/** * Parse a field as though it were a string. * * @param context parse context used during parsing * @param nullValue value to use for null * @param defaultBoost default boost value returned unless overwritten in the field * @return the parsed field and the boost either parsed or defaulted * @throws IOException if thrown while parsing */ public static ValueAndBoost parseCreateFieldForString( ParseContext context, String nullValue, float defaultBoost) throws IOException { if (context.externalValueSet()) { return new ValueAndBoost(context.externalValue().toString(), defaultBoost); } XContentParser parser = context.parser(); if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) { return new ValueAndBoost(nullValue, defaultBoost); } if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT && Version.indexCreated(context.indexSettings()).before(Version.V_3_0_0)) { XContentParser.Token token; String currentFieldName = null; String value = nullValue; float boost = defaultBoost; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else { if ("value".equals(currentFieldName) || "_value".equals(currentFieldName)) { value = parser.textOrNull(); } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName) || "_boost".equals(currentFieldName)) { boost = parser.floatValue(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown property [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } } return new ValueAndBoost(value, boost); } return new ValueAndBoost(parser.textOrNull(), defaultBoost); }
public static TermsLookup parseTermsLookup(XContentParser parser) throws IOException { String index = null; String type = null; String id = null; String path = null; String routing = null; XContentParser.Token token; String currentFieldName = ""; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token.isValue()) { switch (currentFieldName) { case "index": index = parser.textOrNull(); break; case "type": type = parser.text(); break; case "id": id = parser.text(); break; case "routing": routing = parser.textOrNull(); break; case "path": path = parser.text(); break; default: throw new ParsingException( parser.getTokenLocation(), "[" + TermsQueryBuilder.NAME + "] query does not support [" + currentFieldName + "] within lookup element"); } } else { throw new ParsingException( parser.getTokenLocation(), "[" + TermsQueryBuilder.NAME + "] unknown token [" + token + "] after [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } return new TermsLookup(index, type, id, path).routing(routing); }
@Override protected Field parseCreateField(ParseContext context) throws IOException { String value = nullValue; float boost = this.boost; if (context.externalValueSet()) { value = (String) context.externalValue(); } else { XContentParser parser = context.parser(); if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) { value = nullValue; } else if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { XContentParser.Token token; String currentFieldName = null; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else { if ("value".equals(currentFieldName) || "_value".equals(currentFieldName)) { value = parser.textOrNull(); } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName) || "_boost".equals(currentFieldName)) { boost = parser.floatValue(); } else { throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException( "unknown property [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } } } else { value = parser.textOrNull(); } } if (value == null) { return null; } if (ignoreAbove > 0 && value.length() > ignoreAbove) { return null; } if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) { context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), value, boost); } if (!fieldType().indexed() && !fieldType().stored()) { context.ignoredValue(names.indexName(), value); return null; } Field field = new StringField(names.indexName(), value, fieldType); field.setBoost(boost); return field; }
private void parse(BytesReference data) throws Exception { XContent xContent = XContentFactory.xContent(data); String source = XContentBuilder.builder(xContent).string(); int from = 0; int length = data.length(); byte marker = xContent.streamSeparator(); int nextMarker = findNextMarker(marker, from, data, length); if (nextMarker == -1) { nextMarker = length; } // now parse the action XContentParser parser = xContent.createParser(data.slice(from, nextMarker - from)); try { // move pointers from = nextMarker + 1; // Move to START_OBJECT XContentParser.Token token = parser.nextToken(); if (token == null) { throw new Exception("Wrong object structure"); } assert token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT; // Move to FIELD_NAME, that's the action // token = parser.nextToken(); // assert token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME; // String action = parser.currentName(); String id = null; String routing = null; String parent = null; String timestamp = null; Long ttl = null; String opType = null; long version = 0; VersionType versionType = VersionType.INTERNAL; String percolate = null; // at this stage, next token can either be END_OBJECT // (and use default index and type, with auto generated // id) // or START_OBJECT which will have another set of // parameters String currentFieldName = null; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token.isValue()) { if ("_index".equals(currentFieldName)) { index = parser.text(); } else if ("_type".equals(currentFieldName)) { type = parser.text(); } else if ("_queryString".equals(currentFieldName)) { queryString = parser.text(); } else if ("_id".equals(currentFieldName)) { id = parser.text(); } else if ("_routing".equals(currentFieldName) || "routing".equals(currentFieldName)) { routing = parser.text(); } else if ("_parent".equals(currentFieldName) || "parent".equals(currentFieldName)) { parent = parser.text(); } else if ("_timestamp".equals(currentFieldName) || "timestamp".equals(currentFieldName)) { timestamp = parser.text(); } else if ("_ttl".equals(currentFieldName) || "ttl".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { ttl = TimeValue.parseTimeValue(parser.text(), null).millis(); } else { ttl = parser.longValue(); } } else if ("op_type".equals(currentFieldName) || "opType".equals(currentFieldName)) { opType = parser.text(); } else if ("_version".equals(currentFieldName) || "version".equals(currentFieldName)) { version = parser.longValue(); } else if ("_version_type".equals(currentFieldName) || "_versionType".equals(currentFieldName) || "version_type".equals(currentFieldName) || "versionType".equals(currentFieldName)) { versionType = VersionType.fromString(parser.text()); } else if ("percolate".equals(currentFieldName) || "_percolate".equals(currentFieldName)) { percolate = parser.textOrNull(); } } } if (nextMarker < length) { nextMarker = findNextMarker(marker, from, data, length); if (nextMarker == -1) { nextMarker = length; } content = getString(data.slice(from, nextMarker - from)); } } finally { parser.close(); } }
@Override public void handleRequest( final RestRequest request, final RestChannel channel, final NodeClient client) throws Exception { String[] indices = Strings.splitStringByCommaToArray(request.param("index")); String alias = request.param("name"); Map<String, Object> filter = null; String routing = null; String indexRouting = null; String searchRouting = null; if (request.hasContent()) { try (XContentParser parser = XContentFactory.xContent(request.content()).createParser(request.content())) { XContentParser.Token token = parser.nextToken(); if (token == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No index alias is specified"); } String currentFieldName = null; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != null) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token.isValue()) { if ("index".equals(currentFieldName)) { indices = Strings.splitStringByCommaToArray(parser.text()); } else if ("alias".equals(currentFieldName)) { alias = parser.text(); } else if ("routing".equals(currentFieldName)) { routing = parser.textOrNull(); } else if ("indexRouting".equals(currentFieldName) || "index-routing".equals(currentFieldName) || "index_routing".equals(currentFieldName)) { indexRouting = parser.textOrNull(); } else if ("searchRouting".equals(currentFieldName) || "search-routing".equals(currentFieldName) || "search_routing".equals(currentFieldName)) { searchRouting = parser.textOrNull(); } } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { if ("filter".equals(currentFieldName)) { filter = parser.mapOrdered(); } } } } } IndicesAliasesRequest indicesAliasesRequest = new IndicesAliasesRequest(); indicesAliasesRequest.timeout(request.paramAsTime("timeout", indicesAliasesRequest.timeout())); indicesAliasesRequest.masterNodeTimeout( request.paramAsTime("master_timeout", indicesAliasesRequest.masterNodeTimeout())); IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions aliasAction = AliasActions.add().indices(indices).alias(alias); if (routing != null) { aliasAction.routing(routing); } if (searchRouting != null) { aliasAction.searchRouting(searchRouting); } if (indexRouting != null) { aliasAction.indexRouting(indexRouting); } if (filter != null) { aliasAction.filter(filter); } indicesAliasesRequest.addAliasAction(aliasAction); client .admin() .indices() .aliases(indicesAliasesRequest, new AcknowledgedRestListener<>(channel)); }
@Override public void handleRequest(final RestRequest request, final RestChannel channel) { IndicesAliasesRequest indicesAliasesRequest = new IndicesAliasesRequest(); indicesAliasesRequest.listenerThreaded(false); indicesAliasesRequest.masterNodeTimeout( request.paramAsTime("master_timeout", indicesAliasesRequest.masterNodeTimeout())); XContentParser parser = null; try { // { // actions : [ // { add : { index : "test1", alias : "alias1", filter : {"user" : "kimchy"} } } // { remove : { index : "test1", alias : "alias1" } } // ] // } indicesAliasesRequest.timeout( request.paramAsTime("timeout", indicesAliasesRequest.timeout())); parser = XContentFactory.xContent(request.content()).createParser(request.content()); XContentParser.Token token = parser.nextToken(); if (token == null) { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("No action is specified"); } while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) { while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { String action = parser.currentName(); AliasAction.Type type; if ("add".equals(action)) { type = AliasAction.Type.ADD; } else if ("remove".equals(action)) { type = AliasAction.Type.REMOVE; } else { throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException( "Alias action [" + action + "] not supported"); } String index = null; String alias = null; Map<String, Object> filter = null; String routing = null; boolean routingSet = false; String indexRouting = null; boolean indexRoutingSet = false; String searchRouting = null; boolean searchRoutingSet = false; String currentFieldName = null; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { if ("index".equals(currentFieldName)) { index = parser.text(); } else if ("alias".equals(currentFieldName)) { alias = parser.text(); } else if ("routing".equals(currentFieldName)) { routing = parser.textOrNull(); routingSet = true; } else if ("indexRouting".equals(currentFieldName) || "index-routing".equals(currentFieldName) || "index_routing".equals(currentFieldName)) { indexRouting = parser.textOrNull(); indexRoutingSet = true; } else if ("searchRouting".equals(currentFieldName) || "search-routing".equals(currentFieldName) || "search_routing".equals(currentFieldName)) { searchRouting = parser.textOrNull(); searchRoutingSet = true; } } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { if ("filter".equals(currentFieldName)) { filter = parser.mapOrdered(); } } } if (type == AliasAction.Type.ADD) { AliasAction aliasAction = newAddAliasAction(index, alias).filter(filter); if (routingSet) { aliasAction.routing(routing); } if (indexRoutingSet) { aliasAction.indexRouting(indexRouting); } if (searchRoutingSet) { aliasAction.searchRouting(searchRouting); } indicesAliasesRequest.addAliasAction(aliasAction); } else if (type == AliasAction.Type.REMOVE) { indicesAliasesRequest.removeAlias(index, alias); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { try { channel.sendResponse(new XContentThrowableRestResponse(request, e)); } catch (IOException e1) { logger.warn("Failed to send response", e1); } return; } finally { parser.close(); } client .admin() .indices() .aliases( indicesAliasesRequest, new AcknowledgedRestResponseActionListener<IndicesAliasesResponse>( request, channel, logger)); }
@Override public Filter parse(QueryParseContext parseContext) throws IOException, QueryParsingException { XContentParser parser = parseContext.parser(); XContentParser.Token token; boolean cache = false; CacheKeyFilter.Key cacheKey = null; String filterName = null; String currentFieldName = null; double lat = 0; double lon = 0; String fieldName = null; Object vFrom = null; Object vTo = null; boolean includeLower = true; boolean includeUpper = true; DistanceUnit unit = DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS; // default unit GeoDistance geoDistance = GeoDistance.ARC; String optimizeBbox = "memory"; boolean normalizeLon = true; boolean normalizeLat = true; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) { token = parser.nextToken(); lon = parser.doubleValue(); token = parser.nextToken(); lat = parser.doubleValue(); while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {} fieldName = currentFieldName; } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { // the json in the format of -> field : { lat : 30, lon : 12 } String currentName = parser.currentName(); fieldName = currentFieldName; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token.isValue()) { if (currentName.equals(GeoPointFieldMapper.Names.LAT)) { lat = parser.doubleValue(); } else if (currentName.equals(GeoPointFieldMapper.Names.LON)) { lon = parser.doubleValue(); } else if (currentName.equals(GeoPointFieldMapper.Names.GEOHASH)) { double[] values = GeoHashUtils.decode(parser.text()); lat = values[0]; lon = values[1]; } } } } else if (token.isValue()) { if (currentFieldName.equals("from")) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) { } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { vFrom = parser.text(); // a String } else { vFrom = parser.numberValue(); // a Number } } else if (currentFieldName.equals("to")) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) { } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { vTo = parser.text(); // a String } else { vTo = parser.numberValue(); // a Number } } else if ("include_lower".equals(currentFieldName) || "includeLower".equals(currentFieldName)) { includeLower = parser.booleanValue(); } else if ("include_upper".equals(currentFieldName) || "includeUpper".equals(currentFieldName)) { includeUpper = parser.booleanValue(); } else if ("gt".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) { } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { vFrom = parser.text(); // a String } else { vFrom = parser.numberValue(); // a Number } includeLower = false; } else if ("gte".equals(currentFieldName) || "ge".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) { } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { vFrom = parser.text(); // a String } else { vFrom = parser.numberValue(); // a Number } includeLower = true; } else if ("lt".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) { } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { vTo = parser.text(); // a String } else { vTo = parser.numberValue(); // a Number } includeUpper = false; } else if ("lte".equals(currentFieldName) || "le".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) { } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { vTo = parser.text(); // a String } else { vTo = parser.numberValue(); // a Number } includeUpper = true; } else if (currentFieldName.equals("unit")) { unit = DistanceUnit.fromString(parser.text()); } else if (currentFieldName.equals("distance_type") || currentFieldName.equals("distanceType")) { geoDistance = GeoDistance.fromString(parser.text()); } else if (currentFieldName.endsWith(GeoPointFieldMapper.Names.LAT_SUFFIX)) { lat = parser.doubleValue(); fieldName = currentFieldName.substring( 0, currentFieldName.length() - GeoPointFieldMapper.Names.LAT_SUFFIX.length()); } else if (currentFieldName.endsWith(GeoPointFieldMapper.Names.LON_SUFFIX)) { lon = parser.doubleValue(); fieldName = currentFieldName.substring( 0, currentFieldName.length() - GeoPointFieldMapper.Names.LON_SUFFIX.length()); } else if (currentFieldName.endsWith(GeoPointFieldMapper.Names.GEOHASH_SUFFIX)) { double[] values = GeoHashUtils.decode(parser.text()); lat = values[0]; lon = values[1]; fieldName = currentFieldName.substring( 0, currentFieldName.length() - GeoPointFieldMapper.Names.GEOHASH_SUFFIX.length()); } else if ("_name".equals(currentFieldName)) { filterName = parser.text(); } else if ("_cache".equals(currentFieldName)) { cache = parser.booleanValue(); } else if ("_cache_key".equals(currentFieldName) || "_cacheKey".equals(currentFieldName)) { cacheKey = new CacheKeyFilter.Key(parser.text()); } else if ("optimize_bbox".equals(currentFieldName) || "optimizeBbox".equals(currentFieldName)) { optimizeBbox = parser.textOrNull(); } else if ("normalize".equals(currentFieldName)) { normalizeLat = parser.booleanValue(); normalizeLon = parser.booleanValue(); } else { // assume the value is the actual value String value = parser.text(); int comma = value.indexOf(','); if (comma != -1) { lat = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, comma).trim()); lon = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(comma + 1).trim()); } else { double[] values = GeoHashUtils.decode(value); lat = values[0]; lon = values[1]; } fieldName = currentFieldName; } } } Double from = null; Double to = null; if (vFrom != null) { if (vFrom instanceof Number) { from = unit.toMiles(((Number) vFrom).doubleValue()); } else { from = DistanceUnit.parse((String) vFrom, unit, DistanceUnit.MILES); } from = geoDistance.normalize(from, DistanceUnit.MILES); } if (vTo != null) { if (vTo instanceof Number) { to = unit.toMiles(((Number) vTo).doubleValue()); } else { to = DistanceUnit.parse((String) vTo, unit, DistanceUnit.MILES); } to = geoDistance.normalize(to, DistanceUnit.MILES); } if (normalizeLat) { lat = GeoUtils.normalizeLat(lat); } if (normalizeLon) { lon = GeoUtils.normalizeLon(lon); } MapperService.SmartNameFieldMappers smartMappers = parseContext.smartFieldMappers(fieldName); if (smartMappers == null || !smartMappers.hasMapper()) { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "failed to find geo_point field [" + fieldName + "]"); } FieldMapper mapper = smartMappers.mapper(); if (mapper.fieldDataType() != GeoPointFieldDataType.TYPE) { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "field [" + fieldName + "] is not a geo_point field"); } GeoPointFieldMapper geoMapper = ((GeoPointFieldMapper.GeoStringFieldMapper) mapper).geoMapper(); fieldName = mapper.names().indexName(); Filter filter = new GeoDistanceRangeFilter( lat, lon, from, to, includeLower, includeUpper, geoDistance, fieldName, geoMapper, parseContext.indexCache().fieldData(), optimizeBbox); if (cache) { filter = parseContext.cacheFilter(filter, cacheKey); } filter = wrapSmartNameFilter(filter, smartMappers, parseContext); if (filterName != null) { parseContext.addNamedFilter(filterName, filter); } return filter; }
private void addCompoundSortField( XContentParser parser, SearchContext context, List<SortField> sortFields) throws Exception { XContentParser.Token token; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { String fieldName = parser.currentName(); boolean reverse = false; String missing = null; String innerJsonName = null; boolean ignoreUnmapped = false; SortMode sortMode = null; Filter nestedFilter = null; String nestedPath = null; token = parser.nextToken(); if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { String direction = parser.text(); if (direction.equals("asc")) { reverse = SCORE_FIELD_NAME.equals(fieldName); } else if (direction.equals("desc")) { reverse = !SCORE_FIELD_NAME.equals(fieldName); } else { throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException( "sort direction [" + fieldName + "] not supported"); } addSortField( context, sortFields, fieldName, reverse, ignoreUnmapped, missing, sortMode, nestedPath, nestedFilter); } else { if (parsers.containsKey(fieldName)) { sortFields.add(parsers.get(fieldName).parse(parser, context)); } else { while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { innerJsonName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token.isValue()) { if ("reverse".equals(innerJsonName)) { reverse = parser.booleanValue(); } else if ("order".equals(innerJsonName)) { if ("asc".equals(parser.text())) { reverse = SCORE_FIELD_NAME.equals(fieldName); } else if ("desc".equals(parser.text())) { reverse = !SCORE_FIELD_NAME.equals(fieldName); } } else if ("missing".equals(innerJsonName)) { missing = parser.textOrNull(); } else if ("ignore_unmapped".equals(innerJsonName) || "ignoreUnmapped".equals(innerJsonName)) { ignoreUnmapped = parser.booleanValue(); } else if ("sort_mode".equals(innerJsonName) || "sortMode".equals(innerJsonName) || "mode".equals(innerJsonName)) { sortMode = SortMode.fromString(parser.text()); } else if ("nested_path".equals(innerJsonName) || "nestedPath".equals(innerJsonName)) { nestedPath = parser.text(); } else { throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException( "sort option [" + innerJsonName + "] not supported"); } } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { if ("nested_filter".equals(innerJsonName) || "nestedFilter".equals(innerJsonName)) { nestedFilter = context.queryParserService().parseInnerFilter(parser); } else { throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException( "sort option [" + innerJsonName + "] not supported"); } } } addSortField( context, sortFields, fieldName, reverse, ignoreUnmapped, missing, sortMode, nestedPath, nestedFilter); } } } } }
@Override public Query parse(QueryParseContext parseContext) throws IOException, QueryParsingException { XContentParser parser = parseContext.parser(); Query query = null; Query noMatchQuery = Queries.newMatchAllQuery(); boolean queryFound = false; boolean indicesFound = false; boolean currentIndexMatchesIndices = false; String queryName = null; String currentFieldName = null; XContentParser.Token token; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { if ("query".equals(currentFieldName)) { // TODO We are able to decide whether to parse the query or not only if indices in the // query appears first queryFound = true; if (indicesFound && !currentIndexMatchesIndices) { parseContext.parser().skipChildren(); // skip the query object without parsing it } else { query = parseContext.parseInnerQuery(); } } else if ("no_match_query".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (indicesFound && currentIndexMatchesIndices) { parseContext.parser().skipChildren(); // skip the query object without parsing it } else { noMatchQuery = parseContext.parseInnerQuery(); } } else { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "[indices] query does not support [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) { if ("indices".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (indicesFound) { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "[indices] indices or index already specified"); } indicesFound = true; Collection<String> indices = new ArrayList<>(); while (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) { String value = parser.textOrNull(); if (value == null) { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "[indices] no value specified for 'indices' entry"); } indices.add(value); } currentIndexMatchesIndices = matchesIndices( parseContext.index().name(), indices.toArray(new String[indices.size()])); } else { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "[indices] query does not support [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } else if (token.isValue()) { if ("index".equals(currentFieldName)) { if (indicesFound) { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "[indices] indices or index already specified"); } indicesFound = true; currentIndexMatchesIndices = matchesIndices(parseContext.index().name(), parser.text()); } else if ("no_match_query".equals(currentFieldName)) { String type = parser.text(); if ("all".equals(type)) { noMatchQuery = Queries.newMatchAllQuery(); } else if ("none".equals(type)) { noMatchQuery = Queries.newMatchNoDocsQuery(); } } else if ("_name".equals(currentFieldName)) { queryName = parser.text(); } else { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "[indices] query does not support [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } } if (!queryFound) { throw new QueryParsingException(parseContext.index(), "[indices] requires 'query' element"); } if (!indicesFound) { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "[indices] requires 'indices' or 'index' element"); } Query chosenQuery; if (currentIndexMatchesIndices) { chosenQuery = query; } else { chosenQuery = noMatchQuery; } if (queryName != null) { parseContext.addNamedQuery(queryName, chosenQuery); } return chosenQuery; }
@Override public Query parse(QueryParseContext parseContext) throws IOException, QueryParsingException { XContentParser parser = parseContext.parser(); String fieldName = null; boolean disableCoord = false; float boost = 1.0f; String minimumShouldMatch = null; List<String> values = newArrayList(); String currentFieldName = null; XContentParser.Token token; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) { fieldName = currentFieldName; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) { String value = parser.text(); if (value == null) { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "No value specified for terms query"); } values.add(value); } } else if (token.isValue()) { if ("disable_coord".equals(currentFieldName) || "disableCoord".equals(currentFieldName)) { disableCoord = parser.booleanValue(); } else if ("minimum_match".equals(currentFieldName) || "minimumMatch".equals(currentFieldName)) { minimumShouldMatch = parser.textOrNull(); } else if ("minimum_should_match".equals(currentFieldName) || "minimumShouldMatch".equals(currentFieldName)) { minimumShouldMatch = parser.textOrNull(); } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName)) { boost = parser.floatValue(); } } else { throw new QueryParsingException( parseContext.index(), "[terms] query does not support [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } FieldMapper mapper = null; MapperService.SmartNameFieldMappers smartNameFieldMappers = parseContext.smartFieldMappers(fieldName); String[] previousTypes = null; if (smartNameFieldMappers != null && smartNameFieldMappers.hasMapper()) { mapper = smartNameFieldMappers.mapper(); if (smartNameFieldMappers.explicitTypeInNameWithDocMapper()) { previousTypes = QueryParseContext.setTypesWithPrevious( new String[] {smartNameFieldMappers.docMapper().type()}); } } try { BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(disableCoord); for (String value : values) { if (mapper != null) { query.add( new BooleanClause(mapper.termQuery(value, parseContext), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD)); } else { query.add(new TermQuery(new Term(fieldName, value)), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } query.setBoost(boost); Queries.applyMinimumShouldMatch(query, minimumShouldMatch); return wrapSmartNameQuery( optimizeQuery(fixNegativeQueryIfNeeded(query)), smartNameFieldMappers, parseContext); } finally { if (smartNameFieldMappers != null && smartNameFieldMappers.explicitTypeInNameWithDocMapper()) { QueryParseContext.setTypes(previousTypes); } } }
@Override public FacetExecutor parse(String facetName, XContentParser parser, SearchContext context) throws IOException { String field = null; int size = 10; int shardSize = -1; String[] fieldsNames = null; ImmutableSet<BytesRef> excluded = ImmutableSet.of(); String regex = null; String regexFlags = null; TermsFacet.ComparatorType comparatorType = TermsFacet.ComparatorType.COUNT; String scriptLang = null; String script = null; ScriptService.ScriptType scriptType = null; Map<String, Object> params = null; boolean allTerms = false; String executionHint = null; String currentFieldName = null; XContentParser.Token token; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { if ("params".equals(currentFieldName)) { params = parser.map(); } else { throw new ElasticsearchParseException( "unknown parameter [" + currentFieldName + "] while parsing terms facet [" + facetName + "]"); } } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) { if ("exclude".equals(currentFieldName)) { ImmutableSet.Builder<BytesRef> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) { builder.add(parser.bytes()); } excluded = builder.build(); } else if ("fields".equals(currentFieldName)) { List<String> fields = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(4); while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) { fields.add(parser.text()); } fieldsNames = fields.toArray(new String[fields.size()]); } else { throw new ElasticsearchParseException( "unknown parameter [" + currentFieldName + "] while parsing terms facet [" + facetName + "]"); } } else if (token.isValue()) { if ("field".equals(currentFieldName)) { field = parser.text(); } else if (ScriptService.SCRIPT_INLINE.match(currentFieldName)) { script = parser.text(); scriptType = ScriptService.ScriptType.INLINE; } else if (ScriptService.SCRIPT_ID.match(currentFieldName)) { script = parser.text(); scriptType = ScriptService.ScriptType.INDEXED; } else if (ScriptService.SCRIPT_FILE.match(currentFieldName)) { script = parser.text(); scriptType = ScriptService.ScriptType.FILE; } else if (ScriptService.SCRIPT_LANG.match(currentFieldName)) { scriptLang = parser.text(); } else if ("size".equals(currentFieldName)) { size = parser.intValue(); } else if ("shard_size".equals(currentFieldName) || "shardSize".equals(currentFieldName)) { shardSize = parser.intValue(); } else if ("all_terms".equals(currentFieldName) || "allTerms".equals(currentFieldName)) { allTerms = parser.booleanValue(); } else if ("regex".equals(currentFieldName)) { regex = parser.text(); } else if ("regex_flags".equals(currentFieldName) || "regexFlags".equals(currentFieldName)) { regexFlags = parser.text(); } else if ("order".equals(currentFieldName) || "comparator".equals(currentFieldName)) { comparatorType = TermsFacet.ComparatorType.fromString(parser.text()); } else if ("execution_hint".equals(currentFieldName) || "executionHint".equals(currentFieldName)) { executionHint = parser.textOrNull(); } else { throw new ElasticsearchParseException( "unknown parameter [" + currentFieldName + "] while parsing terms facet [" + facetName + "]"); } } } if (fieldsNames != null && fieldsNames.length == 1) { field = fieldsNames[0]; fieldsNames = null; } Pattern pattern = null; if (regex != null) { pattern = Regex.compile(regex, regexFlags); } SearchScript searchScript = null; if (script != null) { searchScript = context.scriptService().search(context.lookup(), scriptLang, script, scriptType, params); } // shard_size cannot be smaller than size as we need to at least fetch <size> entries from every // shards in order to return <size> if (shardSize < size) { shardSize = size; } if (fieldsNames != null) { // in case of multi files, we only collect the fields that are mapped and facet on them. ArrayList<FieldMapper> mappers = new ArrayList<>(fieldsNames.length); for (int i = 0; i < fieldsNames.length; i++) { FieldMapper mapper = context.smartNameFieldMapper(fieldsNames[i]); if (mapper != null) { mappers.add(mapper); } } if (mappers.isEmpty()) { // non of the fields is mapped return new UnmappedFieldExecutor(size, comparatorType); } return new FieldsTermsStringFacetExecutor( mappers.toArray(new FieldMapper[mappers.size()]), size, shardSize, comparatorType, allTerms, context, excluded, pattern, searchScript); } if (field == null && script != null) { return new ScriptTermsStringFieldFacetExecutor( size, shardSize, comparatorType, context, excluded, pattern, scriptLang, script, scriptType, params, context.cacheRecycler()); } if (field == null) { throw new ElasticsearchParseException( "terms facet [" + facetName + "] must have a field, fields or script parameter"); } FieldMapper fieldMapper = context.smartNameFieldMapper(field); if (fieldMapper == null) { return new UnmappedFieldExecutor(size, comparatorType); } IndexFieldData indexFieldData = context.fieldData().getForField(fieldMapper); if (indexFieldData instanceof IndexNumericFieldData) { IndexNumericFieldData indexNumericFieldData = (IndexNumericFieldData) indexFieldData; if (indexNumericFieldData.getNumericType().isFloatingPoint()) { return new TermsDoubleFacetExecutor( indexNumericFieldData, size, shardSize, comparatorType, allTerms, context, excluded, searchScript, context.cacheRecycler()); } else { return new TermsLongFacetExecutor( indexNumericFieldData, size, shardSize, comparatorType, allTerms, context, excluded, searchScript, context.cacheRecycler()); } } else { if (script != null || "map".equals(executionHint)) { return new TermsStringFacetExecutor( indexFieldData, size, shardSize, comparatorType, allTerms, context, excluded, pattern, searchScript); } else if (indexFieldData instanceof IndexOrdinalsFieldData) { return new TermsStringOrdinalsFacetExecutor( (IndexOrdinalsFieldData) indexFieldData, size, shardSize, comparatorType, allTerms, context, excluded, pattern, ordinalsCacheAbove); } else { return new TermsStringFacetExecutor( indexFieldData, size, shardSize, comparatorType, allTerms, context, excluded, pattern, searchScript); } } }