コード例 #1
 private void postBindVirtLimit(
     PoolHelper postHelper,
     Entitlement entitlement,
     Pool pool,
     Consumer c,
     Map<String, String> attributes) {
   log.debug("Running virt_limit post-bind.");
   if (!c.isManifest() && (config.standalone() || attributes.containsKey("host_limited"))) {
     String productId = pool.getProductId();
     String virtLimit = attributes.get("virt_limit");
     if ("unlimited".equals(virtLimit)) {
       postHelper.createHostRestrictedPool(productId, pool, "unlimited");
     } else {
       int virtQuantity = Integer.parseInt(virtLimit) * entitlement.getQuantity();
       if (virtQuantity > 0) {
         postHelper.createHostRestrictedPool(productId, pool, String.valueOf(virtQuantity));
   } else {
     if (!config.standalone() && c.isManifest()) {
       String virtLimit = attributes.get("virt_limit");
       if (!"unlimited".equals(virtLimit)) {
         // if the bonus pool is not unlimited, then the bonus pool
         // quantity
         // needs to be adjusted based on the virt limit
         int virtQuantity = Integer.parseInt(virtLimit) * entitlement.getQuantity();
         if (virtQuantity > 0) {
           List<Pool> pools = postHelper.lookupBySubscriptionId(pool.getSubscriptionId());
           for (int idex = 0; idex < pools.size(); idex++) {
             Pool derivedPool = pools.get(idex);
             if (derivedPool.getAttributeValue("pool_derived") != null) {
               derivedPool = postHelper.updatePoolQuantity(derivedPool, -1 * virtQuantity);
       } else {
         // if the bonus pool is unlimited, then the quantity needs
         // to go to 0
         // when the physical pool is exhausted completely by export.
         // A quantity of 0 will block future binds, whereas -1 does
         // not.
         if (pool.getQuantity().equals(pool.getExported())) {
           // getting all pools matching the sub id. Filtering out
           // the 'parent'.
           List<Pool> pools = postHelper.lookupBySubscriptionId(pool.getSubscriptionId());
           for (int idex = 0; idex < pools.size(); idex++) {
             Pool derivedPool = pools.get(idex);
             if (derivedPool.getAttributeValue("pool_derived") != null) {
               derivedPool = postHelper.setPoolQuantity(derivedPool, 0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: PoolManagerTest.java プロジェクト: slagle/candlepin
  public void testRevokeCleansUpPoolsWithSourceEnt() throws Exception {
    Entitlement e =
        new Entitlement(
            pool, TestUtil.createConsumer(o), pool.getStartDate(), pool.getEndDate(), 1);
    List<Pool> poolsWithSource = createPoolsWithSourceEntitlement(e, product);
    PreUnbindHelper preHelper = mock(PreUnbindHelper.class);
    ValidationResult result = new ValidationResult();



コード例 #3
 private void postUnbindVirtLimit(
     PoolHelper postHelper,
     Entitlement entitlement,
     Pool pool,
     Consumer c,
     Map<String, String> attributes) {
   log.debug("Running virt_limit post unbind.");
   if (!config.standalone() && c.isManifest()) {
     String virtLimit = attributes.get("virt_limit");
     if (!"unlimited".equals(virtLimit)) {
       // As we have unbound an entitlement from a physical pool that
       // was previously
       // exported, we need to add back the reduced bonus pool
       // quantity.
       int virtQuantity = Integer.parseInt(virtLimit) * entitlement.getQuantity();
       if (virtQuantity > 0) {
         List<Pool> pools = postHelper.lookupBySubscriptionId(pool.getSubscriptionId());
         for (int idex = 0; idex < pools.size(); idex++) {
           Pool derivedPool = pools.get(idex);
           if (derivedPool.getAttributeValue("pool_derived") != null) {
             postHelper.updatePoolQuantity(derivedPool, virtQuantity);
     } else {
       // As we have unbound an entitlement from a physical pool that
       // was previously
       // exported, we need to set the unlimited bonus pool quantity to
       // -1.
       List<Pool> pools = postHelper.lookupBySubscriptionId(pool.getSubscriptionId());
       for (int idex = 0; idex < pools.size(); idex++) {
         Pool derivedPool = pools.get(idex);
         if (derivedPool.getAttributeValue("pool_derived") != null) {
           if (derivedPool.getQuantity() == 0) {
             postHelper.setPoolQuantity(derivedPool, -1);