@Override public void run(IAction action) { if (project == null) { return; } // 不是初始化的项目不能删除 DBObject projectData = project.getData(); if (!DataUtil.isInactive(projectData) && !DataUtil.isInactive(projectData)) { MessageDialog.openWarning( window.getShell(), UIConstants.TEXT_REMOVE_PROJECT, UIConstants.MESSAGE_CANNOT_DELETE_PROJECT_NOT_INIT_OR_READY); return; } // 项目管理员和项目创建者可以删除 if (!DataUtil.isProjectCreator(projectData) && !DataUtil.isProjectAdmin(projectData)) { MessageDialog.openWarning( window.getShell(), UIConstants.TEXT_REMOVE_PROJECT, UIConstants.MESSAGE_CANNOT_DELETE_PROJECT_NOT_AUTH); return; } boolean ok = MessageDialog.openQuestion( window.getShell(), UIConstants.TEXT_REMOVE_PROJECT, "" + project.getText(IDBConstants.FIELD_DESC) + UIConstants.MESSAGE_QUESTION_REMOVE_PROJECT); if (!ok) return; removeUserInformation(); project.remove(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void applyPreferences() { if (!hasChanges) { return; } hasChanges = false; // must do the store before setting the preference // to ensure that the store is flushed disableButton.store(); List<String> elts = patternList.getElements(); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(elts.size() * 2); for (String elt : elts) { result.add(elt); result.add(patternList.isChecked(elt) ? "y" : "n"); } Activator.getDefault().setPreference(preferences, Activator.GROOVY_SCRIPT_FILTERS, result); boolean yesNo = MessageDialog.openQuestion( parent.getShell(), "Do full build?", "Script folder preferences have changed.\n" + "Must do a full build before they come completely into effect. Do you want to do a full build now?"); if (yesNo) { if (project != null) { new BuildJob(project).schedule(); } else { new BuildJob(GroovyNature.getAllAccessibleGroovyProjects().toArray(new IProject[0])) .schedule(); } } }
/** * Disables the debugging if debug endpoint's type is changed to 'Internal', and if private port * is modified then assigns the new debugging port by setting the modified endpoint as a debugging * endpoint. * * @param oldType : old type of the endpoint. * @return retVal : false if any error occurs. * @throws WindowsAzureInvalidProjectOperationException */ private boolean handleChangeForDebugEndpt(WindowsAzureEndpointType oldType) throws WindowsAzureInvalidProjectOperationException { boolean retVal = true; if (oldType.equals(WindowsAzureEndpointType.Input) && comboType.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(WindowsAzureEndpointType.Internal.toString())) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(Messages.dlgEPDel); msg.append(Messages.dlgEPChangeType); msg.append(Messages.dlgEPDel2); boolean choice = MessageDialog.openQuestion(new Shell(), Messages.dlgTypeTitle, msg.toString()); if (choice) { waEndpt.setEndPointType(WindowsAzureEndpointType.valueOf(comboType.getText())); windowsAzureRole.setDebuggingEndpoint(null); } else { retVal = false; } } else if (!waEndpt.getPrivatePort().equalsIgnoreCase(txtPrivatePort.getText())) { boolean isSuspended = windowsAzureRole.getStartSuspended(); windowsAzureRole.setDebuggingEndpoint(null); waEndpt.setPrivatePort(txtPrivatePort.getText()); windowsAzureRole.setDebuggingEndpoint(waEndpt); windowsAzureRole.setStartSuspended(isSuspended); } return retVal; }
/** Listener for remove button, which removes the environment variable from the role. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void removeBtnListener() { int selIndex = tblViewer.getTable().getSelectionIndex(); if (selIndex > -1) { try { Entry<String, String> mapEntry = (Entry<String, String>) tblViewer.getTable().getItem(selIndex).getData(); // Check environment variable is associated with component if (windowsAzureRole.getIsEnvPreconfigured(mapEntry.getKey())) { errorTitle = Messages.jdkDsblErrTtl; errorMessage = Messages.envJdkDslErrMsg; MessageUtil.displayErrorDialog(getShell(), errorTitle, errorMessage); } else { boolean choice = MessageDialog.openQuestion(new Shell(), Messages.evRemoveTtl, Messages.evRemoveMsg); if (choice) { // to delete call rename with newName(second param) as empty windowsAzureRole.renameRuntimeEnv(mapEntry.getKey(), ""); tblViewer.refresh(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorTitle = Messages.adRolErrTitle; errorMessage = Messages.adRolErrMsgBox1 + Messages.adRolErrMsgBox2; MessageUtil.displayErrorDialog(this.getShell(), errorTitle, errorMessage); Activator.getDefault().log(errorMessage, ex); } } }
public void doReload(ContentNode node, ContentVersion updated) throws Exception { if (updated .getMod() .equals(getInfoglueEditorInput().getContent().getContentVersion().getMod())) { System.out.println("This version seem to be up to date."); return; } if (!isDirty() || MessageDialog.openQuestion( PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().getActiveShell(), "CMS Message", "The content " + getInfoglueEditorInput().getContent().getName() + " was changed remotely by user: "******". Do you want to reload the changed content?")) { // Only save the editors to remove dirty flag, not the editorinput (sent to cms) // TODO: ?????? for (int i = 0; i < getPageCount(); i++) { getEditor(i).doSave(null); } IFolder tmp = ProjectHelper.getProject(node).getFolder("WebContent"); setInput(InfoglueCMS.openContentVersion(node)); } else if (isDirty()) { MessageDialog.openInformation( this.getActiveEditor().getSite().getShell(), "Unhandled situation", "The content was updated on the server, the local version is not the latest and synchronization/update feature is still not implemented. Your changes might not get saved to CMS"); } }
/** * Should only be called if current object and model are not <code>null</code>. * * @since 5.5.3 */ private boolean openEditorIfNeeded(ModelResource currentModel) { boolean openEditorCancelled = false; // we only need to worry about the readonly status if the file is not currently open, // and its underlying IResource is not read only if (currentModel == null) { } else if (!isEditorOpen(currentModel) && !currentModel.getResource().getResourceAttributes().isReadOnly()) { final IFile modelFile = (IFile) currentModel.getResource(); Shell shell = UiPlugin.getDefault().getCurrentWorkbenchWindow().getShell(); // may want to change these text strings eventually: if (MessageDialog.openQuestion( shell, ModelEditorManager.OPEN_EDITOR_TITLE, ModelEditorManager.OPEN_EDITOR_MESSAGE)) { // load and activate, not async (to prevent multiple dialogs from coming up): // Changed to use method that insures Object editor mode is on ModelEditorManager.openInEditMode( modelFile, true, UiConstants.ObjectEditor.IGNORE_OPEN_EDITOR); } else { openEditorCancelled = true; } } return openEditorCancelled; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { // No token could be found, so create one String title = this.request.getRequester(); if (title == null) { title = Messages.getString("UIAuthTokenProvider.req_token_title"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } String message = this.request.getPurpose(); if (message == null) { message = Messages.getString("UIAuthTokenProvider.new_token_question"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } boolean result = MessageDialog.openQuestion(UIAuthTokenProvider.this.shell, title, message); if (result) { IAuthenticationTokenDescription description = this.request.getDescription(); String tokenWizardId = description.getWizardId(); if (showNewTokenWizard(tokenWizardId, false, description)) { this.token = this.cProvider.requestToken(this.request); } else { this.exc = new ProblemException(ICoreProblems.AUTH_TOKEN_REQUEST_CANCELED, Activator.PLUGIN_ID); } } else { this.exc = new ProblemException(ICoreProblems.AUTH_TOKEN_REQUEST_CANCELED, Activator.PLUGIN_ID); } }
/** * Leaves the currently running {@link SarosSession}<br> * Does nothing if no {@link SarosSession} is running. * * @param sarosSessionManager */ public static void leaveSession(final SarosSessionManager sarosSessionManager) { ISarosSession sarosSession = sarosSessionManager.getSarosSession(); Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(); if (sarosSession != null) { boolean reallyLeave; if (sarosSession.isHost()) { if (sarosSession.getParticipants().size() == 1) { // Do not ask when host is alone... reallyLeave = true; } else { reallyLeave = MessageDialog.openQuestion( shell, "Confirm Closing Session", "Are you sure that you want to close this Saros session? Since you are the creator of this session, it will be closed for all participants."); } } else { reallyLeave = MessageDialog.openQuestion( shell, "Confirm Leaving Session", "Are you sure that you want to leave this Saros session?"); } if (!reallyLeave) return; Utils.runSafeAsync( log, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { sarosSessionManager.stopSarosSession(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Session could not be left: ", e); } } }); } else { log.warn( "Tried to leave " + SarosSession.class.getSimpleName() + " although there is no one running"); } }
@Override public void run() { boolean answer = MessageDialog.openQuestion( PrologConsoleView.this.getViewSite().getShell(), "Kill process", "Are you sure you want to kill the process? This will remove all breakpoints and will delete the list of consulted files"); if (answer) { try { Job j = new UIJob("Stopping the PrologInterface") { @Override public IStatus runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { monitor.beginTask("initializing...", IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); PrologInterfaceRegistry registry = PrologRuntimePlugin.getDefault().getPrologInterfaceRegistry(); PrologInterface oldPif = getPrologInterface(); if (oldPif != null) { String currentKey = registry.getKey(oldPif); oldPif.clearConsultedFiles(); oldPif.stop(); if ("true".equals(oldPif.getAttribute(KILLABLE))) { Set<Subscription> subscriptionsForPif = registry.getSubscriptionsForPif(currentKey); for (Subscription s : subscriptionsForPif) { registry.removeSubscription(s); } registry.removePrologInterface(currentKey); getDefaultPrologConsoleService() .fireConsoleVisibilityChanged(PrologConsoleView.this); PrologRuntimeUIPlugin.getDefault() .getPrologInterfaceService() .setActivePrologInterface(null); } } } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.report(e); return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } finally { monitor.done(); } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; j.schedule(); } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.report(t); } } }
/** * Returns a commit comment specific to <code>task</code> and <code>resources</code>. If <code> * resources</code> is null or the associated projects do not specify a custom commit comment * template the global template is used. * * <p>This method must be invoked on the UI thread. * * @param checkTaskRepository if true, a warning dialog is displayed in case <code>task</code> is * associated with a different repository than any of the <code>resources</code> * @param task the task to generate the commit comment for * @param resources that are being committed or null * @return a commit comment or an empty string if the user opted to abort generating the commit * message * @since 3.5 */ public static String getComment(boolean checkTaskRepository, ITask task, IResource[] resources) { // lookup project specific template String template = null; Set<IProject> projects = new HashSet<IProject>(); if (resources != null) { for (IResource resource : resources) { IProject project = resource.getProject(); if (project != null && project.isAccessible() && !projects.contains(project)) { TeamPropertiesLinkProvider provider = new TeamPropertiesLinkProvider(); template = provider.getCommitCommentTemplate(project); if (template != null) { break; } projects.add(project); } } } boolean proceed = true; // prompt if resources do not match task if (checkTaskRepository) { boolean unmatchedRepositoryFound = false; for (IProject project : projects) { TaskRepository repository = TasksUiPlugin.getDefault().getRepositoryForResource(project); if (repository != null) { if (!repository.getRepositoryUrl().equals(task.getRepositoryUrl())) { unmatchedRepositoryFound = true; } } } if (unmatchedRepositoryFound) { if (Display.getCurrent() != null) { proceed = MessageDialog.openQuestion( WorkbenchUtil.getShell(), Messages.ContextChangeSet_Mylyn_Change_Set_Management, Messages.ContextChangeSet_ATTEMPTING_TO_COMMIT_RESOURCE); } else { proceed = false; } } } if (proceed) { if (template == null) { template = FocusedTeamUiPlugin.getDefault() .getPreferenceStore() .getString(FocusedTeamUiPlugin.COMMIT_TEMPLATE); } return FocusedTeamUiPlugin.getDefault() .getCommitTemplateManager() .generateComment(task, template); } else { return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } }
private static boolean showConvertMessageBox(String fileName) { return MessageDialog.openQuestion( AndmoreAndroidPlugin.getDisplay().getActiveShell(), "Warning", String.format( "The file \"%s\" doesn't seem to be a 9-patch file. \n" + "Do you want to convert?", fileName)); }
/** * Do the work after everything is specified. * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * * @generated */ public boolean performFinish() { try { // Get the URI of the model file. // final URI fileURI = getModelURI(); if (new File(fileURI.toFileString()).exists()) { if (!MessageDialog.openQuestion( getShell(), WorkaroundEditorPlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_Question_title"), WorkaroundEditorPlugin.INSTANCE.getString( "_WARN_FileConflict", new String[] {fileURI.toFileString()}))) { initialObjectCreationPage.selectFileField(); return false; } } // Do the work within an operation. // IRunnableWithProgress operation = new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void run(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { try { // Create a resource set // ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // Create a resource for this file. // Resource resource = resourceSet.createResource(fileURI); // Add the initial model object to the contents. // EObject rootObject = createInitialModel(); if (rootObject != null) { resource.getContents().add(rootObject); } // Save the contents of the resource to the file system. // Map options = new HashMap(); options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_ENCODING, initialObjectCreationPage.getEncoding()); resource.save(options); } catch (Exception exception) { WorkaroundEditorPlugin.INSTANCE.log(exception); } finally { progressMonitor.done(); } } }; getContainer().run(false, false, operation); return WorkaroundEditorAdvisor.openEditor(workbench, fileURI); } catch (Exception exception) { WorkaroundEditorPlugin.INSTANCE.log(exception); return false; } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.teiid.designer.ui.preferences.IGeneralPreferencePageContributor#performOk() */ @Override public boolean performOk() { // persist value String versionString = versionCombo.getText(); ITeiidServerVersion version = new TeiidServerVersion(versionString); if (versionString.equals(getPreferenceStoreValue(false))) return true; // same value - no change if (ModelerCore.getTeiidServerManager().getDefaultServer() == null && hasOpenEditors()) { // No default teiid instance and open editors so modelling diagrams may close which could // surprise! boolean changeVersion = MessageDialog.openQuestion( shell, Util.getStringOrKey(PREFIX + "versionChangeQuestionTitle"), // $NON-NLS-1$ Util.getStringOrKey(PREFIX + "versionChangeQuestionMessage")); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (!changeVersion) return false; } try { for (ITeiidServerVersion regVersion : TeiidRuntimeRegistry.getInstance().getSupportedVersions()) { if (regVersion.compareTo(version)) { getPreferenceStore().setValue(PREF_ID, regVersion.toString()); return true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.log(ex); } boolean changeVersion = MessageDialog.openQuestion( shell, Util.getStringOrKey(PREFIX + "unsupportedVersionQuestionTitle"), // $NON-NLS-1$ Util.getStringOrKey(PREFIX + "unsupportedVersionQuestionMesssage")); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (changeVersion) { getPreferenceStore().setValue(PREF_ID, version.toString()); return true; } // No runtime client to support default version return false; }
private static Object promptUserZombieProcess(Object... data) { IWorkbenchWindow active = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); Shell s = active.getShell(); return MessageDialog.openQuestion( s, "Warning: server process not terminated", NLS.bind( "The process for server {0} has not been terminated. Would you like us to terminate it for you?", ((IServer) data[0]).getName())); }
@Override public boolean performCancel() { if (!enterXMPPAccountWizardPage.isXMPPAccountCreated()) return true; return MessageDialog.openQuestion( getShell(), Messages.AddXMPPAccountWizard_account_created, Messages.AddXMPPAccountWizard_account_created_text); }
private void showMessageDialogQuestion() { String title = "Question"; String mesg = "Do you like the RAP technology?\n\n" + "Note that you can also press <Return> here. " + "The correct answer is automatically selected."; boolean result = MessageDialog.openQuestion(getShell(), title, mesg); messageDlgResLabel.setText("Result: " + result); messageDlgResLabel.pack(); }
@Override protected boolean canHandleShellCloseEvent() { if (FileActionDialog.getDisablePopup()) { return true; } if (MessageDialog.openQuestion( getShell(), Messages.handleShellCloseEventTitle, Messages.handleShellCloseEventMessage)) { return super.canHandleShellCloseEvent(); } return false; }
public void checkValidProjectTypes() { IProject[] projects = CoreUtil.getAllProjects(); boolean hasValidProjectTypes = false; boolean hasJsfFacet = false; for (IProject project : projects) { if (ProjectUtil.isLiferayProject(project)) { Set<IProjectFacetVersion> facets = ProjectUtil.getFacetedProject(project).getProjectFacets(); if (validProjectTypes != null && facets != null) { String[] validTypes = validProjectTypes.split(","); for (String validProjectType : validTypes) { for (IProjectFacetVersion facet : facets) { String id = facet.getProjectFacet().getId(); if (isJsfPortlet && id.equals("jst.jsf")) { hasJsfFacet = true; } if (id.startsWith("liferay.") && id.equals("liferay." + validProjectType)) { hasValidProjectTypes = true; } } } } } } if (isJsfPortlet) { hasValidProjectTypes = hasJsfFacet && hasValidProjectTypes; } if (!hasValidProjectTypes) { final Shell activeShell = Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(); Boolean openNewLiferayProjectWizard = MessageDialog.openQuestion( activeShell, "New Element", "There are no suitable Liferay projects available for this new element.\nDo you want" + " to open the \'New Liferay Project\' wizard now?"); if (openNewLiferayProjectWizard) { Action[] actions = NewPluginProjectDropDownAction.getNewProjectActions(); if (actions.length > 0) { actions[0].run(); this.checkValidProjectTypes(); } } } }
/** @see org.eclipse.core.commands.IHandler#execute(org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent) */ @Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { if (MessageDialog.openQuestion( HandlerUtil.getActiveShell(event), "Clear source schemas", "Do you really want to clear all source schemas?")) { SchemaService ss = (SchemaService) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(SchemaService.class); ss.clearSchemas(SchemaSpaceID.SOURCE); } return null; }
/** @see org.eclipse.core.commands.IHandler#execute(org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent) */ @Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { if (MessageDialog.openQuestion( HandlerUtil.getActiveShell(event), "Delete cells", "Do you really want to delete all cells?")) { AlignmentService as = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(AlignmentService.class); as.clean(); } return null; }
/** * If the preview preference is disabled or a Teiid server does not exist, a dialog is shown * asking the user if they want to enable preview and create a server. * * @param shell the shell used to display dialog if necessary * @return <code>true</code> if preview is enabled, a Teiid server exists, and a connection to the * server has been made */ public static boolean ensurePreviewEnabled(Shell shell) { boolean previewEnabled = isPreviewEnabled(); boolean previewServerExists = previewServerExists(); // dialog message (null if preview preference enabled and server exists) String msg = null; if (!previewEnabled && !previewServerExists) { msg = UTIL.getString(PREFIX + "previewDisabledNoTeiidInstanceMsg"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else if (!previewEnabled) { msg = UTIL.getString(PREFIX + "previewDisabledMsg"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else if (!previewServerExists) { msg = UTIL.getString(PREFIX + "noTeiidInstanceMsg"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // if necessary open question dialog if ((msg != null) && MessageDialog.openQuestion( shell, UTIL.getString(PREFIX + "confirmEnablePreviewTitle"), msg)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ // if necessary change preference if (!previewEnabled) { IEclipsePreferences prefs = DqpPlugin.getInstance().getPreferences(); prefs.putBoolean(PreferenceConstants.PREVIEW_ENABLED, true); // save try { prefs.flush(); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { UTIL.log(e); } } // if necessary create new server if (!previewServerExists) { runNewServerAction(shell); } } // if dialog was shown get values again if (msg != null) { previewEnabled = isPreviewEnabled(); previewServerExists = previewServerExists(); // if preview is not enabled or server does not exist then user canceled the dialog or the new // server wizard if (!previewEnabled || !previewServerExists) { return false; } } // abort preview if server is not connected return serverConnectionExists(shell); }
/** Add page to the wizard. */ @Override public void addPages() { String sdkPath = null; if (Activator.IS_WINDOWS) { try { sdkPath = WindowsAzureProjectManager.getLatestAzureSdkDir(); } catch (IOException e) { sdkPath = null; Activator.getDefault().log(errorMessage, e); } } else { Activator.getDefault().log("Not Windows OS, skipping getSDK"); } try { if (sdkPath == null && Activator.IS_WINDOWS) { errorTitle = Messages.sdkInsErrTtl; errorMessage = Messages.sdkInsErrMsg; boolean choice = MessageDialog.openQuestion(getShell(), errorTitle, errorMessage); if (choice) { PlatformUI.getWorkbench() .getBrowserSupport() .getExternalBrowser() .openURL(new URL(Messages.sdkInsUrl)); } addPage(null); } else { waProjWizPage = new WAProjectWizardPage(Messages.projWizPg); tabPg = new WATabPage(Messages.tbPg, waRole, this, true); /* * If wizard activated through right click on * Dynamic web project then * Add that as an WAR application. */ if (Activator.getDefault().isContextMenu()) { IProject selProj = getSelectProject(); tabPg.addToAppList( selProj.getLocation().toOSString(), selProj.getName() + ".war", WindowsAzureRoleComponentImportMethod.auto.name()); } waKeyPage = new WAKeyFeaturesPage(Messages.keyPg); addPage(waProjWizPage); addPage(tabPg); addPage(waKeyPage); } } catch (Exception ex) { // only logging the error in log file not showing anything to // end user Activator.getDefault().log(errorMessage, ex); } }
/** * Opens the new project dialog if the workspace is empty. * * @param parent the parent shell * @return returns <code>true</code> when a project has been created, or <code>false</code> when * the new project has been canceled. */ protected boolean doCreateProjectFirstOnEmptyWorkspace(Shell parent) { IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); if (workspaceRoot.getProjects().length == 0) { String title = DartUIMessages.OpenTypeAction_dialogTitle; String message = DartUIMessages.OpenTypeAction_createProjectFirst; if (MessageDialog.openQuestion(parent, title, message)) { new NewProjectAction().run(); return workspaceRoot.getProjects().length != 0; } return false; } return true; }
public static void bowerLocationNotDefined() { boolean define = MessageDialog.openQuestion( Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), Messages.BowerErrorHandler_BowerNotDefinedTitle, Messages.BowerErrorHandler_BowerNotDefinedMessage); if (define) { PreferenceDialog dialog = PreferencesUtil.createPreferenceDialogOn( Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), BowerPreferencePage.PAGE_ID, null, null); dialog.open(); } }
/** * Opens the new project dialog if the workspace is empty. This method is called on {@link * #run()}. * * @param shell the shell to use * @return returns <code>true</code> when a project has been created, or <code>false</code> when * the new project has been canceled. */ protected boolean doCreateProjectFirstOnEmptyWorkspace(Shell shell) { IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); if (workspaceRoot.getProjects().length == 0) { String title = NewWizardMessages.AbstractOpenWizardAction_noproject_title; String message = NewWizardMessages.AbstractOpenWizardAction_noproject_message; if (MessageDialog.openQuestion(shell, title, message)) { new NewProjectAction().run(); return workspaceRoot.getProjects().length != 0; } return false; } return true; }
/** * ************************************************************************* The command has been * executed, so extract extract the needed information from the application context. * ************************************************************************ */ public CommandResult execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); IRuntimeSettings runtime = (IRuntimeSettings) ServiceManager.get(IRuntimeSettings.class); String instanceId = (String) runtime.getRuntimeProperty(RuntimeProperty.ID_PROCEDURE_SELECTION); try { IProcedureManager mgr = (IProcedureManager) ServiceManager.get(IProcedureManager.class); IProcedure proc = null; if (mgr.isLocallyLoaded(instanceId)) { proc = mgr.getProcedure(instanceId); } else { proc = mgr.getRemoteProcedure(instanceId); } List<AsRunFile> toExport = new LinkedList<AsRunFile>(); ExportAsRunFileJob job = new ExportAsRunFileJob(proc); CommandHelper.executeInProgress(job, true, true); if (job.result.equals(CommandResult.SUCCESS)) { toExport.add(job.asrunFile); if (!job.asrunFile.getChildren().isEmpty()) { boolean alsoChildren = MessageDialog.openQuestion( window.getShell(), "Export children ASRUN files", "This procedure has executed sub-procedures.\n\nDo you want to export these ASRUN files as well?"); if (alsoChildren) { gatherChildAsRunFiles(job.asrunFile, toExport); } } } DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(window.getShell(), SWT.SAVE); dialog.setMessage( "Select directory to export ASRUN file(s) for '" + proc.getProcName() + "'"); dialog.setText("Export ASRUN"); String destination = dialog.open(); if (destination != null && !destination.isEmpty()) { SaveAsRunFileJob saveJob = new SaveAsRunFileJob(destination, toExport); CommandHelper.executeInProgress(saveJob, true, true); return saveJob.result; } else { return CommandResult.NO_EFFECT; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return CommandResult.FAILED; } }
private boolean getPropagate(Boolean returnIfNull) { if (propagate == null) { if (returnIfNull != null) { return returnIfNull; } propagate = MessageDialog.openQuestion( new Shell(), Messages.getString("ChangeMetadataCommand.messageDialog.propagate"), // $NON-NLS-1$ Messages.getString( "ChangeMetadataCommand.messageDialog.questionMessage")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return propagate; }
public static boolean promptConfirmLauch(Shell shell, IContext context, IProcess process) { boolean continueLaunch = true; int nbValues = 0; if (context == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context is null"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // Prompt for context values ? for (IContextParameter parameter : context.getContextParameterList()) { if (parameter.isPromptNeeded()) { nbValues++; } } if (nbValues > 0) { IContext contextCopy = context.clone(); PromptDialog promptDialog = new PromptDialog(shell, contextCopy); if (promptDialog.open() == PromptDialog.OK) { for (IContextParameter param : context.getContextParameterList()) { boolean found = false; IContextParameter paramCopy = null; for (int i = 0; i < contextCopy.getContextParameterList().size() & !found; i++) { paramCopy = contextCopy.getContextParameterList().get(i); if (param.getName().equals(paramCopy.getName())) { // param.setValueList(paramCopy.getValueList()); param.setInternalValue(paramCopy.getValue()); found = true; } } } contextComboViewer.refresh(); contextTableViewer.refresh(); processNeedGenCode(process); } else { continueLaunch = false; } } else { if (context.isConfirmationNeeded()) { continueLaunch = MessageDialog.openQuestion( shell, Messages.getString("ProcessComposite.confirmTitle"), // $NON-NLS-1$ Messages.getString( "ProcessComposite.confirmText", context.getName())); // $NON-NLS-1$ } updateDefaultValueForListTypeParameter(context.getContextParameterList()); } return continueLaunch; }
public void runDeleteAction() { RosterEntry rosterEntry = null; List<RosterEntry> selectedRosterEntries = SelectionRetrieverFactory.getSelectionRetriever(RosterEntry.class).getSelection(); if (selectedRosterEntries.size() == 1) { rosterEntry = selectedRosterEntries.get(0); } if (rosterEntry == null) { LOG.error("RosterEntry should not be null at this point!"); // $NON-NLS-1$ return; } if (sessionManager != null) { // Is the chosen user currently in the session? ISarosSession sarosSession = sessionManager.getSarosSession(); String entryJid = rosterEntry.getUser(); if (sarosSession != null) { for (User p : sarosSession.getUsers()) { String pJid = p.getJID().getBase(); // If so, stop the deletion from completing if (entryJid.equals(pJid)) { MessageDialog.openError( null, Messages.DeleteContactAction_error_title, DELETE_ERROR_IN_SESSION); return; } } } } if (MessageDialog.openQuestion( null, Messages.DeleteContactAction_confirm_title, MessageFormat.format( Messages.DeleteContactAction_confirm_message, toString(rosterEntry)))) { try { XMPPUtils.removeFromRoster(connectionService.getConnection(), rosterEntry); } catch (XMPPException e) { LOG.error( "could not delete contact " + toString(rosterEntry) // $NON-NLS-1$ + ":", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } }
private void savePubspecFile(IContainer container) { IResource resource = container.findMember(DartCore.PUBSPEC_FILE_NAME); if (resource != null) { IEditorPart editor = EditorUtility.isOpenInEditor(resource); if (editor != null && editor.isDirty()) { if (MessageDialog.openQuestion( getShell(), NLS.bind(ActionMessages.RunPubAction_commandText, command), ActionMessages.RunPubAction_savePubspecMessage)) { editor.doSave(new NullProgressMonitor()); } } } }