public void handleIsolate( @NotNull final IsolateRef isolateRef, final boolean isolatePausedStart) { // We should auto-resume on a StartPaused event, if we're not remote debugging, and after // breakpoints have been set. final boolean newIsolate = myIsolatesInfo.addIsolate(isolateRef); if (isolatePausedStart) { myIsolatesInfo.setShouldInitialResume(isolateRef); } // Just to make sure that the main isolate is not handled twice, both from // handleDebuggerConnected() and DartVmServiceListener.received(PauseStart) if (newIsolate) { addRequest( () -> myVmService.setExceptionPauseMode( isolateRef.getId(), ExceptionPauseMode.Unhandled, new VmServiceConsumers.SuccessConsumerWrapper() { @Override public void received(Success response) { setInitialBreakpointsAndResume(isolateRef); } })); } else { checkInitialResume(isolateRef); } }
public void handleIsolatePausedOnStart(@NotNull final IsolateRef isolateRef) { // Just to make sure that the main isolate is not handled twice, both from // handleDebuggerConnected() and DartVmServiceListener.received(PauseStart) if (myIsolatesInfo.addIsolate(isolateRef)) { addRequest( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myVmService.setExceptionPauseMode( isolateRef.getId(), ExceptionPauseMode.Unhandled, new VmServiceConsumers.SuccessConsumerWrapper() { @Override public void received(Success response) { setInitialBreakpointsAndResume(isolateRef.getId()); } }); } }); } }