@Test(groups = "1s", timeOut = 60000) public void test4() { Model model = new Model(); BoolVar a = model.boolVar("a").not(); BoolVar b = model.boolVar("b"); BoolVar c = model.boolVar("c"); BoolVar d = model.boolVar("d"); LogOp root = LogOp.nor(LogOp.or(LogOp.nand(a, b), c), d); LogicTreeToolBox.expandNot(root); Assert.assertEquals(root.toString(), "(((not(a) and b) and not(c)) and not(d))"); }
@Test(groups = "1s", timeOut = 60000) public void test1() { Model model = new Model(); BoolVar a = model.boolVar("a"); BoolVar b = model.boolVar("b"); BoolVar c = model.boolVar("c"); BoolVar d = model.boolVar("d"); LogOp root = LogOp.nand(LogOp.nor(a, b), LogOp.or(c, d)); ILogical l = LogicTreeToolBox.toCNF(root, model); Assert.assertEquals(l.toString(), "((a or b or not(c)) and (a or b or not(d)))"); }