コード例 #1
 CustomGraphicLayer resizeCustomGraphicsLayer(
     CustomGraphicLayer cg, double widthScale, double heightScale) {
   AffineTransform scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(widthScale, heightScale);
   CustomGraphicLayer newCG = cg.transform(scale);
   return newCG;
コード例 #2
  private CustomGraphicLayer syncSize(
      CyCustomGraphics<CustomGraphicLayer> graphics,
      final CustomGraphicLayer cg,
      double width,
      double height) {
    // final double nodeW = this.getWidth();
    // final double nodeH = this.getHeight();

    final Rectangle2D originalBounds = cg.getBounds2D();
    // If this is just a paint, getBounds2D will return null and
    // we can use our own width and height
    if (originalBounds == null) return cg;

    if (width == 0.0 || height == 0.0) return cg;

    final double cgW = originalBounds.getWidth();
    final double cgH = originalBounds.getHeight();

    // In case size is same, return the original.
    if (width == cgW && height == cgH) return cg;

    final AffineTransform scale;
    final float fit = graphics.getFitRatio();

    // Case 1: if custom graphic is a vector fit width and length
    if (cg instanceof PaintedShape || cg instanceof Cy2DGraphicLayer) {
      scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(fit * width / cgW, fit * height / cgH);
    } else {
      double scaleW = width / cgW;
      double scaleH = height / cgH;
      // Case 2: node height value is larger than width
      if (scaleW >= scaleH) {
        scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(fit * scaleH, fit * scaleH);
        // scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(fit * (width / cgW) * (height / width), fit *
        // height / cgH);
      } else {
        scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(fit * scaleW, fit * scaleW);
        // scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(fit * (width / cgW) * (height / width), fit *
        // height / cgH);

    return cg.transform(scale);