@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_UPDATE, type = SocialPermission.class) public void removeAttachment( @SecuredObject final String ugcId, final String contextId, final String attachmentId) throws UGCException, FileNotFoundException { try { UGC ugc = ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); if (ugc == null) { throw new IllegalUgcException("UGC with given Id does not exist"); } if (!ObjectId.isValid(attachmentId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given Attachment id is not valid"); } ObjectId attachmentOid = new ObjectId(attachmentId); FileInfo info = ugcRepository.getFileInfo(attachmentOid); if (!info.getStoreName().startsWith(File.separator + contextId)) { throw new IllegalSocialQueryException( "Given Attachment does not belong to the given context"); } ugc.getAttachments().remove(info); ugcRepository.deleteFile(attachmentOid); ugcRepository.update(ugcId, ugc); reactor.notify( UGCEvent.DELETE_ATTACHMENT.getName(), Event.wrap(new SocialEvent<>(ugcId, attachmentId, UGCEvent.DELETE_ATTACHMENT))); } catch (MongoDataException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.attachmentToRemove", e, attachmentId); throw new UGCException("Unable to save File to UGC"); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_READ, type = SocialPermission.class) public FileInfo readAttachment( final String ugcId, final String contextId, final String attachmentId) throws FileNotFoundException, UGCException { if (!ObjectId.isValid(ugcId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given Ugc Id is not valid"); } if (!ObjectId.isValid(attachmentId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given attachment Id is not valid"); } try { UGC ugc = ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); if (ugc == null) { throw new IllegalUgcException("UGC with given Id does not exist"); } ObjectId attachmentOid = new ObjectId(attachmentId); FileInfo info = ugcRepository.readFile(attachmentOid); if (!info.getStoreName().startsWith(File.separator + contextId)) { throw new IllegalSocialQueryException( "Given Attachment does not belong to the given context"); } return info; } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.error("logging.ugc.attachmentNotFound", ex, attachmentId); throw new UGCException("Unable to read file", ex); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_UPDATE, type = SocialPermission.class) public void setAttributes( @SecuredObject final String ugcId, final String contextId, final Map attributes) throws SocialException, UGCNotFound { log.debug("logging.ugc.addingAttributes", attributes, ugcId, contextId); try { T toUpdate = (T) ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); if (toUpdate == null) { throw new UGCNotFound("Unable to found ugc with id " + ugcId); } final Map attrs = toUpdate.getAttributes(); attrs.putAll(attrs); ugcRepository.setAttributes(ugcId, contextId, attrs); final SocialEvent<T> event = new SocialEvent<T>( ugcId, attributes, SocialSecurityUtils.getCurrentProfile().getId().toString(), UGCEvent.UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES); event.setAttribute("baseUrl", calculateBaseUrl()); reactor.notify(UGCEvent.UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES.getName(), Event.wrap(event)); } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.debug("logging.ugc.unableToAddAttrs", ex, attributes, ugcId, contextId); throw new UGCException("Unable to add Attributes to UGC", ex); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_UPDATE, type = SocialPermission.class) public UGC update( @SecuredObject final String ugcId, final String body, final String subject, final String contextId, final Map attributes) throws SocialException, UGCNotFound { log.debug("logging.ugc.updateUgc", ugcId); try { final Profile currentProfile = SocialSecurityUtils.getCurrentProfile(); boolean moderateByMail = Boolean.parseBoolean( tenantConfigurationService.getProperty(contextId, "moderateByMailEnable").toString()); if (!ObjectId.isValid(ugcId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given UGC Id is not valid"); } T toUpdate = (T) ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); if (toUpdate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("UGC with Id " + ugcId + " does not exists"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(body)) { toUpdate.setBody(body); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(subject)) { toUpdate.setBody(subject); } pipeline.processUgc(toUpdate); if (moderateByMail && !SocialSecurityUtils.isProfileModeratorOrAdmin(currentProfile, contextId)) { if (toUpdate instanceof SocialUgc) { ((SocialUgc) toUpdate).setModerationStatus(ModerationStatus.UNMODERATED); } } ugcRepository.update(ugcId, toUpdate, false, false); final SocialEvent<T> event = new SocialEvent<>( toUpdate, SocialSecurityUtils.getCurrentProfile().getId().toString(), UGCEvent.UPDATE); event.setAttribute("baseUrl", calculateBaseUrl()); reactor.notify(UGCEvent.UPDATE.getName(), Event.wrap(event)); if (attributes != null && !attributes.isEmpty()) { toUpdate.getAttributes().putAll(attributes); // ToDo This should be one query, problem is with deep attributes !! setAttributes(toUpdate.getId().toString(), contextId, toUpdate.getAttributes()); reactor.notify(UGCEvent.UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES, Event.wrap(attributes)); } log.info("logging.ugc.updatedUgc", ugcId); return toUpdate; } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableToUpdateUgc", ex); throw new UGCException("Unable to removeWatcher UGC", ex); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_UPDATE, type = SocialPermission.class) public FileInfo updateAttachment( @SecuredObject final String ugcId, final String contextId, final String attachmentId, final InputStream newAttachment) throws UGCException, FileNotFoundException { if (!ObjectId.isValid(ugcId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given Ugc Id is not valid"); } if (!ObjectId.isValid(attachmentId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given UGC Id is not valid"); } try { T ugc = (T) ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); if (ugc == null) { throw new IllegalUgcException("Given UGC Id does not exists"); } FileInfo oldInfo = ugcRepository.getFileInfo(attachmentId); ugc.getAttachments().remove(oldInfo); FileInfo newInfo = ugcRepository.updateFile( new ObjectId(attachmentId), newAttachment, oldInfo.getFileName(), oldInfo.getContentType(), true); ugc.getAttachments().add(newInfo); ugcRepository.update(ugcId, ugc); reactor.notify( UGCEvent.DELETE_ATTACHMENT.getName(), Event.wrap(new SocialEvent<>(ugcId, attachmentId, UGCEvent.DELETE_ATTACHMENT))); reactor.notify( UGCEvent.ADD_ATTACHMENT.getName(), Event.wrap( new SocialEvent<>( ugcId, new InputStream[] {new CloseShieldInputStream(newAttachment)}), UGCEvent.ADD_ATTACHMENT)); return newInfo; } catch (MongoDataException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.attachmentError"); throw new UGCException("Unable to removeWatcher Attachment"); } catch (FileExistsException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.attachmentNotFound", attachmentId); throw new UGCException("Unable to find attachment with given id", e); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_READ, type = SocialPermission.class) public long count(final String threadId, final String contextId) throws UGCException { try { return ugcRepository.countByTargetId(contextId, threadId, 0); } catch (MongoDataException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableToCount"); throw new UGCException("Unable to count UGC by target and context", e); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_READ, type = SocialPermission.class) public long countChildren(final String ugcId, final String contextId) throws UGCException { try { return ugcRepository.countChildrenOf(contextId, ugcId); } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableToCount", ex); throw new UGCException("Unable to count children of Ugc"); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_UPDATE, type = SocialPermission.class) public FileInfo addAttachment( @SecuredObject final String ugcId, final String contextId, final InputStream attachment, final String fileName, final String contentType) throws FileExistsException, UGCException { String internalFileName = File.separator + contextId + File.separator + ugcId + File.separator + fileName; try { checkForVirus(attachment); } catch (IOException | VirusScannerException ex) { log.error("logging.ugc.errorScanVirus", ex); return null; } try { UGC ugc = ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); if (ugc == null) { throw new IllegalUgcException("UGC with given Id does not exist"); } FileInfo info = ugcRepository.saveFile(attachment, internalFileName, contentType); try { info.setFileName(new URLCodec().decode(fileName)); } catch (DecoderException e) { info.setFileName(fileName); } info.setAttribute("owner", ugcId); ugc.getAttachments().add(info); ugcRepository.update(ugcId, ugc); reactor.notify( UGCEvent.ADD_ATTACHMENT.getName(), Event.wrap( new SocialEvent<>( ugcId, new InputStream[] {new CloseShieldInputStream(attachment)}))); return info; } catch (MongoDataException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableToSaveAttachment", e, internalFileName); throw new UGCException("Unable to save File to UGC"); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_READ, type = SocialPermission.class) public UGC read(final String ugcId, final String contextId) throws UGCException { try { return ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); } catch (MongoDataException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableToReadP", e, ugcId, contextId); throw new UGCException("Unable to find UGC with given ID and context"); } }
/** * Generates the ancestors ordered list for the ugc. * * @param newUgc UGC to setup ancestors. * @param ugcParentId Parent Id. * @throws MongoDataException * @throws UGCException */ private void setupAncestors(final UGC newUgc, final String ugcParentId, final String contextId) throws MongoDataException, UGCException { UGC parent = ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcParentId); if (parent == null) { throw new UGCException("Parent UGC does not exist"); } ObjectId parentId = new ObjectId(ugcParentId); ArrayDeque<ObjectId> ancestors = parent.getAncestors().clone(); if (ancestors.isEmpty() || !ancestors.getLast().equals(parentId)) { ancestors.addLast(parentId); newUgc.setAncestors(ancestors); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_READ, type = SocialPermission.class) public Iterable<T> readByTargetId(final String targetId, final String contextId) throws UGCException { log.debug("logging.ugc.findingByTarget", targetId, contextId); try { return buildUgcTreeList( IterableUtils.toList(ugcRepository.findByTargetId(targetId, contextId)), Integer.MAX_VALUE); } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableRead", ex); throw new UGCException("Unable to ", ex); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_DELETE, type = SocialPermission.class) public boolean deleteUgc(final String ugcId, final String contextId) throws SocialException { log.debug("logging.ugc.deleteUgc", ugcId); try { ugcRepository.deleteUgc(ugcId, contextId); final SocialEvent<T> event = new SocialEvent<T>( ugcId, SocialSecurityUtils.getCurrentProfile().getId().toString(), UGCEvent.DELETE); event.setAttribute("baseUrl", calculateBaseUrl()); reactor.notify(UGCEvent.DELETE.getName(), Event.wrap(event)); } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.error("logging.ugc.deleteUgcError", ex, ugcId, contextId); throw new UGCException("Unable to delete UGC", ex); } return false; }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_CREATE, type = SocialPermission.class) public UGC create( final String contextId, final String ugcParentId, final String targetId, final String textContent, final String subject, final Map attrs, final boolean isAnonymous) throws SocialException { log.debug("logging.ugc.creatingUgc", contextId, targetId, ugcParentId, subject, attrs); final UGC template = new UGC(subject, textContent, targetId); template.setAnonymousFlag(isAnonymous); T newUgc = (T) ugcFactory.newInstance(template); newUgc.setAttributes(attrs); try { if (ObjectId.isValid(ugcParentId)) { setupAncestors(newUgc, ugcParentId, contextId); } else { log.debug("logging.ugc.invalidParentId"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(contextId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("context cannot be null"); } pipeline.processUgc(newUgc); ugcRepository.save(newUgc); final SocialEvent<T> event = new SocialEvent<>( newUgc, SocialSecurityUtils.getCurrentProfile().getId().toString(), UGCEvent.CREATE); event.setAttribute("baseUrl", calculateBaseUrl()); reactor.notify(UGCEvent.CREATE.getName(), Event.wrap(event)); setupAutoWatch(targetId, SocialSecurityUtils.getCurrentProfile(), contextId); log.info("logging.ugc.created", newUgc); return newUgc; } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.error("logging.ugc.errorSaving", ex); throw new UGCException("Unable to Save UGC"); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_READ, type = SocialPermission.class) public T read( final String ugcId, final boolean includeChildren, final int childCount, final String contextId) throws UGCException { try { if (includeChildren) { return getUgcTree(ugcId, childCount, contextId); } else { return (T) ugcRepository.findUGC(contextId, ugcId); } } catch (MongoDataException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableToRead"); throw new UGCException("Unable to find ugc by name"); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_UPDATE, type = SocialPermission.class) public void deleteAttribute( @SecuredObject final String ugcId, final String[] attributesName, final String contextId) throws SocialException { log.debug("logging.ugc.deleteAttributes", attributesName, ugcId); try { ugcRepository.deleteAttribute(ugcId, contextId, attributesName); final SocialEvent<T> event = new SocialEvent<T>( ugcId, SocialSecurityUtils.getCurrentProfile().getId().toString(), UGCEvent.DELETE_ATTRIBUTES); event.setAttribute("baseUrl", calculateBaseUrl()); reactor.notify(UGCEvent.DELETE_ATTRIBUTES.getName(), Event.wrap(event)); } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.debug("logging.ugc.unableToDelAttrs", ex, attributesName, ugcId); throw new UGCException("Unable to delete attribute for ugc", ex); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_READ, type = SocialPermission.class) public List<T> read( final String targetId, final String contextId, final int start, final int limit, final List sortOrder, final int upToLevel, final int childrenPerLevel) throws UGCException { try { List<T> list = IterableUtils.toList( ugcRepository.findByTargetId( targetId, contextId, start, limit, sortOrder, upToLevel)); list = sortByArrays(list, sortOrder); return buildUgcTreeList(list, childrenPerLevel); } catch (MongoDataException e) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableToRead"); throw new UGCException("Unable to find ugc by target"); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_READ, type = SocialPermission.class) public List<T> readChildren( final String ugcId, final String targetId, final String contextId, final int start, final int limit, final List sortOrder, final int upToLevel, final int childrenPerLevel) throws UGCException, UGCNotFound { log.debug("logging.ugc.readChildren", ugcId, contextId, limit, start); try { return buildUgcTreeList( IterableUtils.toList( ugcRepository.findChildren( ugcId, targetId, contextId, start, limit, sortOrder, upToLevel)), childrenPerLevel); } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.error("logging.ugc.unableToRead", ex); throw new UGCException("Unable to ", ex); } }
@Override @HasPermission(action = UGC_READ, type = SocialPermission.class) public Iterable<T> search( final String contextId, final String query, final String sort, final int start, final int limit) throws UGCException { log.debug( "Finding all ugc of context {} with user query {} sorted by {} skipping {} and with a limit of {}", contextId, query, sort, start, limit); isQueryValid(query); try { return ugcRepository.findByUserQuery(contextId, query, sort, start, limit); } catch (MongoDataException ex) { log.error("Unable to find User with given query" + query + " sorted by " + sort, ex); throw new UGCException("Unable to find Ugc with user query ", ex); } }
private T getUgcTree(final String ugcId, final int childCount, final String contextId) throws MongoDataException { List<T> list = ugcRepository.findChildrenOf(ugcId, childCount, contextId); return buildUgcTree(list); }