コード例 #1
  private static final void CreditCurveEODAPISample() throws Exception {
    JulianDate dt = JulianDate.CreateFromYMD(2011, 7, 21);

     * Retrieves all the CDS curves available for the given EOD

    Set<String> setstrCDSCurves = CreditAnalytics.GetEODCDSCurveNames(dt);

    for (String strCDSCurveName : setstrCDSCurves) System.out.println(strCDSCurveName);

     * Retrieves the calibrated credit curve from the CDS instruments for the given CDS curve name,
     * 		IR curve name, and EOD. Also shows the 10Y survival probability and hazard rate.

    CreditCurve ccEOD = CreditAnalytics.LoadEODCDSCreditCurve("813796", "USD", dt);

    JulianDate dt10Y = JulianDate.Today().addYears(10);

            + dt10Y.toString()
            + "]; Survival="
            + ccEOD.getSurvival("10Y")
            + "; Hazard="
            + ccEOD.calcHazard("10Y"));

     * Displays the CDS quotes used to construct the closing credit curve

    CalibratableComponent[] aCompCDS = ccEOD.calibComp();

    for (int i = 0; i < aCompCDS.length; ++i)
              + " => "
              + (int) (ccEOD.manifestMeasure(aCompCDS[i].getPrimaryCode())));

     * Loads all available credit curves for the given curve ID built from CDS instruments between 2 dates

    Map<JulianDate, CreditCurve> mapCC =
            "813796", "USD", JulianDate.CreateFromYMD(2011, 7, 14), dt);

     * Displays their 5Y CDS quote

    for (Map.Entry<JulianDate, CreditCurve> meCC : mapCC.entrySet()) {
      JulianDate dtME = meCC.getKey();

      CreditCurve ccCOB = meCC.getValue();

      System.out.println(dtME + "[CDS.5Y] => " + (int) (ccCOB.manifestMeasure("CDS.5Y")));
コード例 #2
  private static final void CDSEODMeasuresAPISample() {
    JulianDate dtEOD = JulianDate.CreateFromYMD(2011, 7, 21); // EOD

     * Create a spot starting CDS based off of a specific credit curve

    CreditDefaultSwap cds = CDSBuilder.CreateSNAC(JulianDate.Today(), "5Y", 0.1, "813796");

     * Calculate the EOD CDS measures

    CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<Double> mapEODCDSMeasures =
        CreditAnalytics.GetEODCDSMeasures(cds, dtEOD);

     * Display the EOD CDS measures

    for (Map.Entry<String, Double> me : mapEODCDSMeasures.entrySet())
      System.out.println(me.getKey() + " => " + me.getValue());