コード例 #1
   * reads an AOT Kx LUT (BBDR breadboard procedure GA_read_LUT_AOD)
   * <p>A LUT value can be accessed with lut.getValue(new double[]{wvlValue, aotValue, hsfValue,
   * aziValue, szaValue, vzaValue, parameterValue});
   * @param sensor The sensor
   * @return LookupTable
   * @throws java.io.IOException when failing to real LUT data
  public static LookupTable getAotKxLookupTable(Sensor sensor) throws IOException {
    ImageInputStream iis = Luts.getAotKxLutData(sensor.getInstrument());
    try {
      // read LUT dimensions and values
      float[] vza = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nVza = vza.length;
      float[] sza = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nSza = sza.length;
      float[] azi = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nAzi = azi.length;
      float[] hsf = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nHsf = hsf.length;
      float[] aot = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nAot = aot.length;

      float[] kx = new float[] {1.0f, 2.0f};
      int nKx = kx.length;

      float[] wvl = sensor.getWavelength();
      final int nWvl = wvl.length;

      float[] lut = new float[nKx * nVza * nSza * nAzi * nHsf * nAot * nWvl];
      iis.readFully(lut, 0, lut.length);

      return new LookupTable(lut, wvl, aot, hsf, azi, sza, vza, kx);
    } finally {
コード例 #2
   * reads a NSky DW LUT (BBDR breadboard procedure GA_read_LUT_Nsky, first LUT) * This LUT is
   * equivalent to the original IDL LUT. * A LUT value can be accessed with lut.getValue(new
   * double[]{wvlValue, ozoValue, cwvValue, angValue, kxValue, kxcaseValue});
   * @param sensor The sensor
   * @return LookupTable
   * @throws java.io.IOException when failing to real LUT data
  public static NskyLookupTable getNskyLookupTableDw(Sensor sensor) throws IOException {
    ImageInputStream iis = Luts.getNskyDwLutData(sensor.getInstrument());
    try {
      // read LUT dimensions and values
      float[] sza = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nSza = sza.length;
      float[] hsf = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nHsf = hsf.length;
      float[] aot = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nAot = aot.length;

      int nSpec = iis.readInt();
      float[] spec = new float[nSpec];
      for (int i = 0; i < spec.length; i++) {
        spec[i] = (i + 1) * 1.0f;

      double kppVol = iis.readDouble();
      double kppGeo = iis.readDouble();

      // todo: again, we have an array of length 2 as innermost part of the LUT,
      // which has no meanigful name in breadboard --> clarify
      float[] values = new float[] {1.0f, 2.0f};
      int nValues = values.length;

      float[] lut = new float[nValues * nSza * nHsf * nAot * nSpec];
      iis.readFully(lut, 0, lut.length);

      // store in original sequence (see breadboard: GA_read_LUT_Nsky)
      NskyLookupTable nskyLut = new NskyLookupTable();
      nskyLut.setLut(new LookupTable(lut, spec, aot, hsf, sza, values));

      return nskyLut;
    } finally {
コード例 #3
   * reads an AOT LUT (BBDR breadboard procedure GA_read_LUT_AOD) * This LUT is equivalent to the
   * original IDL LUT: for bd = 0, nm_bnd - 1 do $ for jj = 0, nm_aot - 1 do $ for ii = 0, nm_hsf -
   * 1 do $ for k = 0, nm_azm - 1 do $ for j = 0, nm_asl - 1 do $ for i = 0, nm_avs - 1 do begin
   * readu, 1, aux lut[*, i, j, nm_azm - k - 1, ii, jj, bd] = aux A LUT value can be accessed with
   * lut.getValue(new double[]{wvlValue, aotValue, hsfValue, aziValue, szaValue, vzaValue,
   * parameterValue});
   * @param sensor The sensor
   * @return LookupTable
   * @throws java.io.IOException when failing to real LUT data
  public static AotLookupTable getAotLookupTable(Sensor sensor) throws IOException {
    ImageInputStream iis = Luts.getAotLutData(sensor.getInstrument());
    try {
      // read LUT dimensions and values
      float[] vza = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nVza = vza.length;
      float[] sza = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nSza = sza.length;
      float[] azi = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nAzi = azi.length;
      float[] hsf = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nHsf = hsf.length;
      // conversion from surf.pressure to elevation ASL
      for (int i = 0; i < nHsf; i++) {
        if (hsf[i] != -1) {
          // 1.e-3 * (1.d - (xnodes[3, wh_nod] / 1013.25)^(1./5.25588)) / 2.25577e-5
          final double a = hsf[i] / 1013.25;
          final double b = 1. / 5.25588;
          hsf[i] = (float) (0.001 * (1.0 - Math.pow(a, b)) / 2.25577E-5);
      float[] aot = Luts.readDimension(iis);
      int nAot = aot.length;

      float[] parameters = new float[] {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f};
      int nParameters = parameters.length;

      float[] wvl = sensor.getWavelength();
      final int nWvl = wvl.length;

      float[] tgLut = new float[nParameters * nVza * nSza * nAzi * nHsf * nAot * nWvl];

      for (int iWvl = 0; iWvl < nWvl; iWvl++) {
        for (int iAot = 0; iAot < nAot; iAot++) {
          for (int iHsf = 0; iHsf < nHsf; iHsf++) {
            for (int iAzi = 0; iAzi < nAzi; iAzi++) {
              for (int iSza = 0; iSza < nSza; iSza++) {
                for (int iVza = 0; iVza < nVza; iVza++) {
                  for (int iParams = 0; iParams < nParameters; iParams++) {
                    int iAziTemp = nAzi - iAzi - 1;
                    int i =
                            + nParameters
                                * (iVza
                                    + nVza
                                        * (iSza
                                            + nSza
                                                * (iAziTemp
                                                    + nAzi
                                                        * (iHsf + nHsf * (iAot + nAot * iWvl)))));
                    tgLut[i] = iis.readFloat();

      Luts.readDimension(iis, nWvl); // skip wavelengths
      float[] solarIrradiances = Luts.readDimension(iis, nWvl);

      // store in original sequence (see breadboard: loop over bd, jj, ii, k, j, i in
      // GA_read_lut_AOD
      AotLookupTable aotLut = new AotLookupTable();
      aotLut.setLut(new LookupTable(tgLut, wvl, aot, hsf, azi, sza, vza, parameters));
      return aotLut;
    } finally {