コード例 #1
   * Test method for {@link
   * org.eclipse.ice.materials.MaterialWritableTableFormat#setColumnValue(org.eclipse.ice.datastructures.form.Material,
   * java.lang.Object, int)} .
  public void testSetColumnValue() {
    assertEquals(material, tableFormat.setColumnValue(material, 2.5, 0));

    // Make sure that a blank material's name can be set
    Material blank = new Material();
    String newName = "New Material";
    assertEquals(blank, tableFormat.setColumnValue(blank, newName, 0));
    assertEquals(blank.getName(), newName);
コード例 #2
   * Test method for {@link
   * org.eclipse.ice.materials.MaterialWritableTableFormat#getColumnName(int)} .
  public void testGetColumnName() {

    // Check the "Name" column.
    assertEquals("Name", tableFormat.getColumnName(0));

    // Just make sure the column names exist. Checking the order is a little
    // overkill. Start at 1 because "Name" is always there.
    for (int i = 1; i < columnNames.size(); i++) {

コード例 #3
   * Test method for {@link
   * org.eclipse.ice.materials.MaterialWritableTableFormat#getColumnValue(org.eclipse.ice.datastructures.form.Material,
   * int)} .
  public void testGetColumnValue() {

    // Reset the property values since the tests can run out of order.
    material.setProperty("A", 1.0);
    material.setProperty("B", 2.0);

    // Check that the value is either the value for A or the value for B.
    // Since there is no guarantee on order, this is the only good way to do
    // it.
    Object value = tableFormat.getColumnValue(material, 0);
    assertEquals(value, "Fluffy");
    Double dValue = (Double) tableFormat.getColumnValue(material, 1);
    assertTrue(dValue.equals(1.0) || dValue.equals(2.0));
    dValue = (Double) tableFormat.getColumnValue(material, 2);
    assertTrue(dValue.equals(1.0) || dValue.equals(2.0));

コード例 #4
  * Test method for {@link org.eclipse.ice.materials.MaterialWritableTableFormat#getColumnCount()}
  * .
 public void testGetColumnCount() {
   // It should contain all of the properties names + 1 because of the
   // "Name" column.
   assertEquals(columnNames.size() + 1, tableFormat.getColumnCount());
コード例 #5
  * Test method for {@link
  * org.eclipse.ice.materials.MaterialWritableTableFormat#isEditable(org.eclipse.ice.datastructures.form.Material,
  * int)} .
 public void testIsEditable() {
   assertTrue(tableFormat.isEditable(material, 0));