/** @since 2.0 */ @Override public void delete(boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) { // Remove correction for this module from all places. final IScriptProject scriptProject = getScriptProject(); final IEnvironment environment = EnvironmentManager.getEnvironment(scriptProject); TclProjectInfo project = TclPackagesManager.getTclProject(scriptProject.getElementName()); EList<TclModuleInfo> modules = project.getModules(); String path = environment.convertPathToString(getFullPath()).toString(); for (TclModuleInfo tclModuleInfo : modules) { EList<UserCorrection> corrections = tclModuleInfo.getSourceCorrections(); EList<TclSourceEntry> sourced = tclModuleInfo.getSourced(); EList<UserCorrection> sourceCorrections = tclModuleInfo.getSourceCorrections(); for (TclSourceEntry tclSourceEntry : sourced) { String value = tclSourceEntry.getValue(); if (value.contains("$") && value.equals(getOriginalName())) { for (UserCorrection userCorrection : sourceCorrections) { if (userCorrection.getOriginalValue().equals(value)) { userCorrection.getUserValue().remove(path); } } } } } TclPackagesManager.save(); // Do delta refresh try { ModelManager.getModelManager() .getDeltaProcessor() .checkExternalChanges( new IModelElement[] {getScriptProject()}, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (ModelException e) { DLTKCore.error("Failed to call for model update:", e); } }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof IEnvironment) { IEnvironment other = (IEnvironment) obj; return environmentId.equals(other.getId()); } return false; }
private void closeEditor(IWorkbenchPage page, IEditorPart editor) { IModelElement modelElement = EditorUtility.getEditorInputModelElement(editor, false); if (modelElement != null) { IEnvironment environment = EnvironmentManager.getEnvironment(modelElement); if (environment != null && !environment.isLocal()) { page.closeEditor(editor, false); } } }
public void changeControlPressed(DialogField field) { IEnvironment environment = getEnvironment(); IEnvironmentUI environmentUI = (IEnvironmentUI) environment.getAdapter(IEnvironmentUI.class); if (environmentUI != null) { String selectedDirectory = environmentUI.selectFolder(getShell()); if (selectedDirectory != null) { // fLocation.setText(selectedDirectory); DLTKUIPlugin.getDefault() .getDialogSettings() .put(DIALOGSTORE_LAST_EXTERNAL_LOC, selectedDirectory); } } }
private void initialize() { if (environment == null) { environment = resolveEnvironment(environmentId); if (DEBUG) if (environment != null) System.out.println( getClass().getName() + " - resolved " + environmentId + " to " + environment.getClass().getSimpleName()); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } }
public String getSeparator() { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.getSeparator() : "/"; // $NON-NLS-1$ }
public char getPathsSeparatorChar() { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.getPathsSeparatorChar() : ':'; }
public String getName() { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.getName() : generateName(); }
public IFileHandle getFile(URI locationURI) { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.getFile(locationURI) : null; }
public String getCanonicalPath(IPath path) { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.getCanonicalPath(path) : path.toString(); }
public String convertPathToString(IPath path) { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.convertPathToString(path) : path.toString(); }
public boolean connect() { initialize(); return environment != null && environment.connect(); }
public URI getLocationURI() { IEnvironment environment = getEnvironment(); return environment.getURI(fPHPLocationGroup.getLocation()); }
public Object getAdapter(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class adapter) { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.getAdapter(adapter) : null; }
public boolean isLocal() { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.isLocal() : false; }
public boolean isConnected() { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.isConnected() : false; }
public URI getURI(IPath location) { initialize(); return environment != null ? environment.getURI(location) : null; }