public GlosslistHandler(String inDir, String outDir) throws Exception { Directory in = new Directory(inDir); if (!in.exists()) throw new IOException(inDir); Collection<File> files = in.getFiles(); con = new XPathContext(); con.addNamespace("db", dbns); for (File file : files) { System.out.println("processing glossentries in " + file.getName()); if (file.getCanonicalPath().endsWith(".xml")) { Builder builder = new Builder(); Document doc =; try { doc = process(doc); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error processing " + file.getName()); throw e; } serialize(doc, new File(outDir, file.getName())); } } }
/** * Scramble all XML docs within a directory, recursively. * * @param input * @throws XMLStreamException * @throws IOException */ public XmlTextScrambler(Directory input) { Collection<?> files = input.getFiles(true); Iterator<?> iter = files.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Peeker peeker = PeekerPool.getInstance().acquire(); File f = (File); try { peeker.peek(f); } catch (Exception e) { continue; // not an xml file } try { scramble(new EFile(f)); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( "Exception while scrambling " + f.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } PeekerPool.getInstance().release(peeker); } }
protected boolean execute(Map<String, String> parameters) throws TransformerRunException { String inputXML = parameters.remove("xml"); String factory = parameters.remove("factory"); String out = parameters.remove("out"); String copyReferring = parameters.remove("copyReferring"); URL xsltURL = Stylesheets.get("dtbook2xhtml.xsl"); File inFile = FilenameOrFileURI.toFile(inputXML); /* * Check if the doc is compound */ try { NamespaceReporter nsr = new NamespaceReporter(inFile.toURI().toURL()); if (nsr.getNamespaceURIs().contains(Namespaces.MATHML_NS_URI)) { this.sendMessage( i18n("CONTAINS_MATHML"), MessageEvent.Type.INFO, MessageEvent.Cause.SYSTEM); parameters.put("svg_mathml", "true"); } if (nsr.getNamespaceURIs().contains(Namespaces.SVG_NS_URI)) { this.sendMessage(i18n("CONTAINS_SVG"), MessageEvent.Type.INFO, MessageEvent.Cause.SYSTEM); parameters.put("svg_mathml", "true"); } } catch (Exception e) { this.sendMessage( i18n("ERROR", e.getMessage()), MessageEvent.Type.ERROR, MessageEvent.Cause.SYSTEM); } try { File outFile = FilenameOrFileURI.toFile(out); FileUtils.createDirectory(outFile.getParentFile()); if ("true".equals(copyReferring)) { EFile eInFile = new EFile(inFile); String outFileName; Directory folder; if (outFile.isDirectory()) { folder = new Directory(outFile); outFileName = eInFile.getNameMinusExtension() + ".html"; } else { folder = new Directory(outFile.getParentFile()); outFileName = outFile.getName(); } if (inFile.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath().equals(folder.getCanonicalPath())) { throw new TransformerRunException(i18n("INPUT_OUTPUT_SAME")); } Fileset fileset = this.buildFileSet(new File(inputXML)); if (!parameters.containsKey("css_path")) { parameters.put("css_path", "default.css"); } Map<String, Object> xslParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); xslParams.putAll(parameters); Stylesheet.apply( inputXML, xsltURL, new File(folder, outFileName).toString(), factory, xslParams, CatalogEntityResolver.getInstance()); URL url2 = Css.get(Css.DocumentType.D202_XHTML); folder.writeToFile(parameters.get("css_path"), url2.openStream()); for (Iterator<FilesetFile> it = fileset.getLocalMembers().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FilesetFile fsf =; if (fsf instanceof ImageFile) { FileUtils.copyChild(fsf.getFile(), folder, inFile.getParentFile()); } } } else { Map<String, Object> xslParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); xslParams.putAll(parameters); Stylesheet.apply( inputXML, xsltURL, out, factory, xslParams, CatalogEntityResolver.getInstance()); } if (parameters.containsKey("svg_mathml")) { // some post-xslt namespace cleanup. Map<String, Object> domConfigMap = LSParserPool.getInstance().getDefaultPropertyMap(Boolean.FALSE); domConfigMap.put("resource-resolver", CatalogEntityResolver.getInstance()); LSParser parser = LSParserPool.getInstance().acquire(domConfigMap); DOMConfiguration domConfig = parser.getDomConfig(); domConfig.setParameter("error-handler", this); Document doc = parser.parseURI(outFile.toURI().toString()); SimpleNamespaceContext snc = new SimpleNamespaceContext(); snc.declareNamespace("m", Namespaces.MATHML_NS_URI); NodeList math = XPathUtils.selectNodes(doc.getDocumentElement(), "//m:*", snc); for (int i = 0; i < math.getLength(); i++) { try { Node m = math.item(i); m.setPrefix(""); if (m.getLocalName().equals("math")) { m.getAttributes().removeNamedItem("xmlns:dtbook"); m.getAttributes().removeNamedItem("xmlns:m"); Node c = m.getAttributes().getNamedItem("xmlns"); c.setNodeValue(Namespaces.MATHML_NS_URI); } } catch (Exception e) { this.sendMessage(e.getMessage(), MessageEvent.Type.ERROR); } } Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put( "namespaces", Boolean.FALSE); // temp because of attributeNS bug(?) in Xerces DOM3LS props.put("error-handler", this); // props.put("format-pretty-print", Boolean.TRUE); Serializer.serialize(doc, outFile, "utf-8", props); } } catch (XSLTException e) { throw new TransformerRunException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (CatalogExceptionNotRecoverable e) { throw new TransformerRunException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (FilesetFatalException e) { throw new TransformerRunException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TransformerRunException(e.getMessage(), e); } return true; }