public void testVerifyJBossHomeWhenFileInsteadOfDirectory() throws Exception { this.fsManager.resolveFile("ram:///jboss/bin").createFile(); this.container.setFileHandler(this.fileHandler); try { this.container.verifyJBossHome(); fail("Should have thrown an exception here"); } catch (ContainerException expected) { assertEquals( "Invalid JBoss installation. The [ram:///jboss/bin] path should be a " + "directory. Make sure the JBoss container home directory you have specified " + "points to the right location (It's currently pointing to [ram:///jboss])", expected.getMessage()); } }
public void testVerifyWeblogicHomeWhenMissingDirectory() throws Exception { this.container.setFileHandler(this.fileHandler); try { this.container.verifyWeblogicHome(); fail("Should have thrown an exception here"); } catch (ContainerException expected) { assertEquals( "Invalid Weblogic installation. The [" + WL_HOME + "/server/lib] directory doesn't " + "exist. Make sure the WL_HOME directory you have specified " + "points to the right location (It's currently pointing to [" + WL_HOME + "])", expected.getMessage()); } }
public void testVerifyWeblogicHomeWhenEmptyDirectory() throws Exception { this.fsManager.resolveFile(WL_HOME + "/server/lib").createFolder(); this.container.setFileHandler(this.fileHandler); try { this.container.verifyWeblogicHome(); fail("Should have thrown an exception here"); } catch (ContainerException expected) { assertEquals( "Invalid Weblogic installation. The [" + WL_HOME + "/server/lib] directory is empty " + "and it shouldn't be. Make sure the WL_HOME directory you have specified " + "points to the right location (It's currently pointing to [" + WL_HOME + "])", expected.getMessage()); } }
public void testVerifyJBossHomeWhenMissingDirectory() throws Exception { this.fsManager.resolveFile("ram:///jboss/bin/run.jar").createFile(); this.fsManager.resolveFile("ram:///jboss/bin/shutdown.jar").createFile(); this.fsManager.resolveFile("ram:///jboss/lib/something").createFile(); this.fsManager.resolveFile("ram:///jboss/lib/endorsed/something").createFile(); this.fsManager.resolveFile("ram:///jboss/server/something").createFile(); this.container.setFileHandler(this.fileHandler); try { this.container.verifyJBossHome(); fail("Should have thrown an exception here"); } catch (ContainerException expected) { assertEquals( "Invalid JBoss installation. The [ram:///jboss/client] directory doesn't " + "exist. Make sure the JBoss container home directory you have specified points " + "to the right location (It's currently pointing to [ram:///jboss])", expected.getMessage()); } }