  * Sets the deltas to register the changes resulting from this operation for this source element
  * and its destination. If the operation is a cross project operation
  * <ul>
  *   <li>On a copy, the delta should be rooted in the dest project
  *   <li>On a move, two deltas are generated
  *       <ul>
  *         <li>one rooted in the source project
  *         <li>one rooted in the destination project
  *       </ul>
  * </ul>
  * If the operation is rooted in a single project, the delta is rooted in that project
 protected void prepareDeltas(
     IJavaElement sourceElement, IJavaElement destinationElement, boolean isMove) {
   if (Util.isExcluded(sourceElement) || Util.isExcluded(destinationElement)) return;
   IJavaProject destProject = destinationElement.getJavaProject();
   if (isMove) {
     IJavaProject sourceProject = sourceElement.getJavaProject();
     getDeltaFor(sourceProject).movedFrom(sourceElement, destinationElement);
     getDeltaFor(destProject).movedTo(destinationElement, sourceElement);
   } else {