@Override public void visitConstructorCallExpression(final ConstructorCallExpression call) { super.visitConstructorCallExpression(call); MethodNode target = (MethodNode) call.getNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET); if (target == null && call.getLineNumber() > 0) { addError("Target constructor for constructor call expression hasn't been set", call); } else { if (target == null) { // try to find a target ArgumentListExpression argumentListExpression = InvocationWriter.makeArgumentList(call.getArguments()); List<Expression> expressions = argumentListExpression.getExpressions(); ClassNode[] args = new ClassNode[expressions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = typeChooser.resolveType(expressions.get(i), classNode); } MethodNode constructor = findMethodOrFail( call, call.isSuperCall() ? classNode.getSuperClass() : classNode, "<init>", args); call.putNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET, constructor); target = constructor; } } if (target != null) { memorizeInitialExpressions(target); } }
private void addPrivateFieldAndMethodAccessors(ClassNode node) { addPrivateBridgeMethods(node); addPrivateFieldsAccessors(node); Iterator<InnerClassNode> it = node.getInnerClasses(); while (it.hasNext()) { addPrivateFieldAndMethodAccessors(it.next()); } }
/** * If we are in a constructor, that is static compiled, but in a class, that is not, it may happen * that init code from object initializers, fields or properties is added into the constructor * code. The backend assumes a purely static contructor, so it may fail if it encounters dynamic * code here. Thus we make this kind of code fail */ private void checkForConstructorWithCSButClassWithout(MethodNode node) { if (!(node instanceof ConstructorNode)) return; Object meta = node.getNodeMetaData(STATIC_COMPILE_NODE); if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(meta)) return; ClassNode clz = typeCheckingContext.getEnclosingClassNode(); meta = clz.getNodeMetaData(STATIC_COMPILE_NODE); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(meta)) return; if (clz.getObjectInitializerStatements().isEmpty() && clz.getFields().isEmpty() && clz.getProperties().isEmpty()) { return; } addStaticTypeError( "Cannot statically compile constructor implicitly including non static elements from object initializers, properties or fields.", node); }
@Override public void visitClass(final ClassNode node) { boolean skip = shouldSkipClassNode(node); if (!skip && !anyMethodSkip(node)) { node.putNodeMetaData(MopWriter.Factory.class, StaticCompilationMopWriter.FACTORY); } ClassNode oldCN = classNode; classNode = node; Iterator<InnerClassNode> innerClasses = classNode.getInnerClasses(); while (innerClasses.hasNext()) { InnerClassNode innerClassNode = innerClasses.next(); boolean innerStaticCompile = !(skip || isSkippedInnerClass(innerClassNode)); innerClassNode.putNodeMetaData(STATIC_COMPILE_NODE, innerStaticCompile); innerClassNode.putNodeMetaData( WriterControllerFactory.class, node.getNodeMetaData(WriterControllerFactory.class)); if (innerStaticCompile && !anyMethodSkip(innerClassNode)) { innerClassNode.putNodeMetaData(MopWriter.Factory.class, StaticCompilationMopWriter.FACTORY); } } super.visitClass(node); addPrivateFieldAndMethodAccessors(node); classNode = oldCN; }
/** * This method is used to add "bridge" methods for private methods of an inner/outer class, so * that the outer class is capable of calling them. It does basically the same job as access$000 * like methods in Java. * * @param node an inner/outer class node for which to generate bridge methods */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addPrivateBridgeMethods(final ClassNode node) { Set<ASTNode> accessedMethods = (Set<ASTNode>) node.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.PV_METHODS_ACCESS); if (accessedMethods == null) return; List<MethodNode> methods = new ArrayList<MethodNode>(node.getAllDeclaredMethods()); Map<MethodNode, MethodNode> privateBridgeMethods = (Map<MethodNode, MethodNode>) node.getNodeMetaData(PRIVATE_BRIDGE_METHODS); if (privateBridgeMethods != null) { // private bridge methods already added return; } privateBridgeMethods = new HashMap<MethodNode, MethodNode>(); int i = -1; final int access = Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC; for (MethodNode method : methods) { if (accessedMethods.contains(method)) { i++; Parameter[] methodParameters = method.getParameters(); Parameter[] newParams = new Parameter[methodParameters.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(methodParameters, 0, newParams, 1, methodParameters.length); newParams[0] = new Parameter(node.getPlainNodeReference(), "$that"); Expression arguments; if (method.getParameters() == null || method.getParameters().length == 0) { arguments = ArgumentListExpression.EMPTY_ARGUMENTS; } else { List<Expression> args = new LinkedList<Expression>(); for (Parameter parameter : methodParameters) { args.add(new VariableExpression(parameter)); } arguments = new ArgumentListExpression(args); } Expression receiver = method.isStatic() ? new ClassExpression(node) : new VariableExpression(newParams[0]); MethodCallExpression mce = new MethodCallExpression(receiver, method.getName(), arguments); mce.setMethodTarget(method); ExpressionStatement returnStatement = new ExpressionStatement(mce); MethodNode bridge = node.addMethod( "access$" + i, access, method.getReturnType(), newParams, method.getExceptions(), returnStatement); privateBridgeMethods.put(method, bridge); bridge.addAnnotation(new AnnotationNode(COMPILESTATIC_CLASSNODE)); } } if (!privateBridgeMethods.isEmpty()) { node.setNodeMetaData(PRIVATE_BRIDGE_METHODS, privateBridgeMethods); } }
/** Adds special accessors for private constants so that inner classes can retrieve them. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addPrivateFieldsAccessors(ClassNode node) { Set<ASTNode> accessedFields = (Set<ASTNode>) node.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.PV_FIELDS_ACCESS); if (accessedFields == null) return; Map<String, MethodNode> privateConstantAccessors = (Map<String, MethodNode>) node.getNodeMetaData(PRIVATE_FIELDS_ACCESSORS); if (privateConstantAccessors != null) { // already added return; } int acc = -1; privateConstantAccessors = new HashMap<String, MethodNode>(); final int access = Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC; for (FieldNode fieldNode : node.getFields()) { if (accessedFields.contains(fieldNode)) { acc++; Parameter param = new Parameter(node.getPlainNodeReference(), "$that"); Expression receiver = fieldNode.isStatic() ? new ClassExpression(node) : new VariableExpression(param); Statement stmt = new ExpressionStatement(new PropertyExpression(receiver, fieldNode.getName())); MethodNode accessor = node.addMethod( "pfaccess$" + acc, access, fieldNode.getOriginType(), new Parameter[] {param}, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, stmt); privateConstantAccessors.put(fieldNode.getName(), accessor); } } node.setNodeMetaData(PRIVATE_FIELDS_ACCESSORS, privateConstantAccessors); }
/** * This visitor is responsible for amending the AST with static compilation metadata or transform * the AST so that a class or a method can be statically compiled. It may also throw errors specific * to static compilation which are not considered as an error at the type check pass. For example, * usage of spread operator is not allowed in statically compiled portions of code, while it may be * statically checked. * * <p>Static compilation relies on static type checking, which explains why this visitor extends the * type checker visitor. * * @author Cedric Champeau */ public class StaticCompilationVisitor extends StaticTypeCheckingVisitor { private static final ClassNode TYPECHECKED_CLASSNODE = ClassHelper.make(TypeChecked.class); private static final ClassNode COMPILESTATIC_CLASSNODE = ClassHelper.make(CompileStatic.class); private static final ClassNode[] TYPECHECKED_ANNOTATIONS = { TYPECHECKED_CLASSNODE, COMPILESTATIC_CLASSNODE }; public static final ClassNode ARRAYLIST_CLASSNODE = ClassHelper.make(ArrayList.class); public static final MethodNode ARRAYLIST_CONSTRUCTOR; public static final MethodNode ARRAYLIST_ADD_METHOD = ARRAYLIST_CLASSNODE.getMethod( "add", new Parameter[] {new Parameter(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, "o")}); static { ARRAYLIST_CONSTRUCTOR = new ConstructorNode( ACC_PUBLIC, Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, EmptyStatement.INSTANCE); ARRAYLIST_CONSTRUCTOR.setDeclaringClass(StaticCompilationVisitor.ARRAYLIST_CLASSNODE); } private final TypeChooser typeChooser = new StaticTypesTypeChooser(); private ClassNode classNode; public StaticCompilationVisitor(final SourceUnit unit, final ClassNode node) { super(unit, node); } @Override protected ClassNode[] getTypeCheckingAnnotations() { return TYPECHECKED_ANNOTATIONS; } public static boolean isStaticallyCompiled(AnnotatedNode node) { if (node.getNodeMetaData(STATIC_COMPILE_NODE) != null) return (Boolean) node.getNodeMetaData(STATIC_COMPILE_NODE); if (node instanceof MethodNode) { return isStaticallyCompiled(node.getDeclaringClass()); } if (node instanceof InnerClassNode) { return isStaticallyCompiled(((InnerClassNode) node).getOuterClass()); } return false; } private void addPrivateFieldAndMethodAccessors(ClassNode node) { addPrivateBridgeMethods(node); addPrivateFieldsAccessors(node); Iterator<InnerClassNode> it = node.getInnerClasses(); while (it.hasNext()) { addPrivateFieldAndMethodAccessors(it.next()); } } @Override public void visitClass(final ClassNode node) { boolean skip = shouldSkipClassNode(node); if (!skip && !anyMethodSkip(node)) { node.putNodeMetaData(MopWriter.Factory.class, StaticCompilationMopWriter.FACTORY); } ClassNode oldCN = classNode; classNode = node; Iterator<InnerClassNode> innerClasses = classNode.getInnerClasses(); while (innerClasses.hasNext()) { InnerClassNode innerClassNode = innerClasses.next(); boolean innerStaticCompile = !(skip || isSkippedInnerClass(innerClassNode)); innerClassNode.putNodeMetaData(STATIC_COMPILE_NODE, innerStaticCompile); innerClassNode.putNodeMetaData( WriterControllerFactory.class, node.getNodeMetaData(WriterControllerFactory.class)); if (innerStaticCompile && !anyMethodSkip(innerClassNode)) { innerClassNode.putNodeMetaData(MopWriter.Factory.class, StaticCompilationMopWriter.FACTORY); } } super.visitClass(node); addPrivateFieldAndMethodAccessors(node); classNode = oldCN; } private boolean anyMethodSkip(final ClassNode node) { for (MethodNode methodNode : node.getMethods()) { if (isSkipMode(methodNode)) return true; } return false; } /** * If we are in a constructor, that is static compiled, but in a class, that is not, it may happen * that init code from object initializers, fields or properties is added into the constructor * code. The backend assumes a purely static contructor, so it may fail if it encounters dynamic * code here. Thus we make this kind of code fail */ private void checkForConstructorWithCSButClassWithout(MethodNode node) { if (!(node instanceof ConstructorNode)) return; Object meta = node.getNodeMetaData(STATIC_COMPILE_NODE); if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(meta)) return; ClassNode clz = typeCheckingContext.getEnclosingClassNode(); meta = clz.getNodeMetaData(STATIC_COMPILE_NODE); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(meta)) return; if (clz.getObjectInitializerStatements().isEmpty() && clz.getFields().isEmpty() && clz.getProperties().isEmpty()) { return; } addStaticTypeError( "Cannot statically compile constructor implicitly including non static elements from object initializers, properties or fields.", node); } @Override public void visitMethod(final MethodNode node) { if (isSkipMode(node)) { node.putNodeMetaData(STATIC_COMPILE_NODE, false); } super.visitMethod(node); checkForConstructorWithCSButClassWithout(node); } /** Adds special accessors for private constants so that inner classes can retrieve them. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addPrivateFieldsAccessors(ClassNode node) { Set<ASTNode> accessedFields = (Set<ASTNode>) node.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.PV_FIELDS_ACCESS); if (accessedFields == null) return; Map<String, MethodNode> privateConstantAccessors = (Map<String, MethodNode>) node.getNodeMetaData(PRIVATE_FIELDS_ACCESSORS); if (privateConstantAccessors != null) { // already added return; } int acc = -1; privateConstantAccessors = new HashMap<String, MethodNode>(); final int access = Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC; for (FieldNode fieldNode : node.getFields()) { if (accessedFields.contains(fieldNode)) { acc++; Parameter param = new Parameter(node.getPlainNodeReference(), "$that"); Expression receiver = fieldNode.isStatic() ? new ClassExpression(node) : new VariableExpression(param); Statement stmt = new ExpressionStatement(new PropertyExpression(receiver, fieldNode.getName())); MethodNode accessor = node.addMethod( "pfaccess$" + acc, access, fieldNode.getOriginType(), new Parameter[] {param}, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, stmt); privateConstantAccessors.put(fieldNode.getName(), accessor); } } node.setNodeMetaData(PRIVATE_FIELDS_ACCESSORS, privateConstantAccessors); } /** * This method is used to add "bridge" methods for private methods of an inner/outer class, so * that the outer class is capable of calling them. It does basically the same job as access$000 * like methods in Java. * * @param node an inner/outer class node for which to generate bridge methods */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addPrivateBridgeMethods(final ClassNode node) { Set<ASTNode> accessedMethods = (Set<ASTNode>) node.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.PV_METHODS_ACCESS); if (accessedMethods == null) return; List<MethodNode> methods = new ArrayList<MethodNode>(node.getAllDeclaredMethods()); Map<MethodNode, MethodNode> privateBridgeMethods = (Map<MethodNode, MethodNode>) node.getNodeMetaData(PRIVATE_BRIDGE_METHODS); if (privateBridgeMethods != null) { // private bridge methods already added return; } privateBridgeMethods = new HashMap<MethodNode, MethodNode>(); int i = -1; final int access = Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC; for (MethodNode method : methods) { if (accessedMethods.contains(method)) { i++; Parameter[] methodParameters = method.getParameters(); Parameter[] newParams = new Parameter[methodParameters.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(methodParameters, 0, newParams, 1, methodParameters.length); newParams[0] = new Parameter(node.getPlainNodeReference(), "$that"); Expression arguments; if (method.getParameters() == null || method.getParameters().length == 0) { arguments = ArgumentListExpression.EMPTY_ARGUMENTS; } else { List<Expression> args = new LinkedList<Expression>(); for (Parameter parameter : methodParameters) { args.add(new VariableExpression(parameter)); } arguments = new ArgumentListExpression(args); } Expression receiver = method.isStatic() ? new ClassExpression(node) : new VariableExpression(newParams[0]); MethodCallExpression mce = new MethodCallExpression(receiver, method.getName(), arguments); mce.setMethodTarget(method); ExpressionStatement returnStatement = new ExpressionStatement(mce); MethodNode bridge = node.addMethod( "access$" + i, access, method.getReturnType(), newParams, method.getExceptions(), returnStatement); privateBridgeMethods.put(method, bridge); bridge.addAnnotation(new AnnotationNode(COMPILESTATIC_CLASSNODE)); } } if (!privateBridgeMethods.isEmpty()) { node.setNodeMetaData(PRIVATE_BRIDGE_METHODS, privateBridgeMethods); } } private void memorizeInitialExpressions(final MethodNode node) { // add node metadata for default parameters because they are erased by the Verifier if (node.getParameters() != null) { for (Parameter parameter : node.getParameters()) { parameter.putNodeMetaData( StaticTypesMarker.INITIAL_EXPRESSION, parameter.getInitialExpression()); } } } @Override public void visitSpreadExpression(final SpreadExpression expression) {} @Override public void visitMethodCallExpression(final MethodCallExpression call) { super.visitMethodCallExpression(call); MethodNode target = (MethodNode) call.getNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET); if (target != null) { call.setMethodTarget(target); memorizeInitialExpressions(target); } if (call.getMethodTarget() == null && call.getLineNumber() > 0) { addError("Target method for method call expression hasn't been set", call); } } @Override public void visitConstructorCallExpression(final ConstructorCallExpression call) { super.visitConstructorCallExpression(call); MethodNode target = (MethodNode) call.getNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET); if (target == null && call.getLineNumber() > 0) { addError("Target constructor for constructor call expression hasn't been set", call); } else { if (target == null) { // try to find a target ArgumentListExpression argumentListExpression = InvocationWriter.makeArgumentList(call.getArguments()); List<Expression> expressions = argumentListExpression.getExpressions(); ClassNode[] args = new ClassNode[expressions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = typeChooser.resolveType(expressions.get(i), classNode); } MethodNode constructor = findMethodOrFail( call, call.isSuperCall() ? classNode.getSuperClass() : classNode, "<init>", args); call.putNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET, constructor); target = constructor; } } if (target != null) { memorizeInitialExpressions(target); } } @Override public void visitForLoop(final ForStatement forLoop) { super.visitForLoop(forLoop); Expression collectionExpression = forLoop.getCollectionExpression(); if (!(collectionExpression instanceof ClosureListExpression)) { final ClassNode collectionType = getType(forLoop.getCollectionExpression()); ClassNode componentType = inferLoopElementType(collectionType); forLoop.getVariable().setType(componentType); forLoop.getVariable().setOriginType(componentType); } } @Override protected MethodNode findMethodOrFail( final Expression expr, final ClassNode receiver, final String name, final ClassNode... args) { MethodNode methodNode = super.findMethodOrFail(expr, receiver, name, args); if (expr instanceof BinaryExpression && methodNode != null) { expr.putNodeMetaData(BINARY_EXP_TARGET, new Object[] {methodNode, name}); } return methodNode; } @Override protected boolean existsProperty( final PropertyExpression pexp, final boolean checkForReadOnly, final ClassCodeVisitorSupport visitor) { Expression objectExpression = pexp.getObjectExpression(); ClassNode objectExpressionType = getType(objectExpression); final Reference<ClassNode> rType = new Reference<ClassNode>(objectExpressionType); ClassCodeVisitorSupport receiverMemoizer = new ClassCodeVisitorSupport() { @Override protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() { return null; } public void visitField(final FieldNode node) { if (visitor != null) visitor.visitField(node); ClassNode declaringClass = node.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringClass != null) rType.set(declaringClass); } public void visitMethod(final MethodNode node) { if (visitor != null) visitor.visitMethod(node); ClassNode declaringClass = node.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringClass != null) rType.set(declaringClass); } @Override public void visitProperty(final PropertyNode node) { if (visitor != null) visitor.visitProperty(node); ClassNode declaringClass = node.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringClass != null) rType.set(declaringClass); } }; boolean exists = super.existsProperty(pexp, checkForReadOnly, receiverMemoizer); if (exists) { if (objectExpression.getNodeMetaData(StaticCompilationMetadataKeys.PROPERTY_OWNER) == null) { objectExpression.putNodeMetaData(StaticCompilationMetadataKeys.PROPERTY_OWNER, rType.get()); } if (StaticTypeCheckingSupport.implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf( objectExpressionType, ClassHelper.LIST_TYPE)) { objectExpression.putNodeMetaData( COMPONENT_TYPE, inferComponentType(objectExpressionType, ClassHelper.int_TYPE)); } } return exists; } @Override public void visitPropertyExpression(final PropertyExpression pexp) { super.visitPropertyExpression(pexp); Object dynamic = pexp.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.DYNAMIC_RESOLUTION); if (dynamic != null) { pexp.getObjectExpression() .putNodeMetaData(StaticCompilationMetadataKeys.RECEIVER_OF_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY, dynamic); } } }
private boolean anyMethodSkip(final ClassNode node) { for (MethodNode methodNode : node.getMethods()) { if (isSkipMode(methodNode)) return true; } return false; }