コード例 #1
   * It generates the output file from a given dataset and stores it in a file
   * @param dataset myDataset input dataset
   * @param filename String the name of the file
  private double doOutput(myDataset dataset, String filename, boolean test) {
    String output = new String("");
    confusionMatrix = new int[dataset.getnClasses()][dataset.getnClasses()];

    output = dataset.copyHeader(); // we insert the header in the output file
    // We write the output for each example
    for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getnData(); i++) {
      String clReal = dataset.getOutputAsString(i);
      String clPred = classificationOutput(i, test);
      output += clReal + " " + clPred + "\n";
    double acc = 0;
    int nClasses = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < confusionMatrix.length; i++) {
      int count = 0;
      for (int j = 0; j < confusionMatrix[i].length; j++) {
        count += confusionMatrix[i][j];
      if (count > 0) {
        acc += 1.0 * confusionMatrix[i][i] / count;
    Files.writeFile(filename, output);
    return acc / nClasses;
    // return 1.0*hits/dataset.size();
コード例 #2
 private String printConfusionMatrix() {
   String salida = new String("");
   for (int i = 0; i < train.getnClasses(); i++) {
     salida += "\n";
     for (int j = 0; j < train.getnClasses(); j++) {
       salida += confusionMatrix[i][j] + "\t";
   salida += "\n";
   return salida;
コード例 #3
  /** It launches the algorithm */
  public void execute() {
    if (this.somethingWrong) { // We do not execute the program
      System.err.println("An error was found, either the data-set has missing values.");
          "Please remove the examples with missing data or apply a MV preprocessing.");
      System.err.println("Aborting the program");
      // We should not use the statement: System.exit(-1);
    } else {
      // We do here the algorithm's operations

      int nClasses = train.getnClasses();
      aprioriClassDistribution = new double[nClasses];
      for (int i = 0; i < nClasses; i++) {
        aprioriClassDistribution[i] = 1.0 * val.numberInstances(i) / val.size();

      if (model) { // el modelo no esta generado en fichero previamente
        NSGA2 search =
            new NSGA2(
                train, seed, populationSize, maxTrials, crossover, mutation, instances, fitness);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

      // Finally we should fill the training and test output files


      double avgTr = this.doOutput(val, this.outputTr, false);
      double aucTr = getAUC(val);
      double avgTst = this.doOutput(test, this.outputTst, true);
      double aucTst = getAUC(test);
      System.out.print("AUC Train: " + aucTr);
      System.out.println("; AvgAcc Train: " + avgTr);
      System.out.print("AUC Test: " + aucTst);
      System.out.println("; AvgAcc Test: " + avgTst);

      totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
      System.out.println("Algorithm Finished: " + totalTime);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Fuzzy_Ish.java プロジェクト: Navieclipse/KEEL
  /** It launches the algorithm */
  public void execute() {
    if (somethingWrong) { // We do not execute the program
      System.err.println("An error was found, either the data-set has missing values.");
          "Please remove the examples with missing data or apply a MV preprocessing.");
      System.err.println("Aborting the program");
      // We should not use the statement: System.exit(-1);
    } else {
      // We do here the algorithm's operations

      nClasses = train.getnClasses();

      dataBase =
          new DataBase(
              train.getnInputs(), train.getRanges(), train.varNames(), train.getNominals());
      Population pobl =
          new Population(

      ruleBase = pobl.bestRB();

      // Finally we should fill the training and test output files
      double accTra = doOutput(this.val, this.outputTr);
      double accTst = doOutput(this.test, this.outputTst);

      System.out.println("Accuracy obtained in training: " + accTra);
      System.out.println("Accuracy obtained in test: " + accTst);
      System.out.println("Algorithm Finished");
コード例 #5
   * It returns the algorithm classification output given an input example
   * @param example double[] The input example
   * @return String the output generated by the algorithm
  private String classificationOutput(int index, boolean test) {
    String output = new String("?");
     * Here we should include the algorithm directives to generate the classification output from
     * the input example
    double votos[] = new double[train.getnClasses()];
    // System.err.print("\nClassifying new example: ");
    // boolean ENSEMBLE = true;

    if (ensemble == this.NONE) { // best solution
      // double [] probs = new double[train.getnClasses()];
      if (test) {
        // probs = models.get(i).probsTest(index);
      } else {
        // probs = models.get(i).probsTrain(index);
    } else { // ensemble
      for (int i = 0; i < models.size(); i++) {
        double[] probs = new double[train.getnClasses()];
        if (test) {
          probs = models.get(i).probsTest(index);
          // votos[models.get(i).classifyTest(index)]++;
        } else {
          probs = models.get(i).probsTrain(index);
          // votos[models.get(i).classifyTrain(index)]++;

        // 0 = binary, 1 = weighted, 2 = winner_takes_all
        if (ensemble == this.VOTE) {
          int maxIndex = 0;
          double max = probs[0];
          for (int j = 1; j < votos.length; j++) {
            // votos[j] += probs[j];
            if (probs[j] > probs[maxIndex]) {
              maxIndex = j;
              max = probs[j];
          votos[maxIndex] += 1;
        } else if (ensemble == this.WV) {
          for (int j = 0; j < votos.length; j++) {
            votos[j] += probs[j];
        } else {
          int maxIndex = 0;
          double max = probs[0];
          for (int j = 1; j < votos.length; j++) {
            // votos[j] += probs[j];
            if (probs[j] > probs[maxIndex]) {
              maxIndex = j;
              max = probs[j];
          votos[maxIndex] += max;
        if (this.weighting) {
          for (int j = 0; j < votos.length; j++) {
            votos[j] *= this.weightsAUC[i];
    // System.err.println("A clasificar");
    return getOutputTies(votos);
コード例 #6
ファイル: DMEL.java プロジェクト: RubelAhmed57/KEEL
  /** It launches the algorithm */
  public void execute() {

    int i, j, k, l;
    int t;
    int ele;
    double prob[];
    double aux;
    double NUmax = 1.5; // used for lineal ranking
    double NUmin = 0.5; // used for lineal ranking
    double pos1, pos2;
    int sel1, sel2;
    int data[][];
    int infoAttr[];
    int classData[];
    Vector<Rule> contenedor = new Vector<Rule>();
    Vector<Rule> conjR = new Vector<Rule>();
    Rule tmpRule;
    Condition tmpCondition[] = new Condition[1];
    RuleSet population[];
    RuleSet hijo1, hijo2;

    if (somethingWrong) { // We do not execute the program
      System.err.println("An error was found, the data-set has numerical values.");
      System.err.println("Aborting the program");
      // We should not use the statement: System.exit(-1);
    } else {

      nClasses = train.getnClasses();

      /*Build the nominal data information*/
      infoAttr = new int[train.getnInputs()];
      for (i = 0; i < infoAttr.length; i++) {
        infoAttr[i] = train.numberValues(i);

      data = new int[train.getnData()][train.getnInputs()];
      for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
          if (train.isMissing(i, j)) data[i][j] = -1;
          else data[i][j] = train.valueExample(i, j);

      classData = new int[train.getnData()];
      for (i = 0; i < classData.length; i++) {
        classData[i] = train.getOutputAsInteger(i);

      /*Find first-order rules which result interesting*/

      for (i = 0; i < nClasses; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < infoAttr.length; j++) {
          for (k = 0; k < infoAttr[j]; k++) {
            tmpCondition[0] = new Condition(j, k);
            tmpRule = new Rule(tmpCondition);
            if (Math.abs(computeAdjustedResidual(data, classData, tmpRule, i)) > 1.96) {
              if (!contenedor.contains(tmpRule)) {

      // Construct the Baker selection roulette
      prob = new double[popSize];
      for (j = 0; j < popSize; j++) {
        aux = (double) (NUmax - NUmin) * ((double) j / (popSize - 1));
        prob[j] = (double) (1.0 / (popSize)) * (NUmax - aux);
      for (j = 1; j < popSize; j++) prob[j] = prob[j] + prob[j - 1];

      /*Steady-State Genetic Algorithm*/
      ele = 2;
      population = new RuleSet[popSize];
      while (conjR.size() >= 2) {
        t = 0;

        System.out.println("Producing rules of level " + ele);

        for (i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
          population[i] = new RuleSet(conjR);
          population[i].computeFitness(data, classData, infoAttr, contenedor, nClasses);


        while (t < numGenerations && !population[0].equals(population[popSize - 1])) {
          System.out.println("Generation " + t);

          /*Baker's selection*/
          pos1 = Randomize.Rand();
          pos2 = Randomize.Rand();
          for (l = 0; l < popSize && prob[l] < pos1; l++) ;
          sel1 = l;
          for (l = 0; l < popSize && prob[l] < pos2; l++) ;
          sel2 = l;

          hijo1 = new RuleSet(population[sel1]);
          hijo2 = new RuleSet(population[sel2]);

          if (Randomize.Rand() < pCross) {
            RuleSet.crossover1(hijo1, hijo2);
          } else {
            RuleSet.crossover2(hijo1, hijo2);

          RuleSet.mutation(hijo1, conjR, pMut, data, classData, infoAttr, contenedor, nClasses);
          RuleSet.mutation(hijo2, conjR, pMut, data, classData, infoAttr, contenedor, nClasses);

          hijo1.computeFitness(data, classData, infoAttr, contenedor, nClasses);
          hijo2.computeFitness(data, classData, infoAttr, contenedor, nClasses);

          population[popSize - 2] = new RuleSet(hijo1);
          population[popSize - 1] = new RuleSet(hijo2);


        /*Decode function*/
            "Fitness of the best chromosome in rule level " + ele + ": " + population[0].fitness);
        for (i = 0; i < population[0].getRuleSet().length; i++) {
          if (Math.abs(computeAdjustedResidual(data, classData, population[0].getRule(i), i))
              > 1.96) {
            if (validarRegla(population[0].getRule(i))
                && !contenedor.contains(population[0].getRule(i))) {

      // Finally we should fill the training and test output files
      doOutput(this.val, this.outputTr, data, classData, infoAttr, contenedor, nClasses);
      doOutput(this.test, this.outputTst, data, classData, infoAttr, contenedor, nClasses);

      /*Print the rule obtained*/
      for (i = contenedor.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (reglaPositiva(
            this.train, data, classData, infoAttr, nClasses, contenedor.elementAt(i))) {
          Fichero.AnadirtoFichero(outputRule, contenedor.elementAt(i).toString(train));
              " -> "
                  + consecuente(
                      this.train, data, classData, infoAttr, nClasses, contenedor.elementAt(i))
                  + "\n");
      System.out.println("Algorithm Finished");