/** * This public static method runs the algorithm that this class concerns with. * * @param args Array of strings to sent parameters to the main program. The path of the * algorithm's parameters file must be given. */ public static void main(String args[]) { boolean tty = false; ProcessConfig pc = new ProcessConfig(); System.out.println("Reading configuration file: " + args[0]); if (pc.fileProcess(args[0]) < 0) return; int algo = pc.parAlgorithmType; rand = new Randomize(); rand.setSeed(pc.parSeed); ClusterKMeans km = new ClusterKMeans(); km.clustering_kmeans(tty, pc); }
/** * This public static method runs the algorithm that this class concerns with. * * @param args Array of strings to sent parameters to the main program. The path of the * algorithm's parameters file must be given. */ public static void main(String args[]) { boolean tty = false; ProcessConfig pc = new ProcessConfig(); System.out.println("Reading configuration file: " + args[0]); if (pc.fileProcess(args[0]) < 0) return; int algo = pc.parAlgorithmType; rand = new Randomize(); rand.setSeed(pc.parSeed); ModelFuzzyPittsBurgh pi = new ModelFuzzyPittsBurgh(); pi.fuzzyPittsburghModelling(tty, pc); }
/** * This method reads a configuration file and calls statisticalTest with appropriate values to run * the Mann Whitney U test for classification problems, defined in StatTest class * * @param args A string that contains the command line arguments */ public static void main(String args[]) { boolean tty = false; ProcessConfig pc = new ProcessConfig(); System.out.println("Reading configuration file: " + args[0]); if (pc.fileProcess(args[0]) < 0) return; int algorithm = pc.parAlgorithmType; rand = new Randomize(); rand.setSeed(pc.parSeed); ParseFileList pl = new ParseFileList(); pl.statisticalTest(StatTest.MannWhitneyC, tty, pc); }
/** * This private method extract the dataset and the method's parameters from the KEEL environment, * calculates the centroids using the KMeans class and print out the results with the validation * dataset. * * @param tty unused boolean parameter, kept for compatibility * @param pc ProcessConfig object to obtain the train and test datasets and the method's * parameters. */ private void clustering_kmeans(boolean tty, ProcessConfig pc) { try { String linea; ProcessDataset pd = new ProcessDataset(); linea = (String) pc.parInputData.get(ProcessConfig.IndexTrain); if (pc.parNewFormat) pd.processClusterDataset(linea, true); else pd.procesa_clustering_old(linea); int ndatos = pd.getNdata(); // Number of examples int nvariables = pd.getNvariables(); // Number of variables int nentradas = pd.getNinputs(); // Number of inputs pd.showDatasetStatistics(); System.out.println("Number of examples=" + ndatos); System.out.println("Number of inputs=" + nentradas); double[][] X = pd.getX(); // Input data double[] emaximo = pd.getImaximum(); // Maximum and Minimum for input data double[] eminimo = pd.getIminimum(); int[] neparticion = new int[nentradas]; int s; s = pc.parNClusters; KMeans KM = new KMeans(X, s, rand); double fallos = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++) { int clase = KM.nearestCentroid(X[i]); // System.out.println("pattern="+i+" cluster="+clase); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } // Clusters in the test set ProcessDataset pdt = new ProcessDataset(); int nprueba, npentradas, npvariables; linea = (String) pc.parInputData.get(ProcessConfig.IndexTestKMeans); if (pc.parNewFormat) pdt.processClusterDataset(linea, false); else pdt.procesa_clustering_old(linea); nprueba = pdt.getNdata(); npvariables = pdt.getNvariables(); npentradas = pdt.getNinputs(); pdt.showDatasetStatistics(); if (npentradas != nentradas) throw new IOException("Error in test file"); double[][] Xp = pdt.getX(); int[] Co = new int[Xp.length]; // Test set is classified try { for (int i = 0; i < Xp.length; i++) { Co[i] = KM.nearestCentroid(Xp[i]); // System.out.println("pattern test="+i+" cluster="+Co[i]); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } // Output format for clustering algorithms pc.results(Xp, Co); KM.print(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println(e + " Training data not found"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e + " Read error"); } }
/** * * * <pre> * This private static method extract the dataset and the method's parameters * from the KEEL environment, carries out with the partitioning of the * input and output spaces, learn the FRBS regression model --which is a * {@link PittsburghClassifier} instance-- using the GP algorithm --which is an instance * of the GeneticAlgorithm class-- and prints out the results with the validation * dataset. * * If the parameter Steady is not fixed then the genetic algorithm used is the * {@link GeneticAlgorithmGenerational}. If that parameter is fixed then the GP * used is the {@link GeneticAlgorithmSteady}. * </pre> * * @param tty unused boolean parameter, kept for compatibility * @param pc ProcessConfig object to obtain the train and test datasets and the method's * parameters. */ private static void fuzzyPittsburghModelling(boolean tty, ProcessConfig pc) { try { String readALine = new String(); int lOption = 0; int defaultNumberInputPartitions = 0; int numberOfCrossovers = 0; ProcessDataset pd = new ProcessDataset(); readALine = (String) pc.parInputData.get(ProcessConfig.IndexTrain); if (pc.parNewFormat) pd.processModelDataset(readALine, true); else pd.oldClassificationProcess(readALine); int nData = pd.getNdata(); // Number of examples int nVariables = pd.getNvariables(); // Number of variables int nInputs = pd.getNinputs(); // Number of inputs double[][] X = pd.getX(); // Input data double[] Y = pd.getY(); // Output data double[] Yt = new double[Y.length]; pd.showDatasetStatistics(); double[] inputMaximum = pd.getImaximum(); // Maximum and Minimum for input data double[] inputMinimum = pd.getIminimum(); double outputMaximum = pd.getOmaximum(); // Maximum and Minimum for output data double outputMinimum = pd.getOminimum(); int[] nInputPartitions = new int[nInputs]; // Linguistic partition terms int nOutputPartitions; // Partitions definition // Check the number of rules int nrules = 1; FuzzyPartition[] inputPartitions = new FuzzyPartition[nInputs]; for (int i = 0; i < nInputs; i++) { nInputPartitions[i] = pc.parPartitionLabelNum; inputPartitions[i] = new FuzzyPartition(inputMinimum[i], inputMaximum[i], nInputPartitions[i]); nrules *= nInputPartitions[i]; if (nrules > MAXFUZZYRULES) break; } nOutputPartitions = pc.parPartitionLabelNum; FuzzyPartition outputPartitions = new FuzzyPartition(outputMinimum, outputMaximum, nOutputPartitions); System.out.println("Number of rules = " + nrules); if (nrules < MAXFUZZYRULES) { int lPopulation = pc.parPopSize; int localnPopulations = pc.parIslandNumber; boolean STEADY = pc.parSteady; int defuzzificationType = RuleBase.DEFUZCDM; // Rule base FuzzyModel sistema = new FuzzyModel( inputPartitions, outputPartitions, RuleBase.product, RuleBase.sum, defuzzificationType); // Genetic Algorithm Optimization PittsburghModel p = new PittsburghModel(sistema, pc.parFitnessType, rand); p.setExamples(X, Y); int nIterations = pc.parIterNumber; GeneticAlgorithm AG; int crossoverID = OperatorIdent.GENERICROSSOVER; int mutationID = OperatorIdent.GENERICMUTATION; int lTournament = 4; double mutacion = 0.05; double lmutationAmpl = 0.1; double migrationProb = 0.001; double localOptProb = 0.0; int localOptIterations = 0; lTournament = pc.parTourSize; mutacion = pc.parMutProb; lmutationAmpl = pc.parMutAmpl; migrationProb = pc.parMigProb; localOptProb = pc.parLoProb; localOptIterations = pc.parLoIterNumber; if (STEADY) AG = new GeneticAlgorithmSteady( p, lPopulation, localnPopulations, lTournament, mutacion, lmutationAmpl, migrationProb, localOptProb, localOptIterations, OperatorIdent.AMEBA, rand, crossoverID, mutationID); else AG = new GeneticAlgorithmGenerational( p, lPopulation, localnPopulations, mutacion, lmutationAmpl, migrationProb, localOptProb, localOptIterations, OperatorIdent.AMEBA, rand, crossoverID, mutationID); p = (PittsburghModel) AG.evolve(nIterations); // Result is printed p.debug(); pc.trainingResults(Y, p.getYo()); System.out.println("RMS Train = " + p.fitness()); ProcessDataset pdt = new ProcessDataset(); int nTest, nTestInputs, nTestVariables; readALine = (String) pc.parInputData.get(ProcessConfig.IndexTest); if (pc.parNewFormat) pdt.processModelDataset(readALine, false); else pdt.oldClassificationProcess(readALine); nTest = pdt.getNdata(); nTestVariables = pdt.getNvariables(); nTestInputs = pdt.getNinputs(); pdt.showDatasetStatistics(); if (nTestInputs != nInputs) throw new IOException("IOERR Test file"); double[][] Xp = pdt.getX(); double[] Yp = pdt.getY(); p.setExamples(Xp, Yp); System.out.println("RMS test = " + p.fitness()); pc.results(Yp, p.getYo()); } else { pc.trainingResults(Y, Yt); ProcessDataset pdt = new ProcessDataset(); int nTest, nTestInputs, nTestVariables; readALine = (String) pc.parInputData.get(ProcessConfig.IndexTest); if (pc.parNewFormat) pdt.processModelDataset(readALine, false); else pdt.oldClassificationProcess(readALine); nTest = pdt.getNdata(); nTestVariables = pdt.getNvariables(); nTestInputs = pdt.getNinputs(); pdt.showDatasetStatistics(); if (nTestInputs != nInputs) throw new IOException("IOERR test file"); double[][] Xp = pdt.getX(); double[] Yp = pdt.getY(); double[] Yo = new double[Yp.length]; System.out.println("Generating constant output (0)"); // Yo = 0 pc.results(Yp, Yo); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println(e + " Input file not found"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e + " Read Error"); } catch (invalidFitness e) { System.err.println(e); } catch (invalidCrossover e) { System.err.println(e); } catch (invalidMutation e) { System.err.println(e); } catch (invalidOptim e) { System.err.println(e); } }