@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_UPDATE, type = SocialPermission.class) public FileInfo updateAttachment( @SecuredObject final String ugcId, final String contextId, final String attachmentId, final InputStream newAttachment) throws UGCException, FileNotFoundException { if (!ObjectId.isValid(ugcId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given Ugc Id is not valid"); } if (!ObjectId.isValid(attachmentId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given UGC Id is not valid"); } try { T ugc = (T) ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); if (ugc == null) { throw new IllegalUgcException("Given UGC Id does not exists"); } FileInfo oldInfo = ugcRepository.getFileInfo(attachmentId); ugc.getAttachments().remove(oldInfo); FileInfo newInfo = ugcRepository.updateFile( new ObjectId(attachmentId), newAttachment, oldInfo.getFileName(), oldInfo.getContentType(), true); ugc.getAttachments().add(newInfo); ugcRepository.update(ugcId, ugc); reactor.notify( UGCEvent.DELETE_ATTACHMENT.getName(), Event.wrap(new SocialEvent<>(ugcId, attachmentId, UGCEvent.DELETE_ATTACHMENT))); reactor.notify( UGCEvent.ADD_ATTACHMENT.getName(), Event.wrap( new SocialEvent<>( ugcId, new InputStream[] {new CloseShieldInputStream(newAttachment)}), UGCEvent.ADD_ATTACHMENT)); return newInfo; } catch (MongoDataException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.attachmentError"); throw new UGCException("Unable to removeWatcher Attachment"); } catch (FileExistsException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.attachmentNotFound", attachmentId); throw new UGCException("Unable to find attachment with given id", e); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_UPDATE, type = SocialPermission.class) public FileInfo addAttachment( @SecuredObject final String ugcId, final String contextId, final InputStream attachment, final String fileName, final String contentType) throws FileExistsException, UGCException { String internalFileName = File.separator + contextId + File.separator + ugcId + File.separator + fileName; try { checkForVirus(attachment); } catch (IOException | VirusScannerException ex) { log.error("logging.ugc.errorScanVirus", ex); return null; } try { UGC ugc = ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); if (ugc == null) { throw new IllegalUgcException("UGC with given Id does not exist"); } FileInfo info = ugcRepository.saveFile(attachment, internalFileName, contentType); try { info.setFileName(new URLCodec().decode(fileName)); } catch (DecoderException e) { info.setFileName(fileName); } info.setAttribute("owner", ugcId); ugc.getAttachments().add(info); ugcRepository.update(ugcId, ugc); reactor.notify( UGCEvent.ADD_ATTACHMENT.getName(), Event.wrap( new SocialEvent<>( ugcId, new InputStream[] {new CloseShieldInputStream(attachment)}))); return info; } catch (MongoDataException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableToSaveAttachment", e, internalFileName); throw new UGCException("Unable to save File to UGC"); } }