public static void layoutAllParents(Composite child) { Composite parent = child; while (parent != null && parent.getParent() instanceof Composite) { parent = parent.getParent(); parent.layout(); } }
/** * Helper method that computes the width of the client area from the parent's client area. For * some reason the client area itself returns a zero width size. * * @param composite the composite to use to obtain the client area's width. * @param widthHint the current width hint. * @return the width of the client area that the controls may occupy. */ private int getWidth(Composite composite, int widthHint) { int width = widthHint; Rectangle rect = composite.getParent().getClientArea(); int spacing = 0; if (!(composite.getParent().getLayout() instanceof PackingLayout)) { rect = composite.getParent().getClientArea(); spacing += TRIM_FACTOR; } width = Math.max(width + 2 * marginWidth, rect.width - (marginWidth * 2) - spacing); return width; }
public static void dump(Composite parent, String comment) { System.out.println(comment); int i = 1; System.out.println("parent=" + parent.hashCode()); check(parent); Composite p = parent.getParent(); while (p != null) { check(p); p = p.getParent(); ++i; } dump(parent, 0); }
private void createMessageGroup(Composite parentComposite) { messageComp = new ContextMissSettingComposite(parentComposite, SWT.NULL); messageComp.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false)); messageComp.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); messageComp.getParent().layout(); messageComp.layout(); }
protected void setValidationMessage(String message) { icon.setVisible(message != null); hintText.setVisible(message != null); hintText.setText(StringUtil.nullAsEmpty(message)); topControl.getParent().layout(); }
public void observe(nsIConsoleMessage message) { nsIScriptError error = (nsIScriptError) message.queryInterface(nsIScriptError.NS_ISCRIPTERROR_IID); if (error == null) { return; } if (browser == null || browser.isDisposed()) { return; } long flag = error.getFlags(); if ((flag == nsIScriptError.errorFlag || flag == nsIScriptError.exceptionFlag) && error.getSourceName().equals(internalGetUrl())) { errorCount++; if (errorCount == 1) { String errorMessage = MessageFormat.format( Messages.getString("FirefoxBrowser.Error"), new Object[] {errorCount}); // $NON-NLS-1$ errorIcon.setImage(Activator.getDefault().getImage(Activator.ERRORS_IMG_ID)); errorLabel.setText(errorMessage); errorLabel.setToolTipText( Messages.getString("FirefoxBrowser.Errors_In_Page")); // $NON-NLS-1$ errorIcon.setToolTipText(errorLabel.getToolTipText()); } else { String errorMessage = MessageFormat.format( Messages.getString("FirefoxBrowser.Errors"), new Object[] {errorCount}); // $NON-NLS-1$ errorLabel.setText(errorMessage); } errors.layout(true, true); errors.getParent().layout(true, true); } }
private void checkPage() { try { upstreamConfigComponent.setUpstreamConfig(upstreamConfig); boolean showUpstreamConfig = sourceRefName.startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS) || sourceRefName.startsWith(Constants.R_REMOTES); Composite container = upstreamConfigComponent.getContainer(); GridData gd = (GridData) container.getLayoutData(); if (gd.exclude == showUpstreamConfig) { gd.exclude = !showUpstreamConfig; container.setVisible(showUpstreamConfig); container.getParent().layout(true); ensurePreferredHeight(getShell()); } boolean basedOnLocalBranch = sourceRefName.startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS); if (basedOnLocalBranch && upstreamConfig != UpstreamConfig.NONE) setMessage(UIText.CreateBranchPage_LocalBranchWarningMessage, IMessageProvider.INFORMATION); if (sourceRefName.length() == 0) { setErrorMessage(UIText.CreateBranchPage_MissingSourceMessage); return; } String message = this.myValidator.isValid(nameText.getText()); if (message != null) { setErrorMessage(message); return; } setErrorMessage(null); } finally { setPageComplete(getErrorMessage() == null && nameText.getText().length() > 0); } }
/** * Refreshes the contents of the {@link #type} selection widget. If the {@link #tree} is not an * {@link AdaptiveTreeComposite}, then the entire {@link #typeComposite} is hidden. */ private void refreshTypeWidgets() { // Set the default empty list of types and the default empty selection. List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>(1); ISelection selection = new StructuredSelection(); // Get the list of adaptive types if possible. if (tree != null && isAdaptive) { // Update the available types in the type Combo widget. AdaptiveTreeComposite adaptiveTree = (AdaptiveTreeComposite) tree; types = adaptiveTree.getTypes(); String adaptiveType = adaptiveTree.getType(); if (adaptiveType != null) { selection = new StructuredSelection(adaptiveType); } } // Set the ComboViewer's contents to the List of type Strings. type.setInput(types); type.setSelection(selection); // Hide the type selection widgets if the List is empty. boolean hide = types.isEmpty(); typeComposite.setVisible(!hide); ((GridData) typeComposite.getLayoutData()).exclude = hide; // Re-adjust the size of the type Composite. typeComposite.pack(); typeComposite.getParent().layout(); return; }
@Override public void refresh() { if (getContextManager() == null) { disposeInstallMessageComp(); disposeNatTableComp(); if (availableLabelComp == null || (availableLabelComp != null && availableLabelComp.isDisposed())) { createContextNotAvailableGroup(this); } } else { if (!ContextNatTableUtils.checkIsInstallExternalJar()) { disposeUnAvailableContextComp(); if (messageComp == null || (messageComp != null && messageComp.isDisposed())) { createMessageGroup(this); } } else { reInitializeUI(); initializeContextCombo(); checkContextGroupSource(); // dispose the data table composite disposeDataTable(); // create the data table composite createNatTable(); contextTableComp.getParent().layout(); contextTableComp.layout(); treeTable.refresh(); setButtonEnableState(); } } }
void resize() { Point size = comp.getSize(); Image oldBackgroundImage = backgroundImage; backgroundImage = new Image(comp.getDisplay(), size.x, size.y); GC gc = new GC(backgroundImage); comp.getParent().drawBackground(gc, 0, 0, size.x, size.y, 0, 0); Color background = comp.getBackground(); Color border = comp.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW); RGB backgroundRGB = background.getRGB(); // TODO naive and hard coded, doesn't deal with high contrast, etc. Color gradientTop = new Color( comp.getDisplay(), + 12, + 10, + 10); int h = size.y; int curveStart = 0; int curve_width = 5; int[] curve = new int[] { 0, h, 1, h, 2, h - 1, 3, h - 2, 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 0, }; int[] line1 = new int[curve.length + 4]; int index = 0; int x = curveStart; line1[index++] = x + 1; line1[index++] = h; for (int i = 0; i < curve.length / 2; i++) { line1[index++] = x + curve[2 * i]; line1[index++] = curve[2 * i + 1]; } line1[index++] = x + curve_width; line1[index++] = 0; int[] line2 = new int[line1.length]; index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < line1.length / 2; i++) { line2[index] = line1[index++] - 1; line2[index] = line1[index++]; } // custom gradient gc.setForeground(gradientTop); gc.setBackground(background); gc.drawLine(4, 0, size.x, 0); gc.drawLine(3, 1, size.x, 1); gc.fillGradientRectangle(2, 2, size.x - 2, size.y - 3, true); gc.setForeground(background); gc.drawLine(2, size.y - 1, size.x, size.y - 1); gradientTop.dispose(); gc.setForeground(border); gc.drawPolyline(line2); gc.dispose(); comp.setBackgroundImage(backgroundImage); if (oldBackgroundImage != null) oldBackgroundImage.dispose(); }
private void createPartControl_impl(Composite parent) { this.partControl = parent; Listener handler = new Listener() { @Override public void handleEvent(Event event) { switch (event.type) { case SWT.Show: case SWT.Hide: getDefaultPrologConsoleService() .fireConsoleVisibilityChanged(PrologConsoleView.this); break; case SWT.FocusOut: getDefaultPrologConsoleService().fireConsoleLostFocus(PrologConsoleView.this); } } }; parent.getParent().addListener(SWT.Show, handler); parent.getParent().addListener(SWT.Hide, handler); parent.getParent().addListener(SWT.FocusOut, handler); PrologConsolePlugin.getDefault().getPrologConsoleService().registerPrologConsole(this); getDefaultPrologConsoleService().fireConsoleVisibilityChanged(PrologConsoleView.this); PrologRuntimeUIPlugin.getDefault() .getPrologInterfaceService() .registerActivePrologInterfaceListener(this); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, true); layout.horizontalSpacing = 0; layout.verticalSpacing = 0; layout.marginWidth = 0; layout.marginHeight = 0; parent.setLayout(layout); GridData ld = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); title = new Label(parent, SWT.HORIZONTAL); title.setLayoutData(ld); viewer = new ConsoleViewer(parent, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI | SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL); viewer.getControl().setEnabled(false); ld = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); viewer.getControl().setLayoutData(ld); createActions(); initMenus(parent); initToolBars(); getSite().setSelectionProvider(viewer); }
/** Moves the target control on top of the dummy control. */ public void layout() { if (getTargetControl() == null) { return; } // Compute the unclipped bounds of the target in display coordinates Rectangle displayBounds = Geometry.toDisplay(control.getParent(), control.getBounds()); // Clip the bounds of the target so that it doesn't go outside the dummy control's parent Rectangle clippingRegion = DragUtil.getDisplayBounds(control.getParent()); displayBounds = displayBounds.intersection(clippingRegion); // Compute the bounds of the target, in the local coordinate system of its parent Rectangle targetBounds = Geometry.toControl(getTargetControl().getParent(), displayBounds); // Move the target getTargetControl().setBounds(targetBounds); }
protected void setSize(Composite composite) { if (composite != null) { // Note: The font is set here in anticipation that the class inheriting // this base class may add widgets to the dialog. setSize // is assumed to be called just before we go live. applyDialogFont(composite); Point minSize = composite.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT); composite.setSize(minSize); // set scrollbar composite's min size so page is expandable but // has scrollbars when needed if (composite.getParent() instanceof ScrolledComposite) { ScrolledComposite sc1 = (ScrolledComposite) composite.getParent(); sc1.setMinSize(minSize); sc1.setExpandHorizontal(true); sc1.setExpandVertical(true); } } }
public void run() { if (frame < FRAMES) { Point size = content.getParent().getSize(); content.getParent().setSize(size.x + dx, size.y + dy); frame++; Display.getCurrent().timerExec(INTERVAL, this); } else { // set size oldSize = content.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT); content.getParent().setSize(content.getParent().computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)); playing = false; if (delayDispose.peek() != null) delayDispose.poll().dispose(); if (!adding) delayDispose.offer(moduleToBeRemoved.self); if (!delayAdd.isEmpty()) add(delayAdd.poll()); else if (!delayRemove.isEmpty()) remove(delayRemove.poll()); } }
/** need force refresh here after install the external jar */ private void reInitializeUI() { disposeInstallMessageComp(); disposeUnAvailableContextComp(); if (contextTableComp == null || (contextTableComp != null && contextTableComp.isDisposed())) { initializeUI(); contextTableComp.getParent().layout(); contextTableComp.layout(); } }
/** * Resizes the Section's client and updates the Property Viewer's {@link ScrolledComposite} to * account for GridLayouts in the client. */ private void resizePropertyView() { // Disable re-drawing for the ScrolledComposite. scrollComposite.setRedraw(false); int verticalPadding = scrollComposite.getHorizontalBar().getSize().y; int horizontalPadding = scrollComposite.getVerticalBar().getSize().x; Rectangle clientArea = scrollComposite.getClientArea(); Point clientAreaSize = new Point(clientArea.width - horizontalPadding, clientArea.height - verticalPadding); // Recompute the size of the first Composite in the ScrolledComposite // based on the width of the ScrolledComposite's client area. Point size = scrollCompositeClient.computeSize(clientAreaSize.x, clientAreaSize.y); // Update the size of the ScrolledComposite's client. scrollCompositeClient.setSize(size); // Set the minimum size at which the ScrolledComposite will start // drawing scroll bars. This should be the size of its client area minus // the spaces the scroll bars would consume. scrollComposite.setMinSize(clientAreaSize.x + 1, clientAreaSize.y + 1); // We need to call layout() so the ScrolledComposite will update. scrollComposite.layout(); // Set the height hint for the Section's parent Composite. This keeps // the TableViewer from going beyond the bottom edge of the Properties // Viewer. We want to keep the add and delete buttons visible, and the // TableViewer already has its own scroll bars! Composite sectionParent = section.getParent(); GridData gridData = (GridData) sectionParent.getLayoutData(); GridLayout gridLayout = (GridLayout) sectionParent.getParent().getLayout(); gridData.heightHint = sectionParent.getParent().getSize().y - gridLayout.marginTop; // The parent of the Section has a FillLayout. Its parent has a // GridLayout, but sometimes it does not update. Tell it to layout so // the Section's parent will update its size. section.getParent().getParent().layout(); // Enable re-drawing for the ScrolledComposite. scrollComposite.setRedraw(true); return; }
/** Recreate the receiver given the new side */ private void recreate() { if (region != null && !region.isDisposed()) { Composite parent = region.getParent(); boolean animating = animationItem.animationRunning(); AnimationManager.getInstance().removeItem(animationItem); region.dispose(); createContents(parent, workbenchWindow); if (animating) animationItem.animationStart(); } }
private void createContextNotAvailableGroup(Composite parentComposite) { availableLabelComp = new Composite(parentComposite, SWT.NULL); availableLabelComp.setLayout(new GridLayout()); availableLabelComp.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); Label contextUnAvailableLabel = new Label(availableLabelComp, SWT.NULL); contextUnAvailableLabel.setText( Messages.getString("ContextNebulaComposite.ContextsUnAvailable")); // $NON-NLS-1$ availableLabelComp.getParent().layout(); availableLabelComp.layout(); }
public void build() { getParent().setLayout(new FillLayout()); Composite stack = createFrame(); stack.setLayout(new FormLayout()); tabBar = new Composite(stack, SWT.NONE); tabBar.setLayout(new FormLayout()); tabBar.setBackgroundImage(tabInactiveBgActive); FormData fdTabBar = new FormData(); tabBar.setLayoutData(fdTabBar); = new FormAttachment(0); fdTabBar.left = new FormAttachment(0); fdTabBar.right = new FormAttachment(100); fdTabBar.height = tabInactiveBgActive.getBounds().height; if (rightCorner != null && leftCorner != null) { leftCornerLabel = new Label(stack.getParent(), SWT.NONE); leftCornerLabel.setImage(leftCorner); FormData fdLeftCorner = new FormData(); leftCornerLabel.setLayoutData(fdLeftCorner); fdLeftCorner.left = new FormAttachment(0, 3); = new FormAttachment(0, 7); rightCornerLabel = new Label(stack.getParent(), SWT.NONE); rightCornerLabel.setImage(rightCorner); FormData fdRightCorner = new FormData(); rightCornerLabel.setLayoutData(fdRightCorner); fdRightCorner.right = new FormAttachment(100, -3); = new FormAttachment(0, 7); rightCornerLabel.moveAbove(null); leftCornerLabel.moveAbove(null); labelMap.put(LEFT, leftCornerLabel); labelMap.put(RIGHT, rightCornerLabel); } content = new Composite(stack, SWT.NONE); FormData fdContent = new FormData(); content.setLayoutData(fdContent); = new FormAttachment(tabBar); fdContent.left = new FormAttachment(0); fdContent.right = new FormAttachment(100); fdContent.bottom = new FormAttachment(100); }
private void dealParentLayout(Composite container) { if (container == null) return; if (!(container instanceof ScrolledComposite)) { dealParentLayout(container.getParent()); return; } ScrolledComposite composite = (ScrolledComposite) container; Composite control = (Composite) composite.getContent(); composite.setMinSize(control.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)); control.layout(); }
public static Composite createWidgets4Property( Composite parent, String preID, String prefix, AbstractSection section) { Composite group = section.getWidgetFactory().createSection(parent, prefix, true, 4); ((Section) group.getParent()).setExpanded(false); section.createWidget4Property(group, preID + PadUtil.PADDING_TOP); section.createWidget4Property(group, preID + PadUtil.PADDING_BOTTOM); section.createWidget4Property(group, preID + PadUtil.PADDING_LEFT); section.createWidget4Property(group, preID + PadUtil.PADDING_RIGHT); return group; }
private void useRemoteChanged() { boolean enabled = useRemote.getSelection(); jtagDevice.setEnabled(enabled); ipAddress.setEnabled(enabled); portNumber.setEnabled(enabled); connection.setEnabled(enabled); GDBJtagDeviceContribution selectedDeviceEntry = findJtagDeviceByName(jtagDevice.getText()); if ((selectedDeviceEntry == null) || (selectedDeviceEntry.getDevice() == null)) { remoteConnectParmsLayout.topControl = null; remoteConnectionParameters.layout(); } else { IGDBJtagDevice device = selectedDeviceEntry.getDevice(); if (device instanceof IGDBJtagConnection) { remoteConnectParmsLayout.topControl = remoteConnectionBox; remoteConnectionBox.getParent().layout(); } else { remoteConnectParmsLayout.topControl = remoteTcpipBox; remoteTcpipBox.getParent().layout(); } } }
private void cleanUpButton(final IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective, final Button button) { buttonList.remove(button); perspectiveButtonMap.remove(perspective); buttonPerspectiveMap.remove(button); button.getParent().dispose(); background.layout(true); Control[] children = {background}; Composite parent = getParent(); parent.changed(children); parent.layout(true); parent.getParent().layout(true); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler#execute(org.eclipse.core.commands * .ExecutionEvent) */ public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { IWorkbenchPart part = HandlerUtil.getActivePart(event); if (part != null) { IWorkbenchPartSite site = part.getSite(); if (site instanceof PartSite) { final MPart model = ((PartSite) site).getModel(); Composite partContainer = (Composite) model.getWidget(); if (partContainer != null) { Composite parent = partContainer.getParent(); while (parent != null && parent instanceof Composite) { if (parent instanceof CTabFolder) { CTabFolder ctf = (CTabFolder) parent; final Control topRight = ctf.getTopRight(); if (topRight instanceof Composite) { for (Control child : ((Composite) topRight).getChildren()) { if (child instanceof ToolBar && "ViewMenu".equals(child.getData())) { // $NON-NLS-1$ ToolBar tb = (ToolBar) child; ToolItem ti = tb.getItem(0); Event sevent = new Event(); sevent.type = SWT.Selection; sevent.widget = ti; ti.notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, sevent); } } } return null; } parent = parent.getParent(); } MMenu menuModel = StackRenderer.getViewMenu(model); if (menuModel != null) { showStandaloneViewMenu(event, model, menuModel, partContainer); } } } } return null; }
@Override public void refresh() { PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement(); if (pe != null) { Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService().getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement(pe); _interface = null; // the filter assured, that it is a Service or Reference if (bo == null) { _composite.showPage(_blank); _composite.redraw(); return; } if (bo instanceof Contract) { Contract contract = (Contract) bo; _interface = contract.getInterface(); } if (_interface != null) { if (_modelComposites.get(_interface) == null) { TabbedPropertySheetWidgetFactory factory = getWidgetFactory(); IInterfaceComposite composite = (IInterfaceComposite) InterfaceCompositeAdapter.adaptModelToComposite(_interface); if (composite != null) { ((AbstractSwitchyardComposite) composite).createContents(_composite, SWT.NONE); factory.adapt(((AbstractSwitchyardComposite) composite).getPanel()); _modelComposites.put(_interface, composite); } } IInterfaceComposite composite = (IInterfaceComposite) _modelComposites.get(_interface); if (composite != null) { composite.setInterface(_interface); _composite.showPage(((AbstractSwitchyardComposite) composite).getPanel()); Composite parent = _composite; // this is a hack to get it to refresh properly while (parent != null) { parent.layout(true, true); parent = parent.getParent(); } } else { _composite.getParent().layout(); _composite.showPage(_blank); _composite.layout(true, true); } } else { _composite.showPage(_blank); _composite.getParent().layout(); _composite.layout(true, true); } } }
@Override public Control createControl(Composite parent) { SashForm sash = new SashForm(parent, SWT.HORIZONTAL); sash.setBackground(Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE)); Composite container = new Composite(sash, SWT.NONE); container.setBackground(Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE)); treeMap = new TreeMap<TaxonomyNode>(container); treeMap.setTreeMapLayout(new SquarifiedLayout<TaxonomyNode>(10)); treeMap.setLabelProvider( new ILabelProvider<TaxonomyNode>() { @Override public String getLabel( ITreeModel<IRectangle<TaxonomyNode>> model, IRectangle<TaxonomyNode> rectangle) { return rectangle.getNode().getName(); } }); legend = new TreeMapLegend(container, treeMap, getModel(), getRenderer()); final SecurityDetailsViewer details = new SecurityDetailsViewer(sash, SWT.NONE, getModel().getClient(), true); treeMap.addSelectionChangeListener( new ISelectionChangeListener<TaxonomyNode>() { @Override public void selectionChanged( ITreeModel<IRectangle<TaxonomyNode>> model, IRectangle<TaxonomyNode> rectangle, String label) { TaxonomyNode node = rectangle.getNode(); details.setInput(node.getBackingSecurity()); } }); // layout tree map + legend GridLayoutFactory.fillDefaults().numColumns(1).margins(10, 10).applyTo(container); GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().grab(true, true).applyTo(treeMap); GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().grab(true, false).applyTo(legend); // layout sash details.getControl().pack(); int width = details.getControl().getBounds().width; sash.setWeights(new int[] {parent.getParent().getParent().getBounds().width - width, width}); treeMap.setRectangleRenderer(new ClassificationRectangleRenderer(getModel(), getRenderer())); treeMap.setTreeModel(new Model(getModel().getRootNode())); legend.setRootItem(getModel().getRootNode()); return sash; }
public void disposeCompositeImage(Composite composite) { disposeRegion(composite); // background Images are special if there is no background on a given // composite // it appears that its parents background image will be given, that // image CANNOT // be disposed so we have to check for that case Image image = composite.getBackgroundImage(); Image parentImage = composite.getParent().getBackgroundImage(); if (image != null && parentImage != image) { composite.setBackgroundImage(null); image.dispose(); } }
@Override public void perspectiveActivated( final IWorkbenchPage page, final IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective) { addIdToStore(perspective.getId()); Button button = createPerspectiveButton(perspective); cleanButtons(button); background.layout(true); Control[] children = {background}; Composite parent = getParent(); parent.changed(children); parent.layout(true); parent.getParent().layout(true); }
protected Point computeSize(Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache) { CoolScrolledComposite sc = (CoolScrolledComposite) composite.getParent(); Point size = new Point(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); if (sc.content != null) { Point preferredSize = sc.content.computeSize(wHint, hHint, flushCache); Point currentSize = sc.content.getSize(); size.x = sc.getExpandHorizontal() ? preferredSize.x : currentSize.x; size.y = sc.getExpandVertical() ? preferredSize.y : currentSize.y; } size.x = Math.max(size.x, sc.minWidth); size.y = Math.max(size.y, sc.minHeight); if (wHint != SWT.DEFAULT) size.x = wHint; if (hHint != SWT.DEFAULT) size.y = hHint; return size; }
public void reglerTaille() { int nombreIt = 0; int chargeMax = 0; if (EugesElements.getChargeEstimeeMax() > EugesElements.getChargeReelleMax()) chargeMax = EugesElements.getChargeEstimeeMax(); else chargeMax = EugesElements.getChargeReelleMax(); int nombreActivites = EugesElements.getActivitesRealiseesCount(); if (EugesElements._projet != null) nombreIt = EugesElements._projet._listeIteration.size(); if (((nombreActivites * 120 + nombreIt * 100) < parent.getParent().getSize().x) && (chargeMax * 20 < parent.getParent().getSize().y)) canvas.setSize(parent.getParent().getSize().x, parent.getParent().getSize().y - 20); else if ((nombreActivites * 120 + nombreIt * 100) < parent.getParent().getSize().x) canvas.setSize(parent.getParent().getSize().x, chargeMax * 20); else if (chargeMax * 20 < parent.getParent().getSize().y) canvas.setSize(nombreActivites * 120 + nombreIt * 100, parent.getParent().getSize().y); else canvas.setSize(nombreActivites * 120 + nombreIt * 100, chargeMax * 20); }