public boolean isConformant(final SJClass c1, final SJClass c2) { boolean _or = false; boolean _or_1 = false; boolean _or_2 = false; boolean _or_3 = false; boolean _equals = Objects.equal(c1, SmallJavaTypeProvider.nullType); if (_equals) { _or_3 = true; } else { boolean _conformToLibraryTypes = this.conformToLibraryTypes(c1, c2); _or_3 = _conformToLibraryTypes; } if (_or_3) { _or_2 = true; } else { boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(c1, c2); _or_2 = _equals_1; } if (_or_2) { _or_1 = true; } else { QualifiedName _fullyQualifiedName = this._iQualifiedNameProvider.getFullyQualifiedName(c2); String _string = _fullyQualifiedName.toString(); boolean _equals_2 = Objects.equal(_string, SmallJavaLib.LIB_OBJECT); _or_1 = _equals_2; } if (_or_1) { _or = true; } else { boolean _isSubclassOf = this.isSubclassOf(c1, c2); _or = _isSubclassOf; } return _or; }
public String getJavaFileName(IEObjectDescription description) { if (!isJvmDeclaredType(description)) { return null; } QualifiedName typeName = description.getName(); return Strings.concat("/", typeName.getSegments()) + ".java"; }
@Override public String getDisplayString( final EObject element, final String givenQualifiedNameAsString, final String shortName) { String qualifiedNameAsString = givenQualifiedNameAsString; boolean _equals = Objects.equal(qualifiedNameAsString, null); if (_equals) { qualifiedNameAsString = shortName; } boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(qualifiedNameAsString, null); if (_equals_1) { boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(element, null)); if (_notEquals) { ILabelProvider _labelProvider = this.getLabelProvider(); String _text = _labelProvider.getText(element); qualifiedNameAsString = _text; } else { return null; } } if ((!(element instanceof MobaApplication))) { IQualifiedNameConverter _qualifiedNameConverter = this.getQualifiedNameConverter(); final QualifiedName qualifiedName = _qualifiedNameConverter.toQualifiedName(qualifiedNameAsString); int _segmentCount = qualifiedName.getSegmentCount(); boolean _greaterThan = (_segmentCount > 1); if (_greaterThan) { String _lastSegment = qualifiedName.getLastSegment(); String _plus = (_lastSegment + " - "); return (_plus + qualifiedNameAsString); } } return qualifiedNameAsString; }
public String getJavaStubSource(IEObjectDescription description) { if (!isJvmDeclaredType(description)) { return null; } QualifiedName qualifiedName = description.getQualifiedName(); StringBuilder classSignatureBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (qualifiedName.getSegments().size() > 1) { String string = qualifiedName.toString(); classSignatureBuilder.append("package " + string.substring(0, string.lastIndexOf('.')) + ";"); classSignatureBuilder.append("\n"); } classSignatureBuilder.append("public "); if (description.getEClass() == TypesPackage.Literals.JVM_GENERIC_TYPE) { if (description.getUserData(JvmTypesResourceDescriptionStrategy.IS_INTERFACE) != null) { classSignatureBuilder.append("interface "); } else { classSignatureBuilder.append("class "); } } else if (description.getEClass() == TypesPackage.Literals.JVM_ENUMERATION_TYPE) { classSignatureBuilder.append("enum "); } else if (description.getEClass() == TypesPackage.Literals.JVM_ANNOTATION_TYPE) { classSignatureBuilder.append("@interface "); } classSignatureBuilder.append(qualifiedName.getLastSegment()); String typeParameters = description.getUserData(JvmTypesResourceDescriptionStrategy.TYPE_PARAMETERS); if (typeParameters != null) { classSignatureBuilder.append(typeParameters); } classSignatureBuilder.append("{}"); return classSignatureBuilder.toString(); }
public QualifiedName getFullyQualifiedName(EObject obj) { QualifiedName partialQualifiedName = null; if (obj instanceof DomainDeclaration) { DomainDeclaration d = (DomainDeclaration) obj; partialQualifiedName = toQualifiedName(d.getName()); } else if (obj instanceof ResourceInteractionModel) { ResourceInteractionModel r = (ResourceInteractionModel) obj; partialQualifiedName = toQualifiedName(r.getName()); } else if (obj instanceof State) { State s = (State) obj; partialQualifiedName = toQualifiedName(s.getName()); } else if (obj instanceof Event) { Event e = (Event) obj; partialQualifiedName = toQualifiedName(e.getName()); } else if (obj instanceof Command) { Command c = (Command) obj; partialQualifiedName = toQualifiedName(c.getName()); } else if (obj instanceof Relation) { Relation r = (Relation) obj; partialQualifiedName = toQualifiedName(r.getName()); } else { return null; } if (partialQualifiedName != null) { EObject parent = obj.eContainer(); QualifiedName parentsQualifiedName = getFullyQualifiedName(parent); if (parentsQualifiedName != null) partialQualifiedName = parentsQualifiedName.append(partialQualifiedName); } return partialQualifiedName; }
@Test public void testGetElementByName_03() { IEObjectDescription objectElement = getTypeScope().getSingleElement(QualifiedName.create(int.class.getName())); assertNotNull(objectElement); assertFalse(objectElement.getEObjectOrProxy().eIsProxy()); assertEquals(QualifiedName.create("int"), objectElement.getName()); }
@Override public List<EObject> getLinkedObjects(EObject context, EReference ref, INode node) throws IllegalNodeException { try { depth++; String text = getText(node); boolean traceLookup = BaseScopeProvider.LOOKUP.isActive(); if ((text == null) || "".equals(text)) { // Avoid IQualifiedNameConverter IAE if (traceLookup) { BaseScopeProvider.LOOKUP.println("" + depth + " Lookup null"); } return Collections.emptyList(); } IScope scope = getScope(context, ref); if (traceLookup) { // EObject target = ((ScopeView)scope).getTarget(); // String inString = target instanceof ElementCS ? ((ElementCS)target).getSignature() : // target.toString(); // BaseScopeProvider.LOOKUP.println("" + depth + " Lookup " + text + " in " + inString); BaseScopeProvider.LOOKUP.println("" + depth + " Lookup " + text); } if (scope == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } QualifiedName qualifiedName = QualifiedName.create(text); List<EObject> linkedObjects = lookUp(scope, qualifiedName); if ((linkedObjects.size() <= 0) && text.startsWith("_")) { // Deprecated compatibility linkedObjects = lookUp(scope, QualifiedName.create(text.substring(1))); } if (traceLookup) { BaseScopeProvider.LOOKUP.println("" + depth + " Lookup " + text + " failed"); } List<Adapter> eAdapters = context.eAdapters(); Adapter adapter = EcoreUtil.getAdapter(eAdapters, ExceptionAdapter.class); if (adapter != null) { eAdapters.remove(adapter); } if (linkedObjects.size() > 1) { if (DEBUG_RETRY.isActive()) { scope.getElements(qualifiedName); } AmbiguitiesAdapter.setAmbiguities(context, linkedObjects); return Collections.emptyList(); } if (linkedObjects.size() <= 0) { if (DEBUG_RETRY.isActive()) { scope.getElements(qualifiedName); } } return linkedObjects; } catch (IllegalLibraryException e) { context.eAdapters().add(new ExceptionAdapter(e)); return Collections.emptyList(); } finally { depth--; } }
public static ImportNormalizer createNestedTypeAwareImportNormalizer( QualifiedName importedNamespace, boolean wildcard, boolean ignoreCase) { for (int i = 0; i < importedNamespace.getSegmentCount(); i++) { if (importedNamespace.getSegment(i).indexOf('$') >= 0) { return new NestedTypeAwareImportNormalizer(importedNamespace, wildcard, ignoreCase); } } return new NestedTypeAwareImportNormalizerWithDotSeparator( importedNamespace, wildcard, ignoreCase); }
@Override protected JvmType findNestedType(JvmType result, int index, QualifiedName name) { if (result.eContainer() instanceof JvmDeclaredType && name.getSegmentCount() == 1) { QualifiedName importName = importNames.get(index); if (importName != null && importName.getLastSegment().equals(name.getFirstSegment())) { return result; } } return super.findNestedType(result, index, name); }
@Override protected void doGetDescriptions( JvmType type, JvmType knownType, int i, List<IEObjectDescription> result) { super.doGetDescriptions(type, knownType, i, result); QualifiedName importName = importNames.get(i); if (type == knownType && importName != null) { result.add( EObjectDescription.create(QualifiedName.create(importName.getLastSegment()), type)); } }
public List<IEObjectDescription> findHostClasses( EObject scopeDetermeningResource, String name, PPImportedNamesAdapter importedNames) { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("name is null"); QualifiedName fqn = converter.toQualifiedName(name); // make last segments initial char lower case (for references to the type itself - eg. 'File' // instead of // 'file'. fqn = fqn.skipLast(1).append(toInitialLowerCase(fqn.getLastSegment())); return findExternal(scopeDetermeningResource, fqn, importedNames, false, CLASS_AND_TYPE); }
public String nameOf(final String operationName) { String _xblockexpression = null; { final JvmOperation op = this.operations.get(operationName); QualifiedName _apply = this.subject.apply(op); String _string = _apply.toString(); _xblockexpression = (_string); } return _xblockexpression; }
/** * Creates the fully qualified name for eObj which have simple names. * * @param eObj * @return */ protected QualifiedName internalQualifiedName(EObject eObj) { String simpleName = simpleNameProvider.getName(eObj); if (simpleName != null) { QualifiedName qualifier = getQualifier(eObj); if (qualifier != null) { return qualifier.append(simpleName); } return QualifiedName.create(simpleName); } return null; }
protected QualifiedName resolveWildcard(QualifiedName relativeName) { int segmentCount = relativeName.getSegmentCount(); if (segmentCount == 1) { return getImportedNamespacePrefix().append(relativeName); } for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) { if (relativeName.getSegment(i).indexOf('$') != -1) { return null; } } return getImportedNamespacePrefix().append(relativeName.toString("$")); }
public boolean conformsToString(final SJClass c) { boolean _or = false; boolean _equals = Objects.equal(c, SmallJavaTypeProvider.stringType); if (_equals) { _or = true; } else { QualifiedName _fullyQualifiedName = this._iQualifiedNameProvider.getFullyQualifiedName(c); String _string = _fullyQualifiedName.toString(); boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(_string, SmallJavaLib.LIB_STRING); _or = _equals_1; } return _or; }
protected Map<String, QualifiedName> getImplicitAliases() { if (implicitAliases == null) { implicitAliases = newHashMap(); for (final EDataType eDataType : XcoreImportedNamespaceAwareScopeProvider.IMPLICIT_ALIASES) { String instanceClassName = eDataType.getInstanceClassName(); final QualifiedName actualQualifiedName = QualifiedName.create("org", "eclipse", "emf", "ecore", eDataType.getName()); final QualifiedName qualifiedName = nameConverter.toQualifiedName(instanceClassName); implicitAliases.put(instanceClassName, actualQualifiedName); implicitAliases.put(qualifiedName.getLastSegment(), actualQualifiedName); } } return implicitAliases; }
public Set<QualifiedName> getImportedNames(XtextResource resource) { XPackage xPackage = getXPackage(resource); String packageName = xPackage.getName(); List<String> implicitPackageImports = newArrayList(packageName, "java.lang"); Set<QualifiedName> importedNames = newLinkedHashSet(); Map<String, QualifiedName> implicitAliases = getImplicitAliases(); for (INode node : XcoreUtil.importableCrossReferences(xPackage)) { CrossReference grammarElement = (CrossReference) node.getGrammarElement(); EObject container = grammarElement.eContainer(); if (container instanceof Assignment) { String name = node.getText().trim(); if (name.endsWith("::")) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 2); } QualifiedName actualQualifiedName = nameConverter.toQualifiedName(name); Assignment assignment = (Assignment) container; String feature = assignment.getFeature(); EObject semanticObject = NodeModelUtils.findActualSemanticObjectFor(node); EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = semanticObject.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(feature); if (!eStructuralFeature.isMany()) { EObject eCrossReference = (EObject) semanticObject.eGet(eStructuralFeature); EObject eContainer = eCrossReference.eContainer(); if (eContainer != xPackage && !(eContainer instanceof XPackage && "xcore.lang".equals(((XPackage) eContainer).getName())) && !(eContainer instanceof GenPackage && packageName.equals(((GenPackage) eContainer).getQualifiedPackageName())) && !(eCrossReference instanceof JvmDeclaredType && implicitPackageImports.contains( ((JvmDeclaredType) eCrossReference).getPackageName()))) { QualifiedName fullyQualifiedName = nameProvider.getFullyQualifiedName(eCrossReference); if (fullyQualifiedName != null && !actualQualifiedName.equals(fullyQualifiedName) && !fullyQualifiedName.equals(implicitAliases.get(name))) { importedNames.add(fullyQualifiedName); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Not expecting multi-valued cross references in these models"); } } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Expecting all cross references to be part of an assignment in these models"); } } return importedNames; }
protected IScope createLocalVarScopeForJvmDeclaredType(JvmDeclaredType type, IScope parentScope) { Iterator<JvmTypeReference> classes = filter( type.getSuperTypes(), new Predicate<JvmTypeReference>() { public boolean apply(JvmTypeReference input) { if (input.getType() instanceof JvmGenericType) { return !((JvmGenericType) input.getType()).isInterface(); } return false; } }) .iterator(); JvmGenericType superType = null; if (classes.hasNext()) { superType = (JvmGenericType); } if (superType == null) { return new JvmFeatureScope(parentScope, "this", new LocalVarDescription(THIS, type)); } else { return new JvmFeatureScope( parentScope, "this & super", newArrayList( new LocalVarDescription(THIS, type), new LocalVarDescription(QualifiedName.create("super"), superType))); } }
protected synchronized void executeRules(Iterable<Rule> rules, State oldState) { for (Rule rule : rules) { RuleEvaluationContext context = new RuleEvaluationContext(); context.newValue(QualifiedName.create(RulesJvmModelInferrer.VAR_PREVIOUS_STATE), oldState); executeRule(rule, context); } }
protected synchronized void executeRules(Iterable<Rule> rules, Command command) { for (Rule rule : rules) { RuleEvaluationContext context = new RuleEvaluationContext(); context.newValue(QualifiedName.create(RulesJvmModelInferrer.VAR_RECEIVED_COMMAND), command); executeRule(rule, context); } }
private ICommand createSubmachineStateCommand(ConfigureRequest req) { SelectSubmachineDialog dialog = new SelectSubmachineDialog(new Shell(), req.getElementToConfigure().eResource()); dialog.setElements(new Object[] {req.getElementToConfigure()}); if (Dialog.OK == { QualifiedName selectedSubmachine = dialog.getSelectedSubmachine(); if (selectedSubmachine != null) { return new SetValueCommand( new SetRequest( req.getElementToConfigure(), SGraphPackage.Literals.STATE__SUBSTATECHART_ID, selectedSubmachine.toString())); } } return null; }
protected IScope getExecutableScope(XAbstractFeatureCall call, JvmIdentifiableElement feature) { QualifiedName name = QualifiedName.create(feature.getSimpleName()); if (call.isOperation()) { QualifiedName operator = getOperator(call, name); if (operator == null) { return IScope.NULLSCOPE; } return new SingletonScope(EObjectDescription.create(operator, feature), IScope.NULLSCOPE); } if (call instanceof XAssignment) { String propertyName = Strings.toFirstLower(feature.getSimpleName().substring(3)); return new SingletonScope(EObjectDescription.create(propertyName, feature), IScope.NULLSCOPE); } if (call.isExplicitOperationCallOrBuilderSyntax() || ((JvmExecutable) feature).getParameters().size() > 1 || (!call.isExtension() && ((JvmExecutable) feature).getParameters().size() == 1)) { return new SingletonScope(EObjectDescription.create(name, feature), IScope.NULLSCOPE); } if (feature.getSimpleName().startsWith("get") || feature.getSimpleName().startsWith("is")) { List<IEObjectDescription> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(2); result.add(EObjectDescription.create(name, feature)); if (feature.getSimpleName().startsWith("get")) { String propertyName = Strings.toFirstLower(feature.getSimpleName().substring(3)); result.add(EObjectDescription.create(propertyName, feature)); } else { String propertyName = Strings.toFirstLower(feature.getSimpleName().substring(2)); result.add(EObjectDescription.create(propertyName, feature)); } return new SimpleScope(result); } return new SingletonScope(EObjectDescription.create(name, feature), IScope.NULLSCOPE); }
@Test public void testGetElementByName_02() { IEObjectDescription objectElement = getTypeScope() .getSingleElement(QualifiedName.create(Object.class.getName() + "SuperClass")); assertNull(objectElement); }
@Override public Object evaluate(ExpressionContext context) throws ExpressionExecutionException { Object thisElement = null; IEvaluationContext evaluationContext = contextProvider.get(); evaluationContext.newValue(XbaseScopeProvider.THIS, thisElement); if (context != null) { for (String elementName : context.getVariableNames()) { Object instance = context.getInstance(elementName); if (instance == null && context instanceof DynamicExpressionContext) { instance = ((DynamicExpressionContext) context).getDynInstance(elementName); } if (instance != null) { evaluationContext.newValue(QualifiedName.create(elementName), instance); } } } else { context = new ExpressionContext(); } IEvaluationResult result = elInterpreter.evaluate(xExpression, evaluationContext, CancelIndicator.NullImpl); if (result.getException() != null) { throw new ExpressionExecutionException("Boo!", result.getException()); } return result.getResult(); }
protected Object _addToScope(final EventDefinition event) { Object _xblockexpression = null; { QualifiedName _qualifiedName = this.provider.qualifiedName(event); String _string = _qualifiedName.toString(); String fqName = _string; Type _type = event.getType(); boolean _isBoolean = this.isBoolean(_type); if (_isBoolean) { ExecutionEvent _executionEvent = new ExecutionEvent(fqName, java.lang.Boolean.class, null); this.executionContext.declareEvent(_executionEvent); } else { Type _type_1 = event.getType(); boolean _isInteger = this.isInteger(_type_1); if (_isInteger) { ExecutionEvent _executionEvent_1 = new ExecutionEvent(fqName, java.lang.Integer.class, null); this.executionContext.declareEvent(_executionEvent_1); } else { Type _type_2 = event.getType(); boolean _isReal = this.isReal(_type_2); if (_isReal) { ExecutionEvent _executionEvent_2 = new ExecutionEvent(fqName, java.lang.Float.class, null); this.executionContext.declareEvent(_executionEvent_2); } else { Type _type_3 = event.getType(); boolean _isVoid = this.isVoid(_type_3); if (_isVoid) { ExecutionEvent _executionEvent_3 = new ExecutionEvent(fqName, java.lang.Void.class); this.executionContext.declareEvent(_executionEvent_3); } else { Type _type_4 = event.getType(); boolean _isString = this.isString(_type_4); if (_isString) { ExecutionEvent _executionEvent_4 = new ExecutionEvent(fqName, java.lang.String.class, ""); this.executionContext.declareEvent(_executionEvent_4); } } } } } _xblockexpression = (null); } return _xblockexpression; }
/** * Creates the namespace for the root object. * * @param lObj * @return */ protected QualifiedName qualifiedName(QObject lObj) { if (lObj.eContainer() == null) { String namespace = getNamespace(lObj); if (namespace != null) { QualifiedName qualifiedNameForNamespace = QualifiedName.create(namespace.split("\\.")); String simpleName = simpleNameProvider.getName(lObj); if (simpleName != null) { return qualifiedNameForNamespace.append(simpleName); } else { return qualifiedNameForNamespace; } } } else { return internalQualifiedName(lObj); } return null; }
protected IEObjectDescription doGetSingleElement(QualifiedName name) { String firstSegment = name.getFirstSegment(); int dollar = firstSegment.indexOf('$'); if (dollar > 0) { firstSegment = firstSegment.substring(0, dollar); } return doGetSingleElement(name, firstSegment, dollar); }
public List<IEObjectDescription> findDefinitions( EObject scopeDetermeningResource, String name, PPImportedNamesAdapter importedNames) { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("name is null"); QualifiedName fqn = converter.toQualifiedName(name); // make all segments initial char lower case (if references is to the type itself - eg. 'File' // instead of // 'file', or 'Aa::Bb' instead of 'aa::bb' QualifiedName fqn2 = QualifiedName.EMPTY; for (int i = 0; i < fqn.getSegmentCount(); i++) fqn2 = fqn2.append(toInitialLowerCase(fqn.getSegment(i))); // fqn2 = fqn.skipLast(1).append(toInitialLowerCase(fqn.getLastSegment())); // TODO: Note that order is important, TYPE has higher precedence and should be used for linking // This used to work when list was iterated per type, not it is iterated once with type check // first - thus if a definition is found before a type, it is earlier in the list. return findExternal(scopeDetermeningResource, fqn2, importedNames, false, DEF_AND_TYPE); }
@Test public void testGetElementByName_01() { IEObjectDescription objectElement = getTypeScope().getSingleElement(QualifiedName.create(Object.class.getName())); assertNotNull(objectElement); assertFalse(objectElement.getEObjectOrProxy().eIsProxy()); assertEquals("java.lang.Object", objectElement.getName().toString()); }
public void testBug350695() throws Exception { Resource res = getResource( new StringInputStream("grammar generate x \"someURI\" Start : 'main';"), URI.createURI("foo.xtext")); Manager manager = get(IResourceDescription.Manager.class); IResourceDescription description = manager.getResourceDescription(res); assertTrue( Iterables.isEmpty( description.getExportedObjects( XtextPackage.Literals.GRAMMAR, QualifiedName.create(""), false))); IEObjectDescription element = Iterables.getOnlyElement( description.getExportedObjects( XtextPackage.Literals.GRAMMAR, QualifiedName.create("org", "foo", "Zonk"), false)); assertNotNull(element); }