private void processComplexAttributeWithSimpleOrMixedContent( CQLAttribute attribute, StringBuilder hql, List<java.lang.Object> parameters, Stack<CQLAssociatedObject> associationStack, List<CqlDataBucket> typesProcessingList) throws QueryTranslationException { LOG.debug("Processing complex attribute with simple or mixed content"); // determine the number of levels to back up to find a "standard" datatype int levels = determineLevelsRemovedFromStandardDatatype(typesProcessingList); // determine if this value is mapped to a constant java.lang.Object constantValue = constantValueResolver.getConstantValue( typesProcessingList.get(typesProcessingList.size() - levels).clazz, getAttributePathList(typesProcessingList, attribute.getName(), levels - 1)); if (constantValue == null) { LOG.debug("Attribute was not mapped to a constant"); // append the path to the attribute itself if (caseInsensitive) { hql.append("lower("); } String path = getAttributePath(typesProcessingList, attribute.getName(), levels); if (path.startsWith("join ")) { // throw away the "where" part of the existing query if (hql.toString().endsWith("where ")) { removeLastWhereStatement(hql); } } hql.append(path); if (caseInsensitive) { hql.append(')'); } } else { // the value has been mapped to a constant. Hibernate can't query // against these, but we can substitute the value into the query directly LOG.debug("Attribute mapped to a constant; appending that constant to the HQL parameters"); hql.append('?'); parameters.add(constantValue); } // get one level back's query object appendPredicateAndValue(attribute, hql, parameters, associationStack.peek()); }
private void processComplexAttributeWithCollectionOfComplexAttributesWithSimpleContent( CQLAttribute attribute, StringBuilder hql, List<java.lang.Object> parameters, Stack<CQLAssociatedObject> associationStack, List<CqlDataBucket> typesProcessingList) throws QueryTranslationException { LOG.debug("Processing complex attribute collection of attributes with simple content"); int levels = determineLevelsRemovedFromStandardDatatype(typesProcessingList); System.out.println("Levels: " + levels); if (levels == 2) { // we're probably processing an enum value of the most recent association class List<String> attribPath = getAttributePathList(typesProcessingList, attribute.getName(), 1); // determine if this value is mapped to a constant java.lang.Object constantValue = constantValueResolver.getConstantValue( typesProcessingList.get(typesProcessingList.size() - levels).clazz, attribPath); if (constantValue == null) { LOG.debug("Attribute was not mapped to a constant"); // append the path to the attribute itself if (caseInsensitive) { hql.append("lower("); } String path = getAttributePath(typesProcessingList, attribute.getName(), levels); if (path.startsWith("join ")) { // throw away the "where" part of the existing query if (hql.toString().endsWith("where ")) { removeLastWhereStatement(hql); } } hql.append(path); if (caseInsensitive) { hql.append(')'); } } else { // the value has been mapped to a constant. Hibernate can't query // against these, but we can substitute the value into the query directly LOG.debug("Attribute mapped to a constant; appending that constant to the HQL parameters"); hql.append('?'); parameters.add(constantValue); } // get one level back's query object appendPredicateAndValue(attribute, hql, parameters, associationStack.peek()); } else { // some nested component path // build the query path with a place holder for the part names String componentNamePlaceholder = "---placeholder---"; int listSize = typesProcessingList.size(); int endIndex = listSize - 3; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = endIndex; i < listSize; i++) { if (i == listSize - 1) { buf.append(componentNamePlaceholder); } else { buf.append(typesProcessingList.get(i).aliasOrRoleName); } buf.append('.'); } buf.append(attribute.getName()); // get the part names out of the types information List<String> componentNames = typesInformationResolver.getInnerComponentNames( typesProcessingList.get(typesProcessingList.size() - 3).clazz, typesProcessingList.get(typesProcessingList.size() - 2).aliasOrRoleName, typesProcessingList.get(typesProcessingList.size() - 1).aliasOrRoleName); Iterator<String> nameIter = componentNames.iterator(); // build the query fragment hql.append("("); while (nameIter.hasNext()) { if (caseInsensitive) { hql.append("lower("); } String fragment = buf.toString().replace(componentNamePlaceholder,; hql.append(fragment); if (caseInsensitive) { hql.append(")"); } appendPredicateAndValue(attribute, hql, parameters, associationStack.peek()); if (nameIter.hasNext()) { hql.append(" or "); } } hql.append(")"); } }