public I_AD_Org createOrg(final String name) { final I_AD_Org org = InterfaceWrapperHelper.create(ctx, I_AD_Org.class, ITrx.TRXNAME_None); org.setValue(name); org.setName(name);; final I_AD_OrgInfo orgInfo = InterfaceWrapperHelper.newInstance(I_AD_OrgInfo.class, org); orgInfo.setAD_Org_ID(org.getAD_Org_ID()); // // InTransit Warehouse final I_M_Warehouse warehouseInTransit = createWarehouse(name + "_InTransit", org); warehouseInTransit.setIsInTransit(true);; // // BP Org Link final I_C_BPartner bpartner = createBPartner("BPOrg_" + name); // bpartner.setAD_OrgBP_ID(String.valueOf(org.getAD_Org_ID())); bpartner.setAD_OrgBP_ID(org.getAD_Org_ID());; // final I_C_BPartner_Location bpLocation = createBPLocation(bpartner); orgInfo.setOrgBP_Location(bpLocation);; return org; }
private int getAD_Org_ID_ToUse() { if (_adOrgId != null) { return _adOrgId; } else if (_mrpContext != null) { final I_AD_Org org = _mrpContext.getAD_Org(); if (org != null) { return org.getAD_Org_ID(); } } return -1; }
private void setupContext(final boolean initEnvironment) { ctx = Env.getCtx(); trxName = ITrx.TRXNAME_None; // // Setup context: #AD_Client_ID int adClientId = Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx); if (adClientId <= 0) { adClient = InterfaceWrapperHelper.create(ctx, I_AD_Client.class, ITrx.TRXNAME_None);; adClientId = adClient.getAD_Client_ID(); Env.setContext(ctx, Env.CTXNAME_AD_Client_ID, adClientId); } else { adClient = InterfaceWrapperHelper.create(ctx, adClientId, I_AD_Client.class, ITrx.TRXNAME_None); } int adOrgId = Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx); if (adOrgId <= 0) { adOrg01 = createOrg("Org01"); adOrgId = adOrg01.getAD_Org_ID(); Env.setContext(ctx, Env.CTXNAME_AD_Org_ID, adOrgId); } else { adOrg01 = InterfaceWrapperHelper.create(ctx, adOrgId, I_AD_Org.class, ITrx.TRXNAME_None); } SystemTime.setTimeSource( new TimeSource() { @Override public long millis() { return _today.getTime(); } }); }
public I_C_DocType createDocType(final String docBaseType) { final I_C_DocType docType = InterfaceWrapperHelper.newInstance(I_C_DocType.class, contextProvider); docType.setAD_Org_ID(adOrg01.getAD_Org_ID()); docType.setDocBaseType(docBaseType); docType.setName(docBaseType);; return docType; }
public I_M_Warehouse createWarehouse( final String name, final I_AD_Org org, final I_S_Resource plant) { final I_M_Warehouse warehouse = InterfaceWrapperHelper.newInstance(I_M_Warehouse.class, contextProvider); warehouse.setAD_Org_ID(org.getAD_Org_ID()); warehouse.setValue(name); warehouse.setName(name); warehouse.setIsInTransit(false); warehouse.setPP_Plant(plant);; return warehouse; }
@Override public I_AD_Note createMRPNote() { final Properties ctx = getCtx(); final I_AD_Org org = getAD_Org_ToUse(); final int AD_Org_ID = org == null ? 0 : org.getAD_Org_ID(); final I_M_Warehouse warehouse = getM_Warehouse_ToUse(); final I_S_Resource plant = getPlant_ToUse(); final I_M_Product product = getM_Product_ToUse(); final int productPlanningId = getPP_Product_Planning_ID_ToUse(); final int panner_AD_User_ID = getPlanner_AD_Use_ID_ToUse(); // // Note's TextMsg final I_AD_Message adMessageToUse = getMRPCode_AD_Message_ToUse(); final StringBuilder noteTextMsg = new StringBuilder(); noteTextMsg .append(adMessageToUse.getValue()) .append(" - ") .append(messagesBL.getMsg(ctx, adMessageToUse.getValue())); // // Note's Reference text final String noteReference; if (product != null) { noteReference = messagesBL.translate(ctx, "M_Product_ID") + ": " + product.getValue() + " " + product.getName(); } else { noteReference = ""; } // // Append DocumentNos to note's TextMsg final Set<String> documentNos = getDocumentNos_ToUse(); if (documentNos != null && !documentNos.isEmpty()) { final String documentNoPropertyName = messagesBL.translate(ctx, I_PP_Order.COLUMNNAME_DocumentNo); for (final String documentNo : documentNos) { noteTextMsg.append("\n" + documentNoPropertyName + ":" + documentNo); } } // // Append additional parameters to TextMsg final String parametersStr = getParametersAsString(); if (!Check.isEmpty(parametersStr, true)) { noteTextMsg.append("\n").append(parametersStr); } // // Apppend Comment (if any) to note's TextMsg final String comment = getComment_ToUse(); if (!Check.isEmpty(comment, true)) { noteTextMsg.append("\n").append(comment); } // // Append Exception (if any) final Exception exception = getException_ToUse(); if (exception != null) { String exceptionStr = exception.getLocalizedMessage(); if (exceptionStr == null || exceptionStr.length() <= 5) { // comment to small, better use whole exception string exceptionStr = exception.toString(); } noteTextMsg.append("\nException: ").append(exceptionStr); // NOTE: since the exception is not logged anywhere, we are printing here to console // FIXME: create an AD_Issue and link it to create AD_Note. logger.log(Level.WARNING, exception.getLocalizedMessage(), exception); } // // Create AD_Note and return it { final I_PP_MRP mrp = getPP_MRP_ToUse(); final int mrpId = mrp == null ? 0 : mrp.getPP_MRP_ID(); final I_AD_Note note = InterfaceWrapperHelper.create(ctx, I_AD_Note.class, ITrx.TRXNAME_ThreadInherited); note.setAD_Org_ID(AD_Org_ID); note.setAD_Message_ID(adMessageToUse.getAD_Message_ID()); note.setAD_User_ID(panner_AD_User_ID); // NOTE: we always shall set the AD_Table_ID=PP_MRP because else the MRP cleanup won't delete // this note (see org.eevolution.mrp.api.impl.MRPNoteDAO.deleteMRPNotes(IMRPContext)) note.setAD_Table_ID(InterfaceWrapperHelper.getTableId(I_PP_MRP.class)); if (mrpId > 0) { note.setRecord_ID(mrpId); } note.setM_Warehouse(warehouse); note.setPP_Plant(plant); note.setM_Product(product); note.setPP_Product_Planning_ID(productPlanningId); note.setReference(noteReference); note.setTextMsg(noteTextMsg.toString());; return note; } }
@Override public void createSupply(final IMRPCreateSupplyRequest request) { final IMRPContext mrpContext = request.getMRPContext(); final IMRPExecutor executor = request.getMRPExecutor(); final Properties ctx = mrpContext.getCtx(); final I_PP_Product_Planning productPlanningData = mrpContext.getProductPlanning(); final I_AD_Org org = mrpContext.getAD_Org(); final I_S_Resource plant = mrpContext.getPlant(); final Timestamp supplyDateFinishSchedule = TimeUtil.asTimestamp(request.getDemandDate()); // QtyToSupply: qty for which we need to produce the supply final BigDecimal qtyToSupply = request.getQtyToSupply(); // TODO vpj-cd I need to create logic for DRP-040 Shipment Due Action Notice // Indicates that a shipment for a Order Distribution is due. // Action should be taken at the source warehouse to ensure that the order is received on time. // TODO vpj-cd I need to create logic for DRP-050 Shipment Pas Due Action Notice // Indicates that a shipment for a Order Distribution is past due. You should either delay the // orders created the requirement for the product // or expedite them when the product does arrive. if (productPlanningData.getDD_NetworkDistribution_ID() <= 0) { // Indicates that the Product Planning Data for this product does not specify a valid network // distribution. executor.newMRPNote(mrpContext, ERR_DRP_060_NoSourceOfSupply).collect(); // return; } final I_DD_NetworkDistribution network = productPlanningData.getDD_NetworkDistribution(); final List<I_DD_NetworkDistributionLine> networkLines = Services.get(IDistributionNetworkDAO.class) .retrieveNetworkLinesByTargetWarehouse( network, productPlanningData.getM_Warehouse_ID()); if (networkLines.isEmpty()) { // No network lines were found for our target warehouse final I_M_Warehouse warehouseTo = productPlanningData.getM_Warehouse(); executor .newMRPNote(mrpContext, ERR_DRP_060_NoSourceOfSupply) .setComment("@NotFound@ @DD_NetworkDistributionLine_ID@") .addParameter( I_DD_NetworkDistribution.COLUMNNAME_DD_NetworkDistribution_ID, network == null ? "?" : network.getName()) .addParameter("M_Warehouse_Dest_ID", warehouseTo == null ? "?" : warehouseTo.getName()) .collect(); // return; } int M_Shipper_ID = -1; I_DD_Order order = null; BigDecimal qtyToSupplyRemaining = qtyToSupply; for (final I_DD_NetworkDistributionLine networkLine : networkLines) { // // Check: if we created DD Orders for all qty that needed to be supplied, stop here if (qtyToSupplyRemaining.signum() <= 0) { break; } // get supply source warehouse and locator final I_M_Warehouse warehouseFrom = networkLine.getM_WarehouseSource(); final I_M_Locator locatorFrom = Services.get(IWarehouseBL.class).getDefaultLocator(warehouseFrom); // get supply target warehouse and locator final I_M_Warehouse warehouseTo = networkLine.getM_Warehouse(); final I_M_Locator locatorTo = Services.get(IWarehouseBL.class).getDefaultLocator(warehouseTo); if (locatorFrom == null || locatorTo == null) { executor .newMRPNote(mrpContext, "DRP-001") // FIXME: DRP-001 error code does not exist .addParameter( I_DD_NetworkDistribution.COLUMNNAME_DD_NetworkDistribution_ID, network == null ? "?" : network.getName()) .addParameter( I_DD_NetworkDistributionLine.COLUMNNAME_M_WarehouseSource_ID, warehouseFrom.getName()) .addParameter( I_DD_NetworkDistributionLine.COLUMNNAME_M_Warehouse_ID, warehouseTo.getName()) .setComment("No locators found for source or target warehouse") .collect(); // continue; } // // Get the warehouse in transit final I_M_Warehouse warehouseInTrasit = retrieveInTransitWarehouse(ctx, warehouseFrom.getAD_Org_ID()); if (warehouseInTrasit == null) { // DRP-010: Do not exist Transit Warehouse to this Organization executor .newMRPNote(mrpContext, ERR_DRP_010_InTransitWarehouseNotFound) .addParameter(I_AD_Org.COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID, org.getName()) .collect(); // continue; } // // DRP-030: Do not exist Shipper for Create Distribution Order if (networkLine.getM_Shipper_ID() <= 0) { executor .newMRPNote(mrpContext, "DRP-030") .addParameter( I_DD_NetworkDistribution.COLUMNNAME_DD_NetworkDistribution_ID, network == null ? "?" : network.getName()) .addParameter( I_DD_NetworkDistributionLine.COLUMNNAME_DD_NetworkDistributionLine_ID, networkLine) .collect(); // continue; } if (M_Shipper_ID != networkLine.getM_Shipper_ID()) { // Org Must be linked to BPartner final I_AD_Org locatorToOrg = locatorTo.getAD_Org(); final IBPartnerOrgBL bpartnerOrgBL = Services.get(IBPartnerOrgBL.class); final I_C_BPartner orgBPartner = bpartnerOrgBL.retrieveLinkedBPartner(locatorToOrg); if (orgBPartner == null) { // DRP-020: Target Org has no BP linked to it executor .newMRPNote(mrpContext, "DRP-020") .addParameter(I_AD_Org.COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID, locatorToOrg.getName()) .collect(); // continue; } final I_C_BPartner_Location orgBPLocation = bpartnerOrgBL.retrieveOrgBPLocation( mrpContext.getCtx(), locatorToOrg.getAD_Org_ID(), ITrx.TRXNAME_None); // // Try found some DD_Order with Shipper , Business Partner and Doc Status = Draft // Consolidate the demand in a single order for each Shipper , Business Partner , // DemandDateStartSchedule order = getDDOrderFromCache( org, plant, warehouseInTrasit, networkLine.getM_Shipper_ID(), orgBPartner.getC_BPartner_ID(), supplyDateFinishSchedule); if (order == null) { order = InterfaceWrapperHelper.newInstance(I_DD_Order.class, mrpContext); order.setMRP_Generated(true); order.setMRP_AllowCleanup(true); order.setAD_Org_ID(warehouseTo.getAD_Org_ID()); order.setPP_Plant(plant); order.setC_BPartner(orgBPartner); order.setC_BPartner_Location(orgBPLocation); // order.setAD_User_ID(productPlanningData.getPlanner_ID()); // FIXME: improve // performances/cache and retrive Primary BP's User order.setSalesRep_ID(productPlanningData.getPlanner_ID()); final int docTypeDO_ID = getC_DocType_ID(mrpContext, X_C_DocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder); order.setC_DocType_ID(docTypeDO_ID); order.setM_Warehouse(warehouseInTrasit); order.setDocStatus(X_DD_Order.DOCSTATUS_Drafted); order.setDocAction(X_DD_Order.DOCACTION_Complete); order.setDateOrdered(mrpContext.getDateAsTimestamp()); order.setDatePromised(supplyDateFinishSchedule); order.setM_Shipper_ID(networkLine.getM_Shipper_ID()); order.setIsInDispute(false); order.setIsInTransit(false);; executor.addGeneratedSupplyDocument(order); addToCache(order); } M_Shipper_ID = networkLine.getM_Shipper_ID(); } // // Crate DD order line final BigDecimal qtyToMove = calculateQtyToMove(qtyToSupplyRemaining, networkLine.getPercent()); createDD_OrderLine( mrpContext, order, networkLine, locatorFrom, locatorTo, qtyToMove, supplyDateFinishSchedule, request); qtyToSupplyRemaining = qtyToSupplyRemaining.subtract(qtyToMove); } // // Check: remaining qtyToSupply shall be ZERO if (qtyToSupplyRemaining.signum() != 0) { // TODO: introduce DRP-XXX notice throw new LiberoException( "Cannot create DD Order for required Qty To Supply." + "\nQtyToSupply: " + qtyToSupply + "\nQtyToSupply (remaining): " + qtyToSupplyRemaining + "\n@DD_NetworkDistribution_ID@: " + network + "\n@DD_NetworkDistributionLine_ID@: " + networkLines + "\nMRPContext: " + mrpContext); } }