private void checkArgumentType(Object self, Object[] arguments) { if (arguments.length != fArgumentTypes.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter count mismatch"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } EvaluationEnvironment<EClassifier, EOperation, EStructuralFeature, EClass, EObject> evalEnv = fContext.getEvaluator().getEvaluationEnvironment(); if (self != null) { EClassifier callContextType = fContextType; if (callContextType == null) { callContextType = fOwningModule; } if (!evalEnv.isKindOf(self, callContextType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid context instance type"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } int argIndex = 0; for (EClassifier nextArgType : fArgumentTypes) { Object nextArg = arguments[argIndex++]; if (nextArg != null) { if (!evalEnv.isKindOf(nextArg, nextArgType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid type of argument, pos = " + argIndex); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } } }
public void execute(TableSink sink) throws ReportExecutionException, TableSinkException { EvaluationEnvironment<EClassifier, ?, ?, EClass, EObject> evalEnvironment = query.getEvaluationEnvironment(); evalEnvironment.clear(); parent.populate(evalEnvironment); Object result = query.evaluate(); if (result instanceof Collection<?>) { for (Iterator<?> it = ((Collection<?>) result).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { current = (EObject); executeChildren(sink); } } else { throw new ReportExecutionException("Failed to execute " + query.getExpression()); } }
/** * Implementation of the OCL <tt>Collection::product(c : Collection(T2)) : Set(Tuple(first : T, * second : T2))</tt> operations. * * @param evalEnv the current evaluation environment (for construction of tuples) * @param env the current OCL environment (for introspection of the tuple type) * @param self the source collection * @param c another collection * @return the product of the collections */ public static <PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> Set<Tuple<O, P>> product( EvaluationEnvironment<C, O, P, CLS, E> evalEnv, Environment<PK, C, O, P, EL, PM, S, COA, SSA, CT, CLS, E> env, Collection<?> self, Collection<?> c, C tupleType) { Set<Tuple<O, P>> result = createNewSet(); Map<P, Object> propertyValues = new HashMap<P, Object>(); P firstProperty = env.lookupProperty(tupleType, OCLStandardLibraryUtil.PRODUCT_FIRST); P secondProperty = env.lookupProperty(tupleType, OCLStandardLibraryUtil.PRODUCT_SECOND); for (Object next1 : self) { for (Object next2 : c) { propertyValues.put(firstProperty, next1); propertyValues.put(secondProperty, next2); result.add(evalEnv.createTuple(tupleType, propertyValues)); } } return result; }
@Override public void populate(EvaluationEnvironment<EClassifier, ?, ?, EClass, EObject> evalEnvironment) { parent.populate(evalEnvironment); evalEnvironment.add(varName, current); }