private void drawArtifacts( final Collection<Artifact> artifacts, final Map<String, GraphicInfo> locationMap, final ContainerShape parent, final Process process) { final IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider(); final List<Artifact> artifactsWithoutDI = new ArrayList<Artifact>(); for (final Artifact artifact : artifacts) { if (artifact instanceof Association) { continue; } final AddContext context = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), artifact); final IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature(context); if (addFeature == null) { System.out.println("Element not supported: " + artifact); return; } final GraphicInfo gi = locationMap.get(artifact.getId()); if (gi == null) { artifactsWithoutDI.add(artifact); } else { context.setNewObject(artifact); context.setSize((int) gi.getWidth(), (int) gi.getHeight()); ContainerShape parentContainer = null; if (parent instanceof Diagram) { parentContainer = getParentContainer(artifact.getId(), process, (Diagram) parent); } else { parentContainer = parent; } context.setTargetContainer(parentContainer); if (parentContainer instanceof Diagram) { context.setLocation((int) gi.getX(), (int) gi.getY()); } else { final Point location = getLocation(parentContainer); context.setLocation((int) gi.getX() - location.x, (int) gi.getY() - location.y); } if (addFeature.canAdd(context)) { final PictogramElement newContainer = addFeature.add(context);, new Object[] {artifact}); } } } for (final Artifact artifact : artifactsWithoutDI) { artifacts.remove(artifact); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void paste(IPasteContext context) { // already verified, that pasting is allowed just directly in the diagram PictogramElement[] pes = context.getPictogramElements(); Diagram diagram = (Diagram) pes[0]; // get the PictogramElements from the clipboard and the linked business object. Object[] objects = getFromClipboard(); for (Object object : objects) { PictogramElement pictogramElement = (PictogramElement) object; rootCon boRef = (rootCon) getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement(pictogramElement); rootCon bo = EcoreUtil.copy(boRef); addBusinessObjectToContainer(bo, pictogramElement); // create a new AddContext for the creation of a new shape. AddContext ac = new AddContext(new AddContext(), bo); ac.setLocation(0, 0); // for simplicity paste at (0, 0) ac.setTargetContainer(diagram); // paste on diagram // copy all properties from the shape (e.g. ALIAS etc.) for (Property prop : pictogramElement.getProperties()) { ac.putProperty(prop.getKey(), prop.getValue()); } getFeatureProvider().addIfPossible(ac); } }
private PictogramElement addContainerElement( BaseElement element, BpmnMemoryModel model, ContainerShape parent) { GraphicInfo graphicInfo = model.getBpmnModel().getGraphicInfo(element.getId()); if (graphicInfo == null) { return null; } final IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider(); AddContext context = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), element); IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature(context); context.setNewObject(element); context.setSize((int) graphicInfo.getWidth(), (int) graphicInfo.getHeight()); context.setTargetContainer(parent); int x = (int) graphicInfo.getX(); int y = (int) graphicInfo.getY(); if (parent instanceof Diagram == false) { x = x - parent.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getX(); y = y - parent.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getY(); } context.setLocation(x, y); PictogramElement pictElement = null; if (addFeature.canAdd(context)) { pictElement = addFeature.add(context);, new Object[] {element}); } return pictElement; }
public void paste(IPasteContext context) { // we already verified, that we paste directly in the diagram KickstartProcessMemoryModel model = ModelHandler.getKickstartProcessModel(EcoreUtil.getURI(getDiagram())); List<FlowElement> copyList = model.getClipboard(); for (FlowElement element : copyList) { FlowElement clone = CloneUtil.clone(element, getDiagram()); AddContext addContext = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), clone); IAddFeature addFeature = getFeatureProvider().getAddFeature(addContext); PictogramElement pictogram = getFeatureProvider().getPictogramElementForBusinessObject(element); addContext.setLocation( pictogram.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getX() + PASTE_OFFSET, pictogram.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getY() + PASTE_OFFSET); addContext.setSize( pictogram.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getWidth(), pictogram.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getHeight()); addContext.setTargetContainer(getDiagram()); if (addFeature.canAdd(addContext)) { addFeature.add(addContext); } } }
public void paste(IPasteContext context) { // we already verified, that we paste directly in the diagram PictogramElement[] pes = context.getPictogramElements(); Diagram diagram = (Diagram) pes[0]; // get the AClasses from the clipboard without copying them // (only copy the pictogram element, not the business object) // then create new pictogram elements using the add feature Object[] objects = getFromClipboard(); for (Object object : objects) { AddContext ac = new AddContext(); ac.setLocation(0, 0); // for simplicity paste at (0, 0) ac.setTargetContainer(diagram); addGraphicalRepresentation(ac, object); } }
private void drawFlowElements( Collection<FlowElement> elementList, Map<String, GraphicInfo> locationMap, ContainerShape parentShape, Process process) { final IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider(); List<FlowElement> noDIList = new ArrayList<FlowElement>(); for (FlowElement flowElement : elementList) { if (flowElement instanceof SequenceFlow) { continue; } AddContext context = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), flowElement); IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature(context); if (addFeature == null) { System.out.println("Element not supported: " + flowElement); return; } GraphicInfo graphicInfo = locationMap.get(flowElement.getId()); if (graphicInfo == null) { noDIList.add(flowElement); } else { context.setNewObject(flowElement); context.setSize((int) graphicInfo.getWidth(), (int) graphicInfo.getHeight()); ContainerShape parentContainer = null; if (parentShape instanceof Diagram) { parentContainer = getParentContainer(flowElement.getId(), process, (Diagram) parentShape); } else { parentContainer = parentShape; } context.setTargetContainer(parentContainer); if (parentContainer instanceof Diagram == false) { Point location = getLocation(parentContainer); context.setLocation( (int) graphicInfo.getX() - location.x, (int) graphicInfo.getY() - location.y); } else { context.setLocation((int) graphicInfo.getX(), (int) graphicInfo.getY()); } if (flowElement instanceof ServiceTask) { ServiceTask serviceTask = (ServiceTask) flowElement; if (serviceTask.isExtended()) { CustomServiceTask targetTask = findCustomServiceTask(serviceTask); if (targetTask != null) { for (FieldExtension field : serviceTask.getFieldExtensions()) { CustomProperty customFieldProperty = new CustomProperty(); customFieldProperty.setName(field.getFieldName()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExpression())) { customFieldProperty.setSimpleValue(field.getExpression()); } else { customFieldProperty.setSimpleValue(field.getStringValue()); } serviceTask.getCustomProperties().add(customFieldProperty); } serviceTask.getFieldExtensions().clear(); } } } if (flowElement instanceof BoundaryEvent) { BoundaryEvent boundaryEvent = (BoundaryEvent) flowElement; if (boundaryEvent.getAttachedToRef() != null) { ContainerShape container = (ContainerShape) featureProvider.getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( boundaryEvent.getAttachedToRef()); if (container != null) { AddContext boundaryContext = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), boundaryEvent); boundaryContext.setTargetContainer(container); Point location = getLocation(container); boundaryContext.setLocation( (int) graphicInfo.getX() - location.x, (int) graphicInfo.getY() - location.y); if (addFeature.canAdd(boundaryContext)) { PictogramElement newBoundaryContainer = addFeature.add(boundaryContext); //, new Object[] { boundaryEvent }); } } } } else if (addFeature.canAdd(context)) { PictogramElement newContainer = addFeature.add(context);, new Object[] {flowElement}); if (flowElement instanceof SubProcess) { drawFlowElements( ((SubProcess) flowElement).getFlowElements(), locationMap, (ContainerShape) newContainer, process); } } } } for (FlowElement flowElement : noDIList) { if (flowElement instanceof BoundaryEvent) { ((BoundaryEvent) flowElement).getAttachedToRef().getBoundaryEvents().remove(flowElement); } else { elementList.remove(flowElement); } } }
protected void drawArtifacts( final FlowElementsContainer container, final Map<String, GraphicInfo> locationMap, final ContainerShape parent, final Process process) { final IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider(); final List<Artifact> artifactsWithoutDI = new ArrayList<Artifact>(); for (final Artifact artifact : container.getArtifacts()) { if (artifact instanceof Association) { continue; } final AddContext context = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), artifact); final IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature(context); if (addFeature == null) { System.out.println("Element not supported: " + artifact); return; } final GraphicInfo gi = locationMap.get(artifact.getId()); if (gi == null) { artifactsWithoutDI.add(artifact); } else { context.setNewObject(artifact); context.setSize((int) gi.getWidth(), (int) gi.getHeight()); ContainerShape parentContainer = null; if (parent instanceof Diagram) { FlowElement connectingElement = null; for (final Artifact associationArtifact : container.getArtifacts()) { if (associationArtifact instanceof Association) { Association association = (Association) associationArtifact; if (association.getSourceRef().equals(artifact.getId())) { connectingElement = container.getFlowElement(association.getTargetRef()); } else if (association.getTargetRef().equals(artifact.getId())) { connectingElement = container.getFlowElement(association.getSourceRef()); } } } if (connectingElement != null) { parentContainer = getParentContainer(connectingElement.getId(), process, (Diagram) parent); } else { parentContainer = parent; } } else { parentContainer = parent; } context.setTargetContainer(parentContainer); if (parentContainer instanceof Diagram) { context.setLocation((int) gi.getX(), (int) gi.getY()); } else { final Point location = getLocation(parentContainer); context.setLocation((int) gi.getX() - location.x, (int) gi.getY() - location.y); } if (addFeature.canAdd(context)) { final PictogramElement newContainer = addFeature.add(context);, new Object[] {artifact}); } } } for (final Artifact artifact : artifactsWithoutDI) { container.getArtifacts().remove(artifact); } for (FlowElement flowElement : container.getFlowElements()) { if (flowElement instanceof SubProcess) { ContainerShape subProcessShape = (ContainerShape) featureProvider.getPictogramElementForBusinessObject(flowElement); drawArtifacts((SubProcess) flowElement, locationMap, subProcessShape, process); } } }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) protected void drawFlowElements( Collection<FlowElement> elementList, Map<String, GraphicInfo> locationMap, ContainerShape parentShape, Process process) { final IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider(); List<FlowElement> noDIList = new ArrayList<FlowElement>(); for (FlowElement flowElement : elementList) { if (flowElement instanceof SequenceFlow) { continue; } AddContext context = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), flowElement); IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature(context); if (addFeature == null) { System.out.println("Element not supported: " + flowElement); return; } GraphicInfo graphicInfo = locationMap.get(flowElement.getId()); if (graphicInfo == null) { noDIList.add(flowElement); } else { context.setNewObject(flowElement); context.setSize((int) graphicInfo.getWidth(), (int) graphicInfo.getHeight()); ContainerShape parentContainer = null; if (parentShape instanceof Diagram) { parentContainer = getParentContainer(flowElement.getId(), process, (Diagram) parentShape); } else { parentContainer = parentShape; } context.setTargetContainer(parentContainer); if (parentContainer instanceof Diagram == false) { Point location = getLocation(parentContainer); context.setLocation( (int) graphicInfo.getX() - location.x, (int) graphicInfo.getY() - location.y); } else { context.setLocation((int) graphicInfo.getX(), (int) graphicInfo.getY()); } if (flowElement instanceof ServiceTask) { ServiceTask serviceTask = (ServiceTask) flowElement; if (serviceTask.isExtended()) { CustomServiceTask targetTask = findCustomServiceTask(serviceTask); if (targetTask != null) { for (FieldExtension field : serviceTask.getFieldExtensions()) { CustomProperty customFieldProperty = new CustomProperty(); customFieldProperty.setName(field.getFieldName()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(field.getExpression())) { customFieldProperty.setSimpleValue(field.getExpression()); } else { customFieldProperty.setSimpleValue(field.getStringValue()); } serviceTask.getCustomProperties().add(customFieldProperty); } serviceTask.getFieldExtensions().clear(); } } } else if (flowElement instanceof UserTask) { UserTask userTask = (UserTask) flowElement; if (userTask.isExtended()) { CustomUserTask targetTask = findCustomUserTask(userTask); if (targetTask != null) { final List<Class<CustomUserTask>> classHierarchy = new ArrayList<Class<CustomUserTask>>(); final List<String> fieldInfoObjects = new ArrayList<String>(); Class clazz = targetTask.getClass(); classHierarchy.add(clazz); boolean hierarchyOpen = true; while (hierarchyOpen) { clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (CustomUserTask.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { classHierarchy.add(clazz); } else { hierarchyOpen = false; } } for (final Class<CustomUserTask> currentClass : classHierarchy) { for (final Field field : currentClass.getDeclaredFields()) { if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Property.class)) { fieldInfoObjects.add(field.getName()); } } } for (String fieldName : userTask.getExtensionElements().keySet()) { if (fieldInfoObjects.contains(fieldName)) { CustomProperty customFieldProperty = new CustomProperty(); customFieldProperty.setName(fieldName); customFieldProperty.setSimpleValue( userTask.getExtensionElements().get(fieldName).get(0).getElementText()); userTask.getCustomProperties().add(customFieldProperty); } } for (String fieldName : fieldInfoObjects) { userTask.getExtensionElements().remove(fieldName); } } } } if (flowElement instanceof BoundaryEvent) { BoundaryEvent boundaryEvent = (BoundaryEvent) flowElement; if (boundaryEvent.getAttachedToRef() != null) { ContainerShape container = (ContainerShape) featureProvider.getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( boundaryEvent.getAttachedToRef()); if (container != null) { AddContext boundaryContext = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), boundaryEvent); boundaryContext.setTargetContainer(container); Point location = getLocation(container); boundaryContext.setLocation( (int) graphicInfo.getX() - location.x, (int) graphicInfo.getY() - location.y); if (addFeature.canAdd(boundaryContext)) { addFeature.add(boundaryContext); } } } } else if (addFeature.canAdd(context)) { PictogramElement newContainer = addFeature.add(context);, new Object[] {flowElement}); if (flowElement instanceof SubProcess) { drawFlowElements( ((SubProcess) flowElement).getFlowElements(), locationMap, (ContainerShape) newContainer, process); } } } } for (FlowElement flowElement : noDIList) { if (flowElement instanceof BoundaryEvent) { ((BoundaryEvent) flowElement).getAttachedToRef().getBoundaryEvents().remove(flowElement); } else { // do not remove Data Objects if (flowElement instanceof DataObject == false) { elementList.remove(flowElement); } } } }