/** * Update launch configuration with attributes required for external process codegen. * * @param lc * @return * @throws CoreException */ public ILaunchConfiguration updateLaunchConfig(ILaunchConfiguration lc) throws CoreException { Map<String, String> tmpAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); String fileName = null; try { fileName = getPath2GenBuildXml().toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CoreException(HibernateConsolePlugin.throwableToStatus(e, 666)); } // setup location of Ant build.xml file tmpAttributes.put(IExternalToolConstants.ATTR_LOCATION, fileName); // setup Ant runner main type tmpAttributes.put( IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_MAIN_TYPE_NAME, IAntLaunchConstants.MAIN_TYPE_NAME); // setup ant remote process factory tmpAttributes.put( DebugPlugin.ATTR_PROCESS_FACTORY_ID, "org.eclipse.ant.ui.remoteAntProcessFactory"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // refresh whole workspace // tmpAttributes.put(RefreshUtil.ATTR_REFRESH_SCOPE, RefreshUtil.MEMENTO_WORKSPACE); ILaunchConfiguration mockedConfig = lc.isWorkingCopy() ? new MockLaunchConfigWorkingCopy((LaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) lc, tmpAttributes) : new MockLaunchConfig(lc, tmpAttributes); return mockedConfig; }
protected void handleToolChanged() { try { // create dynamicTab loadDynamicArea(); if (launchConfigurationWorkingCopy == null) { if (launchConfiguration.isWorkingCopy()) { launchConfigurationWorkingCopy = (ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) launchConfiguration; } else { launchConfigurationWorkingCopy = launchConfiguration.getWorkingCopy(); } } // setDefaults called on this tab so call on dynamicTab OR // user changed tool, not just restoring state if (initDefaults) { dynamicTab.setDefaults(launchConfigurationWorkingCopy); } initDefaults = false; dynamicTab.initializeFrom(launchConfigurationWorkingCopy); // change name of tool TabItem toolTab.setText(dynamicTab.getName()); optionsFolder.layout(true); // adjust minimum size for ScrolledComposite recomputeSize(); } catch (CoreException e) { ex = e; } }
/** The "default" button has been toggled */ protected void handleDefaultButtonSelected() { setDirty(true); boolean def = fDefaultButton.getSelection(); if (def) { try { ILaunchConfiguration config = getLaunchConfiguration(); ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy wc = null; if (config.isWorkingCopy()) { wc = (ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) config; } else { wc = config.getWorkingCopy(); } performApply(wc); IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] defs = JavaRuntime.computeUnresolvedSourceLookupPath(wc); fPathViewer.setEntries(defs); } catch (CoreException e) { JDIDebugUIPlugin.log(e); } } fPathViewer.setEnabled(!def); updateLaunchConfigurationDialog(); }
public void launch( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); return; } PHPexeItem phpExeItem = PHPLaunchUtilities.getPHPExe(configuration); if (phpExeItem == null) { Logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Launch configuration could not find PHP exe item"); // $NON-NLS-1$ monitor.setCanceled(true); monitor.done(); return; } // get the launch info: php exe, php ini final String phpExeString = configuration.getAttribute(IPHPDebugConstants.ATTR_EXECUTABLE_LOCATION, (String) null); final String phpIniString = configuration.getAttribute(IPHPDebugConstants.ATTR_INI_LOCATION, (String) null); final String phpScriptString = configuration.getAttribute(IPHPDebugConstants.ATTR_FILE, (String) null); if (phpScriptString == null || phpScriptString.trim().length() == 0) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); displayErrorMessage(PHPDebugCoreMessages.XDebug_ExeLaunchConfigurationDelegate_0); return; } if (monitor.isCanceled()) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); return; } // locate the project from the php script final IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); final IPath filePath = new Path(phpScriptString); final IResource scriptRes = workspaceRoot.findMember(filePath); if (scriptRes == null) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); displayErrorMessage(PHPDebugCoreMessages.XDebug_ExeLaunchConfigurationDelegate_1); return; } // resolve php exe location final IPath phpExe = new Path(phpExeString); // resolve project directory IProject project = scriptRes.getProject(); // Set Project Name as this is required by the source lookup computer // delegate final String projectString = project.getFullPath().toString(); ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy wc = null; if (configuration.isWorkingCopy()) { wc = (ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) configuration; } else { wc = configuration.getWorkingCopy(); } wc.setAttribute(IPHPDebugConstants.PHP_Project, projectString); wc.setAttribute( IDebugParametersKeys.TRANSFER_ENCODING, PHPProjectPreferences.getTransferEncoding(project)); wc.setAttribute( IDebugParametersKeys.OUTPUT_ENCODING, PHPProjectPreferences.getOutputEncoding(project)); wc.doSave(); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); return; } IPath projectLocation = project.getRawLocation(); if (projectLocation == null) { projectLocation = project.getLocation(); } // resolve the script location, but not relative to anything IPath phpFile = scriptRes.getLocation(); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); return; } // Resolve the PHP ini location // Locate the php ini by using the attribute. If the attribute was null, // try to locate an ini that exists next to the executable. File phpIni = (phpIniString != null && new File(phpIniString).exists()) ? new File(phpIniString) : PHPINIUtil.findPHPIni(phpExeString); File tempIni = PHPINIUtil.prepareBeforeLaunch(phpIni, phpExeString, project); launch.setAttribute(IDebugParametersKeys.PHP_INI_LOCATION, tempIni.getAbsolutePath()); // add process type to process attributes, basically the name of the exe // that was launched final Map<String, String> processAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); String programName = phpExe.lastSegment(); final String extension = phpExe.getFileExtension(); if (extension != null) { programName = programName.substring(0, programName.length() - (extension.length() + 1)); } programName = programName.toLowerCase(); // used by the console colorer extension to determine what class to use // should allow the console color providers and line trackers to work // process.setAttribute(IProcess.ATTR_PROCESS_TYPE, // IPHPConstants.PHPProcessType); processAttributes.put(IProcess.ATTR_PROCESS_TYPE, programName); // used by the Console to give that console a name processAttributes.put(IProcess.ATTR_CMDLINE, phpScriptString); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); return; } // determine the environment variables String[] envVarString = null; DBGpTarget target = null; if (mode.equals(ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE)) { // check the launch for stop at first line, if not there go to // project specifics boolean stopAtFirstLine = PHPProjectPreferences.getStopAtFirstLine(project); stopAtFirstLine = configuration.getAttribute(IDebugParametersKeys.FIRST_LINE_BREAKPOINT, stopAtFirstLine); String sessionID = DBGpSessionHandler.getInstance().generateSessionId(); String ideKey = null; if (phpExeItem != null) { DBGpProxyHandler proxyHandler = DBGpProxyHandlersManager.INSTANCE.getHandler(phpExeItem.getUniqueId()); if (proxyHandler != null && proxyHandler.useProxy()) { ideKey = proxyHandler.getCurrentIdeKey(); if (proxyHandler.registerWithProxy() == false) { displayErrorMessage( PHPDebugCoreMessages.XDebug_ExeLaunchConfigurationDelegate_2 + proxyHandler.getErrorMsg()); DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); return; } } else { ideKey = DBGpSessionHandler.getInstance().getIDEKey(); } } target = new DBGpTarget(launch, phpFile.lastSegment(), ideKey, sessionID, stopAtFirstLine); target.setPathMapper(PathMapperRegistry.getByLaunchConfiguration(configuration)); DBGpSessionHandler.getInstance().addSessionListener(target); envVarString = createDebugLaunchEnvironment(configuration, sessionID, ideKey, phpExe); int requestPort = getDebugPort(phpExeItem); // Check that the debug daemon is functional // DEBUGGER - Make sure that the active debugger id is indeed Zend's // debugger if (!PHPLaunchUtilities.isDebugDaemonActive( requestPort, XDebugCommunicationDaemon.XDEBUG_DEBUGGER_ID)) { PHPLaunchUtilities.showLaunchErrorMessage( NLS.bind( PHPDebugCoreMessages.ExeLaunchConfigurationDelegate_PortInUse, requestPort, phpExeItem.getName())); monitor.setCanceled(true); monitor.done(); return; } } else { envVarString = PHPLaunchUtilities.getEnvironment(configuration, new String[] {getLibraryPath(phpExe)}); } IProgressMonitor subMonitor = new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 30); subMonitor.beginTask(PHPDebugCoreMessages.XDebug_ExeLaunchConfigurationDelegate_3, 10); // determine the working directory. default is the location of the // script IPath workingPath = phpFile.removeLastSegments(1); File workingDir = workingPath.makeAbsolute().toFile(); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < envVarString.length && !found; i++) { String envEntity = envVarString[i]; String[] elements = envEntity.split("="); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (elements.length > 0 && elements[0].equals("XDEBUG_WORKING_DIR")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ found = true; workingPath = new Path(elements[1]); File temp = workingPath.makeAbsolute().toFile(); if (temp.exists()) { workingDir = temp; } } } // Detect PHP SAPI type and thus where we need arguments File phpExeFile = new File(phpExeString); String sapiType = null; String phpV = null; PHPexeItem[] items = PHPexes.getInstance().getAllItems(); for (PHPexeItem item : items) { if (item.getExecutable().equals(phpExeFile)) { sapiType = item.getSapiType(); phpV = item.getVersion(); break; } } String[] args = null; if (PHPexeItem.SAPI_CLI.equals(sapiType)) { args = PHPLaunchUtilities.getProgramArguments(launch.getLaunchConfiguration()); } // define the command line for launching String[] cmdLine = null; cmdLine = PHPLaunchUtilities.getCommandLine( configuration, phpExe.toOSString(), tempIni.toString(), phpFile.toOSString(), args, phpV); // Launch the process final Process phpExeProcess = DebugPlugin.exec(cmdLine, workingDir, envVarString); // Attach a crash detector new Thread(new ProcessCrashDetector(launch, phpExeProcess)).start(); IProcess eclipseProcessWrapper = null; if (phpExeProcess != null) { subMonitor.worked(10); eclipseProcessWrapper = DebugPlugin.newProcess(launch, phpExeProcess, phpExe.toOSString(), processAttributes); if (eclipseProcessWrapper == null) { // another error so we stop everything somehow phpExeProcess.destroy(); subMonitor.done(); DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PHPDebugPlugin.ID, 0, null, null)); } // if launching in debug mode, create the debug infrastructure and // link it with the launched process if (mode.equals(ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE) && target != null) { target.setProcess(eclipseProcessWrapper); launch.addDebugTarget(target); subMonitor.subTask(PHPDebugCoreMessages.XDebug_ExeLaunchConfigurationDelegate_4); target.waitForInitialSession( (DBGpBreakpointFacade) IDELayerFactory.getIDELayer(), XDebugPreferenceMgr.createSessionPreferences(), monitor); } } else { // we did not launch if (mode.equals(ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE)) { DBGpSessionHandler.getInstance().removeSessionListener(target); } DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); } subMonitor.done(); }