コード例 #1
 /** INTERNAL: Set the properties needed to be cascaded into the custom query. */
 protected void prepareCustomQuery(DatabaseQuery customQuery) {
   ReadAllQuery customReadQuery = (ReadAllQuery) customQuery;
コード例 #2
  * PUBLIC: Configure the query to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the
  * result objects. The key used to index the value in the Map is the value returned by a call to
  * the specified zero-argument method. The method must be implemented by the class (or a
  * superclass) of the value to be inserted into the Map.
  * <p>jdk1.2.x: The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the Map interface.
  * <p>jdk1.1.x: The container class must be a subclass of Hashtable.
  * <p>The referenceClass must set before calling this method.
 public void useMapClass(Class concreteClass, String methodName) {
   // the reference class has to be specified before coming here
   if (getReferenceClass() == null) {
     throw QueryException.referenceClassMissing(this);
   ContainerPolicy policy = ContainerPolicy.buildPolicyFor(concreteClass);
   policy.setKeyName(methodName, getReferenceClass().getName());
コード例 #3
  * PUBLIC: Use a CursoredStream as the result collection.
  * @param initialReadSize the initial number of objects to read
  * @param pageSize the number of objects to read when more objects are needed from the database
  * @param sizeQuery a query that will return the size of the result set; this must be set if an
  *     expression is not used (i.e. custom SQL)
 public void useCursoredStream(int initialReadSize, int pageSize, ValueReadQuery sizeQuery) {
   setContainerPolicy(new CursoredStreamPolicy(this, initialReadSize, pageSize, sizeQuery));
コード例 #4
  * PUBLIC: Use a CursoredStream as the result collection.
  * @param initialReadSize the initial number of objects to read
  * @param pageSize the number of objects to read when more objects are needed from the database
 public void useCursoredStream(int initialReadSize, int pageSize) {
   setContainerPolicy(new CursoredStreamPolicy(this, initialReadSize, pageSize));
コード例 #5
  * PUBLIC: Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class to hold the
  * target objects.
  * <p>jdk1.2.x: The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the Collection
  * interface.
  * <p>jdk1.1.x: The container class must be a subclass of Vector.
 public void useCollectionClass(Class concreteClass) {
   // Set container policy.
コード例 #6
  * PUBLIC: Return a new read all query. A reference class must be specified before execution. It
  * is better to provide the class and expression builder on construction to ensure a single
  * expression builder is used. If no selection criteria is specified this will read all objects of
  * the class from the database.
 public ReadAllQuery() {
コード例 #7
  * PUBLIC: Use a ScrollableCursor as the result collection.
  * @param policy the scrollable cursor policy allows for additional result set options. Example:
  *     <p>ScrollableCursorPolicy policy = new ScrollableCursorPolicy()
  *     <p>policy.setResultSetType(ScrollableCursorPolicy.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);
  *     <p>query.useScrollableCursor(policy);
  *     <p>
 public void useScrollableCursor(ScrollableCursorPolicy policy) {
コード例 #8
  * PUBLIC: Use a ScrollableCursor as the result collection.
  * @param pageSize the number of elements to be read into a the cursor when more elements are
  *     needed from the database.
 public void useScrollableCursor(int pageSize) {
   setContainerPolicy(new ScrollableCursorPolicy(this, pageSize));