コード例 #1
/** @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Konstantin Komissarchik</a> */
public final class ContactImageService extends ImageService {
  private static final ImageServiceData IMG_PERSON =
      new ImageServiceData(ImageData.readFromClassLoader(Contact.class, "Contact.png"));
  private static final ImageServiceData IMG_PERSON_FADED =
      new ImageServiceData(ImageData.readFromClassLoader(Contact.class, "ContactFaded.png"));

  private Listener listener;

  protected void initImageService() {
    this.listener =
        new FilteredListener<PropertyContentEvent>() {
          protected void handleTypedEvent(final PropertyContentEvent event) {

    context(IModelElement.class).attach(this.listener, "EMail");

  protected ImageServiceData compute() {
    if (context(Contact.class).getEMail().getContent() == null) {
      return IMG_PERSON_FADED;
    } else {
      return IMG_PERSON;

  public void dispose() {

    context(IModelElement.class).detach(this.listener, "EMail");
/** @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Konstantin Komissarchik</a> */
public class RelativePathBrowseActionHandler extends SapphireBrowseActionHandler {
  private static final ImageData IMG_FILE =
      ImageData.createFromClassLoader(RelativePathBrowseActionHandler.class, "File.png");
  private static final ImageData IMG_FOLDER =
      ImageData.createFromClassLoader(RelativePathBrowseActionHandler.class, "Folder.png");

  public static final String ID = "Sapphire.Browse.Path.Relative";

  public static final String PARAM_TYPE = "type";
  public static final String PARAM_EXTENSIONS = "extensions";
  public static final String PARAM_LEADING_SLASH = "leading-slash";

  private FileExtensionsService fileExtensionService;
  private List<String> staticFileExtensionsList;
  private FileSystemResourceType type;
  private boolean includeLeadingSlash;

  public void init(final SapphireAction action, final ActionHandlerDef def) {
    super.init(action, def);


    final Property property = property();

    this.type = null;

    final String paramType = def.getParam(PARAM_TYPE);

    if (paramType != null) {
      if (paramType.equalsIgnoreCase("file")) {
        this.type = FileSystemResourceType.FILE;
      } else if (paramType.equalsIgnoreCase("folder")) {
        this.type = FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER;
    } else {
      final ValidFileSystemResourceType validFileSystemResourceTypeAnnotation =

      if (validFileSystemResourceTypeAnnotation != null) {
        this.type = validFileSystemResourceTypeAnnotation.value();

    final String staticFileExtensions = def.getParam(PARAM_EXTENSIONS);

    if (staticFileExtensions == null) {
      this.fileExtensionService = property.service(FileExtensionsService.class);

      if (this.fileExtensionService == null) {
        this.staticFileExtensionsList = Collections.emptyList();
    } else {
      this.staticFileExtensionsList = new ArrayList<String>();

      for (String extension : staticFileExtensions.split(",")) {
        extension = extension.trim();

        if (extension.length() > 0) {

    final String paramLeadingSlash = def.getParam(PARAM_LEADING_SLASH);

    if (paramLeadingSlash != null) {
      this.includeLeadingSlash = Boolean.parseBoolean(paramLeadingSlash);
    } else {
      this.includeLeadingSlash = false;

  protected String browse(final SapphireRenderingContext context) {
    final Property property = property();
    final List<Path> roots = getBasePaths();
    String selectedAbsolutePath = null;

    final List<String> extensions;

    if (this.fileExtensionService == null) {
      extensions = this.staticFileExtensionsList;
    } else {
      extensions = this.fileExtensionService.extensions();

    if (enclosed()) {
      final List<IContainer> baseContainers = new ArrayList<IContainer>();

      for (Path path : roots) {
        final IContainer baseContainer = getWorkspaceContainer(path.toFile());

        if (baseContainer != null) {
        } else {

      final ITreeContentProvider contentProvider;
      final ILabelProvider labelProvider;
      final ViewerComparator viewerComparator;
      final Object input;

      if (roots.size() == baseContainers.size()) {
        // All paths are in the Eclipse Workspace. Use the available content and label
        // providers.

        contentProvider = new WorkspaceContentProvider(baseContainers);
        labelProvider = new WorkbenchLabelProvider();
        viewerComparator = new ResourceComparator();
        input = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
      } else {
        // At least one of the roots is not in the Eclipse Workspace. Use custom file
        // system content and label providers.

        contentProvider = new FileSystemContentProvider(roots);
        labelProvider = new FileSystemLabelProvider(context);
        viewerComparator = new FileSystemNodeComparator();
        input = new Object();

      final ElementTreeSelectionDialog dialog =
          new ElementTreeSelectionDialog(context.getShell(), labelProvider, contentProvider);

      dialog.setTitle(property.definition().getLabel(false, CapitalizationType.TITLE_STYLE, false));
              property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false)));

      final Path currentPathAbsolute = convertToAbsolute((Path) ((Value<?>) property).content());

      if (currentPathAbsolute != null) {
        Object initialSelection = null;

        if (contentProvider instanceof WorkspaceContentProvider) {
          final URI uri = currentPathAbsolute.toFile().toURI();
          final IWorkspaceRoot wsroot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();

          final IFile[] files = wsroot.findFilesForLocationURI(uri);

          if (files.length > 0) {
            final IFile file = files[0];

            if (file.exists()) {
              initialSelection = file;

          if (initialSelection == null) {
            final IContainer[] containers = wsroot.findContainersForLocationURI(uri);

            if (containers.length > 0) {
              final IContainer container = containers[0];

              if (container.exists()) {
                initialSelection = container;
        } else {
          initialSelection =
              ((FileSystemContentProvider) contentProvider).find(currentPathAbsolute);

        if (initialSelection != null) {

      if (this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FILE) {
        dialog.setValidator(new FileSelectionStatusValidator());
      } else if (this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER) {
        dialog.addFilter(new ContainersOnlyViewerFilter());

      if (!extensions.isEmpty()) {
        dialog.addFilter(new ExtensionBasedViewerFilter(extensions));

      if (dialog.open() == Window.OK) {
        final Object firstResult = dialog.getFirstResult();

        if (firstResult instanceof IResource) {
          selectedAbsolutePath = ((IResource) firstResult).getLocation().toString();
        } else {
          selectedAbsolutePath = ((FileSystemNode) firstResult).getFile().getPath();
    } else if (this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER) {
      final DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(context.getShell());
          property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.FIRST_WORD_ONLY, false));
              property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false)));

      final Value<?> value = (Value<?>) property;
      final Path path = (Path) value.content();

      if (path != null) {
      } else if (roots.size() > 0) {

      selectedAbsolutePath = dialog.open();
    } else {
      final FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(context.getShell());
          property.definition().getLabel(true, CapitalizationType.FIRST_WORD_ONLY, false));

      final Value<?> value = (Value<?>) property;
      final Path path = (Path) value.content();

      if (path != null && path.segmentCount() > 1) {
      } else if (roots.size() > 0) {

      if (!extensions.isEmpty()) {
        final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

        for (String extension : extensions) {
          if (buf.length() > 0) {


        dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {buf.toString()});

      selectedAbsolutePath = dialog.open();

    if (selectedAbsolutePath != null) {
      final Path relativePath = convertToRelative(new Path(selectedAbsolutePath));

      if (relativePath != null) {
        String result = relativePath.toPortableString();

        if (this.includeLeadingSlash) {
          result = "/" + result;

        return result;

    return null;

  protected List<Path> getBasePaths() {
    return property().service(RelativePathService.class).roots();

  protected boolean enclosed() {
    final RelativePathService service = property().service(RelativePathService.class);

    if (service == null) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return service.enclosed();

  protected Path convertToRelative(final Path path) {
    if (path != null) {
      final RelativePathService service = property().service(RelativePathService.class);

      if (service == null) {
        if (enclosed()) {
          for (Path root : getBasePaths()) {
            if (root.isPrefixOf(path)) {
              return path.makeRelativeTo(root);
        } else {
          final String pathDevice = path.getDevice();

          for (Path root : getBasePaths()) {
            if (MiscUtil.equal(pathDevice, root.getDevice())) {
              return path.makeRelativeTo(root);
      } else {
        return service.convertToRelative(path);

    return null;

  protected Path convertToAbsolute(final Path path) {
    if (path != null) {
      final RelativePathService service = property().service(RelativePathService.class);

      if (service == null) {
        if (enclosed() && path.segmentCount() > 0 && path.segment(0).equals("..")) {
          return null;

        Path absolute = null;

        for (Path root : getBasePaths()) {
          try {
            final File file = root.append(path).toFile().getCanonicalFile();
            absolute = new Path(file.getPath());

            if (file.exists()) {
          } catch (IOException e) {
            // Intentionally ignoring to continue to the next root. If none of the roots
            // produce a viable absolute path, a null return from this method signifies
            // being unable to convert the relative path. That is sufficient.

        return absolute;
      } else {
        return service.convertToAbsolute(path);

    return null;

  private static String getFileExtension(final String fileName) {
    if (fileName == null) {
      return null;

    int dotIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');

    if (dotIndex < 0) {
      return null;

    return fileName.substring(dotIndex + 1);

  private static IContainer getWorkspaceContainer(final File f) {
    final IWorkspaceRoot wsroot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
    final IContainer[] wsContainers = wsroot.findContainersForLocationURI(f.toURI());

    if (wsContainers.length > 0) {
      return wsContainers[0];

    return null;

  public static final class ContainersOnlyViewerFilter extends ViewerFilter {
    public boolean select(final Viewer viewer, final Object parent, final Object element) {
      return (element instanceof IContainer
          || (element instanceof FileSystemNode
              && ((FileSystemNode) element).getFile().isDirectory()));

  public static final class ExtensionBasedViewerFilter extends ViewerFilter {
    private List<String> extensions;

    public ExtensionBasedViewerFilter(final List<String> extensions) {

    public void change(final List<String> extensions) {
      this.extensions = new ArrayList<String>(extensions);

    public boolean select(final Viewer viewer, final Object parent, final Object element) {
      if (element instanceof IFile
          || (element instanceof FileSystemNode && ((FileSystemNode) element).getFile().isFile())) {
        final String extension;

        if (element instanceof IFile) {
          extension = ((IFile) element).getFileExtension();
        } else {
          extension = getFileExtension(((FileSystemNode) element).getFile().getName());

        if (extension != null && extension.length() != 0) {
          for (String ext : this.extensions) {
            if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(ext)) {
              return true;

        return false;
      } else if (element instanceof IContainer) {
        if (element instanceof IProject && !((IProject) element).isOpen()) {
          return false;

        return true;

      return true;

  private static final class FileSelectionStatusValidator implements ISelectionStatusValidator {
    private static final IStatus ERROR_STATUS =
        new Status(IStatus.ERROR, SapphireUiFrameworkPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, MiscUtil.EMPTY_STRING);

    private static final IStatus OK_STATUS =
        new Status(IStatus.OK, SapphireUiFrameworkPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, MiscUtil.EMPTY_STRING);

    public IStatus validate(final Object[] selection) {
      if (selection.length == 1) {
        final Object sel = selection[0];

        if (sel instanceof IFile
            || (sel instanceof FileSystemNode && ((FileSystemNode) sel).getFile().isFile())) {
          return OK_STATUS;

      return ERROR_STATUS;

  private static final class WorkspaceContentProvider extends WorkbenchContentProvider {
    private final List<IContainer> roots;

    public WorkspaceContentProvider(final List<IContainer> roots) {
      this.roots = roots;

    public Object[] getElements(final Object element) {
      final List<IResource> elements = new ArrayList<IResource>();

      if (this.roots.size() == 1) {
        final IContainer root = this.roots.get(0);

        try {
          for (IResource child : root.members()) {
            if (child.isAccessible()) {
        } catch (CoreException e) {
      } else {

      return elements.toArray(new IResource[elements.size()]);

    public Object getParent(final Object element) {
      if ((this.roots.contains(element))
          || (this.roots.size() == 1 && this.roots.contains(((IResource) element).getParent()))) {
        return null;
      } else {
        return super.getParent(element);

  private static final class FileSystemNode {
    private final File file;
    private final FileSystemNode parent;
    private Map<File, FileSystemNode> children;

    public FileSystemNode(final File file, final FileSystemNode parent) {
      this.file = file;
      this.parent = parent;
      this.children = Collections.emptyMap();

    public File getFile() {
      return this.file;

    public FileSystemNode getParent() {
      return this.parent;

    public boolean hasChildren() {
      return this.file.isDirectory();

    public FileSystemNode[] getChildren() {
      if (this.file.isDirectory()) {
        final File[] directoryListing = this.file.listFiles();

        if (directoryListing != null && directoryListing.length > 0) {
          final FileSystemNode[] result = new FileSystemNode[directoryListing.length];
          final Map<File, FileSystemNode> newChildrenMap = new HashMap<File, FileSystemNode>();

          for (int i = 0, n = directoryListing.length; i < n; i++) {
            final File f = directoryListing[i];

            FileSystemNode node = this.children.get(f);

            if (node == null) {
              node = new FileSystemNode(f, this);

            newChildrenMap.put(f, node);
            result[i] = node;

          this.children = newChildrenMap;

          return result;

      return new FileSystemNode[0];

    public FileSystemNode find(final Path path) {
      final int pathSegmentCount = path.segmentCount();

      if (pathSegmentCount == 0) {
        return this;
      } else {
        final String firstSegment = path.segment(0);

        for (FileSystemNode child : getChildren()) {
          if (child.getFile().getName().equals(firstSegment)) {
            return child.find(path.removeFirstSegments(1));

        return null;

  private static final class FileSystemContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
    private final FileSystemNode[] roots;

    public FileSystemContentProvider(final List<Path> roots) {
      this.roots = new FileSystemNode[roots.size()];

      for (int i = 0, n = roots.size(); i < n; i++) {
        this.roots[i] = new FileSystemNode(roots.get(i).toFile(), null);

    public FileSystemNode find(final Path path) {
      for (FileSystemNode root : this.roots) {
        final Path rootPath = new Path(root.getFile().getPath());

        if (rootPath.isPrefixOf(path)) {
          return root.find(path.makeRelativeTo(rootPath));

      return null;

    public Object[] getElements(final Object element) {
      return this.roots;

    public Object getParent(final Object element) {
      return ((FileSystemNode) element).getParent();

    public Object[] getChildren(final Object element) {
      return ((FileSystemNode) element).getChildren();

    public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
      return ((FileSystemNode) element).hasChildren();

    public void inputChanged(final Viewer viewer, final Object oldInput, final Object newInput) {}

    public void dispose() {}

  private static final class FileSystemLabelProvider extends LabelProvider {
    private final SapphireRenderingContext context;

    public FileSystemLabelProvider(final SapphireRenderingContext context) {
      this.context = context;

    public String getText(final Object element) {
      return ((FileSystemNode) element).getFile().getName();

    public Image getImage(final Object element) {
      if (((FileSystemNode) element).getFile().isDirectory()) {
        return this.context.getImageCache().image(IMG_FOLDER);
      } else {
        return this.context.getImageCache().image(IMG_FILE);

  private static final class FileSystemNodeComparator extends ViewerComparator {
    public int compare(final Viewer viewer, final Object obj1, final Object obj2) {
      final File f1 = ((FileSystemNode) obj1).getFile();
      final File f2 = ((FileSystemNode) obj2).getFile();

      final boolean isFile1Directory = f1.isDirectory();
      final boolean isFile2Directory = f2.isDirectory();

      if (isFile1Directory == isFile2Directory) {
        return Policy.getComparator().compare(f1.getName(), f2.getName());
      } else if (isFile1Directory) {
        return -1;
      } else {
        return 1;

  public static final class ResourceComparator extends ViewerComparator {
    public int compare(final Viewer viewer, final Object obj1, final Object obj2) {
      final IResource r1 = (IResource) obj1;
      final IResource r2 = (IResource) obj2;

      final boolean isResource1Container = (r1 instanceof IContainer);
      final boolean isResource2Container = (r2 instanceof IContainer);

      if (isResource1Container == isResource2Container) {
        return Policy.getComparator().compare(r1.getName(), r2.getName());
      } else if (isResource1Container) {
        return -1;
      } else {
        return 1;

  private static final class Resources extends NLS {
    public static String label;

    static {
      initializeMessages(RelativePathBrowseActionHandler.class.getName(), Resources.class);