private void setGlobalId(AbstractCityObject cityObject, IfcRoot ifcRoot) { if (ifcRoot != null && ifcRoot.getGlobalId() != null && ifcRoot.getGlobalId() != null) { GlobalIdType globalId = new GlobalIdType(); globalId.setValue(ifcRoot.getGlobalId()); for (Element element : globalId.get_ADEComponent()) { ADEComponent adeComponent = new ADEComponent(element); cityObject.addGenericApplicationPropertyOfCityObject(adeComponent); } } }
public void read(AbstractCityObject cityObject, long cityObjectId, HashSet<Long> generalizesToSet) throws SQLException { for (Long generalizationId : generalizesToSet) { ResultSet rs = null; try { psGeneralization.setLong(1, generalizationId); rs = psGeneralization.executeQuery(); if ( { String gmlId = rs.getString("GMLID"); if (rs.wasNull() || gmlId == null) continue; int classId = rs.getInt("CLASS_ID"); CityGMLClass type = Util.classId2cityObject(classId); PGgeometry pgGeom = (PGgeometry) rs.getObject("ENVELOPE"); if (!rs.wasNull() && pgGeom != null && boundingBoxFilter.isActive()) { Geometry geom = pgGeom.getGeometry(); Envelope env = new EnvelopeImpl(); Point lower = new Point(geom.getFirstPoint().x, geom.getFirstPoint().y, geom.getFirstPoint().z); Point upper = new Point(geom.getPoint(2).x, geom.getPoint(2).y, geom.getPoint(2).z); env.setLowerCorner(lower); env.setUpperCorner(upper); if (boundingBoxFilter.filter(env)) continue; } if (featureGmlIdFilter.isActive() && featureGmlIdFilter.filter(gmlId)) continue; if (featureClassFilter.isActive() && featureClassFilter.filter(type)) continue; if (featureGmlNameFilter.isActive()) { // we need to get the gml:name of the feature // we only check top-level features TableEnum table = null; switch (type) { case BUILDING: table = TableEnum.BUILDING; break; case CITY_FURNITURE: table = TableEnum.CITY_FURNITURE; break; case LAND_USE: table = TableEnum.LAND_USE; break; case WATER_BODY: table = TableEnum.WATERBODY; break; case PLANT_COVER: table = TableEnum.SOLITARY_VEGETAT_OBJECT; break; case SOLITARY_VEGETATION_OBJECT: table = TableEnum.PLANT_COVER; break; case TRANSPORTATION_COMPLEX: case ROAD: case RAILWAY: case TRACK: case SQUARE: table = TableEnum.TRANSPORTATION_COMPLEX; break; case RELIEF_FEATURE: table = TableEnum.RELIEF_FEATURE; break; case GENERIC_CITY_OBJECT: table = TableEnum.GENERIC_CITYOBJECT; break; case CITY_OBJECT_GROUP: table = TableEnum.CITYOBJECTGROUP; break; } if (table != null) { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet nameRs = null; try { String query = "select NAME from " + table.toString() + " where ID=" + generalizationId; stmt = connection.createStatement(); nameRs = stmt.executeQuery(query); if ( { String gmlName = nameRs.getString("NAME"); if (gmlName != null && featureGmlNameFilter.filter(gmlName)) continue; } } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { continue; } finally { if (nameRs != null) { try { nameRs.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // } nameRs = null; } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // } stmt = null; } } } } GeneralizationRelation generalizesTo = new GeneralizationRelationImpl(); generalizesTo.setHref("#" + gmlId); cityObject.addGeneralizesTo(generalizesTo); } } finally { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } } }