コード例 #1
   * Builds VocabularyHolder from VocabCache.
   * <p>Basically we just ignore tokens, and transfer VocabularyWords, supposing that it's already
   * truncated by minWordFrequency.
   * <p>Huffman tree data is ignored and recalculated, due to suspectable flaw in dl4j huffman impl,
   * and it's exsessive memory usage.
   * <p>This code is required for compatibility between dl4j w2v implementation, and standalone w2v
   * @param cache
  protected VocabularyHolder(@NonNull VocabCache cache, boolean markAsSpecial) {
    this.vocabCache = cache;
    for (VocabWord word : cache.tokens()) {
      VocabularyWord vw = new VocabularyWord(word.getWord());
      vw.setCount((int) word.getWordFrequency());

      // since we're importing this word from external VocabCache, we'll assume that this word is
      // SPECIAL, and should NOT be affected by minWordFrequency

      // please note: we don't transfer huffman data, since proper way is  to recalculate it after
      // new words being added
      if (word.getPoints() != null && !word.getPoints().isEmpty()) {
            buildNode(word.getCodes(), word.getPoints(), word.getCodeLength(), word.getIndex()));

      vocabulary.put(vw.getWord(), vw);

    // there's no sense building huffman tree just for UNK word
    if (numWords() > 1) updateHuffmanCodes();
    logger.info("Init from VocabCache is complete. " + numWords() + " word(s) were transferred.");
コード例 #2
  public void iterateSample(VocabWord w1, VocabWord w2, double currentSentenceAlpha) {

    if (w1 == null || w2 == null || w2.getIndex() < 0 || w2.getIndex() == w1.getIndex()) return;
    final int currentWordIndex = w2.getIndex();

    // error for current word and context
    INDArray neu1e = Nd4j.create(vectorLength);

    // First iteration Syn0 is random numbers
    INDArray l1 = null;
    if (indexSyn0VecMap.containsKey(vocab.elementAtIndex(currentWordIndex))) {
      l1 = indexSyn0VecMap.get(vocab.elementAtIndex(currentWordIndex));
    } else {
      l1 = getRandomSyn0Vec(vectorLength, (long) currentWordIndex);

    for (int i = 0; i < w1.getCodeLength(); i++) {
      int code = w1.getCodes().get(i);
      int point = w1.getPoints().get(i);
      if (point < 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal point " + point);
      // Point to
      INDArray syn1;
      if (pointSyn1VecMap.containsKey(point)) {
        syn1 = pointSyn1VecMap.get(point);
      } else {
        syn1 = Nd4j.zeros(1, vectorLength); // 1 row of vector length of zeros
        pointSyn1VecMap.put(point, syn1);

      // Dot product of Syn0 and Syn1 vecs
      double dot = Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().level1().dot(vectorLength, 1.0, l1, syn1);

      if (dot < -maxExp || dot >= maxExp) continue;

      int idx = (int) ((dot + maxExp) * ((double) expTable.length / maxExp / 2.0));

      if (idx > expTable.length) continue;

      // score
      double f = expTable[idx];
      // gradient
      double g =
          (1 - code - f)
              * (useAdaGrad
                  ? w1.getGradient(i, currentSentenceAlpha, currentSentenceAlpha)
                  : currentSentenceAlpha);

      Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().level1().axpy(vectorLength, g, syn1, neu1e);
      Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().level1().axpy(vectorLength, g, l1, syn1);

    int target = w1.getIndex();
    int label;
    // negative sampling
    if (negative > 0)
      for (int d = 0; d < negative + 1; d++) {
        if (d == 0) label = 1;
        else {
          nextRandom.set(nextRandom.get() * 25214903917L + 11);
          int idx = Math.abs((int) (nextRandom.get() >> 16) % negativeHolder.getTable().length());

          target = negativeHolder.getTable().getInt(idx);
          if (target <= 0) target = (int) nextRandom.get() % (vocab.numWords() - 1) + 1;

          if (target == w1.getIndex()) continue;
          label = 0;

        if (target >= negativeHolder.getSyn1Neg().rows() || target < 0) continue;

        double f = Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().dot(l1, negativeHolder.getSyn1Neg().slice(target));
        double g;
        if (f > maxExp)
          g = useAdaGrad ? w1.getGradient(target, (label - 1), alpha) : (label - 1) * alpha;
        else if (f < -maxExp)
          g = label * (useAdaGrad ? w1.getGradient(target, alpha, alpha) : alpha);
        else {
          int idx = (int) ((f + maxExp) * (expTable.length / maxExp / 2));
          if (idx >= expTable.length) continue;

          g =
                  ? w1.getGradient(target, label - expTable[idx], alpha)
                  : (label - expTable[idx]) * alpha;

        Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().axpy((float) g, negativeHolder.getSyn1Neg().slice(target), neu1e);

        Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().axpy((float) g, l1, negativeHolder.getSyn1Neg().slice(target));

    // Updated the Syn0 vector based on gradient. Syn0 is not random anymore.
    Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().level1().axpy(vectorLength, 1.0f, neu1e, l1);

    if (aff.get() == 0) {
      synchronized (this) {

    VocabWord word = vocab.elementAtIndex(currentWordIndex);
    indexSyn0VecMap.put(word, l1);