public void writeProblemLog(Appendable out) throws IOException { out.append("----------\n"); if (problems != null) { int errorCount = 0; for (CompilationResult r : problems) { for (CategorizedProblem p : r.getAllProblems()) { out.append(Integer.toString(++errorCount)); out.append(". "); if (p.isError()) { out.append("ERROR in "); } else if (p.isWarning()) { out.append("WARNING in "); } else { out.append("Problem in "); } out.append(new String(p.getOriginatingFileName())); String errorReportSource = ((DefaultProblem) p).errorReportSource(r.compilationUnit.getContents()); out.append(errorReportSource); out.append("\n"); out.append(p.getMessage()); out.append("\n----------\n"); } } } }
@Override public void onCompilationResult(CompilationResult result) { if (result.hasErrors()) { myHasErrors = true; for (CategorizedProblem error : result.getErrors()) { myBuffer.append(error.getMessage()); myBuffer.append("\n"); } } }
protected void finishedWith( String sourceLocator, CompilationResult result, char[] mainTypeName, ArrayList definedTypeNames, ArrayList duplicateTypeNames) { char[][] previousTypeNames = this.newState.getDefinedTypeNamesFor(sourceLocator); if (previousTypeNames == null) previousTypeNames = new char[][] {mainTypeName}; IPath packagePath = null; next: for (int i = 0, l = previousTypeNames.length; i < l; i++) { char[] previous = previousTypeNames[i]; for (int j = 0, m = definedTypeNames.size(); j < m; j++) if (CharOperation.equals(previous, (char[]) definedTypeNames.get(j))) continue next; SourceFile sourceFile = (SourceFile) result.getCompilationUnit(); if (packagePath == null) { int count = sourceFile.sourceLocation.sourceFolder.getFullPath().segmentCount(); packagePath = sourceFile.resource.getFullPath().removeFirstSegments(count).removeLastSegments(1); } if (this.secondaryTypesToRemove == null) this.secondaryTypesToRemove = new SimpleLookupTable(); ArrayList types = (ArrayList) this.secondaryTypesToRemove.get(sourceFile.sourceLocation.binaryFolder); if (types == null) types = new ArrayList(definedTypeNames.size()); types.add(packagePath.append(new String(previous))); this.secondaryTypesToRemove.put(sourceFile.sourceLocation.binaryFolder, types); } super.finishedWith(sourceLocator, result, mainTypeName, definedTypeNames, duplicateTypeNames); }
public void checkParse(char[] source, String expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis, String testName) { /* using regular parser in DIET mode */ Parser parser = new Parser( new ProblemReporter( DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems(), new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()), new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault())), optimizeStringLiterals); ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null); CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 0, 0, 0); parser.parse(sourceUnit, compilationResult); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(100); if (compilationResult.hasProblems() || compilationResult.hasTasks()) { CategorizedProblem[] problems = compilationResult.getAllProblems(); int count = problems.length; int problemCount = 0; char[] unitSource = compilationResult.compilationUnit.getContents(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (problems[i] != null) { if (problemCount == 0) buffer.append("----------\n"); problemCount++; buffer.append(problemCount + (problems[i].isError() ? ". ERROR" : ". WARNING")); buffer.append( " in " + new String(problems[i].getOriginatingFileName()).replace('/', '\\')); try { buffer.append(((DefaultProblem) problems[i]).errorReportSource(unitSource)); buffer.append("\n"); buffer.append(problems[i].getMessage()); buffer.append("\n"); } catch (Exception e) { } buffer.append("----------\n"); } } } String computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis = buffer.toString(); // System.out.println(Util.displayString(computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis)); assertEquals( "Invalid syntax error diagnosis" + testName, Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(expectedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis), Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(computedSyntaxErrorDiagnosis)); }
public void acceptResult(CompilationResult compilationResult) { this.hasErrors |= compilationResult.hasErrors(); this.problemLog += Util.getProblemLog(compilationResult, this.showCategory, this.showWarningToken); outputClassFiles(compilationResult); if (this.clientRequestor != null) { this.clientRequestor.acceptResult(compilationResult); } }
protected void updateTasksFor(SourceFile sourceFile, CompilationResult result) throws CoreException { IMarker[] markers = JavaBuilder.getTasksFor(sourceFile.resource); CategorizedProblem[] tasks = result.getTasks(); if (tasks == null && markers.length == 0) return; JavaBuilder.removeTasksFor(sourceFile.resource); storeTasksFor(sourceFile, tasks); }
protected void addProblem(CompilationResult result) { if (problems == null) { problems = new ArrayList<CompilationResult>(); } problems.add(result); if (result.hasErrors()) { hasErrors = true; } }
public static List<String> createCompilationProblemsList( List<CompilationResult> compilationResults) { List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); for (CompilationResult r : compilationResults) { if (r.getErrors() != null) { for (CategorizedProblem p : r.getErrors()) { res.add( new String(r.getCompilationUnit().getFileName()) + " (" + p.getSourceLineNumber() + "): " + p.getMessage()); } } } return res; }
protected void updateProblemsFor(SourceFile sourceFile, CompilationResult result) throws CoreException { IMarker[] markers = JavaBuilder.getProblemsFor(sourceFile.resource); CategorizedProblem[] problems = result.getProblems(); if (problems == null && markers.length == 0) return; this.notifier.updateProblemCounts(markers, problems); JavaBuilder.removeProblemsFor(sourceFile.resource); storeProblemsFor(sourceFile, problems); }
protected void outputClassFiles(CompilationResult unitResult) { if ((unitResult != null) && (!unitResult.hasErrors() || this.forceOutputGeneration)) { ClassFile[] classFiles = unitResult.getClassFiles(); if (this.outputPath != null) { for (int i = 0, fileCount = classFiles.length; i < fileCount; i++) { // retrieve the key and the corresponding classfile ClassFile classFile = classFiles[i]; String relativeName = new String(classFile.fileName()).replace('/', File.separatorChar) + ".class"; try { org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.writeToDisk( true, this.outputPath, relativeName, classFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }
protected IProblem[] getJavaCompilationErrors(CompilationResult result) { try { Method getErrorsMethod = result.getClass().getMethod("getErrors", null); return (IProblem[]) getErrorsMethod.invoke(result, null); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new JRRuntimeException("Error resolving JDT methods", e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new JRRuntimeException("Error resolving JDT methods", e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new JRRuntimeException("Error invoking JDT methods", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new JRRuntimeException("Error invoking JDT methods", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new JRRuntimeException("Error invoking JDT methods", e); } }
/** * Bytecode generation for a method * * @param classScope * @param classFile */ public void generateCode(ClassScope classScope, ClassFile classFile) { classFile.codeStream.wideMode = false; // reset wideMode to false if (this.ignoreFurtherInvestigation) { // method is known to have errors, dump a problem method if (this.binding == null) return; // handle methods with invalid signature or duplicates int problemsLength; CategorizedProblem[] problems = this.scope.referenceCompilationUnit().compilationResult.getProblems(); CategorizedProblem[] problemsCopy = new CategorizedProblem[problemsLength = problems.length]; System.arraycopy(problems, 0, problemsCopy, 0, problemsLength); classFile.addProblemMethod(this, this.binding, problemsCopy); return; } int problemResetPC = 0; CompilationResult unitResult = null; int problemCount = 0; if (classScope != null) { TypeDeclaration referenceContext = classScope.referenceContext; if (referenceContext != null) { unitResult = referenceContext.compilationResult(); problemCount = unitResult.problemCount; } } boolean restart = false; boolean abort = false; // regular code generation do { try { problemResetPC = classFile.contentsOffset; this.generateCode(classFile); restart = false; } catch (AbortMethod e) { // a fatal error was detected during code generation, need to restart code gen if possible if (e.compilationResult == CodeStream.RESTART_IN_WIDE_MODE) { // a branch target required a goto_w, restart code gen in wide mode. classFile.contentsOffset = problemResetPC; classFile.methodCount--; classFile.codeStream.resetInWideMode(); // request wide mode // reset the problem count to prevent reporting the same warning twice if (unitResult != null) { unitResult.problemCount = problemCount; } restart = true; } else if (e.compilationResult == CodeStream.RESTART_CODE_GEN_FOR_UNUSED_LOCALS_MODE) { classFile.contentsOffset = problemResetPC; classFile.methodCount--; classFile.codeStream.resetForCodeGenUnusedLocals(); // reset the problem count to prevent reporting the same warning twice if (unitResult != null) { unitResult.problemCount = problemCount; } restart = true; } else { restart = false; abort = true; } } } while (restart); // produce a problem method accounting for this fatal error if (abort) { int problemsLength; CategorizedProblem[] problems = this.scope.referenceCompilationUnit().compilationResult.getAllProblems(); CategorizedProblem[] problemsCopy = new CategorizedProblem[problemsLength = problems.length]; System.arraycopy(problems, 0, problemsCopy, 0, problemsLength); classFile.addProblemMethod(this, this.binding, problemsCopy, problemResetPC); } }
/** * Resolve the method or field (see FieldAccessSpec). * * @param receiverType receiver of the method call. * @param scope * @param callinExpected whether this method spec is the LHS of a replace callin. * @param isBaseSide whether this method spec is the RHS (any binding kind) * @param allowEnclosing whether a method may be found in an enclosing type of receiverType * @return the resolved method (may be problem method) or null */ public MethodBinding resolveFeature( ReferenceBinding receiverType, BlockScope scope, boolean callinExpected, boolean isBaseSide, boolean allowEnclosing) { // getRealClass() is used, because decapsulation needs to find private methods, // which for roles are found only in the class part. ReferenceBinding receiverClass = receiverType.getRealClass(); boolean isConstructorSpec = CharOperation.equals(this.selector, receiverClass.sourceName()); char[] realSelector = isConstructorSpec ? TypeConstants.INIT : this.selector; if (this.hasSignature) { TypeBinding[] enhancedParameters = this.parameters; // first chance: try enhanced: enhancedParameters = MethodSignatureEnhancer.enhanceParameters(scope, this.parameters); CompilationResult compilationResult = scope.referenceContext().compilationResult(); CheckPoint cp = compilationResult.getCheckPoint(scope.referenceContext()); this.resolvedMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod( scope, receiverClass, realSelector, enhancedParameters, isBaseSide, isBaseSide ? this : null); if (!this.resolvedMethod.isValidBinding() && this.resolvedMethod.problemId() == ProblemReasons.NotFound) { // second+ chance: try plain: while (receiverClass != null) { compilationResult.rollBack(cp); MethodBinding plainMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod( scope, receiverClass, realSelector, this.parameters, isBaseSide, isBaseSide ? this : null); if (!callinExpected) { this.resolvedMethod = plainMethod; } else { if (plainMethod != null && plainMethod.isValidBinding()) scope.problemReporter().replaceMappingToNonCallin(this, plainMethod); // mark the ProblemMethodBinding consistently to what we have been looking for last: this.resolvedMethod.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccCallin | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic; } if (plainMethod != null && plainMethod.isValidBinding()) break; if (allowEnclosing) receiverClass = receiverClass.enclosingType(); else receiverClass = null; } } } else { CompilationResult compilationResult = scope.referenceContext().compilationResult(); CheckPoint cp = compilationResult.getCheckPoint(scope.referenceContext()); while (receiverClass != null) { this.resolvedMethod = receiverClass.getMethod(scope, realSelector); if (this.resolvedMethod != null && this.resolvedMethod.isValidBinding()) break; // good if (!allowEnclosing) break; // bad compilationResult.rollBack(cp); receiverClass = receiverClass.enclosingType(); } } if (this.resolvedMethod != null) { if (this.resolvedMethod.isValidBinding()) { // check visibility of role-side in callin: if (!isBaseSide && scope.referenceContext() instanceof CallinMappingDeclaration && !this.resolvedMethod.canBeSeenBy(this, scope)) { scope.problemReporter().invisibleMethod(this, this.resolvedMethod); this.resolvedMethod = new ProblemMethodBinding( this.resolvedMethod, this.selector, this.parameters, ProblemReasons.NotVisible); } } if (!this.resolvedMethod.isValidBinding() && this.resolvedMethod.declaringClass == null) this.resolvedMethod.declaringClass = receiverClass; // needed for computeUniqueKey (via // CallinCalloutBinding.computeUniqueKey) } return this.resolvedMethod; }
// Dump classfiles onto disk for all compilation units that where successful // and do not carry a -d none spec, either directly or inherited from Main. @Override public void outputClassFiles(CompilationResult unitResult) { if (!((unitResult == null) || (unitResult.hasErrors() && !this.proceedOnError))) { ClassFile[] classFiles = unitResult.getClassFiles(); boolean generateClasspathStructure = this.fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT); String currentDestinationPath = this.destinationPath; File outputLocation = null; if (currentDestinationPath != null) { outputLocation = new File(currentDestinationPath); outputLocation.mkdirs(); } for (int i = 0, fileCount = classFiles.length; i < fileCount; i++) { // retrieve the key and the corresponding classfile ClassFile classFile = classFiles[i]; char[] filename = classFile.fileName(); int length = filename.length; char[] relativeName = new char[length + 6]; System.arraycopy(filename, 0, relativeName, 0, length); System.arraycopy(SuffixConstants.SUFFIX_class, 0, relativeName, length, 6); CharOperation.replace(relativeName, '/', File.separatorChar); String relativeStringName = new String(relativeName); if (this.compilerOptions.verbose) { EclipseCompilerImpl.this.out.println( Messages.bind( Messages.compilation_write, new String[] { String.valueOf(this.exportedClassFilesCounter + 1), relativeStringName })); } try { JavaFileObject javaFileForOutput = this.fileManager.getJavaFileForOutput( StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, new String(filename), JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS, this.javaFileObjectMap.get(unitResult.compilationUnit)); if (generateClasspathStructure) { if (currentDestinationPath != null) { int index = CharOperation.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar, relativeName); if (index != -1) { File currentFolder = new File(currentDestinationPath, relativeStringName.substring(0, index)); currentFolder.mkdirs(); } } else { // create the subfolfers is necessary // need a way to retrieve the folders to create String path = javaFileForOutput.toUri().getPath(); int index = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index != -1) { File file = new File(path.substring(0, index)); file.mkdirs(); } } } OutputStream openOutputStream = javaFileForOutput.openOutputStream(); BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(openOutputStream); bufferedOutputStream.write(classFile.header, 0, classFile.headerOffset); bufferedOutputStream.write(classFile.contents, 0, classFile.contentsOffset); bufferedOutputStream.flush(); bufferedOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { this.logger.logNoClassFileCreated(currentDestinationPath, relativeStringName, e); } this.logger.logClassFile( generateClasspathStructure, currentDestinationPath, relativeStringName); this.exportedClassFilesCounter++; } this.batchCompiler.lookupEnvironment.releaseClassFiles(classFiles); } }
protected CompilationUnitDeclaration endParse(int act) { if (this.hasRecoveredOnExpression) { CompilationResult unitResult = this.compilationUnit.compilationResult; if (act != ERROR_ACTION) { // expression recovery worked // flush previously recorded problems for (int i = 0; i < unitResult.problemCount; i++) { unitResult.problems[i] = null; // discard problem } unitResult.problemCount = 0; if (this.referenceContext instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) { ((AbstractMethodDeclaration) this.referenceContext).ignoreFurtherInvestigation = false; } if (this.referenceContext instanceof CompilationUnitDeclaration) { ((CompilationUnitDeclaration) this.referenceContext).ignoreFurtherInvestigation = false; } // consume expresion as a return statement consumeStatementReturn(); int fieldsCount = (this.evaluationContext.localVariableNames == null ? 0 : this.evaluationContext.localVariableNames.length) + (this.evaluationContext.declaringTypeName == null ? 0 : 1); if (this.astPtr > ( ? 0 : 2 + fieldsCount)) { // in diet mode, the ast stack was empty when we went for method body // otherwise it contained the type, the generated fields for local variables, // the generated field for 'this' and the method consumeBlockStatements(); } consumeMethodBody(); if (! { consumeMethodDeclaration(true); if (fieldsCount > 0) { consumeClassBodyDeclarations(); } consumeClassBodyDeclarationsopt(); consumeClassDeclaration(); consumeInternalCompilationUnitWithTypes(); consumeCompilationUnit(); } this.lastAct = ACCEPT_ACTION; } else { // might have more than one error recorded: // 1. during regular parse // 2. during expression recovery // -> must filter out one of them, the earliest one is less accurate int maxRegularPos = 0, problemCount = unitResult.problemCount; for (int i = 0; i < this.problemCountBeforeRecovery; i++) { // skip unmatched bracket problems if (unitResult.problems[i].getID() == IProblem.UnmatchedBracket) continue; int start = unitResult.problems[i].getSourceStart(); if (start > maxRegularPos && start <= this.codeSnippetEnd) { maxRegularPos = start; } } int maxRecoveryPos = 0; for (int i = this.problemCountBeforeRecovery; i < problemCount; i++) { // skip unmatched bracket problems if (unitResult.problems[i].getID() == IProblem.UnmatchedBracket) continue; int start = unitResult.problems[i].getSourceStart(); if (start > maxRecoveryPos && start <= this.codeSnippetEnd) { maxRecoveryPos = start; } } if (maxRecoveryPos > maxRegularPos) { System.arraycopy( unitResult.problems, this.problemCountBeforeRecovery, unitResult.problems, 0, problemCount - this.problemCountBeforeRecovery); unitResult.problemCount -= this.problemCountBeforeRecovery; } else { unitResult.problemCount -= (problemCount - this.problemCountBeforeRecovery); } for (int i = unitResult.problemCount; i < problemCount; i++) { unitResult.problems[i] = null; // discard problem } } } return super.endParse(act); }
public void record( CategorizedProblem problem, CompilationResult unitResult, ReferenceContext referenceContext) { unitResult.record(problem, referenceContext); }
public void handle( int problemId, String[] problemArguments, int elaborationId, String[] messageArguments, int severity, int problemStartPosition, int problemEndPosition, ReferenceContext referenceContext, CompilationResult unitResult) { if (severity == ProblemSeverities.Ignore) return; // if no reference context, we need to abort from the current compilation process if (referenceContext == null) { if ((severity & ProblemSeverities.Error) != 0) { // non reportable error is fatal CategorizedProblem problem = this.createProblem( null, problemId, problemArguments, elaborationId, messageArguments, severity, 0, 0, 0, 0); throw new AbortCompilation(null, problem); } else { return; // ignore non reportable warning } } int[] lineEnds; int lineNumber = problemStartPosition >= 0 ? Util.getLineNumber( problemStartPosition, lineEnds = unitResult.getLineSeparatorPositions(), 0, lineEnds.length - 1) : 0; int columnNumber = problemStartPosition >= 0 ? Util.searchColumnNumber( unitResult.getLineSeparatorPositions(), lineNumber, problemStartPosition) : 0; CategorizedProblem problem = this.createProblem( unitResult.getFileName(), problemId, problemArguments, elaborationId, messageArguments, severity, problemStartPosition, problemEndPosition, lineNumber, columnNumber); if (problem == null) return; // problem couldn't be created, ignore switch (severity & ProblemSeverities.Error) { case ProblemSeverities.Error: record(problem, unitResult, referenceContext); if ((severity & ProblemSeverities.Fatal) != 0) { referenceContext.tagAsHavingErrors(); // should abort ? int abortLevel; if ((abortLevel = this.policy.stopOnFirstError() ? ProblemSeverities.AbortCompilation : severity & ProblemSeverities.Abort) != 0) { referenceContext.abort(abortLevel, problem); } } break; case ProblemSeverities.Warning: record(problem, unitResult, referenceContext); break; } }
protected TypeBinding internalResolveType(Scope scope, int location) { // handle the error here this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant; if (this.resolvedType != null) { // is a shared type reference which was already resolved if (this.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) { return this.resolvedType; } else { switch (this.resolvedType.problemId()) { case ProblemReasons.NotFound: case ProblemReasons.NotVisible: case ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName: TypeBinding type = this.resolvedType.closestMatch(); if (type == null) return null; return scope .environment() .convertToRawType(type, false /*do not force conversion of enclosing types*/); default: return null; } } } boolean hasError; // {ObjectTeams: don't let SelectionNodeFound(null) prevent alternate searching strategies: SelectionNodeFound caughtException = null; TypeBinding type = null; try { // base import scope first: CompilationResult compilationResult = scope.referenceCompilationUnit().compilationResult(); CompilationResult.CheckPoint cp = compilationResult.getCheckPoint(scope.referenceContext()); try { type = checkResolveUsingBaseImportScope( scope, location, false); // apply TOLERATE strategy only as a last resort below // copied from below: if (type != null && type.isValidBinding()) { type = scope .environment() .convertToRawType(type, false /*do not force conversion of enclosing types*/); if (type.leafComponentType().isRawType() && (this.bits & ASTNode.IgnoreRawTypeCheck) == 0 && scope.compilerOptions().getSeverity(CompilerOptions.RawTypeReference) != ProblemSeverities.Ignore) { scope.problemReporter().rawTypeReference(this, type); } return type; } } catch (SelectionNodeFound snf) { if (snf.binding != null) throw snf; // found a valid node. caughtException = snf; } finally { if (caughtException != null || (type == null) || !type.isValidBinding()) compilationResult.rollBack(cp); } // ~orig~: type = this.resolvedType = getTypeBinding(scope); if (type == null) { return null; // detected cycle while resolving hierarchy } // :~giro~ } catch (SelectionNodeFound snf) { if (snf.binding != null) throw snf; // found a valid node. caughtException = snf; } // a third chance trying an anchored type: try { if ((caughtException != null) || (this.resolvedType.problemId() == ProblemReasons.NotFound)) { // anchored type TypeBinding result = resolveAnchoredType(scope); if (result != null) // did we do any better than before? type = this.resolvedType = result; // if non-null but ProblemBinding report below. } } catch (SelectionNodeFound snf2) { caughtException = snf2; // throw the newer exception instead. } // a forth chance trying a TOLERATED base imported type: try { if ((caughtException != null) || (this.resolvedType.problemId() == ProblemReasons.NotFound)) { if (this.baseclassDecapsulation == DecapsulationState.TOLERATED) { TypeBinding result = checkResolveUsingBaseImportScope(scope, -1, true); if (result != null) // did we do any better than before? type = this.resolvedType = result; // if non-null but ProblemBinding report below. } } } catch (SelectionNodeFound snf2) { caughtException = snf2; // throw the newer exception instead. } finally { // the attempt to prevent an exception failed: if (caughtException != null) throw caughtException; } // SH} if ((hasError = !type.isValidBinding()) == true) { reportInvalidType(scope); switch (type.problemId()) { case ProblemReasons.NotFound: case ProblemReasons.NotVisible: case ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName: type = type.closestMatch(); if (type == null) return null; break; default: return null; } } // {ObjectTeams: Split method to make tail accessible: return checkResolvedType(type, scope, location, hasError); }
@Override public void onCompilationResult(CompilationResult cr) { Set<String> classesWithErrors = new HashSet<String>(); if (cr.getErrors() != null) { myTracer.push("handling errors", false); for (final CategorizedProblem cp : cr.getErrors()) { String fileName = new String(cp.getOriginatingFileName()); final String fqName = NameUtil.namespaceFromPath( fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - MPSExtentions.DOT_JAVAFILE.length())); classesWithErrors.add(fqName); SModule containingModule = myContainingModules.get(fqName); assert containingModule != null; JavaFile javaFile = myModuleSources.get(containingModule).getJavaFile(fqName); String messageString = new String(cp.getOriginatingFileName()) + " : " + cp.getMessage(); // final SNode nodeToShow = getNodeByLine(cp, fqName); Object hintObject = new FileWithPosition(javaFile.getFile(), cp.getSourceStart()); String errMsg = messageString + " (line: " + cp.getSourceLineNumber() + ")"; if (cp.isWarning()) { myMessages.add(createMessage(MessageKind.WARNING, errMsg, hintObject)); } else { if (myOutputtedErrors == 0) { myMessages.add(createMessage(MessageKind.ERROR, "Compilation problems", null)); myMessages.add( createMessage( MessageKind.INFORMATION, "Modules: " + myModules.toString() + "\nClasspath: " + myClassPathItems + "\n", null)); } if (myOutputtedErrors < MAX_ERRORS) { myOutputtedErrors++; myMessages.add(createMessage(MessageKind.ERROR, errMsg, hintObject)); } } } myTracer.pop(); myErrorCount += cr.getErrors().length; } myTracer.push("storing files", false); for (ClassFile cf : cr.getClassFiles()) { String fqName = convertCompoundToFqName(cf.getCompoundName()); String containerClassName = fqName; if (containerClassName.contains("$")) { int index = containerClassName.indexOf('$'); containerClassName = containerClassName.substring(0, index); } if (myContainingModules.containsKey(containerClassName)) { SModule m = myContainingModules.get(containerClassName); myChangedModules.add(m); File classesGen = new File(getJavaFacet(m).getClassesGen().getPath()); String packageName = NameUtil.namespaceFromLongName(fqName); File outputDir = new File(classesGen + File.separator + NameUtil.pathFromNamespace(packageName)); if (!outputDir.exists()) { if (!outputDir.mkdirs()) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't create " + outputDir.getPath() + " directory"); } } String className = NameUtil.shortNameFromLongName(fqName); File output = new File(outputDir, className + ".class"); if (!classesWithErrors.contains(containerClassName)) { FileOutputStream os = null; try { os = new FileOutputStream(output); os.write(cf.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { String errMsg = "Can't write to " + output.getAbsolutePath(); myMessages.add(createMessage(MessageKind.ERROR, errMsg, null)); } finally { if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { myHandler.handle(createMessage(MessageKind.ERROR, e.toString(), e)); } } } } else { if (output.exists() && !(output.delete())) { String errMsg = "Can't delete " + output.getPath(); myMessages.add(createMessage(MessageKind.ERROR, errMsg, null)); } } } else { String errMsg = "I don't know in which module's output path I should place class file for " + fqName; myMessages.add(createMessage(MessageKind.ERROR, errMsg, null)); } } myTracer.pop(); }