@Override protected Command getCreateCommand(CreateViewRequest request) { TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost()).getEditingDomain(); CompositeTransactionalCommand cc = new CompositeTransactionalCommand(editingDomain, DiagramUIMessages.AddCommand_Label); Iterator descriptors = request.getViewDescriptors().iterator(); while (descriptors.hasNext()) { CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor descriptor = (CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor) descriptors.next(); CreateCommand createStateMachine = new CreateCommand(editingDomain, descriptor, (View) (getHost().getModel())); CustomStateMachineWithDefaultRegionCreateNodeCommand createRegion = new CustomStateMachineWithDefaultRegionCreateNodeCommand( (IAdaptable) createStateMachine.getCommandResult().getReturnValue(), ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost()).getDiagramPreferencesHint(), editingDomain, DiagramUIMessages.CreateCommand_Label, createStateMachine.getAffectedFiles()); cc.compose(createStateMachine); cc.compose(createRegion); } return new ICommandProxy(cc.reduce()); }
@Override protected Request createTargetRequest() { // DirectEditRequest request = new DirectEditRequest(); EPackage epackage = org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage("http://vespucci.editor"); Vespucci_modelPackage vesPackage = (Vespucci_modelPackage) epackage; IElementType elementType = ElementTypeRegistry.getInstance().getElementType(vesPackage.getEnsemble()); // TODO is there a way to get VespucciElementTypes.Ensemble_2001 over a methode call? elementType = VespucciElementTypes.Ensemble_2001; // Get the selected edit part EditPart epart = getTargetEditPart(); if (epart == null) return new CreateViewRequest(new CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor(null, null)); // GraphicalEditPart p = (GraphicalEditPart) epart; DiagramEditPart p = (DiagramEditPart) epart; CreateViewRequest request = CreateViewRequestFactory.getCreateShapeRequest(elementType, p.getDiagramPreferencesHint()); request.setType(REQ_DROPNEWENSEMBLE); return request; }
/** @generated */ protected void refreshSemantic() { if (resolveSemanticElement() == null) { return; } LinkedList<IAdaptable> createdViews = new LinkedList<IAdaptable>(); List<UMLNodeDescriptor> childDescriptors = UMLDiagramUpdater.getInterfaceNestedClassifierCompartment_7029SemanticChildren( (View) getHost().getModel()); LinkedList<View> orphaned = new LinkedList<View>(); // we care to check only views we recognize as ours LinkedList<View> knownViewChildren = new LinkedList<View>(); for (View v : getViewChildren()) { if (isMyDiagramElement(v)) { knownViewChildren.add(v); } } // alternative to #cleanCanonicalSemanticChildren(getViewChildren(), semanticChildren) // // iteration happens over list of desired semantic elements, trying to find best matching View, // while original CEP // iterates views, potentially losing view (size/bounds) information - i.e. if there are few // views to reference same EObject, only last one // to answer isOrphaned == true will be used for the domain element representation, see // #cleanCanonicalSemanticChildren() for (Iterator<UMLNodeDescriptor> descriptorsIterator = childDescriptors.iterator(); descriptorsIterator.hasNext(); ) { UMLNodeDescriptor next = descriptorsIterator.next(); String hint = UMLVisualIDRegistry.getType(next.getVisualID()); LinkedList<View> perfectMatch = new LinkedList<View>(); // both semanticElement and hint match that of NodeDescriptor for (View childView : getViewChildren()) { EObject semanticElement = childView.getElement(); if (next.getModelElement().equals(semanticElement)) { if (hint.equals(childView.getType())) { perfectMatch.add(childView); // actually, can stop iteration over view children here, but // may want to use not the first view but last one as a 'real' match (the way original // CEP does // with its trick with viewToSemanticMap inside #cleanCanonicalSemanticChildren } } } if (perfectMatch.size() > 0) { descriptorsIterator .remove(); // precise match found no need to create anything for the NodeDescriptor // use only one view (first or last?), keep rest as orphaned for further consideration knownViewChildren.remove(perfectMatch.getFirst()); } } // those left in knownViewChildren are subject to removal - they are our diagram elements we // didn't find match to, // or those we have potential matches to, and thus need to be recreated, preserving // size/location information. orphaned.addAll(knownViewChildren); // ArrayList<CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor> viewDescriptors = new ArrayList<CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor>(childDescriptors.size()); for (UMLNodeDescriptor next : childDescriptors) { String hint = UMLVisualIDRegistry.getType(next.getVisualID()); IAdaptable elementAdapter = new CanonicalElementAdapter(next.getModelElement(), hint); CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor descriptor = new CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor( elementAdapter, Node.class, hint, ViewUtil.APPEND, false, host().getDiagramPreferencesHint()); viewDescriptors.add(descriptor); } boolean changed = deleteViews(orphaned.iterator()); // CreateViewRequest request = getCreateViewRequest(viewDescriptors); Command cmd = getCreateViewCommand(request); if (cmd != null && cmd.canExecute()) { SetViewMutabilityCommand.makeMutable(new EObjectAdapter(host().getNotationView())).execute(); executeCommand(cmd); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<IAdaptable> nl = (List<IAdaptable>) request.getNewObject(); createdViews.addAll(nl); } if (changed || createdViews.size() > 0) { postProcessRefreshSemantic(createdViews); } if (createdViews.size() > 1) { // perform a layout of the container DeferredLayoutCommand layoutCmd = new DeferredLayoutCommand(host().getEditingDomain(), createdViews, host()); executeCommand(new ICommandProxy(layoutCmd)); } makeViewsImmutable(createdViews); }
/** @generated */ protected void refreshSemantic() { if (resolveSemanticElement() == null) { return; } LinkedList<IAdaptable> createdViews = new LinkedList<IAdaptable>(); List<UMLNodeDescriptor> childDescriptors = UMLDiagramUpdater.getStateMachine_2000SemanticChildren((View) getHost().getModel()); LinkedList<View> orphaned = new LinkedList<View>(); // we care to check only views we recognize as ours LinkedList<View> knownViewChildren = new LinkedList<View>(); for (View v : getViewChildren()) { if (isMyDiagramElement(v)) { knownViewChildren.add(v); } } // alternative to #cleanCanonicalSemanticChildren(getViewChildren(), semanticChildren) HashMap<UMLNodeDescriptor, LinkedList<View>> potentialViews = new HashMap<UMLNodeDescriptor, LinkedList<View>>(); // // iteration happens over list of desired semantic elements, trying to find best matching View, // while original CEP // iterates views, potentially losing view (size/bounds) information - i.e. if there are few // views to reference same EObject, only last one // to answer isOrphaned == true will be used for the domain element representation, see // #cleanCanonicalSemanticChildren() for (Iterator<UMLNodeDescriptor> descriptorsIterator = childDescriptors.iterator(); descriptorsIterator.hasNext(); ) { UMLNodeDescriptor next = descriptorsIterator.next(); String hint = UMLVisualIDRegistry.getType(next.getVisualID()); LinkedList<View> perfectMatch = new LinkedList<View>(); // both semanticElement and hint match that of NodeDescriptor LinkedList<View> potentialMatch = new LinkedList<View>(); // semanticElement matches, hint does not for (View childView : getViewChildren()) { EObject semanticElement = childView.getElement(); if (next.getModelElement().equals(semanticElement)) { if (hint.equals(childView.getType())) { perfectMatch.add(childView); // actually, can stop iteration over view children here, but // may want to use not the first view but last one as a 'real' match (the way original // CEP does // with its trick with viewToSemanticMap inside #cleanCanonicalSemanticChildren } else { potentialMatch.add(childView); } } } if (perfectMatch.size() > 0) { descriptorsIterator .remove(); // precise match found no need to create anything for the NodeDescriptor // use only one view (first or last?), keep rest as orphaned for further consideration knownViewChildren.remove(perfectMatch.getFirst()); } else if (potentialMatch.size() > 0) { potentialViews.put(next, potentialMatch); } } // those left in knownViewChildren are subject to removal - they are our diagram elements we // didn't find match to, // or those we have potential matches to, and thus need to be recreated, preserving // size/location information. orphaned.addAll(knownViewChildren); // CompositeTransactionalCommand boundsCommand = new CompositeTransactionalCommand( host().getEditingDomain(), DiagramUIMessages.SetLocationCommand_Label_Resize); ArrayList<CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor> viewDescriptors = new ArrayList<CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor>(childDescriptors.size()); for (UMLNodeDescriptor next : childDescriptors) { String hint = UMLVisualIDRegistry.getType(next.getVisualID()); IAdaptable elementAdapter = new CanonicalElementAdapter(next.getModelElement(), hint); CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor descriptor = new CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor( elementAdapter, Node.class, hint, ViewUtil.APPEND, false, host().getDiagramPreferencesHint()); viewDescriptors.add(descriptor); LinkedList<View> possibleMatches = potentialViews.get(next); if (possibleMatches != null) { // from potential matches, leave those that were not eventually used for some other // NodeDescriptor (i.e. those left as orphaned) possibleMatches.retainAll(knownViewChildren); } if (possibleMatches != null && !possibleMatches.isEmpty()) { View originalView = possibleMatches.getFirst(); knownViewChildren.remove( originalView); // remove not to copy properties of the same view again and again // add command to copy properties if (originalView instanceof Node) { if (((Node) originalView).getLayoutConstraint() instanceof Bounds) { Bounds b = (Bounds) ((Node) originalView).getLayoutConstraint(); boundsCommand.add( new SetBoundsCommand( boundsCommand.getEditingDomain(), boundsCommand.getLabel(), descriptor, new Rectangle(b.getX(), b.getY(), b.getWidth(), b.getHeight()))); } else if (((Node) originalView).getLayoutConstraint() instanceof Location) { Location l = (Location) ((Node) originalView).getLayoutConstraint(); boundsCommand.add( new SetBoundsCommand( boundsCommand.getEditingDomain(), boundsCommand.getLabel(), descriptor, new Point(l.getX(), l.getY()))); } else if (((Node) originalView).getLayoutConstraint() instanceof Size) { Size s = (Size) ((Node) originalView).getLayoutConstraint(); boundsCommand.add( new SetBoundsCommand( boundsCommand.getEditingDomain(), boundsCommand.getLabel(), descriptor, new Dimension(s.getWidth(), s.getHeight()))); } } } } boolean changed = deleteViews(orphaned.iterator()); // CreateViewRequest request = getCreateViewRequest(viewDescriptors); Command cmd = getCreateViewCommand(request); if (cmd != null && cmd.canExecute()) { SetViewMutabilityCommand.makeMutable(new EObjectAdapter(host().getNotationView())).execute(); executeCommand(cmd); if (boundsCommand.canExecute()) { executeCommand(new ICommandProxy(boundsCommand.reduce())); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<IAdaptable> nl = (List<IAdaptable>) request.getNewObject(); createdViews.addAll(nl); } if (changed || createdViews.size() > 0) { postProcessRefreshSemantic(createdViews); } if (createdViews.size() > 1) { // perform a layout of the container DeferredLayoutCommand layoutCmd = new DeferredLayoutCommand(host().getEditingDomain(), createdViews, host()); executeCommand(new ICommandProxy(layoutCmd)); } makeViewsImmutable(createdViews); }