private void validateFieldAnnotations() { for (FieldNode fieldNode : annotatedClass.getFields()) { if (shouldFieldBeIgnored(fieldNode)) continue; AnnotationNode annotation = getAnnotation(fieldNode, DSL_FIELD_ANNOTATION); if (annotation == null) continue; if (ASTHelper.isListOrMap(fieldNode.getType())) return; if (annotation.getMember("members") != null) { addCompileError( String.format( "@Field.members is only valid for List or Map fields, but field %s is of type %s", fieldNode.getName(), fieldNode.getType().getName()), annotation); } } }
private void validateFields(BlockStatement block) { Validation.Option mode = getEnumMemberValue( getAnnotation(annotatedClass, VALIDATION_ANNOTATION), "option", Validation.Option.class, Validation.Option.IGNORE_UNMARKED); for (FieldNode fieldNode : annotatedClass.getFields()) { if (shouldFieldBeIgnoredForValidation(fieldNode)) continue; ClosureExpression validationClosure = createGroovyTruthClosureExpression(block.getVariableScope()); String message = null; AnnotationNode validateAnnotation = getAnnotation(fieldNode, VALIDATE_ANNOTATION); if (validateAnnotation != null) { message = getMemberStringValue( validateAnnotation, "message", "'" + fieldNode.getName() + "' must be set!"); Expression member = validateAnnotation.getMember("value"); if (member instanceof ClassExpression) { ClassNode memberType = member.getType(); if (memberType.equals(ClassHelper.make(Validate.Ignore.class))) continue; else if (!memberType.equals(ClassHelper.make(Validate.GroovyTruth.class))) { addError( "value of Validate must be either Validate.GroovyTruth, Validate.Ignore or a closure.", fieldNode); } } else if (member instanceof ClosureExpression) { validationClosure = (ClosureExpression) member; } } if (validateAnnotation != null || mode == Validation.Option.VALIDATE_UNMARKED) { block.addStatement( new AssertStatement( new BooleanExpression( callX(validationClosure, "call", args(varX(fieldNode.getName())))), message == null ? ConstantExpression.NULL : new ConstantExpression(message))); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends Enum> T getEnumMemberValue( AnnotationNode node, String name, Class<T> type, T defaultValue) { if (node == null) return defaultValue; final PropertyExpression member = (PropertyExpression) node.getMember(name); if (member == null) return defaultValue; if (!type.equals(member.getObjectExpression().getType().getTypeClass())) return defaultValue; try { String value = member.getPropertyAsString(); Method fromString = type.getMethod("valueOf", String.class); return (T) fromString.invoke(null, value); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } }