public void testRemoveFromBuildpath01() throws Exception { fJavaProject = createProject(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME); IPackageFragmentRoot src1 = JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJavaProject, "src1"); IPackageFragmentRoot src2 = JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJavaProject, "src2"); CPJavaProject cpProject = CPJavaProject.createFromExisting(fJavaProject); CPListElement[] toRemove = new CPListElement[2]; toRemove[0] = CPListElement.createFromExisting(src1.getRawClasspathEntry(), fJavaProject); toRemove[1] = CPListElement.createFromExisting(src2.getRawClasspathEntry(), fJavaProject); BuildpathDelta delta = ClasspathModifier.removeFromBuildpath(toRemove, cpProject); assertDeltaResources( delta, new IPath[0], new IPath[] {src1.getPath(), src2.getPath()}, new IPath[0], new IPath[0]); assertDeltaDefaultOutputFolder( delta, fJavaProject.getPath().append(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME)); assertDeltaRemovedEntries(delta, new IPath[] {src1.getPath(), src2.getPath()}); assertDeltaAddedEntries(delta, new IPath[0]); ClasspathModifier.commitClassPath(cpProject, null); IClasspathEntry[] classpathEntries = fJavaProject.getRawClasspath(); assertNumberOfEntries(classpathEntries, 1); }
private Bundle getBundle(JdtTypeMirror mirror) { IType mirroredType = mirror.getMirroredType(); IPackageFragmentRoot fragmentRoot = getPackageFragmentRoot(mirroredType); if (fragmentRoot == null || fragmentRoot.getPath() == null) return null; File file = fragmentRoot.getPath().toFile(); String bundleName; if (file.isFile()) bundleName = getBundleNameFromJar(file); else if (file.isDirectory()) bundleName = getBundleNameFromDir(file); else return null; if (bundleName == null) return null; return Platform.getBundle(bundleName); }
/** @since 2.4 */ @Override public Pair<URI, URI> getURIMapping(IPackageFragmentRoot root) throws JavaModelException { PackageFragmentRootData data = getData(root); if (data.uriPrefix == null) return null; IPath path = root.isExternal() ? root.getPath() : root.getUnderlyingResource().getLocation(); URI physical = null; if (root.isArchive()) { String archiveScheme = "zip".equalsIgnoreCase(root.getPath().getFileExtension()) ? "zip" : "jar"; physical = URI.createURI(archiveScheme + ":file:" + path.toFile().getPath() + "!/"); } else { physical = URI.createFileURI(path.toFile().getPath() + "/"); } return Tuples.create(data.uriPrefix, physical); }
public void testRemoveFromBuildpathBug153299Lib() throws Exception { fJavaProject = createProject(null); IPackageFragmentRoot p01 = JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJavaProject, null, new IPath[] {new Path("src1/")}); CPJavaProject cpProject = CPJavaProject.createFromExisting(fJavaProject); IPath[] jarPaths = new IPath[] {JavaProjectHelper.MYLIB.makeAbsolute()}; ClasspathModifier.addExternalJars(jarPaths, cpProject); ClasspathModifier.commitClassPath(cpProject, null); cpProject = CPJavaProject.createFromExisting(fJavaProject); BuildpathDelta delta = ClasspathModifier.removeFromBuildpath( new CPListElement[] { CPListElement.createFromExisting(p01.getRawClasspathEntry(), fJavaProject) }, cpProject); assertDeltaResources(delta, new IPath[0], new IPath[] {}, new IPath[0], new IPath[0]); assertDeltaDefaultOutputFolder(delta, fJavaProject.getPath()); assertDeltaRemovedEntries(delta, new IPath[] {p01.getPath()}); assertDeltaAddedEntries(delta, new IPath[0]); ClasspathModifier.commitClassPath(cpProject, null); IClasspathEntry[] classpathEntries = fJavaProject.getRawClasspath(); assertNumberOfEntries(classpathEntries, 2); }
private long getContainerTimestamp(TypeNameMatch match) { try { IType type = match.getType(); IResource resource = type.getResource(); if (resource != null) { URI location = resource.getLocationURI(); if (location != null) { IFileInfo info = EFS.getStore(location).fetchInfo(); if (info.exists()) { // The element could be removed from the build path. So check // if the Java element still exists. IJavaElement element = JavaCore.create(resource); if (element != null && element.exists()) return info.getLastModified(); } } } else { // external JAR IPackageFragmentRoot root = match.getPackageFragmentRoot(); if (root.exists()) { IFileInfo info = EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(root.getPath()).fetchInfo(); if (info.exists()) { return info.getLastModified(); } } } } catch (CoreException e) { // Fall through } return IResource.NULL_STAMP; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see IJavaSearchScope#encloses(IJavaElement) */ public boolean encloses(IJavaElement element) { if (this.elements != null) { for (int i = 0, length = this.elements.size(); i < length; i++) { IJavaElement scopeElement = (IJavaElement) this.elements.get(i); IJavaElement searchedElement = element; while (searchedElement != null) { if (searchedElement.equals(scopeElement)) return true; searchedElement = searchedElement.getParent(); } } return false; } IPackageFragmentRoot root = (IPackageFragmentRoot) element.getAncestor(IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT); if (root != null && root.isArchive()) { // external or internal jar IPath rootPath = root.getPath(); String rootPathToString = rootPath.getDevice() == null ? rootPath.toString() : rootPath.toOSString(); IPath relativePath = getPath(element, true /*relative path*/); return indexOf(rootPathToString, relativePath.toString()) >= 0; } // resource in workspace String fullResourcePathString = getPath(element, false /*full path*/).toString(); return indexOf(fullResourcePathString) >= 0; }
/** * Adds a source container to a IJavaProject. * * @param jproject The parent project * @param containerName The name of the new source container * @param inclusionFilters Inclusion filters to set * @param exclusionFilters Exclusion filters to set * @param outputLocation The location where class files are written to, <b>null</b> for project * output folder * @return The handle to the new source container * @throws CoreException Creation failed */ public static IPackageFragmentRoot addSourceContainer( IJavaProject jproject, String containerName, IPath[] inclusionFilters, IPath[] exclusionFilters, String outputLocation) throws CoreException { IProject project = jproject.getProject(); IContainer container = null; if (containerName == null || containerName.length() == 0) { container = project; } else { IFolder folder = project.getFolder(containerName); if (!folder.exists()) { CoreUtility.createFolder(folder, false, true, null); } container = folder; } IPackageFragmentRoot root = jproject.getPackageFragmentRoot(container); IPath outputPath = null; if (outputLocation != null) { IFolder folder = project.getFolder(outputLocation); if (!folder.exists()) { CoreUtility.createFolder(folder, false, true, null); } outputPath = folder.getFullPath(); } IClasspathEntry cpe = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(root.getPath(), inclusionFilters, exclusionFilters, outputPath); addToClasspath(jproject, cpe); return root; }
protected List<String> getSourceFolders(IProject project) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project); IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); try { for (IPackageFragmentRoot packageFragmentRoot : javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoots()) { if (packageFragmentRoot.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) { IPath path = packageFragmentRoot.getPath(); IFolder folder = root.getFolder(path); String location = folder.getLocation().toString(); if (!location.contains("src-gen")) { result.add(location); } } } for (IProject referencedProject : javaProject.getProject().getReferencedProjects()) { if (referencedProject.isAccessible() && referencedProject.hasNature(JavaCore.NATURE_ID)) { result.addAll(getSourceFolders(referencedProject)); } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CoreException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return result; }
public void testRemoveFromBuildpathBug153299Src() throws Exception { fJavaProject = createProject(null); // Use the old behavior in order to test the fallback code. Set to ERROR since 3.8. fJavaProject.setOption( JavaCore.CORE_OUTPUT_LOCATION_OVERLAPPING_ANOTHER_SOURCE, JavaCore.IGNORE); IPackageFragmentRoot p01 = JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJavaProject, null, new IPath[] {new Path("src1/")}); JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJavaProject, "src1"); CPJavaProject cpProject = CPJavaProject.createFromExisting(fJavaProject); BuildpathDelta delta = ClasspathModifier.removeFromBuildpath( new CPListElement[] { CPListElement.createFromExisting(p01.getRawClasspathEntry(), fJavaProject) }, cpProject); assertDeltaResources(delta, new IPath[0], new IPath[] {}, new IPath[0], new IPath[0]); assertDeltaDefaultOutputFolder( delta, fJavaProject.getPath().append(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME)); assertDeltaRemovedEntries(delta, new IPath[] {p01.getPath()}); assertDeltaAddedEntries(delta, new IPath[0]); ClasspathModifier.commitClassPath(cpProject, null); IClasspathEntry[] classpathEntries = fJavaProject.getRawClasspath(); assertNumberOfEntries(classpathEntries, 2); }
/** * Adds a new source container specified by the container name to the source path of the specified * project * * @param jproject * @param containerName * @return the package fragment root of the container name * @throws CoreException */ public static IPackageFragmentRoot addSourceContainer(IJavaProject jproject, String containerName) throws CoreException { IProject project = jproject.getProject(); IPackageFragmentRoot root = jproject.getPackageFragmentRoot(addFolderToProject(project, containerName)); IClasspathEntry cpe = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(root.getPath()); addToClasspath(jproject, cpe); return root; }
/** * Returns the path for this fragment in a OS friendly string. Note that in windows, the method * for getting the absolute path varies for source folders and jars * * @param fragmentRoot The fragment containing classes * @return The path of this fragment root, os-friendly */ private String getPathFor(final IPackageFragmentRoot fragmentRoot) { final IResource resource = fragmentRoot.getResource(); final IPath path; if (resource != null) { path = resource.getRawLocation(); } else { path = fragmentRoot.getPath().makeAbsolute(); } return path.toOSString(); }
private IPackageFragmentRoot createSourceFolder() throws CoreException { IFolder folder = project.getFolder("src"); folder.create(false, true, null); IPackageFragmentRoot root = javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoot(folder); IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath(); IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length); newEntries[oldEntries.length] = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(root.getPath()); javaProject.setRawClasspath(newEntries, null); return root; }
public static ISourceLocation findLocation(IPackageFragmentRoot root) throws JavaModelException { if (root.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) { IPath path = EclEmmaCorePlugin.getAbsolutePath(root.getPath()); return new SourceLocation(path, new Path(IPackageFragmentRoot.DEFAULT_PACKAGEROOT_PATH)); } else { IPath path = root.getSourceAttachmentPath(); if (path != null) { path = EclEmmaCorePlugin.getAbsolutePath(path); return new SourceLocation(path, root.getSourceAttachmentRootPath()); } else { return null; } } }
private Object computeModificationStamp(IPackageFragmentRoot root) { try { if (root.exists()) { IResource resource = root.getUnderlyingResource(); if (resource != null) { Object result = getLastModified(resource); if (result != null) { return result; } } return root.getPath().toFile().lastModified(); } } catch (CoreException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return new Object(); }
/** * Creates and adds a class folder to the class path and imports all files contained in the given * ZIP file. * * @param jproject The parent project * @param containerName * @param sourceAttachPath The source attachment path * @param sourceAttachRoot The source attachment root path * @param zipFile * @return The handle of the created root * @throws IOException * @throws CoreException * @throws InvocationTargetException */ public static IPackageFragmentRoot addClassFolderWithImport( IJavaProject jproject, String containerName, IPath sourceAttachPath, IPath sourceAttachRoot, File zipFile) throws IOException, CoreException, InvocationTargetException { ZipFile file = new ZipFile(zipFile); try { IPackageFragmentRoot root = addClassFolder(jproject, containerName, sourceAttachPath, sourceAttachRoot); importFilesFromZip(file, root.getPath(), null); return root; } finally { file.close(); } }
protected IBinaryType createInfoFromClassFileInJar(Openable classFile) { String filePath = (((ClassFile) classFile).getType().getFullyQualifiedName('$')).replace('.', '/') + SuffixConstants.SUFFIX_STRING_class; IPackageFragmentRoot root = classFile.getPackageFragmentRoot(); IPath path = root.getPath(); // take the OS path for external jars, and the forward slash path for internal jars String rootPath = path.getDevice() == null ? path.toString() : path.toOSString(); String documentPath = rootPath + IJavaSearchScope.JAR_FILE_ENTRY_SEPARATOR + filePath; IBinaryType binaryType = (IBinaryType) this.binariesFromIndexMatches.get(documentPath); if (binaryType != null) { this.infoToHandle.put(binaryType, classFile); return binaryType; } else { return super.createInfoFromClassFileInJar(classFile); } }
/** * Adds a source container to a IJavaProject and imports all files contained in the given ZIP * file. * * @param jproject The parent project * @param containerName Name of the source container * @param zipFile Archive to import * @param containerEncoding encoding for the generated source container * @param exclusionFilters Exclusion filters to set * @return The handle to the new source container * @throws InvocationTargetException Creation failed * @throws CoreException Creation failed * @throws IOException Creation failed */ public static IPackageFragmentRoot addSourceContainerWithImport( IJavaProject jproject, String containerName, File zipFile, String containerEncoding, IPath[] exclusionFilters) throws InvocationTargetException, CoreException, IOException { ZipFile file = new ZipFile(zipFile); try { IPackageFragmentRoot root = addSourceContainer(jproject, containerName, exclusionFilters); ((IContainer) root.getCorrespondingResource()).setDefaultCharset(containerEncoding, null); importFilesFromZip(file, root.getPath(), null); return root; } finally { file.close(); } }
private PackageFragmentRootData getCachedData(IPackageFragmentRoot root) { final String path = root.getPath().toString(); synchronized (cachedPackageFragmentRootData) { if (cachedPackageFragmentRootData.containsKey(path)) { final PackageFragmentRootData data = cachedPackageFragmentRootData.get(path); if (isUpToDate(data, root)) { data.addRoot(root); return data; } else { cachedPackageFragmentRootData.remove(path); } } } PackageFragmentRootData data = initializeData(root); synchronized (cachedPackageFragmentRootData) { cachedPackageFragmentRootData.put(path, data); } return data; }
public void testRemoveFromBuildpath01RemoveProject() throws Exception { fJavaProject = createProject(null); IPackageFragmentRoot p01 = JavaProjectHelper.addSourceContainer(fJavaProject, null); CPJavaProject cpProject = CPJavaProject.createFromExisting(fJavaProject); BuildpathDelta delta = ClasspathModifier.removeFromBuildpath( new CPListElement[] { CPListElement.createFromExisting(p01.getRawClasspathEntry(), fJavaProject) }, cpProject); assertDeltaResources(delta, new IPath[0], new IPath[] {}, new IPath[0], new IPath[0]); assertDeltaDefaultOutputFolder(delta, fJavaProject.getPath()); assertDeltaRemovedEntries(delta, new IPath[] {p01.getPath()}); assertDeltaAddedEntries(delta, new IPath[0]); ClasspathModifier.commitClassPath(cpProject, null); IClasspathEntry[] classpathEntries = fJavaProject.getRawClasspath(); assertNumberOfEntries(classpathEntries, 1); }
private static boolean isRootAt(IPackageFragmentRoot root, IPath entry) { try { IClasspathEntry cpe = root.getRawClasspathEntry(); if (cpe.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE) { IPath outputLocation = cpe.getOutputLocation(); if (outputLocation == null) outputLocation = root.getJavaProject().getOutputLocation(); IPath location = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(outputLocation).getLocation(); if (entry.equals(location)) return true; } } catch (JavaModelException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } IResource resource = root.getResource(); if (resource != null && entry.equals(resource.getLocation())) return true; IPath path = root.getPath(); if (path != null && entry.equals(path)) return true; return false; }
/** @since 2.5 */ @Override public URI getUri(/* @NonNull */ IStorage storage) { if (storage instanceof IJarEntryResource) { final IJarEntryResource casted = (IJarEntryResource) storage; IPackageFragmentRoot packageFragmentRoot = casted.getPackageFragmentRoot(); Map<URI, IStorage> data = getAllEntries(packageFragmentRoot); for (Map.Entry<URI, IStorage> entry : data.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(casted)) return entry.getKey(); } if (packageFragmentRoot.exists() && packageFragmentRoot.isArchive()) { IPath jarPath = packageFragmentRoot.getPath(); URI jarURI; if (packageFragmentRoot.isExternal()) { jarURI = URI.createFileURI(jarPath.toOSString()); } else { jarURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(jarPath.toString(), true); } URI result = URI.createURI("archive:" + jarURI + "!" + storage.getFullPath()); return result; } } return null; }
Text createFolderField(Composite composite) { Label folderLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.LEFT | SWT.WRAP); folderLabel.setText("Source folder: "); GridData flgd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL); flgd.horizontalSpan = 1; folderLabel.setLayoutData(flgd); final Text folder = new Text(composite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER); GridData fgd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL); fgd.horizontalSpan = 2; fgd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; folder.setLayoutData(fgd); if (sourceDir != null) { String folderName = sourceDir.getPath().toPortableString(); folder.setText(folderName); } folder.addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() { @Override public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) { setSourceDir(folder.getText()); if (sourceDir != null && packageNameIsLegal()) { packageFragment = sourceDir.getPackageFragment(packageName); } if (sourceDir == null) { setErrorMessage(getSelectSourceFolderMessage()); } else if (!packageNameIsLegal()) { setErrorMessage(getIllegalPackageNameMessage()); } else if (!unitNameIsLegal()) { setErrorMessage(getIllegalUnitNameMessage()); } else { setErrorMessage(null); } setPageComplete(isComplete()); } private void setSourceDir(String folderName) { try { sourceDir = null; for (IJavaProject jp : JavaCore.create(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()).getJavaProjects()) { for (IPackageFragmentRoot pfr : jp.getPackageFragmentRoots()) { if (pfr.getPath().toPortableString().equals(folderName)) { sourceDir = pfr; return; } } } } catch (JavaModelException jme) { jme.printStackTrace(); } } }); Button selectFolder = new Button(composite, SWT.PUSH); selectFolder.setText("Browse..."); GridData sfgd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL); sfgd.horizontalSpan = 1; selectFolder.setLayoutData(sfgd); selectFolder.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { IPackageFragmentRoot pfr = getSourceContainer(getShell(), ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(), sourceDir); if (pfr != null) { sourceDir = pfr; String folderName = sourceDir.getPath().toPortableString(); folder.setText(folderName); packageFragment = sourceDir.getPackageFragment(packageName); setPageComplete(isComplete()); } if (sourceDir == null) { setErrorMessage(getSelectSourceFolderMessage()); } else if (!packageNameIsLegal()) { setErrorMessage(getIllegalPackageNameMessage()); } else if (!unitNameIsLegal()) { setErrorMessage(getIllegalUnitNameMessage()); } else { setErrorMessage(null); } } @Override public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {} }); new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); Link link = new Link(composite, SWT.NONE); link.setText("<a>Create new source folder...</a>"); GridData kgd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL); kgd.horizontalSpan = 3; kgd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; link.setLayoutData(kgd); link.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { IPackageFragmentRoot pfr = (IPackageFragmentRoot) openSourceFolderWizard(); if (pfr != null) { sourceDir = pfr; String folderName = sourceDir.getPath().toPortableString(); folder.setText(folderName); packageFragment = sourceDir.getPackageFragment(packageName); setPageComplete(isComplete()); } if (sourceDir == null) { setErrorMessage(getSelectSourceFolderMessage()); } else if (!packageNameIsLegal()) { setErrorMessage(getIllegalPackageNameMessage()); } else if (!unitNameIsLegal()) { setErrorMessage(getIllegalUnitNameMessage()); } else { setErrorMessage(null); } } @Override public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {} }); return folder; }
private void collectProposals( IJavaProject project, String name, Collection<DefaultClasspathFixProposal> proposals) throws CoreException { int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.'); char[] packageName = idx != -1 ? name.substring(0, idx).toCharArray() : null; // no package provided char[] typeName = name.substring(idx + 1).toCharArray(); if (typeName.length == 1 && typeName[0] == '*') { typeName = null; } IJavaSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope(); ArrayList<TypeNameMatch> res = new ArrayList<TypeNameMatch>(); TypeNameMatchCollector requestor = new TypeNameMatchCollector(res); int matchMode = SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE; new SearchEngine() .searchAllTypeNames( packageName, matchMode, typeName, matchMode, IJavaSearchConstants.TYPE, scope, requestor, IJavaSearchConstants.WAIT_UNTIL_READY_TO_SEARCH, null); if (res.isEmpty()) { return; } HashSet<Object> addedClaspaths = new HashSet<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { TypeNameMatch curr = res.get(i); IType type = curr.getType(); if (type != null) { IPackageFragmentRoot root = (IPackageFragmentRoot) type.getAncestor(IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT); try { IClasspathEntry entry = root.getRawClasspathEntry(); if (entry == null) { continue; } IJavaProject other = root.getJavaProject(); int entryKind = entry.getEntryKind(); if ((entry.isExported() || entryKind == IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE) && addedClaspaths.add(other)) { IClasspathEntry newEntry = JavaCore.newProjectEntry(other.getPath()); Change change = ClasspathFixProposal.newAddClasspathChange(project, newEntry); if (change != null) { String[] args = { BasicElementLabels.getResourceName(other.getElementName()), BasicElementLabels.getResourceName(project.getElementName()) }; String label = Messages.format( CorrectionMessages.ReorgCorrectionsSubProcessor_addcp_project_description, args); String desc = label; DefaultClasspathFixProposal proposal = new DefaultClasspathFixProposal( label, change, desc, IProposalRelevance.ADD_PROJECT_TO_BUILDPATH); proposals.add(proposal); } } if (entryKind == IClasspathEntry.CPE_CONTAINER) { IPath entryPath = entry.getPath(); if (isNonProjectSpecificContainer(entryPath)) { addLibraryProposal(project, root, entry, addedClaspaths, proposals); } else { try { IClasspathContainer classpathContainer = JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(entryPath, root.getJavaProject()); if (classpathContainer != null) { IClasspathEntry entryInContainer = JavaModelUtil.findEntryInContainer(classpathContainer, root.getPath()); if (entryInContainer != null) { addLibraryProposal(project, root, entryInContainer, addedClaspaths, proposals); } } } catch (CoreException e) { // ignore } } } else if ((entryKind == IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY || entryKind == IClasspathEntry.CPE_VARIABLE)) { addLibraryProposal(project, root, entry, addedClaspaths, proposals); } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // ignore } } } }
/** * Convert the empty project to an Acceleo project. * * @param project The newly created project. * @param selectedJVM The name of the selected JVM (J2SE-1.5 or JavaSE-1.6 recommended). * @param allModules The description of the module that need to be created. * @param shouldGenerateModules Indicates if we should generate the modules in the project or not. * The wizard container to display the progress monitor * @param monitor The monitor. */ public static void convert( IProject project, String selectedJVM, List<AcceleoModule> allModules, boolean shouldGenerateModules, IProgressMonitor monitor) { String generatorName = computeGeneratorName(project.getName()); AcceleoProject acceleoProject = AcceleowizardmodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createAcceleoProject(); acceleoProject.setName(project.getName()); acceleoProject.setGeneratorName(generatorName); // Default JRE value acceleoProject.setJre(selectedJVM); if (acceleoProject.getJre() == null && acceleoProject.getJre().length() == 0) { acceleoProject.setJre("J2SE-1.5"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (shouldGenerateModules) { for (AcceleoModule acceleoModule : allModules) { String parentFolder = acceleoModule.getParentFolder(); IProject moduleProject = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(acceleoModule.getProjectName()); if (moduleProject.exists() && moduleProject.isAccessible() && acceleoModule.getModuleElement() != null && acceleoModule.getModuleElement().isIsMain()) { IPath parentFolderPath = new Path(parentFolder); IFolder folder = moduleProject.getFolder(parentFolderPath.removeFirstSegments(1)); acceleoProject .getExportedPackages() .add( folder .getProjectRelativePath() .removeFirstSegments(1) .toString() .replaceAll( "/", //$NON-NLS-1$ "\\.")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Calculate project dependencies List<String> metamodelURIs = acceleoModule.getMetamodelURIs(); for (String metamodelURI : metamodelURIs) { // Find the project containing this metamodel and add a dependency to it. EPackage ePackage = AcceleoPackageRegistry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(metamodelURI); if (ePackage != null && !(ePackage instanceof EcorePackage)) { Bundle bundle = AcceleoWorkspaceUtil.getBundle(ePackage.getClass()); acceleoProject.getPluginDependencies().add(bundle.getSymbolicName()); } } } } try { IProjectDescription description = project.getDescription(); description.setNatureIds( new String[] { JavaCore.NATURE_ID, IBundleProjectDescription.PLUGIN_NATURE, IAcceleoConstants.ACCELEO_NATURE_ID, }); project.setDescription(description, monitor); IJavaProject iJavaProject = JavaCore.create(project); // Compute the JRE List<IClasspathEntry> entries = new ArrayList<IClasspathEntry>(); IExecutionEnvironmentsManager executionEnvironmentsManager = JavaRuntime.getExecutionEnvironmentsManager(); IExecutionEnvironment[] executionEnvironments = executionEnvironmentsManager.getExecutionEnvironments(); for (IExecutionEnvironment iExecutionEnvironment : executionEnvironments) { if (acceleoProject.getJre().equals(iExecutionEnvironment.getId())) { entries.add( JavaCore.newContainerEntry(JavaRuntime.newJREContainerPath(iExecutionEnvironment))); break; } } // PDE Entry (will not be generated anymore) entries.add( JavaCore.newContainerEntry( new Path("org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins"))); // $NON-NLS-1$ // Sets the input / output folders IFolder target = project.getFolder("src"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (!target.exists()) { target.create(true, true, monitor); } IFolder classes = project.getFolder("bin"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (!classes.exists()) { classes.create(true, true, monitor); } iJavaProject.setOutputLocation(classes.getFullPath(), monitor); IPackageFragmentRoot packageRoot = iJavaProject.getPackageFragmentRoot(target); entries.add( JavaCore.newSourceEntry( packageRoot.getPath(), new Path[] {}, new Path[] {}, classes.getFullPath())); iJavaProject.setRawClasspath(entries.toArray(new IClasspathEntry[entries.size()]), null);; AcceleoProjectUtils.generateFiles( acceleoProject, allModules, project, shouldGenerateModules, monitor); // Default settings AcceleoBuilderSettings settings = new AcceleoBuilderSettings(project); settings.setCompilationKind(AcceleoBuilderSettings.COMPILATION_PLATFORM_RESOURCE); settings.setResourceKind(AcceleoBuilderSettings.BUILD_XMI_RESOURCE);; } catch (CoreException e) { AcceleoUIActivator.log(e, true); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public IFolder getOutputFolder() { IPath outputPath = root.getPath().append(pathMapper.getBaseResourceFolder().getPathString()); return root.getJavaModel().getWorkspace().getRoot().getFolder(outputPath); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public IPath getPath() { return root.getPath().append(CALSourcePathMapper.SCRIPTS_BASE_FOLDER); }
/** * Sets the current source folder (model and text field) to the given package fragment root. * * @param root The new root. * @param canBeModified if <code>false</code> the source folder field can not be changed by the * user. If <code>true</code> the field is editable */ public void setPackageFragmentRoot(IPackageFragmentRoot root, boolean canBeModified) { fCurrRoot = root; String str = (root == null) ? "" : root.getPath().makeRelative().toString(); // $NON-NLS-1$ fContainerDialogField.setText(str); fContainerDialogField.setEnabled(canBeModified); }