constants.H5F_SCOPE_LOCAL); } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { Debug.trace(e); /*...*/ } } } } try { H5.H5Fflush(_fileID, HDF5Constants.H5F_SCOPE_LOCAL); } catch (HDF5LibraryException e) { throw new ProductIOException(createErrorMessage(e)); } }
private Integer createBandH5D(Band band) throws IOException { final int w = band.getRasterWidth(); final int h = band.getRasterHeight(); long[] dims = new long[] {h, w}; int datasetID = -1; int fileTypeID = -1; int fileSpaceID = -1; try { fileTypeID = createH5TypeID(band.getDataType()); fileSpaceID = H5.H5Screate_simple(2, dims, null); datasetID = H5.H5Dcreate( _fileID, "/bands/" + band.getName(), fileTypeID, fileSpaceID, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); try { // @todo 1 nf/tb - MEMOPT: add min, max here createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "raster_width", band.getRasterWidth()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "raster_height", band.getRasterHeight()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "scaling_factor", band.getScalingFactor()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "scaling_offset", band.getScalingOffset()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "log10_scaled", band.isLog10Scaled() ? "true" : "false"); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "unit", band.getUnit()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "description", band.getDescription()); if (band.getSpectralBandIndex() >= 0) { createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "spectral_band_index", band.getSpectralBandIndex() + 1); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "solar_flux", band.getSolarFlux()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "bandwidth", band.getSpectralBandwidth()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "wavelength", band.getSpectralWavelength()); } if (band.getFlagCoding() != null) { createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "flag_coding", band.getFlagCoding().getName()); } createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "CLASS", "IMAGE"); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "IMAGE_VERSION", 1.2F); if (band.isStxSet()) { final Stx stx = band.getStx(); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "min_sample", stx.getMinimum()); createScalarAttribute(datasetID, "max_sample", stx.getMaximum()); } if (band.getImageInfo() != null) { final ColorPaletteDef paletteDef = band.getImageInfo().getColorPaletteDef(); float[] minmax = new float[] { (float) paletteDef.getMinDisplaySample(), (float) paletteDef.getMaxDisplaySample() }; createArrayAttribute(datasetID, "IMAGE_MINMAXRANGE", minmax); } } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore IOException because these attributes are not very essential... */ Debug.trace("failed to create attribute: " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (HDF5Exception e) { closeH5D(datasetID); throw new ProductIOException(createErrorMessage(e)); } finally { closeH5S(fileSpaceID); closeH5T(fileTypeID); } return datasetID; }
protected void fireHidden(PageComponent component) { Debug.trace("AbstractApplicationPage.fireHidden [" + component + "]"); for (PageComponentListener listener : pageComponentListeners) { listener.componentHidden(component); } }
protected void addGeoCodingToProduct(final Product product) { if (!getSourceProduct().transferGeoCodingTo(product, getSubsetDef())) { Debug.trace("GeoCoding could not be transferred."); } }