/** Lists all slaves used by the master USAGE: SITE SLAVES */ public CommandResponse doSITE_SLAVES(CommandRequest request) { boolean showMore = request.hasArgument() && (request.getArgument().equalsIgnoreCase("more")); Collection<RemoteSlave> slaves = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getSlaves(); CommandResponse response = new CommandResponse(200, "OK, " + slaves.size() + " slaves listed."); int slavesFound = 0; String type; if (request.hasArgument()) { type = request.getArgument().toLowerCase(); } else { type = "r"; } for (RemoteSlave rslave : GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getSlaves()) { String name = rslave.getName().toLowerCase(); if ((!name.contains(type)) && (!type.equals("all"))) continue; response = addSlaveStatus(request, response, showMore, rslave); slavesFound = slavesFound + 1; } if (slavesFound == 0) { response.addComment( request .getSession() .jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.none", null, request.getUser())); } return response; }
public CommandResponse doSlave(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { if (!request.hasArgument()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } boolean showMore = false; StringTokenizer arguments = new StringTokenizer(request.getArgument()); String slaveName = arguments.nextToken(); if (arguments.hasMoreTokens()) { if (arguments.nextToken().equalsIgnoreCase("more")) { showMore = true; } else { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } } if (arguments.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } CommandResponse response = StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); try { RemoteSlave rslave = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getRemoteSlave(slaveName); response = addSlaveStatus(request, response, showMore, rslave); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); env.add("slavename", slaveName); response.addComment( request .getSession() .jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.notfound", env, request.getUser())); } return response; }
public CommandResponse doSITE_DELSLAVE(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { Session session = request.getSession(); CommandResponse response = StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); if (!request.hasArgument()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String argument = request.getArgument(); StringTokenizer arguments = new StringTokenizer(argument); if (!arguments.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String slavename = arguments.nextToken(); env.add("slavename", slavename); try { GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getRemoteSlave(slavename); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "delslave.notfound", env, request.getUser())); return response; } GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().delSlave(slavename); response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "delslave.success", env, request.getUser())); return response; }
public CommandResponse doRemergeque(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { String slave; if (request.hasArgument()) { slave = request.getArgument().toLowerCase(); } else { slave = "all"; } ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<String>(); for (RemoteSlave rslave : GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getSlaves()) { if (!rslave.getName().contains(slave) && !slave.equals("all")) { continue; } int size = rslave.doRemergequeue(); if (!rslave.isOnline()) { arr.add(rslave.getName() + " is offline"); } else if (!rslave.isRemerging()) { arr.add(rslave.getName() + " remergeque is complete"); } else if (size > 0) { arr.add(rslave.getName() + " remergeque size is " + size); } else { arr.add(rslave.getName() + " remergeque size is 0 but remerge is ongoing"); } } arr.add("Total commit:" + CommitManager.getCommitManager().getQueueSize()); CommandResponse response = StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); for (String str : arr) { response.addComment(str); } return response; }
public CommandRequestInterface doNukeCheck(CommandRequest request) { String path = VirtualFileSystem.fixPath(request.getArgument()); if (!path.startsWith(VirtualFileSystem.separator)) { // Create full path if (request.getCurrentDirectory().isRoot()) { path = VirtualFileSystem.separator + path; } else { path = request.getCurrentDirectory().getPath() + VirtualFileSystem.separator + path; } } NukeData nd = NukeBeans.getNukeBeans().findPath(path); if (nd != null) { // This path exist in nukelog request.setAllowed(false); request.setDeniedResponse( new CommandResponse( 530, "Access denied - " + nd.getPath() + " already nuked for '" + nd.getReason() + "'")); } return request; }
public CommandResponse doSITE_REMERGE(CommandRequest request) { if (!request.hasArgument()) { return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_501_SYNTAX_ERROR"); } RemoteSlave rslave; try { rslave = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getRemoteSlave(request.getArgument()); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { return new CommandResponse(200, "No such slave"); } if (!rslave.isAvailable()) { return new CommandResponse(200, "Slave is still merging from initial connect"); } if (rslave.isRemerging()) { return new CommandResponse(200, "Slave is still remerging by a previous remerge command"); } boolean CRCRemerge = GlobalContext.getConfig() .getMainProperties() .getProperty("crc.remerge.mode", "true") .equals("true"); rslave.setRemerging(true); try { rslave.fetchResponse( SlaveManager.getBasicIssuer() .issueRemergeToSlave( rslave, request.getCurrentDirectory().getPath(), false, 0L, 0L, false, CRCRemerge), 0); } catch (RemoteIOException e) { rslave.setOffline("IOException during remerge()"); return new CommandResponse(200, "IOException during remerge()"); } catch (SlaveUnavailableException e) { rslave.setOffline("Slave Unavailable during remerge()"); return new CommandResponse(200, "Slave Unavailable during remerge()"); } finally { String message = ("Remerge queueprocess finished"); GlobalContext.getEventService().publishAsync(new SlaveEvent("MSGSLAVE", message, rslave)); rslave.setRemerging(false); } return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); }
public CommandResponse doSITE_NUKES(CommandRequest request) { CommandResponse response = StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); SectionInterface section = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSectionManager().getSection(request.getArgument()); if (request.hasArgument() && section.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { return new CommandResponse(501, "Invalid section!"); } if (NukeBeans.getNukeBeans().getAll().isEmpty()) { response.addComment( request .getSession() .jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "nukes.empty", env, request.getUser())); } for (NukeData nd : NukeBeans.getNukeBeans().getAll()) { if (nd.getPath().startsWith(request.getArgument(), 1)) { env.add("path", nd.getPath()); env.add("multiplier", nd.getMultiplier()); env.add("usersnuked", nd.getNukees().size()); env.add("size", nd.getSize()); env.add("reason", nd.getReason()); env.add("amount", nd.getAmount()); env.add("nuker", nd.getUser()); response.addComment( request.getSession().jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "nukes", env, request.getUser())); } } if (response.getComment().isEmpty()) { env.add("section", section.getName()); response.addComment( request .getSession() .jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "nukes.empty.section", env, request.getUser())); } return response; }
public CommandResponse doSITE_SLAVESELECT(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { if (!request.hasArgument()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String argument = request.getArgument(); StringTokenizer arguments = new StringTokenizer(argument); if (arguments.hasMoreTokens() == false) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String type = arguments.nextToken(); if (arguments.hasMoreTokens() == false) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String path = arguments.nextToken(); if (!path.startsWith(VirtualFileSystem.separator)) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } char direction = Transfer.TRANSFER_UNKNOWN; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("up")) { direction = Transfer.TRANSFER_RECEIVING_UPLOAD; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("down")) { direction = Transfer.TRANSFER_SENDING_DOWNLOAD; } else { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } Collection<RemoteSlave> slaves; try { slaves = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getAvailableSlaves(); } catch (NoAvailableSlaveException e1) { return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_530_SLAVE_UNAVAILABLE"); } SlaveSelectionManager ssm = null; try { ssm = (SlaveSelectionManager) GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveSelectionManager(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return new CommandResponse( 500, "You are attempting to test filter.SlaveSelectionManager yet you're using def.SlaveSelectionManager"); } CommandResponse response = new CommandResponse(500, "***End of SlaveSelection output***"); Collection<Filter> filters = ssm.getFilterChain(type).getFilters(); ScoreChart sc = new ScoreChart(slaves); for (Filter filter : filters) { try { filter.process(sc, null, null, direction, new FileHandle(path), null); } catch (NoAvailableSlaveException e) { } } for (SlaveScore ss : sc.getSlaveScores()) { response.addComment(ss.getRSlave().getName() + "=" + ss.getScore()); } return response; }
public CommandResponse doREMOVEJOB(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { if (!request.hasArgument()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } class Range { long _low, _high; Range(long low, long high) { if (0 >= low || low > high) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("0 < low <= high"); } _low = low; _high = high; } public boolean contains(long val) { return _low <= val && val <= _high; } } ArrayList<Range> rangeList = new ArrayList<Range>(); String rangeString = request.getArgument(); String[] ranges = rangeString.split(" "); for (String range : ranges) { if (range.indexOf("-") == -1) { long val = Long.parseLong(range); rangeList.add(new Range(val, val)); } else { String[] vals = range.split("-"); rangeList.add(new Range(Long.parseLong(vals[0]), Long.parseLong(vals[1]))); } } TreeSet<Job> treeSet = new TreeSet<Job>(new JobIndexComparator()); treeSet.addAll(getJobManager().getAllJobsFromQueue()); ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); CommandResponse response = StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); for (Job job : treeSet) { for (Range range : rangeList) { if (range.contains(job.getIndex())) { env.add("job", job); getJobManager().stopJob(job); response.addComment( request.getSession().jprintf(_bundle, env, _keyPrefix + "removejob.success")); } } } return response; }
/* * Prehook method for SLAVE ADDIP * Gets the ip, and preforms checks. */ public CommandRequestInterface doIpSecuritySLAVEPreCheck(CommandRequest request) { if (!request.hasArgument()) { return request; } String argument = request.getArgument(); StringTokenizer arguments = new StringTokenizer(argument); if (!arguments.hasMoreTokens()) { return request; } String slavename = arguments.nextToken(); RemoteSlave rslave = null; try { rslave = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getRemoteSlave(slavename); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { request.setDeniedResponse(new CommandResponse(200, "Slave Not Found: " + slavename)); request.setAllowed(false); return request; } if (arguments.hasMoreTokens()) { String command = arguments.nextToken(); if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("addmask")) { if (arguments.countTokens() != 1) { return request; } HostMask newMask = new HostMask(arguments.nextToken().replace(",", "")); String _maskident = newMask.getIdentMask(); String _maskHostMask = newMask.getHostMask(); boolean _allowed = IpSecurityManager.getIpSecurity() .checkIP(_maskident, _maskHostMask, rslave.getMasks().size(), null); if ((!_allowed) && (!_maskHostMask.equals(""))) { request.setAllowed(false); CommandResponse response = StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); response.addComment(IpSecurityManager.getIpSecurity().outputConfs(null)); request.setDeniedResponse(response); return request; } } } return request; }
/* * Checks the IP from arguments (Used for ADDUSER/GADDUSER/ADDIP) */ public CommandRequest checkIP(CommandRequest request, int argnum, int ipnum, boolean newuser) { if (!request.hasArgument()) { return request; } String[] args = request.getArgument().split(" "); if (args.length < argnum) { return request; } try { int _numip = args.length - argnum + 1; User user = null; if (!newuser) { user = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getUserManager().getUserByName(args[0]); _numip = user.getHostMaskCollection().size(); } for (int i = ipnum; i < args.length; i++) { HostMask newMask = new HostMask(args[i].replace(",", "")); String maskHostMask = newMask.getHostMask(); boolean _allowed = IpSecurityManager.getIpSecurity() .checkIP(newMask.getIdentMask(), maskHostMask, _numip, user); if ((!_allowed) && (!maskHostMask.equals(""))) { request.setAllowed(false); CommandResponse response = StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); response.addComment(IpSecurityManager.getIpSecurity().outputConfs(user)); request.setDeniedResponse(response); return request; } } } catch (NoSuchUserException ex) { request.setAllowed(false); request.setDeniedResponse(new CommandResponse(452, "No such user: "******"No Such User Exception - IpSecurityHooks"); return request; } catch (UserFileException ex) { request.setAllowed(false); request.setDeniedResponse(new CommandResponse(452, "User File Exception: " + args[0])); return request; } return request; }
public CommandResponse doSITE_KICKSLAVE(CommandRequest request) { Session session = request.getSession(); if (!request.hasArgument()) { return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_501_SYNTAX_ERROR"); } RemoteSlave rslave; try { rslave = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getRemoteSlave(request.getArgument()); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { return new CommandResponse(200, "No such slave"); } if (!rslave.isOnline()) { return new CommandResponse(200, "Slave is already offline"); } rslave.setOffline("Slave kicked by " + session.getUserNull(request.getUser()).getName()); return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); }
public CommandResponse doSITE_PRE(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { if (!request.hasArgument()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String[] args = request.getArgument().split(" "); if (args.length != 2) { return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_501_SYNTAX_ERROR"); } SectionInterface section = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSectionManager().getSection(args[1]); if (section.getName().equals("")) { return new CommandResponse( 500, "Invalid section, see SITE SECTIONS for a list of available sections"); } User user = request.getSession().getUserNull(request.getUser()); DirectoryHandle preDir; String path = VirtualFileSystem.fixPath(args[0]); if (!(path.startsWith(VirtualFileSystem.separator))) { // Not a full path, let's make it one if (request.getCurrentDirectory().isRoot()) { path = VirtualFileSystem.separator + path; } else { path = request.getCurrentDirectory().getPath() + VirtualFileSystem.separator + path; } } try { preDir = request.getCurrentDirectory().getDirectory(path, user); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_550_REQUESTED_ACTION_NOT_TAKEN"); } catch (ObjectNotValidException e) { return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse( "RESPONSE_553_REQUESTED_ACTION_NOT_TAKEN_FILE_EXISTS"); } ConfigInterface config = GlobalContext.getConfig(); if (!config.checkPathPermission("pre", user, preDir)) { return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_530_ACCESS_DENIED"); } DirectoryHandle toInode = new DirectoryHandle( section.getCurrentDirectory().getPath() + VirtualFileSystem.separator + preDir.getName()); if (toInode.exists()) { return new CommandResponse(500, "Directory already exist in target section"); } CommandResponse response = new CommandResponse(250, request.getCommand().toUpperCase() + " command successful."); // AWARD CREDITS HashMap<User, Long> awards = new HashMap<User, Long>(); preAwardCredits(preDir, awards); for (Map.Entry<User, Long> entry : awards.entrySet()) { User owner = entry.getKey(); if (StatsManager.getStatsManager().getCreditCheckRatio(preDir, owner) == 0) { Long award = entry.getValue(); owner.updateCredits(award); response.addComment("Awarded " + Bytes.formatBytes(award) + " to " + owner.getName()); } } recursiveRemoveOwnership(preDir, System.currentTimeMillis()); int files = getFiles(preDir); long bytes = 0; try { bytes = preDir.getSize(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("FileNotFoundException ", e); } try { preDir.renameToUnchecked(toInode); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn("FileNotFoundException on renameTo()", e); return new CommandResponse(500, "FileNotFound - " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("IOException on renameTo()", e); return new CommandResponse(500, "IOException - " + e.getMessage()); } preDir = toInode; GlobalContext.getEventService() .publishAsync( new PreEvent(preDir, section, Integer.toString(files), Bytes.formatBytes(bytes))); response.setObject(PREDIR, preDir); return response; }
/** * USAGE: <file><priority>[destslave ...] * * @param conn * @return * @throws ImproperUsageException * @throws ReplyException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public CommandResponse doADDJOB(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { if (!request.hasArgument()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } CommandResponse response = StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(request.getArgument()); User user = request.getSession().getUserNull(request.getUser()); FileHandle lrf; try { try { lrf = request.getCurrentDirectory().getFile(st.nextToken(), user); } catch (ObjectNotValidException e) { throw new ImproperUsageException("addjob does not handle directories or links"); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return new CommandResponse(500, "File does not exist"); } int priority; try { priority = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } int timesToMirror; try { timesToMirror = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } HashSet<String> destSlaves = new HashSet<String>(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String slaveName = st.nextToken(); try { GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getRemoteSlave(slaveName); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e1) { response.addComment(slaveName + "was not found, cannot add to destination slave list"); continue; } destSlaves.add(slaveName); } if (destSlaves.size() == 0) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } Job job = new Job(lrf, destSlaves, priority, timesToMirror); getJobManager().addJobToQueue(job); ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); env.add("job", job); response.addComment(request.getSession().jprintf(_bundle, env, _keyPrefix + "addjob.success")); return response; }
/** * USAGE: site unnuke <directory> <message> Unnuke a directory. * * <p>ex. site unnuke shit NOT CRAP * * <p>This will unnuke the directory 'shit' with the comment 'NOT CRAP'. * * <p>NOTE: You can enclose the directory in braces if you have spaces in the name ex. site unnuke * {My directory name} justcause * * <p>You need to configure glftpd to keep nuked files if you want to unnuke. See the section * about glftpd.conf. * * @throws ImproperUsageException */ public CommandResponse doSITE_UNNUKE(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { if (!request.hasArgument()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(request.getArgument()); Session session = request.getSession(); DirectoryHandle currentDir = request.getCurrentDirectory(); User user = session.getUserNull(request.getUser()); String toName = st.nextToken(); String toDir; String nukeName; if (!toName.startsWith(VirtualFileSystem.separator)) { // Not a full path, let's make it one and append [NUKED]- if needed. if (toName.startsWith("[NUKED]-")) { nukeName = toName; toName = toName.substring(8); } else { nukeName = "[NUKED]-" + toName; } if (request.getCurrentDirectory().isRoot()) { boolean searchIndex = request.getProperties().getProperty("search", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); if (searchIndex) { // Get dirs from index system ArrayList<DirectoryHandle> dirsToUnNuke; try { dirsToUnNuke = NukeUtils.findNukeDirs(currentDir, user, nukeName); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn(e); return new CommandResponse(550, e.getMessage()); } ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); if (dirsToUnNuke.isEmpty()) { env.add("searchstr", nukeName); return new CommandResponse( 550, session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "unnuke.search.empty", env, user)); } else if (dirsToUnNuke.size() == 1) { toDir = dirsToUnNuke.get(0).getParent().getPath() + VirtualFileSystem.separator; } else { CommandResponse response = new CommandResponse(200); for (DirectoryHandle nukeDir : dirsToUnNuke) { try { env.add("name", nukeDir.getName()); env.add("path", nukeDir.getPath()); env.add("owner", nukeDir.getUsername()); env.add("group", nukeDir.getGroup()); env.add("size", Bytes.formatBytes(nukeDir.getSize())); response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "unnuke.search.item", env, user)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn( "Dir deleted after index search?, skip and continue: " + nukeDir.getPath()); } } response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "unnuke.search.end", env, user)); // Return matching dirs and let user decide what to unnuke return response; } } else { toDir = VirtualFileSystem.separator; } } else { toDir = currentDir.getPath() + VirtualFileSystem.separator; } } else { // Full path to Nuked dir provided, append [NUKED]- if needed. toDir = VirtualFileSystem.fixPath(toName); toName = toDir.substring(toDir.lastIndexOf(VirtualFileSystem.separator) + 1); toDir = toDir.substring(0, toDir.lastIndexOf(VirtualFileSystem.separator) + 1); if (toName.startsWith("[NUKED]-")) { nukeName = toName; toName = toName.substring(8); } else { nukeName = "[NUKED]-" + toName; } } String reason; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { reason = st.nextToken("").trim(); } else { reason = ""; } DirectoryHandle nukeDir; try { nukeDir = currentDir.getDirectory(toDir + nukeName, user); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Maybe dir was deleted/wiped, lets remove it from nukelog. try { NukeBeans.getNukeBeans().remove(toDir + toName); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { return new CommandResponse( 500, toDir + nukeName + " doesnt exist and no nukelog for this path was found."); } return new CommandResponse( 200, toDir + nukeName + " doesnt exist, removed nuke from nukelog."); } catch (ObjectNotValidException e) { return new CommandResponse(550, toDir + nukeName + " is not a directory"); } NukeData nd; try { nd = NukeUtils.unnuke(nukeDir, reason); } catch (NukeException e) { return new CommandResponse(500, "Unnuke failed: " + e.getMessage()); } CommandResponse response = new CommandResponse(200, "Unnuke succeeded"); NukeEvent nukeEvent = new NukeEvent(session.getUserNull(request.getUser()), "UNNUKE", nd); GlobalContext.getEventService().publishAsync(nukeEvent); ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); String section = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSectionManager().lookup(nukeDir).getName(); env.add("section", section); env.add("dir", nukeDir.getName()); env.add("path", nukeDir.getPath()); env.add("relpath", nukeDir.getPath().replaceAll("/" + section + "/", "")); env.add("multiplier", nd.getMultiplier()); env.add("nukedamount", Bytes.formatBytes(nd.getAmount())); env.add("reason", reason); env.add("size", Bytes.formatBytes(nd.getSize())); if (session instanceof BaseFtpConnection) { response.addComment(session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "unnuke", env, user)); for (NukedUser nukeeObj : NukeBeans.getNukeeList(nd)) { ReplacerEnvironment nukeeenv = new ReplacerEnvironment(); User nukee; try { nukee = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext() .getUserManager() .getUserByName(nukeeObj.getUsername()); } catch (NoSuchUserException e1) { // Unable to get user, does not exist.. skip announce for this user continue; } catch (UserFileException e1) { // Error in user file.. skip announce for this user continue; } long debt = NukeUtils.calculateNukedAmount( nukeeObj.getAmount(), nukee.getKeyedMap().getObjectFloat(UserManagement.RATIO), nd.getMultiplier()); nukeeenv.add("nukedamount", Bytes.formatBytes(debt)); response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "unnuke.nukees", nukeeenv, nukee)); } } return response; }
/** * USAGE: site nuke <directory> <multiplier> <message> Nuke a directory * * <p>ex. site nuke shit 2 CRAP * * <p>This will nuke the directory 'shit' and remove x2 credits with the comment 'CRAP'. * * <p>NOTE: You can enclose the directory in braces if you have spaces in the name ex. site NUKE * {My directory name} 1 because_i_dont_like_it * * <p>Q) What does the multiplier in 'site nuke' do? A) Multiplier is a penalty measure. If it is * 0, the user doesn't lose any credits for the stuff being nuked. If it is 1, user only loses the * amount of credits he gained by uploading the files (which is calculated by multiplying total * size of file by his/her ratio). If multiplier is more than 1, the user loses the credits he/she * gained by uploading, PLUS some extra credits. The formula is this: size * ratio + size * * (multiplier - 1). This way, multiplier of 2 causes user to lose size * ratio + size * 1, so the * additional penalty in this case is the size of nuked files. If the multiplier is 3, user loses * size * ratio + size * 2, etc. * * @throws ImproperUsageException */ public CommandResponse doSITE_NUKE(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { if (!request.hasArgument()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(request.getArgument()); if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } Session session = request.getSession(); int multiplier; DirectoryHandle currentDir = request.getCurrentDirectory(); String nukeDirName = st.nextToken(); User requestUser = session.getUserNull(request.getUser()); String nukeDirPath = VirtualFileSystem.fixPath(nukeDirName); if (!(nukeDirPath.startsWith(VirtualFileSystem.separator))) { // Not a full path, let's make it one if (request.getCurrentDirectory().isRoot()) { boolean searchIndex = request.getProperties().getProperty("search", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); if (searchIndex) { // Get dirs from index system ArrayList<DirectoryHandle> dirsToNuke; try { dirsToNuke = NukeUtils.findNukeDirs(currentDir, requestUser, nukeDirPath); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn(e); return new CommandResponse(550, e.getMessage()); } ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); if (dirsToNuke.isEmpty()) { env.add("searchstr", nukeDirPath); return new CommandResponse( 550, session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "nuke.search.empty", env, requestUser)); } else if (dirsToNuke.size() == 1) { nukeDirPath = dirsToNuke.get(0).getPath(); } else { CommandResponse response = new CommandResponse(200); for (DirectoryHandle nukeDir : dirsToNuke) { try { env.add("name", nukeDir.getName()); env.add("path", nukeDir.getPath()); env.add("owner", nukeDir.getUsername()); env.add("group", nukeDir.getGroup()); env.add("size", Bytes.formatBytes(nukeDir.getSize())); response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "nuke.search.item", env, requestUser)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.warn( "Dir deleted after index search?, skip and continue: " + nukeDir.getPath()); } } response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "nuke.search.end", env, requestUser)); // Return matching dirs and let user decide what to nuke return response; } } else { nukeDirPath = VirtualFileSystem.separator + nukeDirPath; } } else { nukeDirPath = request.getCurrentDirectory().getPath() + VirtualFileSystem.separator + nukeDirPath; } } DirectoryHandle nukeDir; try { nukeDir = request.getCurrentDirectory().getDirectory(nukeDirPath, requestUser); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_550_REQUESTED_ACTION_NOT_TAKEN"); } catch (ObjectNotValidException e) { return new CommandResponse(550, nukeDirPath + " is not a directory"); } nukeDirName = nukeDir.getName(); if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } try { multiplier = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logger.warn(ex, ex); return new CommandResponse(501, "Invalid multiplier: " + ex.getMessage()); } String reason = ""; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { reason = st.nextToken("").trim(); } NukeData nd; try { nd = NukeUtils.nuke(nukeDir, multiplier, reason, requestUser); } catch (NukeException e) { return new CommandResponse(500, "Nuke failed: " + e.getMessage()); } CommandResponse response = new CommandResponse(200, "Nuke succeeded"); GlobalContext.getEventService().publishAsync(new NukeEvent(requestUser, "NUKE", nd)); ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); String section = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSectionManager().lookup(nukeDir).getName(); env.add("section", section); env.add("dir", nukeDirName); env.add("path", nukeDirPath); env.add("relpath", nukeDirPath.replaceAll("/.*?" + section + "/", "")); env.add("multiplier", multiplier); env.add("nukedamount", Bytes.formatBytes(nd.getAmount())); env.add("reason", reason); env.add("size", Bytes.formatBytes(nd.getSize())); if (session instanceof BaseFtpConnection) { response.addComment(session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "nuke", env, requestUser)); for (NukedUser nukeeObj : NukeBeans.getNukeeList(nd)) { ReplacerEnvironment nukeeenv = new ReplacerEnvironment(); User nukee; try { nukee = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext() .getUserManager() .getUserByName(nukeeObj.getUsername()); } catch (NoSuchUserException e1) { // Unable to get user, does not exist.. skip announce for this user continue; } catch (UserFileException e1) { // Error in user file.. skip announce for this user continue; } long debt = NukeUtils.calculateNukedAmount( nukeeObj.getAmount(), nukee.getKeyedMap().getObjectFloat(UserManagement.RATIO), multiplier); nukeeenv.add("nukedamount", Bytes.formatBytes(debt)); response.addComment(session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "nuke.nukees", nukeeenv, nukee)); } } return response; }
/** * Usage: site slave slavename [set,addmask,delmask] * * @throws ImproperUsageException */ public CommandResponse doSITE_SLAVE(CommandRequest request) throws ImproperUsageException { Session session = request.getSession(); CommandResponse response = StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); ReplacerEnvironment env = new ReplacerEnvironment(); if (!request.hasArgument()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String argument = request.getArgument(); StringTokenizer arguments = new StringTokenizer(argument); if (!arguments.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String slavename = arguments.nextToken(); env.add("slavename", slavename); RemoteSlave rslave = null; try { rslave = GlobalContext.getGlobalContext().getSlaveManager().getRemoteSlave(slavename); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.notfound", env, request.getUser())); return response; } if (!arguments.hasMoreTokens()) { if (!rslave.getMasks().isEmpty()) { env.add("masks", rslave.getMasks()); response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.masks", env, request.getUser())); } response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.data.header", request.getUser())); Map<Object, Object> props = rslave.getProperties(); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : props.entrySet()) { env.add("key", entry.getKey()); env.add("value", entry.getValue()); response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.data", env, request.getUser())); } return response; } String command = arguments.nextToken(); if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("set")) { if (arguments.countTokens() != 2) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String key = arguments.nextToken(); String value = arguments.nextToken(); rslave.setProperty(key, value); env.add("key", key); env.add("value", value); response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.set.success", env, request.getUser())); return response; } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("unset")) { if (arguments.countTokens() != 1) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String key = arguments.nextToken(); env.add("key", key); String value; try { value = rslave.removeProperty(key); } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.unset.failure", env, request.getUser())); return response; } env.add("value", value); response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.unset.success", env, request.getUser())); return response; } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("addmask")) { if (arguments.countTokens() != 1) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String mask = arguments.nextToken(); env.add("mask", mask); try { rslave.addMask(mask); response.addComment( session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.addmask.success", env, request.getUser())); return response; } catch (DuplicateElementException e) { response = new CommandResponse( 501, session.jprintf( _bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.addmask.dupe", env, request.getUser())); return response; } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("delmask")) { if (arguments.countTokens() != 1) { throw new ImproperUsageException(); } String mask = arguments.nextToken(); env.add("mask", mask); if (rslave.removeMask(mask)) { return new CommandResponse( 200, session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.delmask.success", env, request.getUser())); } return new CommandResponse( 501, session.jprintf(_bundle, _keyPrefix + "slave.delmask.failed", env, request.getUser())); } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("shutdown")) { rslave.shutdown(); return StandardCommandManager.genericResponse("RESPONSE_200_COMMAND_OK"); } throw new ImproperUsageException(); }