コード例 #1
  /** Tests the extension Freshest CRL DP. */
  public void testCRLFreshestCRL() throws Exception {
    final String cdpURL = "http://www.ejbca.org/foo/bar.crl";
    final String freshestCdpURL = "http://www.ejbca.org/foo/delta.crl";
    X509CAInfo cainfo = (X509CAInfo) testx509ca.getCAInfo();
    X509CRL x509crl;
    byte[] cFreshestDpDER;

    caSession.editCA(roleMgmgToken, cainfo);
    publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId());
    x509crl =
        CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(cainfo.getSubjectDN(), false));
    cFreshestDpDER = x509crl.getExtensionValue(Extension.freshestCRL.getId());
    assertNotNull("CRL has no Freshest Distribution Point", cFreshestDpDER);

    ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(cFreshestDpDER));
    ASN1OctetString octs = (ASN1OctetString) aIn.readObject();
    aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(octs.getOctets()));
    CRLDistPoint cdp = CRLDistPoint.getInstance((ASN1Sequence) aIn.readObject());
    DistributionPoint[] distpoints = cdp.getDistributionPoints();

    assertEquals("More CRL Freshest distributions points than expected", 1, distpoints.length);
        "Freshest CRL distribution point is different",
                ((GeneralNames) distpoints[0].getDistributionPoint().getName())
コード例 #2
 public void tearDown() throws Exception {
   // Remove any testca before exiting tests
   byte[] crl;
   while ((crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false)) != null) {
     X509CRL x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
         alwaysAllowToken, CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(x509crl));
   while ((crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), true)) != null) {
     X509CRL x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
         alwaysAllowToken, CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(x509crl));
   caSession.removeCA(alwaysAllowToken, testx509ca.getCAId());
コード例 #3
  /** creates new crl */
  public void testCreateNewCRL() throws Exception {
    publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId());
    X509CRL x509crl = null;

    // Get number of last CRL
    int number = crlStoreSession.getLastCRLNumber(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
    log.debug("Last CRLNumber = " + number);
    byte[] crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
    assertNotNull("Could not get CRL", crl);
    x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);

    BigInteger num = CrlExtensions.getCrlNumber(x509crl);
    // Create a new CRL again to see that the number increases
    publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId());
    int number1 = crlStoreSession.getLastCRLNumber(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
    assertEquals(number + 1, number1);
    byte[] crl1 = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
    X509CRL x509crl1 = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl1);
    BigInteger num1 = CrlExtensions.getCrlNumber(x509crl1);
    assertEquals(num.intValue() + 1, num1.intValue());

     * check revoked certificates

    // Get number of last CRL
    Collection<RevokedCertInfo> revfp =
        certificateStoreSession.listRevokedCertInfo(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), -1);
    log.debug("Number of revoked certificates=" + revfp.size());
    crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
    assertNotNull("Could not get CRL", crl);

    x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
    Set<? extends X509CRLEntry> revset = x509crl.getRevokedCertificates();
    // Revset will be null if there are no revoked certificates
    if (revset != null) {
      int revsize = revset.size();
      assertEquals(revfp.size(), revsize);
    } else {
      assertEquals(0, revfp.size());
コード例 #4
 public void testCrlGenerateForAll() throws Exception {
   X509CAInfo cainfo = (X509CAInfo) testx509ca.getCAInfo();
   cainfo.setCRLIssueInterval(1); // Issue very often..
   cainfo.setDeltaCRLPeriod(1); // Issue very often..
   caSession.editCA(roleMgmgToken, cainfo);
   // make sure we have a CRL and delta CRL generated
   publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId());
   publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceDeltaCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId());
   try {
     // Now wait and test again
     final X509CRL x509crl =
         CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(cainfo.getSubjectDN(), false));
     assertTrue(publishingCrlSessionRemote.createCRLs(roleMgmgToken) > 0);
     final X509CRL x509crlAfter =
         CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(cainfo.getSubjectDN(), false));
         "Did not generate a newer CRL.",
     final X509CRL x509deltaCrl =
         CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(cainfo.getSubjectDN(), true));
     assertTrue(publishingCrlSessionRemote.createDeltaCRLs(roleMgmgToken) > 0);
     final X509CRL x509deltaCrlAfter =
         CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(cainfo.getSubjectDN(), true));
         "Did not generate a newer Delta CRL.",
     // Try a similar thing when we specify which CA IDs to generate CRLs for
     // Compare CRL numbers instead of Dates, since these CRLs might have been generated the same
     // second as the last ones
     final Collection<Integer> caids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
     publishingCrlProxySession.createCRLs(roleMgmgToken, caids, 2);
     final X509CRL x509crlAfter2 =
         CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(cainfo.getSubjectDN(), false));
         "Did not generate a newer CRL.",
             > CrlExtensions.getCrlNumber(x509crlAfter).intValue());
     publishingCrlProxySession.createDeltaCRLs(roleMgmgToken, caids, 2);
     final X509CRL x509deltaCrlAfter2 =
         CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(cainfo.getSubjectDN(), true));
         "Did not generate a newer Delta CRL.",
             > CrlExtensions.getCrlNumber(x509deltaCrlAfter).intValue());
   } finally {
     byte[] crl;
     while ((crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false)) != null) {
       X509CRL x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
           roleMgmgToken, CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(x509crl));
     while ((crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), true)) != null) {
       X509CRL x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
           roleMgmgToken, CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(x509crl));
コード例 #5
  /** Test revocation and reactivation of certificates */
  public void testRevokeAndUnrevoke() throws Exception {

    X509Certificate cert = createCert();
    try {
      // Create a new CRL again...
      assertTrue(publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId()));
      // Check that our newly signed certificate is not present in a new CRL
      byte[] crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
      assertNotNull("Could not get CRL", crl);
      X509CRL x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
      Set<? extends X509CRLEntry> revset = x509crl.getRevokedCertificates();
      if (revset != null) {
        Iterator<? extends X509CRLEntry> iter = revset.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          X509CRLEntry ce = iter.next();
          assertTrue(ce.getSerialNumber().compareTo(cert.getSerialNumber()) != 0);
      } // If no revoked certificates exist at all, this test passed...

          roleMgmgToken, cert, RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_CERTIFICATEHOLD, null);
      // Create a new CRL again...
      assertTrue(publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId()));
      // Check that our newly signed certificate IS present in a new CRL
      crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
      assertNotNull("Could not get CRL", crl);
      x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
      revset = x509crl.getRevokedCertificates();
      Iterator<? extends X509CRLEntry> iter = revset.iterator();
      boolean found = false;
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        X509CRLEntry ce = iter.next();
        if (ce.getSerialNumber().compareTo(cert.getSerialNumber()) == 0) {
          found = true;
          // TODO: verify the reason code
          "Certificate with serial " + cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16) + " not revoked", found);

      // Unrevoke the certificate that we just revoked
          roleMgmgToken, cert, RevokedCertInfo.NOT_REVOKED, null);
      // Create a new CRL again...
      assertTrue(publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId()));
      // Check that our newly signed certificate IS NOT present in the new
      // CRL.
      crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
      assertNotNull("Could not get CRL", crl);
      x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
      revset = x509crl.getRevokedCertificates();
      if (revset != null) {
        iter = revset.iterator();
        found = false;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          X509CRLEntry ce = iter.next();
          if (ce.getSerialNumber().compareTo(cert.getSerialNumber()) == 0) {
            found = true;
      } // If no revoked certificates exist at all, this test passed...

          roleMgmgToken, cert, RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_CACOMPROMISE, null);
          "Failed to revoke certificate!",
              CertTools.getIssuerDN(cert), CertTools.getSerialNumber(cert)));
      // Create a new CRL again...
      assertTrue(publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId()));
      // Check that our newly signed certificate IS present in a new CRL
      crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
      assertNotNull("Could not get CRL", crl);
      x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
      revset = x509crl.getRevokedCertificates();
      iter = revset.iterator();
      found = false;
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        X509CRLEntry ce = (X509CRLEntry) iter.next();
        if (ce.getSerialNumber().compareTo(cert.getSerialNumber()) == 0) {
          found = true;
          // TODO: verify the reason code

          roleMgmgToken, cert, RevokedCertInfo.NOT_REVOKED, null);
          "Was able to re-activate permanently revoked certificate!",
              CertTools.getIssuerDN(cert), CertTools.getSerialNumber(cert)));
      // Create a new CRL again...
      assertTrue(publishingCrlSessionRemote.forceCRL(roleMgmgToken, testx509ca.getCAId()));
      // Check that our newly signed certificate is present in the new CRL,
      // because the revocation reason
      // was not CERTIFICATE_HOLD, we can only un-revoke certificates that are
      // on hold.
      crl = crlStoreSession.getLastCRL(testx509ca.getSubjectDN(), false);
      assertNotNull("Could not get CRL", crl);
      x509crl = CertTools.getCRLfromByteArray(crl);
      revset = x509crl.getRevokedCertificates();
      iter = revset.iterator();
      found = false;
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        X509CRLEntry ce = (X509CRLEntry) iter.next();
        if (ce.getSerialNumber().compareTo(cert.getSerialNumber()) == 0) {
          found = true;
    } finally {