@Override public String getIdentifier() { String id = getGroupId() + ":" + getArtifactId() + ":" + getVersion(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(kbaseName)) { id = id.concat(":" + kbaseName); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ksessionName)) { id = id.concat(":" + ksessionName); } return id; }
protected void populateRHS( Rule rule, PMML pmmlDocument, Scorecard scorecard, Characteristic c, Attribute scoreAttribute, int position) { Consequence consequence = new Consequence(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String objectClass = scorecard.getModelName().replaceAll(" ", ""); String setter = "insertLogical(new PartialScore(\""; String field = ScorecardPMMLUtils.extractFieldNameFromCharacteristic(c); stringBuilder .append(setter) .append(objectClass) .append("\",\"") .append(field) .append("\",") .append(scoreAttribute.getPartialScore()); if (scorecard.isUseReasonCodes()) { String reasonCode = scoreAttribute.getReasonCode(); if (reasonCode == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(reasonCode)) { reasonCode = c.getReasonCode(); } stringBuilder.append(",\"").append(reasonCode).append("\", ").append(position); } stringBuilder.append("));"); consequence.setSnippet(stringBuilder.toString()); rule.addConsequence(consequence); }
public File getFile(String name) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(path)) { return mfs.getFile(path + "/" + name); } else { return mfs.getFile(name); } }
public RuleAgendaItem createRuleAgendaItem( final int salience, final PathMemory rs, final TerminalNode rtn) { String agendaGroupName = rtn.getRule().getAgendaGroup(); String ruleFlowGroupName = rtn.getRule().getRuleFlowGroup(); RuleAgendaItem lazyAgendaItem; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ruleFlowGroupName)) { lazyAgendaItem = new RuleAgendaItem( activationCounter++, null, salience, null, rs, rtn, isDeclarativeAgenda(), (InternalAgendaGroup) getAgendaGroup(ruleFlowGroupName)); } else { lazyAgendaItem = new RuleAgendaItem( activationCounter++, null, salience, null, rs, rtn, isDeclarativeAgenda(), (InternalAgendaGroup) getRuleFlowGroup(agendaGroupName)); } return lazyAgendaItem; }
public Folder getFolder(String name) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(path)) { return mfs.getFolder(path + "/" + name); } else { return mfs.getFolder(name); } }
public Folder getParent() { if (pFolder == null) { String p = trimLeadingAndTrailing(path); if (p.indexOf('/') == -1) { pFolder = new MemoryFolder(mfs, ""); } else { String[] elements = p.split("/"); String newPath = ""; boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length - 1; i++) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(elements[i])) { if (!first) { newPath = newPath + "/"; } newPath = newPath + elements[i]; first = false; } } pFolder = new MemoryFolder(mfs, newPath); } } return pFolder; }
public String getProperty(String name) { name = name.trim(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return null; } if (name.equals(SequentialAgendaOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return getSequentialAgenda().toExternalForm(); } else if (name.equals(SequentialOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Boolean.toString(isSequential()); } else if (name.equals(RemoveIdentitiesOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Boolean.toString(isRemoveIdentities()); } else if (name.equals(ShareAlphaNodesOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Boolean.toString(isShareAlphaNodes()); } else if (name.equals(ShareBetaNodesOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Boolean.toString(isShareBetaNodes()); } else if (name.equals(PermGenThresholdOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Integer.toString(getPermGenThreshold()); } else if (name.equals(AlphaThresholdOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Integer.toString(getAlphaNodeHashingThreshold()); } else if (name.equals(CompositeKeyDepthOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Integer.toString(getCompositeKeyDepth()); } else if (name.equals(IndexLeftBetaMemoryOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Boolean.toString(isIndexLeftBetaMemory()); } else if (name.equals(IndexRightBetaMemoryOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Boolean.toString(isIndexRightBetaMemory()); } else if (name.equals(IndexPrecedenceOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return getIndexPrecedenceOption().getValue(); } else if (name.equals(EqualityBehaviorOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return getAssertBehaviour().toExternalForm(); } else if (name.equals("drools.executorService")) { return getExecutorService(); } else if (name.equals(ConsequenceExceptionHandlerOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return getConsequenceExceptionHandler(); } else if (name.equals("drools.ruleBaseUpdateHandler")) { return getRuleBaseUpdateHandler(); } else if (name.equals("drools.conflictResolver")) { return getConflictResolver().getClass().getName(); } else if (name.equals("drools.advancedProcessRuleIntegration")) { return Boolean.toString(isAdvancedProcessRuleIntegration()); } else if (name.equals(MultithreadEvaluationOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Boolean.toString(isMultithreadEvaluation()); } else if (name.equals(MaxThreadsOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Integer.toString(getMaxThreads()); } else if (name.equals(EventProcessingOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return getEventProcessingMode().getMode(); } else if (name.equals(MBeansOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return isMBeansEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"; } else if (name.equals(ClassLoaderCacheOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Boolean.toString(isClassLoaderCacheEnabled()); } else if (name.equals(PhreakOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { return Boolean.toString(isPhreakEnabled()); } return null; }
private void initPackageRegistries(Collection<CompositePackageDescr> packages) { for (CompositePackageDescr packageDescr : packages) { if (kBuilder.getPackageRegistry(packageDescr.getName()) == null) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(packageDescr.getName())) { packageDescr.setName(kBuilder.getBuilderConfiguration().getDefaultPackageName()); } kBuilder.createPackageRegistry(packageDescr); } } }
protected void addUserFromCallbackOperation(String userId) { try { boolean userExists = pm.find(UserImpl.class, userId) != null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userId) && !userExists) { UserImpl user = new UserImpl(userId); pm.persist(user); } } catch (Throwable t) { // logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to add user " + userId); } }
protected void addGroupFromCallbackOperation(String groupId) { try { boolean groupExists = pm.find(GroupImpl.class, groupId) != null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(groupId) && !groupExists) { GroupImpl group = new GroupImpl(groupId); pm.persist(group); } } catch (Throwable t) { // logger.log(Level.WARNING, "UserGroupCallback has not been registered."); } }
/** * 将规则注册入规则容器中 <功能详细描述> * * @param spRule [参数说明] * @return void [返回类型说明] * @exception throws [异常类型] [异常说明] * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ @Transactional public Rule registeRule(SimplePersistenceRule spRule) { if (spRule == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(spRule.getRule()) || StringUtils.isEmpty(spRule.getServiceType()) || spRule.getRuleType() == null) { throw new RuleRegisteException("spRule or rule or serviceType or ruleType is null"); } RuleRegister<? extends Rule> ruleRegisterTemp = ruleRegisterMap.get(spRule.getRuleType()); if (ruleRegisterTemp == null) { throw new RuleRegisteException( "ruleType:{} RuleRegister not exist.", spRule.getRuleType().toString()); } // 调用对应注册器方法,将规则注册入容器中 final Rule realRule = ruleRegisterTemp.registe(spRule); if (realRule != null) { if (TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()) { // 如果在事务逻辑中执行 TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization( new TransactionSynchronizationAdapter() { @Override public void afterCommit() { putInCache(realRule, true); } }); } else { // 如果在非事务中执行 putInCache(realRule, true); } } else { throw new RuleRegisteException( "ruleType:{} RuleRegister call registe return null realRule.", spRule.getRuleType().toString()); } return realRule; }
public void activateRuleFlowGroup( final InternalRuleFlowGroup group, long processInstanceId, String nodeInstanceId) { ((EventSupport) this.workingMemory) .getAgendaEventSupport() .fireBeforeRuleFlowGroupActivated(group, this.workingMemory); group.setActive(true); group.hasRuleFlowListener(true); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(nodeInstanceId)) { group.addNodeInstance(processInstanceId, nodeInstanceId); group.setActive(true); } setFocus((InternalAgendaGroup) group); ((EventSupport) this.workingMemory) .getAgendaEventSupport() .fireAfterRuleFlowGroupActivated(group, this.workingMemory); }
public Object start(String uri, String localName, Attributes attrs, ExtensibleXmlParser parser) throws SAXException { parser.startElementBuilder(localName, attrs); String type = attrs.getValue("input-type"); String worksheetName = attrs.getValue("worksheet-name"); emptyAttributeCheck(localName, "input-type", type, parser); DecisionTableConfiguration dtConf = new DecisionTableConfigurationImpl(); dtConf.setInputType(DecisionTableInputType.valueOf(type)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(worksheetName)) { dtConf.setWorksheetName(worksheetName); } return dtConf; }
@Override public void saveOrUpdate(Ida[] idas) { boolean editFlag = true; for (Ida ida : idas) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ida.getHeadId())) { ida.setHeadId(null); } idaDAOImpl.save(ida); if (editFlag) { String interfaceId = ida.getInterfaceId(); if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotEmpty(interfaceId)) { Interface inter = interfaceDAO.findUniqueBy("interfaceId", interfaceId); // 更新版本,只更新一次 versionServiceImpl.editVersion(inter.getVersionId()); editFlag = false; } } } }
@Override public OrganizationalEntity persistOrgEntity(OrganizationalEntity orgEntity) { check(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(orgEntity.getId())) { try { this.em.persist(orgEntity); if (this.pessimisticLocking) { return this.em.find( OrganizationalEntityImpl.class, orgEntity.getId(), LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT); } } catch (EntityExistsException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Organizational entity already exists with " + orgEntity + " id, please check that there is no group and user with same id"); } } return orgEntity; }
public void setProperty(String name, String value) { name = name.trim(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return; } if (name.equals(SequentialAgendaOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setSequentialAgenda( SequentialAgenda.determineSequentialAgenda( StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? "sequential" : value)); } else if (name.equals(SequentialOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setSequential(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? false : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } else if (name.equals(RemoveIdentitiesOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setRemoveIdentities(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? false : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } else if (name.equals(ShareAlphaNodesOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setShareAlphaNodes(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? false : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } else if (name.equals(ShareBetaNodesOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setShareBetaNodes(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? false : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } else if (name.equals(PermGenThresholdOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setPermGenThreshold( StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? PermGenThresholdOption.DEFAULT_VALUE : Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equals(AlphaThresholdOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setAlphaNodeHashingThreshold(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? 3 : Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equals(CompositeKeyDepthOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setCompositeKeyDepth(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? 3 : Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equals(IndexLeftBetaMemoryOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setIndexLeftBetaMemory(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? true : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } else if (name.equals(IndexRightBetaMemoryOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setIndexRightBetaMemory(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? true : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } else if (name.equals(IndexPrecedenceOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setIndexPrecedenceOption( StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? IndexPrecedenceOption.EQUALITY_PRIORITY : IndexPrecedenceOption.determineIndexPrecedence(value)); } else if (name.equals(EqualityBehaviorOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setAssertBehaviour( AssertBehaviour.determineAssertBehaviour( StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? "identity" : value)); } else if (name.equals(ConsequenceExceptionHandlerOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setConsequenceExceptionHandler( StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? DefaultConsequenceExceptionHandler.class.getName() : value); } else if (name.equals("drools.ruleBaseUpdateHandler")) { setRuleBaseUpdateHandler(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? "" : value); } else if (name.equals("drools.conflictResolver")) { setConflictResolver( determineConflictResolver( StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? DepthConflictResolver.class.getName() : value)); } else if (name.equals("drools.advancedProcessRuleIntegration")) { setAdvancedProcessRuleIntegration( StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? false : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } else if (name.equals(MultithreadEvaluationOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setMultithreadEvaluation(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? false : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } else if (name.equals(MaxThreadsOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setMaxThreads(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? 3 : Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (name.equals(EventProcessingOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.determineEventProcessingMode( StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? "cloud" : value)); } else if (name.equals(MBeansOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setMBeansEnabled(MBeansOption.isEnabled(value)); } else if (name.equals(ClassLoaderCacheOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setClassLoaderCacheEnabled(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? true : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } else if (name.equals(PhreakOption.PROPERTY_NAME)) { setPhreakEnabled(StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? false : Boolean.valueOf(value)); } }
public boolean isEmpty() { return StringUtils.isEmpty(value); }
public static InternalFactHandle readFactHandle(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int type = context.stream.readInt(); int id = context.stream.readInt(); long recency = context.stream.readLong(); long startTimeStamp = 0; long duration = 0; boolean expired = false; long activationsCount = 0; if (type == 2) { startTimeStamp = context.stream.readLong(); duration = context.stream.readLong(); expired = context.stream.readBoolean(); activationsCount = context.stream.readLong(); } int strategyIndex = context.stream.readInt(); Object object = null; ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = null; // This is the old way of de/serializing strategy objects if (strategyIndex >= 0) { strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategy(strategyIndex); } // This is the new way else if (strategyIndex == -2) { String strategyClassName = context.stream.readUTF(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(strategyClassName)) { strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategyObject(strategyClassName); if (strategy == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No strategy of type " + strategyClassName + " available."); } } } // If either way retrieves a strategy, use it if (strategy != null) { object = strategy.read(context.stream); } WorkingMemoryEntryPoint entryPoint = null; if (context.readBoolean()) { String entryPointId = context.readUTF(); if (entryPointId != null && !entryPointId.equals("")) { entryPoint = context.wm.getEntryPoints().get(entryPointId); } } InternalFactHandle handle = null; switch (type) { case 0: { handle = new DefaultFactHandle(id, object, recency, entryPoint); break; } case 1: { handle = new QueryElementFactHandle(object, id, recency); break; } case 2: { handle = new EventFactHandle(id, object, recency, startTimeStamp, duration, entryPoint); ((EventFactHandle) handle).setExpired(expired); ((EventFactHandle) handle).setActivationsCount(activationsCount); break; } default: { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to marshal FactHandle, as type does not exist:" + type); } } return handle; }
@Override public void deploy(DeploymentUnit unit) { try { super.deploy(unit); if (!(unit instanceof KModuleDeploymentUnit)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid deployment unit provided - " + unit.getClass().getName()); } KModuleDeploymentUnit kmoduleUnit = (KModuleDeploymentUnit) unit; DeployedUnitImpl deployedUnit = new DeployedUnitImpl(unit); // Create the release id KieContainer kieContainer = kmoduleUnit.getKieContainer(); ReleaseId releaseId = null; if (kieContainer == null) { KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get(); releaseId = ks.newReleaseId( kmoduleUnit.getGroupId(), kmoduleUnit.getArtifactId(), kmoduleUnit.getVersion()); MavenRepository repository = getMavenRepository(); repository.resolveArtifact(releaseId.toExternalForm()); kieContainer = ks.newKieContainer(releaseId); kmoduleUnit.setKieContainer(kieContainer); } releaseId = kieContainer.getReleaseId(); // retrieve the kbase name String kbaseName = kmoduleUnit.getKbaseName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(kbaseName)) { KieBaseModel defaultKBaseModel = ((KieContainerImpl) kieContainer).getKieProject().getDefaultKieBaseModel(); if (defaultKBaseModel != null) { kbaseName = defaultKBaseModel.getName(); } else { kbaseName = DEFAULT_KBASE_NAME; } } InternalKieModule module = (InternalKieModule) ((KieContainerImpl) kieContainer).getKieModuleForKBase(kbaseName); if (module == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot find kbase, either it does not exist or there are multiple default kbases in kmodule.xml"); } KieBase kbase = kieContainer.getKieBase(kbaseName); Map<String, ProcessDescriptor> processDescriptors = new HashMap<String, ProcessDescriptor>(); for (org.kie.api.definition.process.Process process : kbase.getProcesses()) { processDescriptors.put( process.getId(), (ProcessDescriptor) process.getMetaData().get("ProcessDescriptor")); } // TODO: add forms data? Collection<String> files = module.getFileNames(); processResources( module, files, kieContainer, kmoduleUnit, deployedUnit, releaseId, processDescriptors); // process the files in the deployment if (module.getKieDependencies() != null) { Collection<InternalKieModule> dependencies = module.getKieDependencies().values(); for (InternalKieModule depModule : dependencies) { logger.debug("Processing dependency module " + depModule.getReleaseId()); files = depModule.getFileNames(); processResources( depModule, files, kieContainer, kmoduleUnit, deployedUnit, depModule.getReleaseId(), processDescriptors); } } Collection<ReleaseId> dependencies = module.getJarDependencies(new DependencyFilter.ExcludeScopeFilter("test", "provided")); // process deployment dependencies if (dependencies != null && !dependencies.isEmpty()) { // Classes 2: classes added from project and dependencies added processClassloader(kieContainer, deployedUnit); } AuditEventBuilder auditLoggerBuilder = setupAuditLogger(identityProvider, unit.getIdentifier()); RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder builder = boostrapRuntimeEnvironmentBuilder( kmoduleUnit, deployedUnit, kieContainer, kmoduleUnit.getMergeMode()) .knowledgeBase(kbase) .classLoader(kieContainer.getClassLoader()); builder.registerableItemsFactory( getRegisterableItemsFactory(auditLoggerBuilder, kieContainer, kmoduleUnit)); commonDeploy(unit, deployedUnit, builder.get(), kieContainer); kmoduleUnit.setDeployed(true); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("Unexpected error while deploying unit {}", unit.getIdentifier(), e); // catch all possible errors to be able to report them to caller as RuntimeException throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { // Bad Hack - Need to remote it and fix it in Camel (if it's a camel problem) // I need to copy the body of the exachange because for some reason // the getContext().getEndpoint() erase the content/or loose the reference String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class); if (dep == null) { this.dep = exchange.getContext().getEndpoint(this.droolsUri, DroolsEndpoint.class); } if (dep == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find DroolsEndPoint for uri=" + this.droolsUri); } ClassLoader originalClassLoader = null; try { originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); CommandExecutor exec = dep.executor; if (exec == null) { String lookup = exchange.getIn().getHeader(DroolsComponent.DROOLS_LOOKUP, String.class); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(lookup)) { // Bad Hack - Need to remote it and fix it in Camel (if it's a camel problem) lookup = dep.getLookup(body); // lookup = dep.getLookup( exchange.getIn().getBody( String.class ) ); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(lookup)) { throw new RuntimeException( "No Executor defined and no lookup information available for uri " + this.dep.getEndpointUri()); } exec = dep.getCommandExecutor(lookup); } if (exec == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "CommandExecutor cannot be found for uri " + this.dep.getEndpointUri()); } ClassLoader localClassLoader = dep.getClassLoader(exec); if (localClassLoader == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "CommandExecutor Classloader cannot be null for uri " + this.dep.getEndpointUri()); } // Set the classloader to the one used by the CommandExecutor Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(localClassLoader); ExecutionNodePipelineContextImpl context = new ExecutionNodePipelineContextImpl(dep.node, localClassLoader); context.setCommandExecutor(exec); exchange.setProperty("drools-context", context); // Bad Hack - Need to remote it and fix it in Camel (if it's a camel problem) // I need to re set the Body because the exchange loose the content at // the begining of the method exchange.getIn().setBody(new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes("UTF-8"))); boolean soap = false; if (!augmented && exchange.getFromEndpoint() instanceof CxfSpringEndpoint) { new PreCxfTransportSoapProcessor().process(exchange); soap = true; } processor.process(exchange); if (soap) { new PostCxfTransportSoapProcessor().process(exchange); } } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader); } }
@Override public void deploy(DeploymentUnit unit) { super.deploy(unit); if (!(unit instanceof KModuleDeploymentUnit)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid deployment unit provided - " + unit.getClass().getName()); } KModuleDeploymentUnit kmoduleUnit = (KModuleDeploymentUnit) unit; DeployedUnitImpl deployedUnit = new DeployedUnitImpl(unit); KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get(); MavenRepository repository = getMavenRepository(); repository.resolveArtifact(kmoduleUnit.getIdentifier()); ReleaseId releaseId = ks.newReleaseId( kmoduleUnit.getGroupId(), kmoduleUnit.getArtifactId(), kmoduleUnit.getVersion()); KieContainer kieContainer = ks.newKieContainer(releaseId); String kbaseName = kmoduleUnit.getKbaseName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(kbaseName)) { KieBaseModel defaultKBaseModel = ((KieContainerImpl) kieContainer).getKieProject().getDefaultKieBaseModel(); if (defaultKBaseModel != null) { kbaseName = defaultKBaseModel.getName(); } else { kbaseName = DEFAULT_KBASE_NAME; } } InternalKieModule module = (InternalKieModule) ((KieContainerImpl) kieContainer).getKieModuleForKBase(kbaseName); if (module == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find kbase with name " + kbaseName); } Map<String, String> formsData = new HashMap<String, String>(); Collection<String> files = module.getFileNames(); for (String fileName : files) { if (fileName.matches(".+bpmn[2]?$")) { ProcessDesc process; try { String processString = new String(module.getBytes(fileName), "UTF-8"); process = bpmn2Service.findProcessId(processString, kieContainer.getClassLoader()); process.setEncodedProcessSource(Base64.encodeBase64String(processString.getBytes())); process.setDeploymentId(unit.getIdentifier()); process.setForms(formsData); deployedUnit.addAssetLocation(process.getId(), process); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.warn("Unable to load content for file '{}' : {}", fileName, e); } } else if (fileName.matches(".+ftl$")) { try { String formContent = new String(module.getBytes(fileName), "UTF-8"); Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("(.{0}|.*/)([^/]*?)\\.ftl"); Matcher m = regex.matcher(fileName); String key = fileName; while (m.find()) { key = m.group(2); } formsData.put(key, formContent); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.warn("Unable to load content for form '{}' : {}", fileName, e); } } else if (fileName.matches(".+form$")) { try { String formContent = new String(module.getBytes(fileName), "UTF-8"); Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("(.{0}|.*/)([^/]*?)\\.form"); Matcher m = regex.matcher(fileName); String key = fileName; while (m.find()) { key = m.group(2); } formsData.put(key + ".form", formContent); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.warn("Unable to load content for form '{}' : {}", fileName, e); } } } KieBase kbase = kieContainer.getKieBase(kbaseName); AbstractAuditLogger auditLogger = getAuditLogger(); ServicesAwareAuditEventBuilder auditEventBuilder = new ServicesAwareAuditEventBuilder(); auditEventBuilder.setIdentityProvider(identityProvider); auditEventBuilder.setDeploymentUnitId(unit.getIdentifier()); auditLogger.setBuilder(auditEventBuilder); RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder builder = RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder.getDefault() .entityManagerFactory(getEmf()) .knowledgeBase(kbase) .classLoader(kieContainer.getClassLoader()); if (beanManager != null) { builder.registerableItemsFactory( InjectableRegisterableItemsFactory.getFactory( beanManager, auditLogger, kieContainer, kmoduleUnit.getKsessionName())); } commonDeploy(unit, deployedUnit, builder.get()); }