コード例 #1
   * Validate if BO instances can be created once only with the same primary key and that they can
   * be queried either via findWithPrimaryKey() or with help of data filters.
  public void CreateOrdersCheck() {
    DeployedModelDescription model =
    createOrder(model, 666);
    try {
      createOrder(model, 666);
      Assert.fail("Extected BPMRT03825 error message");
    } catch (ObjectExistsException ex) {
      Assert.assertEquals("Error code", "BPMRT03825", ex.getError().getId());

    String businessObjectQualifiedId = new QName(model.getId(), "Order").toString();
    BusinessObjectQuery query =
        BusinessObjectQuery.findWithPrimaryKey(businessObjectQualifiedId, 666);
    query.setPolicy(new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES));
    BusinessObjects bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(query);
    Assert.assertEquals("Objects", 1, bos.getSize());
    BusinessObject bo = bos.get(0);
    List<Value> values = bo.getValues();
    Assert.assertEquals("Values", 1, values.size());
    checkValue(values, true, "customerId", 666);

    query = BusinessObjectQuery.findForBusinessObject(businessObjectQualifiedId);
        .or(DataFilter.isEqual("Order", "customerId", 2))
        .or(DataFilter.isEqual("Order", "customerId", 4));
    query.setPolicy(new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES));
    bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(query);
    Assert.assertEquals("Objects", 1, bos.getSize());
    bo = bos.get(0);
    values = bo.getValues();
    Assert.assertEquals("Values", 2, values.size());
    checkValue(values, true, "customerId", 2, 4);
コード例 #2
   * The following test case should ensure that
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Any modifications to an attribute of a BOI via API isn't reflected to process data which
   *       are using the BO
   *   <li>Any modifications to an attribute of a BOI via the process data is only reflected to the
   *       BOI which is attached to the synthetic process instance and that it doesn't affect other
   *       BOIs which are used in other processes
   * </ul>
  public void checkFilteringOnBusinessObjectAttrChange() {
    // setup
    final int customerIdOffset = 100;
    final int customerCount = 3;
    for (int customerId = 1; customerId <= customerCount; customerId++) {
      ProcessInstance pi =
              .startProcess(new QName(MODEL_NAME2, "DistributedOrder").toString(), null, true);
      List<ActivityInstance> w = getWorklist(pi);
      Assert.assertEquals("worklist", 1, w.size());
      ActivityInstance ai = w.get(0);
      Assert.assertEquals("activity instance", "CreateOrder", ai.getActivity().getId());
      Map<String, Object> order = CollectionUtils.newMap();
      order.put("date", new Date());
      order.put("customerId", customerIdOffset + customerId);
      order.put("items", "item " + customerId);
      ai =
              ai, PredefinedConstants.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, Collections.singletonMap("Order", order));

      try {
        ActivityInstanceStateBarrier.instance().await(ai.getOID(), ActivityInstanceState.Completed);
      } catch (Exception e) {

    // after DistributeCreation activity is completed we have the following state:
    // * 2 asynchronous subprocesses are started: one which copies the data and the
    //   other one which doesn't
    // * 3 synchronous subprocesses are triggered: one with shared data, one with separate
    //   but copied data and the last one with separate data without copying
    // This results into the following state:
    // * Each process has created four business object instances
    //   * One which is attached to a synthetic process instance
    //   * 3 other BOIs which are attached to a real process instance
    String businessObjectQualifiedId = new QName(MODEL_NAME2, "Order").toString();
    BusinessObjectQuery businessObjectQuery =
        .add(DataFilter.greaterThan("Order", "customerId", customerIdOffset));
        new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(
            BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES, BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_DESCRIPTION));
    BusinessObjects bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(businessObjectQuery);
    Assert.assertEquals("Only one business object, namely Order, is expected", 1, bos.getSize());
        "Business object instances count isn't the same as started process ergo the count of the synthetic process instances",

    // Wait that all ShowOrder processes are started (unfortunately we cannot use
    // ProcessInstanceStateBarrier here
    // because of the async processes.
    ProcessInstanceQuery piQuery = ProcessInstanceQuery.findAlive("ShowOrder");
    boolean waitForPIs = true;
    while (waitForPIs) {
      long instanceCount = sf.getQueryService().getProcessInstancesCount(piQuery);
      waitForPIs = instanceCount != (customerCount * 5);

      if (waitForPIs) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    BusinessObject bo = bos.get(0);
    BusinessObject.Value customer101 = null;
    for (BusinessObject.Value boValue : bo.getValues()) {
      Map<?, ?> boAttr = (Map<?, ?>) boValue.getValue();
      Integer customerId = (Integer) boAttr.get("customerId");
      if (Integer.valueOf(customerIdOffset + 1).equals(customerId)) {
        customer101 = boValue;
    Assert.assertNotNull("Customer " + customerIdOffset + 1 + " not found", customer101);

    // Update BOI via API...
    ((Map) customer101.getValue()).put("items", "newitems");
        .updateBusinessObjectInstance(businessObjectQualifiedId, customer101.getValue());

    // ...and validate if no process data is modified
    piQuery = ProcessInstanceQuery.findActive();
    FilterTerm filter = piQuery.getFilter().addAndTerm();
            "Order", "customerId", customerIdOffset, customerIdOffset + customerCount));
    filter.add(DataFilter.like("Order", "items", "item%"));
    ProcessInstances rootPIs = sf.getQueryService().getAllProcessInstances(piQuery);
    // Root process instances are the DistributedOrder processes and the ShowOrder processes which
    // was started
    // as async processes and which had copied the data
        "Changes in BOIs must not be reflected in process instance data",
        customerCount * 2,

    // Update BOI for a given process via data path...
    long piOid = rootPIs.get(0).getOID();
    ((Map) customer101.getValue()).put("items", "newitems1");
    sf.getWorkflowService().setOutDataPath(piOid, "OrderDataPath", (Map) customer101.getValue());

    // ...and validate if the BOI is updated...
    businessObjectQuery =
            businessObjectQualifiedId, ((Map) customer101.getValue()).get("customerId"));
        new BusinessObjectQuery.Policy(BusinessObjectQuery.Option.WITH_VALUES));
    bos = sf.getQueryService().getAllBusinessObjects(businessObjectQuery);
    Assert.assertEquals("Only one business object, namely Order, is expected", 1, bos.getSize());
    List<BusinessObject.Value> boValues = bos.get(0).getValues();
    Assert.assertEquals(1, boValues.size());
    Assert.assertEquals("newitems1", ((Map) boValues.get(0).getValue()).get("items"));

    // ...but the other process instance data should be untouched
    piQuery = ProcessInstanceQuery.findActive();
    filter = piQuery.getFilter().addAndTerm();
            "Order", "customerId", customerIdOffset, customerIdOffset + customerCount));
    filter.add(DataFilter.like("Order", "items", "item%"));
    rootPIs = sf.getQueryService().getAllProcessInstances(piQuery);
        "Changes in BOIs must not be reflected in process instance data",
        (customerCount * 2) - 1,