/* * This method needs the second parameter from type GlobalTypes to distinguish between byte array * values which may be equal. */ public static String toString(byte globalValue, GlobalTypes globalType) { String globalFound = ""; for (GlobalValues glValue : GlobalValues.values()) { if (glValue.type == globalType && glValue.byteValue == globalValue) { globalFound = glValue.toString(); break; } } return globalFound; }
/* * This method needs the second parameter from type GlobalTypes to distinguish between byte * values which may be equal, e.g. TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL and SECURITY, which both may take values * such as 0x00 or 0x01. */ public static String toString(byte[] globalValue, GlobalTypes globalType) { String globalFound = ""; for (GlobalValues glValue : GlobalValues.values()) { if (glValue.type == globalType && Arrays.equals(glValue.byteArrayValue, globalValue)) { globalFound = glValue.toString(); break; } } return globalFound; }